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Rising gas production from nonconventional deposits in North America and the possibility of growth in the rest of the world pose a serious challenge to Russian energy interests. Although Russia has the largest proven gas reserves and is the number one exporter of fossil fuels, its position as a dominant gas supplier to the European Union (EU) is diminishing. This article examines the main problems of Russia's gas sector in the context of the shale gas revolution and the liberalization of the EU gas market. The article also analyses the perspectives of Russia's energy relations with EU countries and formulates some recommendations for them.  相似文献   

美国非常规油气资源大规模开采导致天然气价格大幅度下降,为企业创造了新的低成本竞争优势,为制造业复兴提供了动力。但是,能源密集型制造业的兴起不利于美国政府发展先进制造业的努力。美国非常规油气资源的大规模开发引发的制造业投资和产出增加将减少中国制成品的出口,也为中国转变出口方式、促进制造业转型升级提供了机遇。  相似文献   

This paper presents an inventory of the largest private companies in the Russian Empire in 1914, and their comparison to the largest contemporary British, German, and French companies identified by Youssef Cassis as ‘big business’. It focusses on three questions. First, how big was big business in Russia from a European perspective? Second, how did the structure of big business in Russia compare to that of other large European economies? And finally, how did foreign entrepreneurship appear in Russian big business? Drawing on new empirical evidence, it contributes to the discussion on the ‘backward’ and ‘peripheral’ character of the Russian economy before the First World War.  相似文献   

世界石油资源格局及中国的应对策略   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
石油资源对经济发展和国家安全举足轻重,石油消费国之间、消费国与资源国之间、资源国与资源国之间的矛盾错综复杂,对石油的竞争已超出了商业范畴,成为各国政治、军事和外交关系的着力点.中国必须积极参与到世界石油市场的激烈竞争和合作中去,通过与产业国和消费国加强区域能源合作来创建能源安全格局.  相似文献   

Interest shown on the environmental impact of operations of multinational enterprises in developing countries has grown significantly recently, and has fuelled a heated public policy debate. In particular, there has been interest in the environmental degradation of host communities and nations resulting from the operations of multinational oil companies in developing countries. This article examines the issue of environmental costs and responsibilities resulting from oil exploitation and production in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria. The case study is based, in part, upon series of interviews with key stakeholders in the Nigerian oil industry. The article further examines the implications of the current practice and policies of multinational oil companies with respect to environmental impact of oil exploitation. The study’s findings illustrates that it is becoming increasingly apparent to oil companies that pollution prevention pays while pollution does not and under pressure from stakeholder groups, oil companies now routinely incorporate environmental impact assessments into their corporate strategy.Dr Gabriel Eweje is a lecturer in Management and International Business at College of Business, Massey University, Auckland Campus, New Zealand. Previously, he worked as a Research Fellow at the United Nations University, Institute of Advanced Studies (UNU/IAS), Tokyo, Japan, and taught at Royal Holloway University of London, England. His PhD from University of London focused on Corporate Social Responsibility and Activities of Multinational Oil and Mining companies in Developing Countries. He also worked as a Research Fellow with International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), London on a project on how mining and minerals can contribute to sustainable development (MMSD). His research interest lies around the issues of business ethics, corporate social responsibility and sustainability related disciplines.  相似文献   

This paper addresses ethical issues surrounding global supply chains of multinational companies in developing countries. In particular, it considers the development and application of industry-wide ethical standards and codes of conduct for multinational supply chains in China. We describe and analyze the ethical norms and compliance components of such industry-wide regimes in the toy, textile, and consumer electronics industries. We argue that this development represents an positive attempt to institutionalize emergent international ethical standards and practices into this component of the Chinese economy.  相似文献   


The purpose of this article is to discuss the development, goals, and format of local content public policy within the context of the Brazilian oil and gas sectoral system of innovation. The theoretical frame of reference for this article revolves around the concept of innovation systems, more specifically their sectoral focus as in Malerba (2002 Malerba , F. ( 2002 ). Sectoral systems of innovation and production . Research Policy , 31 , 247264 .[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar] and 2004 Malerba , F. ( 2004 ). Sectoral systems of innovation: concepts, issues and analyses of six majors sectors in Europe . Cambridge , England : Cambridge University Press .[Crossref] [Google Scholar]). Norwegian local content policy was considered as a reference. This article concludes that this policy has not yet come to a consensus, presents regulatory weaknesses, does not have well-defined roles, and has little potential to generate innovations.  相似文献   

在"一带一路"倡议下,人民币国际化的原油计价面临着重大机遇:中国与"一带一路"沿线能源出口国利益互补、亚洲缺少原油定价中心、全球出现"去美元化"的趋势以及人民币国际化具备强有力支撑等条件,但同时也面临着资本管制与原油期货市场流动性的冲突、较低开放度的中国金融市场无法为人民币提供畅通的回流路径以及"新特里芬难题"等挑战。借鉴相关发展经验,应积极推进人民币原油期货市场建设、推进金融市场开放构建人民币环流、扩大与"一带一路"沿线国家(地区)的贸易往来、借助基础设施建设强化人民币计价功能等,努力实现人民币国际化的原油计价。  相似文献   

民以食为天,粮油是国民生产和生活的重要保证。为了保证粮油质量符合国家安全标准,确保人民的健康安全,必须从粮油安全的源头抓起,加强粮油加工环节的质量监管,促进社会和谐的稳定发展。  相似文献   

This paper examines how the Asian and Russian crises affected different types of firms around the world. It constructs a new data set of financial statistics, industry information, geographic data, and stock returns for over 10?000 companies in 46 countries. Results show that firms competing with exports from the crisis countries, or with direct sales exposure to the crisis countries, had significantly lower abnormal stock returns. Firms with higher debt ratios, however, did not experience lower abnormal returns. Country-specific effects, although important determinants of company stock returns, are generally less important than firm-specific characteristics. These results suggest that trade channels are important factors determining how crises are transmitted internationally.  相似文献   

This paper is based on behavioral theory on internationalization, examining the effect of firms operations in the domestic market on experiential knowledge development in the internationalization of the firm. Five hypotheses are developed on the effects of business operations in the domestic market on: internationalization knowledge, business knowledge and institutional knowledge. The LISREL analysis of 206 firms shows that domestic operations effect the accumulation of experiential knowledge in internationalizing firms. We found that it is harder for a firm with long domestic experience to change their mental models and processes in the internationalization process.  相似文献   

公平合理的利益分配是食用油产业链自主平稳健康运行的关键,本文解析了食用油产业链各利益构成主体的特征,并提出了形成一个以加工企业为核心的产业链利益协调机制,注重加强链条上各组织体系的支撑,建立公平合理的利益分配原则,加快产业链信息管理系统建设和进一步完善财政补贴支撑的建议。  相似文献   

2020年5月20日,美国参议院以保护投资者为由通过的《外国公司问责法案》,毫不掩饰地暴露了美国证券监管的政治化,严重违背了美国证券行业的市场化运作规则。“政府实体”“控制性财务利益”等模糊性概念的运用,违背了法的确定性这一基本立法规则。该法案体现了美国在国际上推行的扭曲的美式“安全观”。对此,中国应当理性、积极地应对该问题,内外兼修,在推动中美证券跨境监管合作的同时,完善和强化信息披露及投资者保护机制。中概股公司既要做好按照美国证券监管机构的要求披露相关内容的准备,也要为回归A股或在港二次上市未雨绸缪。  相似文献   

Although the importance of local/regional factors in firms' international competitiveness has been increasingly recognized, few studies have investigated the relationship between clusters and the internationalization process of clustered-firms. This theme assumes special relevance for industries that are predominantly organized in territorial agglomerations, or clusters, as is the case of the wine industry. The objective of this paper is to identify the resources generated by the cluster and analyze their influence in the internationalization process of clustered companies. A case study was carried out on two wine clusters: Provence, in Southern France, and Serra Gaúcha, in Southern Brazil. Resource-based theory provides the underlying analytical framework. Both theoretical and practical implications of the results are discussed.  相似文献   

西部大开发 ,其实质就是促进西部经济的飞跃 ,以此推动西部整个社会进步。在西部开发中 ,遇到的突出矛盾有 :政府行为与市场经济规律之间的矛盾 ;工农业发展及农牧民增收与生态环境保护之间的矛盾 ;建立市场经济体制与西部工业企业效益低下之间的矛盾等。从经济学角度加以分析 ,并提出对策选择。  相似文献   

我国是农业大国,粮食产量在国民生产总值中一直占据十分重要的地位。粮油生产作为重要的经济和生存手段,粮油的储藏也具有非常重要的意义。提高我国粮油的储藏技术也显得更加重要。  相似文献   

粮油作为与国民生产生活息息相关的一个农业部分,其检验实验室质量的程序非常复杂,多个环节的客观因素和人为主观因素导致粮油检验实验室质量管理存在许多问题。为保证粮油生产安全进行,强化对其在生产管理方面存在问题的分析,积极地提出改进措施对于当下的国民生产生活非常必要。  相似文献   

商法国际化是对经济全球化下商法国际趋同的制度回应,亦是商法自我发展和民商法体系内部完善的客观要求。受限于商法传统,中国在过去商法国际化的过程中出现了立法理念错位、法律移植障碍和国际化效果欠佳的制度困境,而当前民法典的编纂则进一步加剧了商法国际化所面临的复杂环境。民法典国际化立法所引发的体系矛盾、司法障碍、立法滞后等问题值得商法所镜鉴。在此背景下,构建商法国际化的发展路径应围绕法体系、法理念、法技术三个角度,体系上通过《商法通则》立法来弥补现有民商法体系中商事一般法的缺位问题,理念上通过强调商法的自治属性来为国际化立法提供指导理念,技术上通过拓宽法律移植的对象范围来实现商法移植技术的转型。  相似文献   

目前,产业和金融两大经济能量有机结合已是大企业集团发展的潮流,也是企业集团超强竞争力的体现。通过研究与比较,发现中石油现有的产融结合方式是比较成功的;在分析发现中石油的主要财务指标受经营收入的影响最大,而金融收入的影响微乎其微。因此,中石油在国际油价高企时应以主营业务为主,辅以金融业务,适合采取保值性的产融结合方式。  相似文献   

In this paper the author discusses how in post-Soviet times, after years of communal property and existence, Russia has reacted and adjusted itself toward the global expansion of Western capital with all the consequences of that process. The analysis focuses on three films, Mikhalkov’s The Barber of Siberia (1999), Fruntov’s All That of Which We’ve Dreamed So Long (1997), and Balabanov’s Of Freaks and Men (1998), which in different, very desperate ways illustrate Russia’s economic and cultural ambivalence towards Western economic and cultural growth. The paper pursues the cultural manifestations of the cost of a psychological crisis exacted at the level of both society and the individual.  相似文献   

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