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<正>中国经济学年会能源与环境经济论坛(2022)拟于2022年6月18-19日在上海举行。本次论坛由中国经济学年会主办,上海立信会计金融学院国际经贸学院承办,主题为“碳达峰碳中和与共同富裕双重目标下的绿色发展”。本次论坛暂定采用线上、线下相结合的方式,具体包括主旨演讲、圆桌讨论、能源经济分论坛、环境经济分论坛、博士论坛等,天津大学张中祥教授和杜克大学张俊杰教授已受邀担任论坛主旨演讲嘉宾。热忱欢迎海内外专家学者与会交流!征文选题(包括但不限于):1.碳达峰、碳中和目标议题下的经济学研究2.碳达峰、碳中和目标与共同富裕的实现3.数字经济时代的企业绿色发展4.能源环境与气候变化背景下的绿色创新  相似文献   

Relative stability can be defined as the stability of equilibriumrays. Hence standard method of studying local stability by means of the spectrum of the Jacobian matrix at an equilibriumpoint cannot be used. This problem can often be circumvented by deriving from the original one a new system, having as state variables certainratios between the original variables, so that the equilibrium set will become a point and the standard method will apply. However, the Jacobian matrix at that point will be formed on the basis of a linear combination of the rows of the Jacobian matrix of the original system at a point of its equilibrium set and will normally be much more difficult to analyze. Here a method for studying local relative stability on the basis of the latter matrix is provided.
Riassunto La stabilità relativa può esser definita come la stabilità diraggi di equilibrio. Quindi il metodo consueto consistente nello studiare la stabilità locale per mezzo dello spettro della matrice giacobiana in unpunto di equilibrio non può esser usato. Tuttavia questo problema spesso può esser superato qualora dal sistema originale possa esser derivato un altro sistema, avente come variabili di sato certi rapporti tra le variabili originarie, cosicché l'insieme di equilibrio del nuovo sistema si riduca ad un punto. In tal caso la matrice giacobiana in tale punto sarà formata sulla base di combinazioni lineari delle righe della matrice giacobiana del sistema originario in un punto del suo insieme di equilibrio, cosicché lo studio qualitativo della prima matrice sarà di regola molto più difficile di quello della seconda. Qui si propone un metodo per studiare la stabilità relativa locale sulla base della seconda matrice.

I wish to thank M. Bianchi and E. Venini for their comments on previous drafts of this paper.  相似文献   

A sample of 6169 firm year observations in 14 western European countries between 2002 and 2009 is used to investigate how committee practice within boards of directors is related to company characteristics, and to the existence of alternative corporate governance instruments in place. We find that committees in Europe are prevalent in larger companies, and in companies with large and independent boards. However, we also find that leverage, director interlocking, concentrated ownership, and the presence of managers on the board mitigate the use of committees, suggesting that committee use is limited by the existence of alternative governance mechanisms. Consequently, recent regulatory changes in Europe that promote the creation of committees within boards may be unsuited for certain types of company, especially smaller companies and those with concentrated ownership.  相似文献   

With ongoing housing reform and profound changes in housing consumption in urban China, this article aims to understand tenure transition from rental to homeownership. Because of different housing systems in China over time, and thus different connotations attached to homeownership, tenure transition should be understood within its historic context. Using a sample survey of life history in 20 cities and the method of event history analysis, this article examines the tenure transition to the first homeownership during 1949–94, a period covering both the socialist era and the early stage of housing reform. In contrast to conventional wisdom, older and married people, and those working in the public sector and living in public housing were less likely to change to homeownership before housing reform, mainly because the socialist housing system was ironically in favor of those households with higher socio‐economic positions. In the reform era, while there are remnants of the socialist housing system, tenure transition has different dynamics with factors such as marital status, work units and previous housing tenure no longer important, at least by the mid‐1990s. In addition, crowded housing conditions and long duration in the rental sector generally encourage the transition to homeownership, and there are significant regional variations. Face à la réforme actuelle du logement et aux mutations de consommation de l'habitat dans la Chine urbaine, cet article cherche à comprendre le passage de la location à la propriété. Les systèmes de logement ayant varié avec le temps, donnant à la propriété différentes connotations, il faut appréhender la transition du mode d'occupation dans son contexte historique. S'appuyant sur une étude biographique effectuée par sondage dans 20 villes et sur la méthode de l'analyse historique des événements, l'article examine la transition vers la première accession à la propriété entre 1949 et 1994, période couvrant l'ère socialiste et le stade initial de la réforme du logement. Contrairement à l'avis traditionnel, les individus mariés et plus âgés, ainsi que les employés du secteur public qui vivent dans des logements sociaux, avaient moins tendance à opter pour la propriété avant la réforme, essentiellement parce que l'habitat socialiste favorisait bizarrement les ménages aux positions socio‐économiques élevées. Pendant la période de réforme, malgré une survivance du système socialiste, le changement de mode d'occupation présente une autre dynamique; ainsi, des facteurs tels que le statut marital, les unités de travail et le mode de jouissance antérieur n'ont plus d'importance, du moins jusqu'au milieu des années 1990. De plus, les conditions de surpopulation des logements et une durée prolongée dans le secteur locatif encouragent généralement le passage à la propriété, sans oublier des variations régionales significatives.  相似文献   

The relationship between Entrepreneurial Orientation (EO) and firm performance, despite generating significant scholarly interest, has remained mixed. These results may be attributed, at least in part, to the failure to sufficiently examine the potential impact of top management characteristics. The present study investigates how CEO characteristics (i.e. CEO industry and position tenure), impact the relationship between EO and firm performance within a sample of 579 US banks. As predicted, some support for a positive EO to performance relationship was found. In addition, the results strongly support, as posited, that CEO industry tenure positively moderates, and CEO position tenure negatively moderates, the EO to performance relationship. We also report evidence supporting the effect of EO, configured with CEO position tenure and industry tenure on firm performance. Our study suggests the EO–performance relationship is more complex than previous studies indicate. Implications for future research and practice are provided.  相似文献   

This paper extends the standard, urban, residential land-use model to analyze the effects of Federal Housing Administration (FHA) mortgage insurance. On the demand side, households are differentiated by income and tenure; on the supply side, the cost of housing is related to the asset prices of land and structure and the cost of capital. Hypothesizing that capital cost is a function of household tenure and income, tenure is chosen to minimize this cost. The effect of FHA, then, is to expand the housing consumption of moderate-middle income households, by reducing their capital cost, while displacing those whose cost is not reduced.  相似文献   

This article focuses the attention on energy models in relation to spatial systems. After a discussion of three types of methods used in the field of energy modeling (econometric models, input output analysis and programming models), the framework of a multi-component regional- energy econometric model is presented.  相似文献   

A special labor-market program to support regions with high unemployment was introduced in the Federal Republic of Germany in the summer of 1979. The program is evaluated through analyses of the determinants of the take-up rate and estimates of the impact on the unemployment rate using Box-Jenkins analysis. Evaluation of the program indicates some success with respect to training and public works creation, but also some serious shortcomings in design and implementation.  相似文献   

《Labour economics》2000,7(4):373-384
In this paper, a specific form of human capital is analyzed, relational capital, which consists of matches between market parties. Search and information costs make these matches valuable to both parties. Its peculiarity is that the control over such matches is transferred within firms from those who initially control it to anyone who works with it for a period.This characteristic allows someone who approaches the end of his working life to sell his relational capital to junior partners. This sale can explain upward sloping tenure profiles and can result in tournaments if juniors are budget-constrained and perfect contracting is not possible. The need to keep the amount of relational capital constant implies a generational balanced workforce within each firm.  相似文献   

本文对非均衡经济学和新兴古典经济学进行了比较分析。认为其同点在于产生的学术背景、行为主体的决策过程和产生的直接动机。它们的主要差异在于:一是虽然都是对古典经济学的批判与发展,但发展的“方向”不同,二是虽然都注意到了经济生活中信息不完备的现实,但对其影响“领域”的归结不同;三是它们对市场作用的看法不同。  相似文献   

从经济实力、经营效益、科技创新能力、对外开放能力和环境竞争力五个方面选取30个指标,运用层次分析法和灰色关联模型,对苏州高新区、苏州工业园、无锡高新区、常州高新区的"二次创业"能力进行了评价。结果显示,苏州工业园"二次创业"能力最强,无锡高新区次之,苏州高新区第三,常州高新区最弱。针对苏锡常高新区"二次创业"能力的提升,提出了若干对策和建议。  相似文献   

大型水电工程设施(大坝)的经济学思考   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
大型水电工程所建筑的大坝因其巨大,不仅给人类带来了具有震撼性的视觉效果,从而让许多人在心理上得到了战胜自然的暗示或明示,而且,还因其可以提供电力,给人类社会带来了巨大的经济效益。但是,研究和经验表明,修建大坝,包括以水力发电、供水、防洪和灌溉为目的的大型工程,征服自然的代价是昂贵的、缺乏效益和损害社会与生态环境的。本文首先简要讨论了大坝的意义,然后重点分析了大坝的外部性问题,主要关注其社会外部性和生态环境外部性。从社会和科学进步以及发展现代经济学的角度看,完整的水电工程的成本一效益分析应该将外部性成本和效益纳入其中。本文还讨论了大坝建设的经济成本超预算问题,以及对私人部门投资大坝建设现实性分析和前景展望。最后,本文对我国怒江水电建设提出了几点问题和一些建议。  相似文献   

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