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Quantitative methods for leaders' detection and overthrow are useful tools for decision-making in many real-life social networks. In the given research, we present algorithms that detect and overthrow the most influential node to the weaker leadership positions following the greedy method in terms of structural modifications. We employ the concept of Shapley value from the area of cooperative game theory to measure a node's leadership and to develop the leader's overthrow algorithms. Specifically, we introduce a quantitative approach to analyze prospective structural modifications in social networks to make the initially identified network leader less influential. The resulting mechanism is based on the symbiosis of game-theoretic and algorithmic concepts. It presents a useful tool for the technical analysis of the primary structural data in the initial steps of multifaceted quantitative network analysis where the raw data (i.e., linkages) is frequently the only knowledge about interrelations in social networks.  相似文献   

电子政务标准化是部门间业务协同的基本条件,反映了国家电子政务发展的成熟度.本文采用演化博弈的方法,研究政府部门间业务协同标准扩散中相互联系、相互作用,从而达到均衡的动态过程.结果表明,电子政务业务协同标准化扩散过程及其均衡点的主要影响因素有采纳业务协同标准采纳之前部门原有的业务基本收益、标准采纳之后所获得的部门内部价值收益、标准采纳有形成本、标准采纳无形风险等.因此,明确电子政务业务协同标准制定与推广部门的主导地位、加强电子政务与政府管理创新意识的结合以及实现电子政务业务协同与大部门体制改革的有效融合是推进电子政务业务协同标准扩散的有效方式.  相似文献   

This paper studies technology policy within a version of Jones's [1995. R&D-based models of economic growth. Journal of Political Economy 103, 759–784] non-scale R&D-based growth framework that incorporates imitation of foreign techniques. In the model, imitation is the most important source of productivity growth at the beginning of the convergence process, whereas innovation dominates later on. In addition, the transitional dynamics of the model can account for well-known empirical regularities regarding the relationship between the level of economic development and public support to technology innovation and imitation. The paper shows as well that, even though policy in Jones-type non-scale models has no long-run growth effects, level effects can be substantial.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of laboratory experiments that explore the network formation process. Performances of three institutions, each derived from theoretical models found in the literature, are compared. All three institutions are found to generate similar levels of efficiency. In hospitable environments, the institutions achieve 85% efficiency, but all three fail to generate any positive surplus when stress tested.Received: 28 May 2002, Accepted: 14 March 2003, JEL Classification: A14, C70, C90, D20The authors wish to thank the International Foundation for Research in Experimental Economics for financial support in the form of subject payment money. This work has greatly benefited from comments by an anonymous referee, Rob Gilles, participants in the Social Network session at the 2001 Southern Economic Association Meetings, and seminar participants at the University of Arkansas.  相似文献   


This study examines the value of trustworthiness of supervisors within US federal agencies. Although public administration scholars have paid attention to trust as a managerial resource, more empirical evidence is still needed. The authors test whether perceived trustworthiness of supervisors works as a valuable managerial resource within federal agencies. Following Mayer et al. (1995 Mayer, R. C., Davis, J. H. and Schoorman, D. 1995. An Integrative Model of Organizational Trust. Academy of Management Review, 20(3): 70934. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]), this study assumes trustworthiness as a multi-dimensional concept composed of ability, benevolence and integrity. Drawing on data from a large-scale survey of US federal employees, the research first tests whether these factors constitute the elements of supervisory trustworthiness of federal agencies by second-order confirmatory factor analysis. Then, using ordinary least squares (OLS) regression, the research examines whether trustworthiness has positive associations with employee satisfaction and cooperation within work units. The analyses confirm that the three factors constitute trustworthiness as Mayer et al. (1995 Mayer, R. C., Davis, J. H. and Schoorman, D. 1995. An Integrative Model of Organizational Trust. Academy of Management Review, 20(3): 70934. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) suggest and that supervisory trustworthiness is substantially associated with the two outcomes.  相似文献   

This paper considers the evolutionary dynamics of a free trade agreement (FTA) network formation game among N countries. We first explore the static model introduced by Goyal and Joshi (2006) and precisely characterize the set of pairwise stable FTA networks. Then, we develop a dynamic model under random perturbations and identify long-run outcomes to remove prediction uncertainty inherited from static analysis. The results show that both partial free trade and global free trade will result when there are only three countries. However, when more countries are involved, only the complete FTA network emerges.  相似文献   

Several studies have found a relationship between corporate social and environmental disclosure and firm value (FV) or accounting profitability. Where environmental disclosure has been the focus, though, only single-country studies have been published, and most of the previous research concerns the developed world. This study examines the association between corporate environmental disclosure (CED) and FV in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries, where CED has been increasing from its previous low base. Findings from a multicountry sample of 500 firm-year observations using a 55-item unweighted environmental disclosure index suggest that CED is significantly and positively related to FV as measured by Tobin's Q (TBQ). The relationship is robust to using a weighted version of the disclosure index, individual countries and environmental disclosure subindices. Some evidence of a positive relationship between CED and return on assets is also found, but even where statistically significant, the relationship is much weaker than in the case of TBQ. For empirical and theoretical reasons, we recommend that future studies pay greater attention to market-based proxies, if possible, when investigating the value relevance of CED in both developed and developing countries. Our results suggest that both managers and policymakers in GCC countries should take a positive view of expanded CED.  相似文献   

柏林-勃兰登堡都市区:跨区域规划合作及协调机制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文分析了"柏林-勃兰登堡联合区域规划部"的组织结构、职能设置、运行机制和改革动向等,阐述了两州之间开展跨区域合作的发展历程及其动力和阻力,并总结该案例在大都市区区域协作与区域管治上提供的经验借鉴.  相似文献   

文章分析了“官产学研金”结合对产业集群发展的推动作用,论述当前广西“官产学研金”结合的现状、存在的问题以及对广西区域产业集群的不利影响,并提出了相应的解决对策与建议。  相似文献   

本文在对我国经济发展和会计准则变迁分析的基础上,通过剖析《债务重组准则》和《非货币性交易准则》的修订,指出我国会计准则制定中存在着宏观经济发展与微观经济主体的不相适应及利益冲突的矛盾,从而认为会计准则的制定与实施是一个渐进的过程,是政府与市场不断博弈的结果。  相似文献   

人力资源作为知识经济时代的“第一资源”是区域经济合作的主要内容,也直接影响到区域经济乃至全国经济的可持续发展。然而,由于中国基于区域经济合作中的人力资源开发与整合尚处于起步阶段,因而存在着很多问题。文章在分析整个问题的基础上提出了相应的对策和建议。  相似文献   

近几年,注册会计师(CPA)行业造假事件层出不穷,公众对于CPA出具的审计报告是否具有可信性已产生极大的怀疑。针对CPA诚信危机这一现象本文从经济学角度加以剖析。  相似文献   

随着环渤海区域合作的日益升级,对区域产业合作与发展问题提出了更高要求.实现区域产业的协调发展,既是实践科学发展观的具体要求,也是加快区域自身发展的战略选择.在这个目标的指引下,本文在总结当前环渤海区域产业合作总体特点并进行SWOT分析的基础上,通过科学确定区域主导产业及城市产业定位,率先提出了"一核、两带、三轴、六区、八链"的环渤海区域产业空间布局,并从国家、地方和滨海新区三个层面提出切实可行的对策建议,以构建功能清晰、分工明确、衔接紧密、优势互补的区域产业分工体系,打造科学合理的区域一体化产业链,提升环渤海区域综合竞争力.  相似文献   

中外物流企业的合作与竞争   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
入世后我国物流企业整体竞争力的提高,要着眼于确定明确适宜的发展战略和市场定位,以利培育竞争优势和获取较大市场份额。近年来,我国物流产业和企业都有了较快发展,但与发达国家比差距很大,这既有“先天不足”的因素,也有发展战略和发展对策不适应竞争国际化要求的后天原因。所以应从观念转变和发展战略入手,提高我国物流企业的整体竞争力水平,这样有利于我国物流企业走向世界和在本国市场与外商开展合作与竞争。本文运用合作与竞争的基础理论,分析论述中外企业合作以利竞争的战略,提出企业与外商开展不同形式的合作,以提高自身竞争力的问题。  相似文献   

以跨国公司全球价值链重构下的国际服务外包为背景,从发包方的角度出发,针对212家在中国的国际服务外包企业有效问卷的调查数据,探究来自服务提供商的信任与作为发包商的跨国公司合作之间的演化关系。实证结果表明:计算信任对关系信任有显著的正向影响;计算合作对关系合作有显著的正向影响;关系信任可以获取跨国公司的任何类型的合作,而计算信任需要通过关系信任等途径才能实现对于跨国公司合作的积极影响;外包双方均太注重利益计算,不利于合作关系的建立。在对跨国公司合作的影响效果上,关系信任高于计算信任,因此,为了获取跨国公司的合作,接包企业更应加强关系信任的培养。  相似文献   

对口支援和对口帮扶在促进区域协调发展中发挥了重要作用。对口关系的实质是区域间的转移支付,中央通过行政发包触发援助方之间的竞争机制,最后以结果为导向对政治任务的完成情况进行考核。由于缺失市场机制,对口双方的目标冲突不可避免,需要进行制度创新。对口合作既保留了传统对口关系的优势,又克服了其存在的问题。中央政府为对口地方间设置了定向交往机制,各级政府根据激励相容原则发挥自主性,因势利导选择合作项目,打破行政区划界限,建设“飞地型”园区,提供必要的组织服务让双方相关企业基于市场规则寻求优势互补。对口合作是在区域层面体现有为政府和有效市场结合的典范,不仅在新一轮东北振兴中具有重要的带动作用,还为今后区域协调发展积累了实践经验。  相似文献   

国有大型资源型企业与属地政府的协调关系是影响我国经济社会发展的重要因素之一。结合国有大型资源型企业和属地政府的行为目标及特征,分别从经济、社会和环境方面探析两者的关系现状,深入剖析税费、产业结构、劳动就业、文化活动、生态环境、基础设施等方面的协调关系,从建设服务型政府、增强企业社会服务和扩大企业辐射功能等方面,提出国有大型资源型企业与属地政府协调机制构建思路。  相似文献   

This paper investigates welfare targeting for public goods in networks. First, we show that a tax/subsidy scheme (not necessarily budget-balanced) affects each consumer only insofar as it affects his neighbourhood. Second, we show that either a Pareto-improving income redistribution can be found or there exist Negishi weights, which we relate to the network structure. Third, in the case of Cobb–Douglas preferences, we show that a Law of Welfare Targeting holds and links two well-known notions of the comparative statics of policy interventions: neutrality and welfare paradoxical effects. Collectively, our findings uncover the importance of the 1 eigenvalue to economic and social policy: it is an indication of how consumers absorb the impact of income redistribution.  相似文献   

北京市与周边中小城市的区域经济合作研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
深化北京与周边中小城市的区域经济合作有利于增强整体竞争力,推动京津冀一体化发展.目前,北京与周边中小城市主要在产业、科技、房地产、旅游、生态环境和交通等领域合作,但在合作中也存在很多问题.鉴于北京与周边中小城市的区域比较优势资源和发展需求,应从经济--生态合作机制、总部经济、旅游、转化基地和农业等途径深化合作,建立区域...  相似文献   

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