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Digital technologies have squeezed the entire world into a small frame. Trade and transactions never stop, and they go where the customer is. Marketers must reinvent their strategies and toolkits to win in this hyper-connected world. Companies are creating new and improved ways for engaging and involving their consumers, and one significant tool now used by companies for these purposes is the app. Mobile phones have registered the highest growth among all technological evolutions, and mobile apps are proliferating. Apps are being used across a diverse range of industry verticals, including banking, e-commerce, travel, and tourism. This article studies a set of twenty different banking apps and segments consumers based on their adoption and usage of the apps. This article emphasizes the role of mobile technologies to change established channels and banking services, and also analyzes how the Indian banking sector has benefited from the adoption of mobile apps.  相似文献   

王鹏  何叶  庄大昌 《商业研究》2007,(10):178-183
以长沙为例将区域旅游市场分为国内和境外两大市场,国内旅游市场又分为基础、重要和辅助旅游市场。境外旅游市场又分为基础、主要、重要和潜力市场。为此,长沙市旅游业发展,应针对不同区域市场的特点,实施政府主导总体把握,整合资源推出品牌,区域联合优势互补等营销策略,努力提高区域旅游市场营销的针对性和有效性。  相似文献   

国有商业银行内部审计的现实问题与对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文以上市改制中的国有商业银行为研究对象,立足于国有商业银行内部审计的发展现状,结合ⅡA关于内部审计的最新定义,用理论推理及实例分析的方法,深入剖析了商业银行内部审计应当具有的作用和存在的问题,提出了创新和发展银行内部审计的对策.  相似文献   

学术界对商业银行顺周期性机制的研究较为成熟,但却没能清晰回答金融市场中的影子银行体系的顺周期原理.故此,本文尝试探讨影子银行体系顺周期性运行的相关机理.全文首先回顾了金融体系顺周期性以及考虑金融市场因素的顺周期性研究的经典文献,在列举了金融危机期间影子银行体系顺周期性的描述性事实之后,深入分析了该体系的反馈环机制及其顺周期性原理.最后,本文评析了国际社会对影子银行体系顺周期性的应对策略.  相似文献   

The optimization of direct mail activities generally focuses separately on the issues of target selection and the selection of the strongest offer. In this paper we propose a combination strategy of the two practices through a response model which makes target selection specific to an offer. This combination strategy promises significantly higher profits than does the typical two-stage strategy.  相似文献   

宗学哲 《国际市场》2002,(11):60-60
网上银行 随着网络技术的发展和金融电子化服务水平的提高,我国四大专业银行和招商银行、光大银行等金融机构相继推出了网上银行业务,其中网上个人汇款和网上支付业务受到广大居民的青睐--过去必须到银行或邮局才能办理的繁琐划汇业务,现在通过网上银行即可轻松"搞掂".  相似文献   

During the last decade, advertising has emerged as a most important promotion medium for the banks. The competitive pressures within the personal savings markets have become more intense. The banks have become noticeable by their aggressive promotion, through increased advertising expenditure, radical changes in style and forms of advertising, and their increasing use of television. In 1971, the joint stock banks spent M£2.5on advertising and only 4 per cent of this was directed through television. By the end of 1981, expenditure had increased to M£22.6 with over 50 per cent directed through television.  相似文献   

The international linkages between banks play a crucial role in today's global economy. Existing models explain these links largely on the basis of portfolio theory, in which banks diversify lending. These models have found limited empirical support and do not speak to several relevant dimensions of the data. They do not explain heterogeneity in the degree to which banks operate through foreign affiliates, fund their activities abroad or matter for local lending in foreign countries. This paper proposes a complementary theory of banking across borders that is based on elements of international trade theory. In the model, banking across borders arises because countries differ in their relative factor endowments and in the efficiency of their banking sectors. Based on these differences, the pattern of foreign bank asset and liability holdings emerges endogenously. This parsimonious model provides a rationale for the observed heterogeneity in foreign bank activities and is consistent with key patterns in the data.  相似文献   

Ethics in Banking   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

我们,金蜜蜂银行,向全社会发表《金蜜蜂银行宣言》,表达金蜜蜂银行积极履行金融机构社会责任,努力实现经济,环境,社会可持续发展的不懈追求。  相似文献   

价值细分--价值驱动的细分模型   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
主流的市场细分是围绕客户需求的差异性展开的,将满足客户需求视为第一位,而忽视了企业利润,但是利润或价值是企业市场细分最基本的驱动因素,因此传统的主流市场细分方法存在一些问题.本文认为在传统的主流细分方法基础上,应引入客户价值细分指标,从而构建价值-特征-行为三维市场细分模型,这一模型不仅可以满足企业制定与实施营销战略的需求,而且可以保证企业的收益.  相似文献   

郝清民  张玲 《财贸研究》2021,32(11):37-46
每年都会有大量的企业从不同商业银行获得信用贷款,这些复杂的信贷关系会对银行的系统风险带来一定影响.通过将中国2007-2016年1.1万笔贷款汇总到327家商业银行总行级别,并采用二分网络映射方法,构建银行间共同加权网络,对信贷网络的结构性和传染性及其对银行系统风险的影响进行分析.结果 表明:2007-2016年,银行信贷的共同网络从簇状"核心-边缘"层级结构逐步演变为"小世界群落"特性.银企间的信贷关系越紧密(连通比越高),越有利于降低银行系统传染性风险.信贷业务类型的异质性越强(度相关性越大),银行系统越容易产生结构性风险.银企间信贷的去中介化和网络异质性不利于降低银行系统的结构性风险.网络传染性指标中的连通比、网络结构性指标中的度相关性对银行系统风险有独立的显著性影响,适宜作为银行系统风险监控的先行指标.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

<正>1995年10月世界上第一家网上银行在美国诞生,其后迅速蔓延到internet所覆盖的各个国家。1998年3月中国银行在国内开创先例,首先在因特网上设立网站,开始通过国际互联网向社会提供银行服务。随后,招商银行、  相似文献   

Banks of China will face declining profit rate and slightly increasing non-performing loans ratio in a short term during 2009, but government policies will reduce the negative impact of financial crisis, and China's financial environment is still relatively safe in a global comparison.  相似文献   

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