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本文建立了由7个模块、32个方程构成的中国季度宏观经济政策分析模型,描述了1996年第1季度~2007年第1季度中国宏观经济运行机制的长期和短期特征,对2006年第1季度~2007年第1季度的利率政策、人民币汇率升值问题、收入政策问题等进行了模拟分析。结果表明,当前应适当提高存贷款利率,抑制经济过热的苗头和通货膨胀,同时应坚持人民币汇率渐进式调整的方式,努力提高城乡低收入者收入水平和消费能力。  相似文献   

本文选取2005至2013年中国银行间市场国债交易数据,借助动态NS模型提供的水平、斜率和曲度因子刻画利率期限结构特征,基于结构突变检验方法,实证判别了利率期限结构与宏观经济因素之间影响关系的稳定性。结果表明:利率期限结构存在显著的结构变化特征,而基于三类动态因子结构突变点进行分段回归的效果,明显优于固定系数模型的回归效果,且系数的估计结果存在显著性差异,说明宏观经济因素对利率期限结构的影响显著,但并不稳定,其影响结果依赖于人们关于宏观经济运行的预期。因此,政府在政策选择过程中必须有的放矢,以提升政策制定的合理性和有效性。  相似文献   

Assets are coupled to endogenous aggregate output fluctuations in a model of heterogeneous agents. Those agents wish to avoid reacting inadvertently to an unobservable noise process, but to do so must elicit reactions to that noise from each other. An abstract institution is modeled that optimizes this elicitation by strategically transmitting information about aggregates; I designate this feedback. Feedback is used by agents and so influences the characteristics of aggregate fluctuations. The optimal feedback policy minimizes asset rates of return, maximizes the persistence of aggregate output fluctuations, and causes the distribution of wealth to widen continually and without limit.  相似文献   

在中国从计划经济体制向市场经济体制的转变过程中,作为平抑经济周期波动、稳定经济发展的各项宏观经济政策发挥了不可忽视的作用。本文根据中国在转轨时期所具有的经济特点,构建了一个小型的宏观经济联立方程模型,并根据中国当前的经济形势,模拟了2003-2004年货币政策和财政政策对宏观经济的影响。得出的结论为,由于传导机制的不畅,导致我国当前货币政策的效果、旨在增加农村居民收入的减税政策的效果不明显,而扩大城镇居民消费的、提高职工工资的政策效果则比较显著。  相似文献   

本文基于我国经济发展现实,构建了包含金融加速器、工资调整粘性以及消费惯性的新凯恩斯动态随机一般均衡模型,从货币政策的冲击效应、非政策冲击下宏观经济波动幅度以及中央银行损失函数等三个方面对比了不同货币工具的调控绩效,研究显示,价格型工具的调控绩效优于数量型工具,而稳健性分析也对此提供了进一步证明。因此,中央银行应积极地运用利率工具以更有效控制通货膨胀和实际产出波动,维护宏观经济稳定。  相似文献   

This paper shows that the dynamic Leontief model can be interpreted as a linear model of endogenous growth. The long-term rate of growth is determined within the economic system - either as the outcome of the saving and investment behaviour of agents or as the outcome of some planner's maximization of some objective function.  相似文献   

This paper compares the forecast performance of automatic leading indicators (ALIs) and macroeconometric structural models (MESMs) commonly used by non-academic macroeconomists. Inflation and GDP growth form the forecast objects for comparison, using data from China, Indonesia and the Philippines. ALIs are found to outperform MESMs for one-period-ahead forecasts, but this superiority disappears as the forecast horizon increases. It is also found that ALIs involve greater uncertainty in choosing indicators, mixing data frequencies and utilizing unrestricted VARs. Two ways of reducing the uncertainty are explored: (i) give theory priority in choosing indicators, and include theory-based disequilibrium shocks in the indicator sets; and (ii) reduce the VARs by means of the general-to-specific modeling procedure.  相似文献   

The paper refers to the well-known Tsukui turnpike theorem on convergence of optimal growth trajectories in the closed dynamic Leontief model to the maximum balanced growth trajectory, called turnpike. In the original proof of this theorem, the assumption that the matrix B of capital coefficients is non-singular plays an essential role. For many reasons this assumption, very convenient for theoretical analysis, is not always satisfied in input-output systems built for empirical purposes. This paper fills the gap between theory and empirical studies, presenting a proof that convergence of optimal trajectories towards the turnpike is also a characteristic feature of the closed Leontief model in the case when matrix B is singular. The general idea of the proof is based on the approximation of a singular matrix B by an infinite sequence of non-singular matrices.  相似文献   

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