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This article ascertains some problematic issues that may arise when conducting organization and management research in the former socialist countries. It reflects on methodological difficulties the two authors have encountered themselves in doing empirical research in a number of East European transition economies (the Baltic States, Bulgaria, and the CIS-especially in Belarus, Russia, and the Ukraine) since the beginning of the transformation in the late 1980s. By providing examples from their own experience, the authors suggest some solutions for solving methodological problems, which other researchers might face while accomplishing empirical studies in a peculiar but also a very attractive research context.  相似文献   

经济人假设是经济学理论重要的假设之一,以此为基础构建起从古典经济学到新古典经济学的理论体系。但其与现实的脱离,导致了经济学理论对现实经济解释力的下降。行为经济学将心理学分析法与经济学研究结合起来,依赖有关人的判断和决策的分析来了解经济主体行为,对经济人假设提出了挑战,并对其加以完善。其重要意义在于提高了经济学对现实的解释力、给予经济行为主体实际决策过程以良好的描述,同时为管理学、会计学、市场营销、金融学等与经济学相关的领域提供了新的研究途径。  相似文献   


The purpose of the game described in this paper is to help students understand the impact of various strategies of government intervention on the dynamic free-market processes stimulating economic development. The game simulates three developing economies. Within the economies, each of the students represents an independent economic entity, able to contribute labor, consume goods, and acquire wealth. The game is played in periods, with each one representing a cycle of production and consumption. In one economy, students are free to act independently, or to collaborate, to invest or save money, to innovate or produce conventional products. In the other two, their activities are constrained by “government” regulations, simulating contrasting strategies of import substitution and export promotion. In the end, students are evaluated according to the wealth they create. The three simulated economies provide experiential evidence as a basis for discussing the relative merits of unfettered free enterprise, import substitution, and export promotion as contrasting strategies of economic development.  相似文献   

浙江省经济转型中的人力资本分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人力资本是促进经济转型升级的核心资本。十年来,浙江省劳动力总量不断扩张、综合素质稳步提升,为经济社会发展提供了重要人力资本支持。但是浙江人力资本现状仍不能满足经济转型发展需求,需要构建适应经济转型特点的人力资本体系。  相似文献   

中国经济正处在一个调控市场化、农村城市化、社会知识化的转型期.以追求量为目的的单纯经济增长方式就要转向有发展的增长。这就需要经济从宏观体系、产业和企业三个层面实现转型,即建立宏观自主的经济体系。微观产业跳出比较优势陷阱,微观企业实现自主创新。  相似文献   

和谐社会引发的经济学思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章从经济学角度分析了和谐社会带来的三点思考:和谐社会呼唤主流经济学“经济人”假设研究范式的变革;和谐社会所追求的经济增长是社会和谐GDP的增长;和谐也是生产力。  相似文献   

In the past 20 years a body of research in behavioral and experimental economics has challenged classical economic theory. Yet, this body of research seems relatively unknown in business education. One behavioral test with implications for international business education has been the use of ultimatum games, which has more recently expanded to cross-cultural studies. Yet, virtually no cross-cultural studies have been conducted for subjects in Middle Eastern countries. One of the central findings from ultimatum game research and other variations is that individuals place a high value on fairness in transactions, a fundamentally ethical concept. This article reports a preliminary study of Kuwaiti and U.S. business students. Results are consistent with previous studies, showing Kuwaiti subjects to be in line with subjects from developed economies. Discussion includes the implications for management and business educators.  相似文献   

在经济转型的时代背景下,中国企业的人力资源管理模式面临许多新的挑战,必须进行创新和变革。根据复杂多变的环境和时代要求,企业应在选人、育人、用人和留人四大系统为人力资源管理提供新的管理内容。在选人上,应呈现人才选拔过程的多元化;育人的关键是要转变员工的培训观念并促进培训效果的良好转化;在用人上,要运用心理契约,同时重视岗位轮换与工作设计;留人的重点是管理者应多关注员工心理健康并运用情感管理。  相似文献   

贸易全球化与转轨国家贸易安全研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经济全球化和贸易自由化是当今世界经济发展的主流,转轨国家在积极融入经济全球化的进程中面临着国家经济安全的挑战。本文通过分析经济化与转轨国家经济安全的相关性及其影响,试图找出产生消极影响的症结所在,更好地提升国家的整体经济实力。  相似文献   

本文认为,调整经济结构,主要是解决中国经济面临的五大失衡问题:一是储蓄与消费失衡,储蓄率太高,消费率太低;二是第三产业发展滞后,经济增长过于倚重第二产业;三是投入结构不合理,物质资源消耗太多,技术进步贡献率低;四是人与自然不和谐不协调;五是居民收入差距过大.文章提出,要加快调整经济结构,推进经济转型和发展方式转变,必须明确三个问题:第一,转方式、调结构内涵会随着经济增长和矛盾积累而有所扩展;第二,转方式、调结构,就要适当放缓经济增速;第三,主要着力于深化改革和调整政策,推动转方式、调结构.  相似文献   

人力资本静态价值提升与经济发展方式转变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,我国传统的主要依赖于“三高三低”的经济发展方式引起的经济社会问题已威胁到我国经济社会的可持续发展,加快转变经济发展方式已刻不容缓.面对资源、环境、市场三大约束,加快经济发展方式转变的动力源泉来自于挖掘“软实力”,即提升人力资本静态价值.当务之急是要强化人力资本投资理念,充分认识提高人力资本存量的重要性;加强教育培训,提高人力资本存量;完善管理机制,切实提升人力资本的静态价值.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the factors driving informal investment in Croatia, Hungary and Slovenia. Using Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) data, we find that the low rates of informal investment activity and the small amounts of investments in these countries are driven by entrepreneurial behaviors consistent with limited market economy experience. We extend prior studies by investigating the role of business ownership, and identify significant differences between individuals with and without business ownership experience in terms of having start-up skills, knowing an entrepreneur and fearing failure. Cluster analysis identifies seven distinct groups of informal investors, and reveals the heterogeneity in terms of investors’ age, gender, level of education, amount of investment, start-up skills, ownership status, income, opportunity perception and country of residence.   相似文献   

This research compares and contrasts the current state of development in the retailing industry in the transition economies of Poland and Romania. Two issues examined in this research are (a) the process of market reforms and resulting developments in store-based and non-store retailing, including the competition among large multinational retail chains and small local retail stores, and (b) the structure of the retail industry in terms of market share of 17 different categories of retailers within their respective sectors, namely, grocery retailers, specialty retailers, and non-store retailers, and overall growth registered by these retailers in the last 5 years (2004–2009). Managerial implications of the findings in terms of the opportunities and challenges in different categories of retailing business in the two countries are discussed, and directions for future research are identified.  相似文献   


This article focuses on the impact of fiscal and regulatory measures, at various levels of government, on the establishment of new businesses. We are interested in finding out whether, and to what extent, the existing rules and regulations (in particular the fiscal and regulatory frameworks) have impeded the entry of new firms in the early stages of transition. We are also interested in comparing the impact of such impediments amongst countries in different stages of transition. The paper is based on a survey of nearly 400 newly set up (de novo) firms in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Albania and Lithuania, all established in the 1992-94 period. We concentrate on four specific areas of regulation: registration and licensing of new businesses, rules governing the purchase or lease of commercial real estate, labour and employment laws, and the fiscal rules (taxes and contributions) to which new enterprises are subjected.  相似文献   

黑龙江省资源型城市经济转型的金融支持   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以市场化和产业化导向的资源型城市转型发展,要求广泛而有效率的信用活动和金融运行,以保障持续增加的资本投入和金融资源的有效配置。  相似文献   

转变经济发展方式研究学术研讨会综述——以浙江为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,国内外经济环境发生了很大变化,浙江经济面临着重大考验,迫切需要加快转变经济发展方式,实现国民经济又好又快发展。与会专家围绕这一主题,系统分析了转变浙江经济发展方式的紧迫性、主要内容、难点及其原因;深入探讨了浙江经济发展方式转变的主要途径。  相似文献   

资源型城市经济转型问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
资源型城市经济转型是世界许多国家在资源型城市发展过程中面临的主要难题。我国资源型城市是在传统的计划经济条件下发展起来的,照搬前苏联的"一矿一城"模式,经历了几十年的发展,大都面临着资源枯竭、环境恶化等问题。资源型城市经济转型势在必行。应采取促进产业结构优化调整,加大基础设施建设力度,建立资源型城市经济转型基金,加大人力资源开发力度,加大环境污染治理力度等措施,切实解决好资源型城市经济转型问题。  相似文献   

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