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高校学报的发展基本前提是办刊宗旨,市场研究是学报发展的持续保证,编辑质量是学报发展的坚实基础,这三个方面都基于编辑自身素质的提高。新时期学报发展要求编辑具备学术意识、市场意识、网络意识和创新意识等素质。这些素质是新时期高校学报发展的生命线。  相似文献   

高校学报承载着时代最前沿的科学研究成果,展示着各学科内容的变化和发展,是科研信息的重要载体,具有很强的学术性、超前性与先导性。而编辑工作是整个出版工作的中心环节,其他机构和专业技术人员无可替代。编辑本身既是"专家",又是"杂家"。学报编辑本身不仅要有过硬的专业技能和知识,更要具备良好的政治素养、道德素养、信息意识和创新意识,只有充分地完善丰富自身建设,才能在工作中得心应手,更好地胜任编辑一职。  相似文献   

高校学报质量的提高和特色的形成,编辑人员起着举足轻重的作用。这种作用的充分发挥,取决于其主体意识,即取决于他们对学报及其与客观世界的关系的能动反映。编辑的主体意识决定着对文稿的抉择,对作者的要求,以及对自我的认知。本文讨论了学报编辑主体的学术意识的体现,当前增强学术意识的必要性以及培育途径,有助于认清学报编辑的学术素质的特征和科研上的努力方向。  相似文献   

新时期的高校校报编辑应具备什么样的素质呢?笔者认为应该有较高的政治水平、较深的文化底蕴、较灵活的思维方式、较强的育人意识。  相似文献   

数字化出版是期刊发展的趋势,对于高校学报而言,走数字化发展之路也是高校学报革新的应有之意。然而,体制制约、编辑前瞻意识不够、版权保护困难等阻碍了高校学报的数字化出版进程。内外功兼修,创新高校学报工作手段,才能把握住机遇,全面推进高校学报的数字化出版。  相似文献   

与时俱进,不仅是党执政兴国的要务,也是开展各项工作必须具备的要求。期刊编辑要坚持与时俱进思想,并将其运用于工作实践中。应做到下面几点:始终把握期刊改革和发展的脉搏,顺应期刊改革潮流,敢于求新求变,了解读者需求,做好期刊读者细分;努力办出期刊特色,应具备策划意识、读者意识、品牌意识、开放意识,应不断加强理论创新和实践创新。  相似文献   

编辑创新意识从本质上来说是编辑在参与编辑活动中表现出来的心理意识或精神劳动。结合实际,从新闻注重"新"、"快"这一角度提出了创新意识在编辑工作中的重要性,阐述了编辑创新意识的主要内容包括政治思想的创新和立体意识的创新,进而提出优秀的编辑应具备市场意识、创造性思维意识、受众意识、干预意识。  相似文献   

张弘弢 《时代经贸》2013,(13):90-90
高职学院学报的重要地位决定了其编辑素质在办好学报工作中的重要作用。本文试图从综合素质、职业素质、交际素质三个方面揭示学报编辑的特质,其中综合素质显得至关重要。  相似文献   

张弘弢 《时代经贸》2013,(14):90-90
高职学院学报的重要地位决定了其编辑素质在办好学报工作中的重要作用。本文试图从综合素质、职业素质、交际素质三个方面揭示学报编辑的特质,其中综合素质显得至关重要。  相似文献   

保持自律,恪守学术道德是学术期刊编辑的职责所在,更是高校社科学报构建良好学术生态系统的关键所在。在当前我国学术生态环境的部分恶化的语境下,面对批评与困境,增强高校社科学报的自律,提高学报编辑的综合素质,实现学术个体、学术群体与社会全体的联动机制,是提高高校社科学报的质量,促进其健康成长,营造和谐学术生态环境的不二选择。  相似文献   

期刊的选题策划反映时代精神、揭示社会真理、导引学术潮流、传播知识文化,使期刊具有宏观的战略意义。它是编辑依据期刊的定位、办刊理念开发出版资源、设计选题的创造性劳动,是期刊生存发展的关键。一个好的选题是策划与编辑的创新意识、创新能力和选题策划能力密不可分的,良好的策划意识与策划能力是编辑实践活动的核心。通过编辑的选题策划,既塑造了期刊特色,也是对热点问题、新的研究领域的引导。  相似文献   

科技期刊是作者、编者和出版者以创造性的脑力劳动为主,分工合作,共同创造的具有物质形态的智力成果。在商品经济条件下,它同一般的物质商品一样,凝结着人的一般劳动,能够满足人们的某种需要,具有价值和使用价值,同时它又是为满足他人的需要而生产的,这就使一切公开发行的科技期刊具有了任何物质商品都具有的基本属性。本文分析科技期刊的经济效益、社会效益及其商品性特征,提出科技期刊适应市场经济体制的基本措施。  相似文献   

The generation of research is one of the major functions of the university sector. In most disciplines, journal articles continue to be the main outlet for the communication of research findings. However, in Australia, government induced distortions have rewarded refereed conference papers an equal status to refereed journal papers. The aim of this paper is to explore the association between research published in journals and research published in conference proceedings. We use a panel dataset of the research output of 36 Australian universities, for the period 1995–2004. Cobb‐Douglas research production functions are estimated, as well as a system of research production functions that allows for simultaneity. The results indicate that journals and conferences are contemporaneous substitutes – an expansion in conference publications displaces journal publications. There is also a ‘DEST effect’. On average, conference papers are not converted into subsequent journal papers. The DEST effect is found also through analysis of the publication histories of 152 business and law academics. Postgraduate enrolments are shown to contribute only to conferences and have no effect on journal publications. Research income has a positive effect on both conferences and journal publications.  相似文献   

The Game Academics Play: Comment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A recent paper by Faria (Bulletin of Economic Research, 57 (2005), pp. 1–12) deals with the interplay between editors and authors. This research is a welcome addition to the literature on formal analyses of academic markets. This note points out a potential discrepancy in Faria's derivation of the equilibrium journal quality and clarifies the conditions under which journal quality responds to changes in editor's impatience and in author's impatience. Specifically, the effect of a change in author's impatience on journal quality is shown to be not unambiguous. Some implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

I provide a brief discussion of the Handelsblatt ranking by focusing on its journal quality weights. I summarize the methodology underlying journals’ prestige measure, which is derived from their citation networks, and discuss its strengths and shortcomings. Although I agree that Handelsblatt ranking provides a great service to the profession, that same profession needs to be rather careful not to overemphasize the journal quality weights.  相似文献   

Research papers in economics (RePEc) rankings have become a well-established source of information about actual and perceived academic performance of institutions, academic fields and their authors. One essential ingredient is the impact factors calculated in RePEc which differ from the standard ones. RePEc reports the ratio of the cumulative citations of all articles of a journal and the number of listed items. The continuously updated RePEc impact factors account for the whole journal and citation history. This approach gives rise to a potential free-riding of authors who profit from journal ranking established in the past. In this article, we demonstrate how the rankings of economists change if one calculates yearly impact factors. The distribution of gains and losses is most pronounced among middle-field ranked authors while the top group shows relative persistence.  相似文献   

We use publication data from all journals in economics, mathematics, physics and chemistry. We compute the ratio of publications that come from the top 25 US departments for each journal and use it as a measure of difficulty to publish in a journal. We find that there is a rather weak but positive correlation (0.20) between the impact factor and the difficulty measure.  相似文献   

If economics is no longer the Dismal Science, good news still does not always travel fast amongst economists. Delay is especially likely if the good news happens to appear first in a journal for highway engineers; and delay is yet more likely, as far as English-speaking economists are concerned, if the engineering journal happens to be the Annales des Ponts et Chaussées.  相似文献   


The aim of the present article is to provide context to reading, interpreting and using Marx from 1885 to 1914 in La Revue Socialiste, the main journal of socialist movements in France. The article first states some quantitative elements on the absolute and relative importance of the references to Marx and the words “Marxism” and “Marxist” in the journal. The central editorial line of the review – to restore a French descent to socialism and to try to found a socialism not exclusively “Marxist” – is then analysed. This line is maintained over time, with variations, in different national and international contexts. Finally, three key economic themes defining the relation to Marx in the journal are presented. Based on this quantitative and qualitative analysis, a brief conclusion stresses some of the most specific aspects of the socialist reception of Marx in France before WWI.  相似文献   

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