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随着我国经济的不断发展,居民收入的不断提高,消费者消费水平的不断上升,国内消费品市场呈现一派欣欣向荣之势,以价低、质优为优势的海外代购产业也应运而生。但是近几年海外代购中涉及的法律问题也越来越多,本文分析了海外代购的概念,在海外代购中存在的法律问题,提出了如何从代购双方和政府部门的角度规避风险,保障海外代购业的健康发展。  相似文献   

王茜 《中国市场》2014,(40):88-90
随着信息时代的到来,人们更倾向于便利的网络购物。而计算机的发展与电子商务的逐渐完善带动了消费者对国外产品的需求。由于价格优势与时空便利性,代购产业开始轰轰烈烈地发展起来,迅速占据市场。但是,作为新兴产业,缺少政府管制和法律规范,代购产业中存在的隐患也是不容忽视的。整合市场,优化资源配置,规范行为,中国代购产业需要做的还有很多。  相似文献   

海外代购的红火程度已经引起了社会的广泛关注,对于代购行业的法律法规政策和关税调整也随之出台。在这种环境下,海外代购产业怎样在适应大环境的同时,继续保持自身优势,同时不断完善自身结构,成为了一个值得讨论的课题。本文从不同方面探讨了海外代购行业发展前景。  相似文献   

随着我国互联网的快速发展,电商平台不断趋于成熟化,使我国在海外代购市场中的份额逐渐攀升,但也渐渐衍生出许多问题,由于互联网的虚拟性导致代购与消费者了解到的商品信息不一致,代购商售卖假冒伪劣、海购偷税漏税,以及用假图来误导消费者等,这些行为极大程度影响了消费者的权益,针对以上问题我们将从消费者,经营者,以及电商平台多方面提出意见,提高对海外代购中消费者权益的保护。  相似文献   

随着人们整体消费水平的不断提高,海外代购越来越受到众多消费者的亲睐,致使海外代购业务发展迅速。但与该行业盛行相悖的是,我国相关法律尚不能完全适应其特殊性,故而不能有效保障交易双方的合法权益。本文从法律角度出发,分析与之相关的法律问题,探求维护交易安全的法律途径,力在保障海外代购业的健康发展。  相似文献   

萧萧 《中国市场》2009,(3):63-63
“LANCOM的套装5折!GUESS的手表1折!”连日来,一些晒客网站上开始出现国外奢侈品打折的帖子,不少成都在外的留学生都充当起了职业代购人,帮成都乃至全国的消费者们,抄底全球奢侈品。席卷全球的金融风暴,让不少币种对人民币的汇率直线下跌。由于欧元、美元和澳币等的汇率变动,不少国家和地区成了中国游客的购物天堂,  相似文献   

随着网络海外代购交易量增大,消费者权益受侵害的现象层出不穷,消费者权益的保障问题更加突出,严重影响了网络海外代购健康交易环境的建立,已成为阻碍网络海外代购可持续发展的一大诟病。本文从网络海外代购的发展现状出发,着重分析了网络海外代购的法律性质及所涉各方之间的法律关系,探究出现消费者权益受侵害现象的深层原因,以期为网络海外代购中消费者权益保护的完善提出建议。  相似文献   

随着经济全球化的推进,中国中产阶级的迅速扩大,人们对消费的追求日渐多样化与高端化。以价格、质量、种类优势为核心的海外代购应运而生,代购群体迅猛增长,但伴随高速发展带来的质量、售后等诸多问题也逐渐显现。  相似文献   

主要探讨了淘宝海外代购业务中买家和卖家的法律关系,以及淘宝网的法律地位。  相似文献   

近年来,由于经济全球化引起人们消费水平的提高,海外代购市场变得极其热门。但其监管却跟不上发展,故存在极大的风险,消费者受到代购欺骗也不能及时得到维权保障,使这市场存在一个很大的信用缺失口。本文通过分析网络海外代购存在的主要问题和我国监管制度存在的缺陷,并结合实际案例提出优化建议和解决对策,为消费者树立一个正确消费理念。  相似文献   

The overall purpose of this research was to analyze internal communication patterns, service quality initiatives, supplier management strategies and internal performance in organizations providing high levels of service quality to their external customers. Data was collected from 118 purchasing executives of manufacturing and service organizations. Respondents were asked to assess external and internal service quality as well as identify a number of internal service quality-oriented activities employed in their firms. Data was summarized for respondents stating a high level of external service quality. Comparative information was also supplied for the respondents stating lower levels of external service quality.  相似文献   

The competitive pressures that act upon firms have led to major changes in the way in which purchasing is perceived - from a money-saving activity to a resource-planning function. In this paper the authors discuss some of the changes that purchasing has undergone and identify key concerns for the future, as purchasing moves towwards a new strategic role.  相似文献   

The study reported in this article is based on theories about job and competence analysis and a project in which job profiles were developed that were aimed at providing a framework of reference for evaluating in‐service training programmes for purchasing professionals (professional buyers of goods and services in various sectors of the economy) provided by a training institution of an association for purchasing management. This project was commissioned as part of the permanent maintenance policy of the training institution, but also based on experience with an earlier comparable project, and concerns about test development using job profiles and related attainment targets. The study is part of a research programme on course development for professional training. Ideas about course content validation were explored and tested. The article addresses the issue of trustworthiness and uncertainty reduction in the job profile research process. It specifically looks at the methods used in job profile development and perennial research problems that are related to that, such as stratification of a professional sector, sector‐specificity of job information, formatting job profiles, and the value added of small‐scale in‐depth analyses of work processes versus large‐scale job surveys. It concludes that small‐scale, context‐related analyses of jobs adds most value, but that this is not sufficient for ensuring faith in the study results. Large‐scale surveys complement the in‐depth analyses in this respect. So using a mix of in‐depth and large‐scale methods is recommended in conducting job profile research.  相似文献   

Comparisons across different national economies can make a major contribution to understanding the role of entrepreneurial activity and new firm foundings in economic growth and change. At least four cross-national strategies are possible: (1) direct comparisons; (2) historical or time series correlations; (3) comparison of cross-market analyses; or (4) comparison of cross-regional analyses. The distinctive value of cross-regional analyses is considered and illustrated with a comparison of the effects of manufacturing births on economic growth in the U.S. and Japan.Original research on the U.S. discussed in this paper is from projects, conducted with Professor Wilbur Maki of the University of Minnesota, sponsored by the U.S. Small Business Administration (contract SBA 3067-OA-88) and the Rural Poverty and Resources Program of the Ford Foundation. Professor Yoshio Sato of Keio University (Tokyo) provided the data on Japan.  相似文献   

电力物资采购供应商管理评级及管理体系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
供应商是企业外部影响企业生产运作系统运行的最直接因素,也是保证企业产品的质量、价格、交货期和服务的关键要素之一。加强对供应商的开发与管理,不断密切与供应商的战略伙伴关系,不仅可以有效的降低物资采购成本,还可以增强企业的竞争力。本文以电力企业为例,针对电力物资采购过程中就与供应商之间的合作关系应怎样进行评级及管理提出几点个人的看法。  相似文献   

选择贸易术语来明确国际货物买卖双方的权利义务,是国际贸易的普遍做法。由于贸易术语涉及到买卖双方关于诸如供货与付款、办理出口报关、签订运输合同和保险合同、交货发货、转移风险、承担费用、通知对方、交单交证、检验查对等方面的问题,因此,审慎地选择不同的贸易术语并注意相关的法律问题就至关重要。一、各类惯例的差别与术语本身的发展问题(一)惯例的差别国际商会制定的《国际贸易术语解释通则》(简称INCOTERMS,InternationalCommercialTerms)已得到包括我国在内的绝大多数国家的承认和采用。此外,影响较大的惯例还有…  相似文献   

"直播带货"是网络直播发展过程中产生的一种新型的营销模式,由于其"粉丝经济"效应带来的用户强黏性,近年来非常火爆,但同时也是乱象丛生,引发了诸多法律纠纷,比如虚假宣传、产品质量问题等等,严重损害了消费者的合法权益。本文旨在从直播带货的社会热点问题出发,探索分析其背后存在的法律问题,厘清各方主体之间的法律关系,并结合我国现行法律对直播带货行为的规制提出一些合规建议,以增强带货主播和直播平台的法律意识,促进直播带货行业更好地发展。  相似文献   

The paper reviews the dominant positivist and interpretivist methodologies in empirical research; discusses some of the main problems limiting the effectiveness of both, such as the context dependent nature of data and the Realist open system critique. The application of methodologies in recent, published, empirical purchasing research is considered, and recommendations are offered for improving the reliability and validity of empirical research through triangulation and the mixing of methodologies.  相似文献   

Empirical research in the emerging field of international entrepreneurship (IE) is assessed to provide insight as to the ‘state of the art’ of IE methodologies. Fifty-five articles were systematically analyzed focusing on time frame and research context, sample characteristics, data collection/analysis procedures, and equivalence issues. Results indicate both strengths and weaknesses in IE methods. The authors present implications for developing a unifying methodological direction in the field and the evolution of a truly multidisciplinary approach. They also outline the need for dynamic research designs that integrate positivist with interpretivist methodologies and incorporate time as a key dimension. Finally, they discuss the need for better IE sampling frames and call for more effort in establishing and reporting equivalence in cross-national studies.  相似文献   

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