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In the usual consumption portfolio problem, lifetime utility is assumed to be time-additive. This assumption has been criticized for failing to capture important intertemporal dependencies in utility such as intertemporal risk aversion and habit formation. This paper studies the consumption portfolio problem for a class of intertemporally dependent utility functions.  相似文献   

We analyze how commodity price uncertainty affects saving behavior and welfare in a dynamic model with multiple commodities, portfolio hedging, and a preference structure that disentangles ordinal preferences, attitudes towards risk, and attitudes towards intertemporal substitution. We show that the effect of price uncertainty on savings boils down to knowing (1) hf degree of resistance to intertemporal substitution and (2) the effect that uncertainty has on the certainty-equivalent real interest rate. We also show that, if the certainty-equivalent real interest rate is lower with uncertainty, consumers' welfare is also lower.  相似文献   

In axiomatic models of decision under ambiguity using a set of priors, a clear distinction can be made between acts which are affected by ambiguity and those which are not: the crisp acts. In these multiple-priors models, the decision maker is indifferent between holding a constant act or holding a non constant crisp act with the same expected utility, if it exists. In financial settings, we show that this indifference, together with the standard definition of monetary acts in the Anscombe–Aumann framework, implies that the investor ignores the variance of some assets, a behavior which conflicts with the assumption on which modern portfolio theory has been built. In this paper we establish the geometrical and topological properties of the set of priors that rule out the existence of non constant crisp acts. These properties in turn restrict what can possibly be an unambiguous financial asset.  相似文献   

We analyze the optimal portfolio choice in a multi-asset Wishart-model in which return variances and correlations are stochastic and subject to jump risk. The optimal portfolio is characterized by the positions in stock diffusion risk, variance-covariance diffusion risk, and jump risk. We find that including jumps in the second moments changes the optimal positions and particularly variance-covariance hedging demands significantly. Erroneously omitting these jumps gives rise to substantial model risk. Furthermore, variance-covariance jump risk can have a significant impact on potential utility gains when the market is completed by adding derivatives. As a robustness check, we compare our results to those obtained for other parametrizations of Wishart-models from the literature as well as to various single-asset models.  相似文献   

Results in this paper relate the observation of an interval of prices at which a decision maker (DM) strictly prefers to hold a zero position on an asset (termed “portfolio inertia”) to the DM’s perception of the underlying payoff relevant events as ambiguous, as the term is defined in [Econometrica 69 (2001) 265]. The connection between portfolio inertia and ambiguity is established without invoking a parametric preference form, such as the Choquet expected utility or the max–min multiple priors model. This allows us to draw an observable distinction between portfolio inertia that may arise purely due to first-order risk aversion type effects, such as those which could arise even if preferences were probabilistically sophisticated, and portfolio inertia that involves ambiguity perceptions.  相似文献   

研究内部收益保证下DC型养老基金的最优资产配置问题。利用鞅方法,在HJM利率期限结构下求得了最优资产配置的显性解。结论表明最优投资策略分为四部分:投机策略、利率套期保值策略、基准组合的复制策略及一揽予债券卖空策略。最后对最优策略的动态行为进行了数值分析。  相似文献   

I estimate by maximum likelihood a dynamic model of optimal intertemporal allocation of consumption in the presence of children using high‐quality Danish longitudinal data. The number and age of all children can affect the marginal utility of consumption while income uncertainty, credit constraints and postretirement motives also influence household behaviour. While I estimate that children have a surprisingly small effect on the marginal utility of non‐durable consumption, data simulated from the estimated model replicates similar correlations between log consumption growth and changing household composition as found in the Danish data and typically found in UK and US data. To reconcile the results with existing studies, I illustrate how ignoring precautionary motives increases the estimated importance of children. The results indicate that precautionary motives might play a larger role than children in explaining the observed consumption age profile.  相似文献   

We analyse the state of the art in the field of life cycle portfolio choice, a recent strand of the literature on intertemporal portfolio selection. Life cycle models are designed to identify optimal savings and portfolio policies over the lifetime of investors. They can help to improve pension schemes by showing how these could be specifically tailored to the individual employee’s circumstances to overcome the ‘one-size-fits-all’ philosophy still prevailing in parts of the mandatory retirement savings system. To facilitate comparison, we first describe set-up, solution method and characteristic results for a basic model and then derive a general framework to classify existing contributions. We highlight the models’ strengths and weaknesses and assess their ability to resolve existing portfolio puzzles. Lessons from the literature are summarized and promising areas for further research identified. JEL classifications G11, D14, D91, H55  相似文献   

Modern portfolio theory suggests that undiversified executives would choose to diversify their significant holdings of their firm??s stock if the opportunity was available. Recent work suggests that managerial hedging is more prevalent than in years past as more innovative hedging instruments have become available to executives. Typically, unrestricted shares are used in these hedging transactions whereas restricted shares are not. In this paper, I examine whether a CEO??s composition of firm stockholdings between restricted and unrestricted shares impacts the level of risk undertaken by the firm. I document a negative and statistically significant relationship between firm risk and the proportion of CEO total shareholdings that are unrestricted and this negative relationship holds for alternative measures of firm risk. This result supports the notion that the composition of a CEO??s portfolio of firm stock between restricted and unrestricted shares is a significant determinant of firm risk.  相似文献   

We investigate the optimal hedging strategy for a firm using options, where the role of production and basis risk are considered. Contrary to the existing literature, we find that the exercise price which minimizes the shortfall of the hedged portfolio is primarily affected by the amount of cash spent on the hedging. Also, we decompose the effect of production and basis risk showing that the former affects hedging effectiveness while the latter drives the choice of the optimal contract. Fitting the model parameters to match a financial turmoil scenario confirms that suboptimal option moneyness leads to a non-negligible economic loss.  相似文献   

权证发行人在存在交易成本时对冲风险,若按照B—S理论进行动态连续避险操作,将造成巨大的交易成本,致使B-S动态连续避险不可行。因此存在交易成本时,对避险的操作都采用间断性避险。本文在统一均值方差框架下,系统全面的比较了存在交易成本的五种避险策略。在比例交易成本情形下,Whalley—Wilmott避险策略优于其他所有策略,当避险误差的标准差相同时该策略的交易成本最小;其次分别是delta固定避险带避险策略,基于标的资产价格变化的避险策略,Leland避险模型和间断的B—S避险策略。随着波动率σ上升,无风险利率γ下降,基于变动的避险策略相对于基于时间的策略优势更大。  相似文献   

This paper investigates spillover effects and portfolio diversification between the four major developed stock markets (USA, Europe, Japan and Asia) and five of the most important emerging stock markets known as the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa). To this end, we apply the multivariate DECO-FIEGARCH model to daily spot indices during the period 1998–2016. The results reveal a significant and asymmetric long memory process for both the developed and the BRICS markets. Moreover, we find a significant variability in the time-varying conditional correlations between the considered markets during both bull and bear markets, particularly from early 2007 to summer 2008. Additionally, we analyze the optimal portfolio weights, time-varying hedge ratios and hedging effectiveness based on the estimates of the model. The results underline the importance of overweighting the optimal portfolios with stocks from the developed countries over those from the BRICS. Finally, we assess the practical implications for mixed developed-BRICS stock portfolios, based on finding strong evidence of diversification benefits and downside risk reductions that confirm the usefulness of using developed market stocks in the BRICS stock portfolio risk management.  相似文献   

This paper studies the determinants of the variance risk premium and discusses the hedging possibilities offered by variance swaps. We start by showing that the variance risk premium responds to changes in higher order moments of the distribution of market returns. But the uncertainty that determines the variance risk premium – the fear by investors to deviations from normality in returns – is also strongly related to a variety of macroeconomic and financial risks associated with default, employment growth, consumption growth, stock market and market illiquidity risks. We conclude that the variance risk premium reflects the market willingness to pay for hedging against these financial and macroeconomic sources of risk. An out-of-sample asset allocation exercise shows that the inclusion of the variance swap reduces the modified value-at-risk with respect to a portfolio holding exclusively the equity market portfolio.  相似文献   

We propose an intertemporal asset pricing model that incorporates both preference for higher-order moments and stochastic investment opportunities and encompasses a wide range of existing models. We provide supporting evidence from the U.S. stock market and find that, not only is systematic skewness negatively priced, an extra return premium is also required for accepting high systematic risk associated with a rise in risk aversion. Our findings suggest that considering both skewness preference and intertemporal hedging demands improves the estimated risk-return trade-off, and that cross-sectional anomalies such as value, momentum, and failure probability puzzles can be partially explained by our model.  相似文献   

The paper analyzes the robustness of stable volatility strategies, i.e. strategies in which the portfolio weight of the stock is inversely proportional to its local volatility. These strategies are optimal for a CRRA investor if the stock follows a diffusion process, the expected excess return is proportional to its volatility, and the hedging demand is zero. We assess the performance of stable volatility strategies when these restrictive assumptions do not hold, in particular, when the risk premium is not proportional to volatility and when the stock price is subject to jumps. We find that stable volatility strategies are indeed robust or close to robust under a maxmin decision rule. In addition to our theoretical results, we perform a simulation analysis to evaluate strategies that scale the portfolio weight by the volatility, variance or a constant portfolio weight, and also analyze the strategies using empirical excess returns. Both analyses confirm the robustness of stable volatility strategies.  相似文献   

This study investigates the role of hedging and portfolio design among stocks, exchange rates, and gold in small open economies (SOEs) from 4 January 2000 to 31 March 2020. We adopt the trivariate dynamic conditional correlation-fractionally integrated asymmetric power ARCH model and unconditional quantile regression model, and our findings show that the hedging role of the U.S. dollar (USD) and gold against stocks differs under regular and extreme market conditions. The USD can act as a powerful hedge asset for stocks in regular market periods. Moreover, during the global financial crisis and COVID-19 outbreak, the safe-haven effect of gold becomes stronger for almost all stocks, whereas the USD can serve as a strong safe haven against stock markets of Korea, Taiwan, and Singapore when stock returns are extremely low. In terms of portfolio designing, we find that adding the USD and gold to portfolios improves their hedging effectiveness, and the optimally weighted stock-USD-gold portfolio is the best portfolio strategy, irrespective of referring to return or risk.  相似文献   

The problem of irreversible investment with idiosyncratic risk is studied by interpreting market incompleteness as a source of ambiguity over the appropriate no-arbitrage discount factor. The maxmin utility over multiple priors framework is used to model and solve the irreversible investment problem. Multiple priors are modeled using the notion of κ‐ignorance. This set-up is used to analyze finitely lived options. For infinitely lived options the notion of constant κ‐ignorance is introduced. For these sets of density generators the corresponding optimal stopping problem is solved for general (in-)finite horizon optimal stopping problems driven by geometric Brownian motion. It is argued that an increase in the set of priors delays investment, whereas an increase in the degree of market completeness can have a non-monotonic effect on investment.  相似文献   

本文在均值方差框架下,研究了下方风险控制下的动态投资组合问题。在目标函数中考虑了投资组合的最坏结果,利用标准的期权定价理论,给出了最优投资策略的解析式。该投资策略等价于一个关于“资产”最小二阶矩组合的欧式看跌期权和无风险资产的组合,而且两基金分离定理仍然成立。  相似文献   

Procurement has faced major challenges due to the collapse of global supply chains in the course of the SARS-COV2 pandemic, and non-critical items have become critical bottlenecks. Additive manufacturing (AM) is an emerging technology that serves as a local supply source and can mitigate some of these bottlenecks. For example, it was possible to source medical spare parts and protective equipment via AM, even when the globally arranged traditional (formative or subtractive manufacturing) supply sources failed. To that end, this research examines how supply risks change when sourced via an AM supply source rather than through supply sources that use traditional manufacturing (TM). This study assesses supply risk using a Delphi study from July to October 2020. The findings were further explored using discriminant analysis. A mix of TM supply sources with AM (‘hedging’) can minimise the overall supply risks. The discussion conceptualises a portfolio model to determine whether to source demands via TM, AM, or by hedging. The implications of hedged manufacturing are linked to the modern portfolio theory.  相似文献   

Homeownership represents both a consumption and an investment decision for individuals. Considering the investment benefits of the home, we estimate the total returns and risk associated with the investment in single-family homes. Then, using a mean–variance utility function, we consider the impact of homeownership and mortgage loan financing on the optimal asset allocation decisions of individuals and contrast this with advice that does not include the home as part of the portfolio. While optimal portfolio weights are dependant upon both the degree of risk aversion of the individual investor and the relative importance of the home in the overall net worth picture, we show that, in general, the higher the home-to-net worth ratio, the higher the optimal portfolio allocation to stock. For most investors, including the home in the optimization decision leads to higher allocations to risky stock than suggested by traditional advice that ignores the home.  相似文献   

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