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Cleantech venture capital investment differs from the typical venture capital investment in that it tends to be very capital intensive and faces greater technology risks associated with the functioning of the technology, scalability and exit requirements than the typical venture capital investment. Moreover, unlike the typical venture capital investment, the benefits arising from cleantech cannot be totally captured by the venture capitalist as many of its benefits accrue to society via reduced environmental degradation and better health and quality of life outcomes. The public goods literature posits that such externalities reduce investment in cleantech below the socially optimal level. We seek to determine whether there are countervailing factors which may incite greater cleantech investment. We argue that oil prices, increased stakeholder attention, as well as the impact of various formal and informal institutions are such factors. This paper provides a cross-country analysis of the determinants of cleantech venture capital investment with a unique worldwide dataset of 31 countries spanning 1996–2010. The data show consistent evidence of a pronounced role for oil prices in driving cleantech venture capital deals, which is more important than other economic, legal or institutional variables. Cleantech media coverage is likewise a statistically significant determinant of cleantech venture capital investment and as economically significant as other country level legal, governance, and cultural variables. Uncertainty avoidance has a negative impact on cleantech venture capital investment, as well as a moderating effect on other variables.  相似文献   

Impact investing and ESG investing are specific “ethical” investing types integrating social, environmental, and moral values with financial goals. Despite receiving heightened scholarly attention, the difference between impact and ESG investing is largely unexamined, and it is not clear how they differ from conventional investment. To explain the differences between ESG, impact, and conventional investing, this paper draws on a dataset of over 8000 private market investment (PMI) firms. It compares impact, ESG, and conventional investment across firm characteristics, investment preference, and ownership. Results show that impact investors are more likely to be owned by the government, focusing on agriculture, cleantech, and education while avoiding “sin” industries like gambling and tobacco.  相似文献   

We explore the relation between government integrity and firms’ investment efficiency in the context of China’s deepening reforms and its strengthening the social credit system. We find that government integrity is positively associated with the investment efficiency of listed companies in China. Government integrity is negatively related to corporate underinvestment, but insignificantly related to corporate overinvestment. Higher government integrity reduces underinvestment in non-state-owned firms, but this relation is not significant in state-owned firms. Furthermore, we find that the negative relation between government integrity and underinvestment is only significant for firms in industries that receive supportive government policies. This study enriches research on corporate investment by adopting the perspective of government integrity, and supplements the literature on government integrity and its economic consequences. Our study also provides micro-level empirical evidence that strengthening government integrity will promote the economic transformation of China.  相似文献   

拉美地区已经成为中国对外直接投资的主要地区。中国企业投资计划准备不足,投资领域过于单一,产业分布相对集中,投资地区趋向集中,国别分布不均匀是中国对拉美地区直接投资的主要问题,因此,继续开拓多投资领域,规避投资风险,树立中国良好企业形象,加强中国政府对企业的扶持和引导,建立危机预警机制是进一步发展对拉美直接投资的策略选择。  相似文献   

We examine whether government intervention plays an important role in determining corporate investment allocations and efficiency in China. We find the government tends to intervene to promote corporate investment in fixed assets, equity in other state‐owned enterprises (SOEs), and natural resources including oil, natural gas, and mines, but reduces research and development (R&D) investment. However, the effects of government intervention on these investment allocations are primarily found in local SOEs rather than in central SOEs or in private enterprise. Government intervention also induces a crowding‐out effect in natural resource investments of private firms, suggesting that government intervention distorts investment allocations and reduces investment efficiency.  相似文献   

本文基于内生增长理论(Endogenous Growth Theory)分析政府公共支出与经济增长的关系。基于Barro(1990)提出的框架,但采用Arrowand Kutz(1970)提出的方法,将公共投资通过直接资本形成增加资本存量,形成内生经济增长,并采用Ramsey-Cass-Koopmans(1965)模型的基本假设,利用1952—2011年中国时间序列数据对影响经济增长的因素进行检验。结果显示:政府公共物质资本投入及政府人力资本投入对经济增长均具有正效应,但政府公共物质资本投入对经济增长的效应微弱,而政府人力资本投入对经济增长的效应较大。同时还验证了政府物质资本投入并不是经济增长的格兰杰原因(Granger Cause),而政府人力资本投资是经济增长的格兰杰原因(Granger Cause),且影响滞后并持久,教育投入对中国经济增长的影响是长期渗透的。  相似文献   

我国政府投资与经济增长、居民收入和就业的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国政府投资对经济增长、居民收入、就业等具有重要的作用。本文运用计量经济学的先进方法,选取我国政府投资的有关数据,通过测算得出:我国的经济增长是投资推动型的;政府投资对城镇居民收入增长的作用效果远远大于对农民收入的影响;政府投资每提高一个百分点,就业增长0.14个百分点。  相似文献   

文化产业是我国社会及经济发展的亮点和重要成分,是助推经济结构调整、加速经济发展模式转变的重要领域,发展前景灿烂。把握住时机的文化企业将快速成长并为其投资者提供丰厚回报。文化产业投资模式多样,VC、PE、并购等投资模式可以为处于初创期、成长期、成熟期的企业满足其不同的发展需求,另类投资作为资产配置的一种选择将逐步得到市场的认可,发展前景广阔。为了进一步促进文化产业的发展和文化投资的繁荣,国家应当鼓励文化行业向民间资本进一步开放;应重视投资交易风险控制、完善监管机制;进一步完善法律、税收等相关政策支持。  相似文献   

本文依据相关统计数据,从实证角度对1978年-2010年我国政府投资与民间投资的特点和关系进行比较分析,同时采用计量分析方法对政府投资、民间投资与经济增长的关系进行研究,对相关问题进行深入思考,并提出相应的对策和建议。  相似文献   

谢里  郑新业 《金融研究》2020,479(5):151-169
引入宏观经济学的理性预期分析框架来评估未来碳减排承诺如何影响当期的能源投资行为具有重要意义。能源项目投资规模大、持续时间长、不可逆性强,使得投资者在决策时会尽可能地纳入影响未来收益和成本的信息。本文将中国碳排放权交易市场试点政策与发电行业投资行为相结合,理论分析和实证检验了政府规划和实施的碳排放权交易市场试点政策如何影响企业的理性预期作用于当期发电技术项目投资,结果表明,碳排放权交易市场试点政策在规划期会促使企业相对提高试点地区低排放发电技术项目投资,特别是相对提高了这些地区低排放火力发电技术项目投资。碳排放权交易试点政策正式实施之后,企业降低了政策试点地区的高排放发电技术项目投资的实际利用水平。这一发现说明环境管制政策在正式实施之前的规划期,会对企业的投资行为产生预期管理效应,通过释放减排政策信号,促使企业先验地调整能源投资决策,以适应未来减排承诺目标。  相似文献   

The problem of corruption in socio-economic development has long been a focus of academics and practitioners. To address this concern in China, the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China instituted a new anti-corruption policy. In this paper, we examine the impact of this recently enacted anti-corruption policy on the investment efficiency of subsidized enterprises from the perspective of government subsidies. We conclude that government subsidies have a significant positive impact on the overinvestment behavior of enterprises and that the anti-corruption work done by the government has effectively restrained the excessive investment behavior of government-subsidized enterprises. Further, we find that the anti-corruption policy is more effective in restricting overinvestment in subsidized state-owned enterprises than in non-state-owned enterprises. We examine the impact of the anti-corruption policy on excessive investment caused by government subsidies and enrich the body of research related to investment efficiency. We also provide empirical support for further research on the anti-corruption policy at the macro-market and micro-enterprise levels. The findings highlight the need to establish new cooperation between government and enterprises, to rationalize the distribution of administrative resources, and to promote the sustained and healthy development of the national economy.  相似文献   

我国股市具有政策导向性显著的特点,而创业板市场开板两年多以来,出现的诸如"三高一破"、突击入股、保荐人利益输送等问题导致了政府对于创业板市场较为频繁的规制。本文对创业板市场存在的问题、相对应的政府规制手段及规制效果进行了系统分析,认为随意性、易变性、临时性的特点削弱了创业板市场政府规制的规制效果。在此基础上,本文进一步探讨了我国证券业规制存在的深层次制度性缺陷,并提出相关政策建议。  相似文献   

为了应对国际金融危机,我国政府实施了积极财政政策和适度宽松的货币政策,本文在此背景下对我国三农问题进行了分析,认为要解决农民就业、城乡收入差距扩大等矛盾,政府需改变长期投资结构,加强农村社会保障体系建设,发展综合性的农村经济,提高在地化的非农就业,最终通过保持农村的稳定来维护国家经济安全和社会稳定。  相似文献   

This article investigates the effect of political connections, along with government ownership and family control, on the intensity of investment in industrial upgrading, including the intensity of R&D, facility upgrading, and marketing, in the context of post-crisis recovery through industrial upgrading in emerging economies. Based on empirical evidence in China, the article finds that political connections of top executives are positively associated with investment in upgrading. The effects of political connections on the intensity of investment in R&D and marketing are negatively moderated by both government ownership and family control, whereas the relationship between political connections and the intensity of investment in facilities upgrading is positively moderated by government ownership and negatively moderated by family control.  相似文献   

本文基于双重代理视角分析了地方政府治理水平和控制权结构影响家族企业投资行为的机理。以2002~2008年间我国家族上市公司为研究样本,实证检验发现,超额控制程度较高的家族企业,其内部人有动机为实现其私人收益,忽略资本市场股票价格所提供的投资机会信号,偏离最优投资决策,降低公司投资股价之间敏感度。而较高的地方政府治理水平一方面通过约束内部人的机会主义行为,另一方面使企业拥有更多的外部融资便利,减少与政府的协调成本,提高市场配置资源的能力,从而提高投资股价敏感度。进一步研究发现,家族超额控制降低投资-股价敏感度的动机在地方政府治理水平较差的家族企业中更为显著,并且会降低投资对公司业绩的贡献程度。该研究发现不仅有助于我们从理论层面更好地理解镶嵌于政府层面代理问题的中国家族企业的投资行为,而且对于提高地方政府在维持证券市场的公共治理水平,进而推动我国家族企业健康发展有着重要的政策意义。  相似文献   

目前我国地方政府面临着养老保险支出日趋增加的压力,这也给地方经济发展形成了一定阻力。因而地方政府不得不对财政支出进行调节,以满足地方经济发展的需要。教育支出虽然对经济当期的增长贡献不大,但却是经济长期发展的主要推动因素。在养老保险支出比例增加的形势下,地方政府是否会因此而减少教育投资比例是一个值得思考的问题。本文正是基于这种考虑,以2007-2011年我国31个省市自治区的面板数据为样本,从教育的正外部性以及对经济发展影响的角度分析了不同经济水平的地方政府的调控行为。结果显示养老保险支出对教育投资确实存在挤出效应,但对于不同经济水平地区挤出效应力度不同。教育的正外部性并没有较大的阻碍经济落后地区对教育的投资;教育对经济的促进作用是地方政府考虑是否减小教育投资比例的主要因素,这也促成了经济发达地区的减小幅度较大,而经济落后地区的减小幅度较小的结果。  相似文献   

随着我国城镇化速度的加快,城镇发展对公共设施建设提出了巨大的需求,迫切需要以市场化、社会化为主要方向,改革城镇公共设施投资管理体制.针对公共定价、市场监管、投资方式等新问题,在财政政策领域,政府需要采取调整财政投资范围、配合公共设施服务市场监管、有效控制城镇财政债务风险、调整投资管理权限、积极推动公共设施投资方式改革等措施,完善公共设施投资管理体制,提高服务水平与质量,增进城镇居民福利水平.  相似文献   

我国的国情是“穷国”办了世界最大规模的教育,教育融资不足的问题是制约我国公立高等教育发展,乃至影响整个经济发展和社会进步的极为重要的课题。针对公立高等教育的准公共产品属性,我国公立高等教育融资需要国家、社会、学校及学生多主体同步推进,逐步加以解决。国家应该承担起教育投入的主要责任,合理规避高校贷款的融资风险;作为有益补充,学校可以采用稳步推进BOT融资等市场化融资手段,同时建立和完善“资本投资式”的助学贷款机制,减轻政府的财政负担。  相似文献   

支持技术创新发展的政府主导型风险投资机制设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从目前国际的发展形势来看,政府正在逐渐淡出或退出绝大多数风险投资机构的具体运作。但结合我国实际状况,政府有责任引导风险投资作为支持技术创新的重要融资手段。本文重点研究设计以"风险投资管理局"为核心的政府主导型风险投资机制,包括投资对象的综合评估与筛选、政府主导型风险投资融资方式、政府对投资公司的配套服务与扶持措施、政府对技术创新企业的承包采购政策及法律政策支持等。  相似文献   

证券市场机构投资者投资行为分析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
本文基于信息经济学和行为金融学的框架,考虑信息成本和投资者的有限理性,建立模型进行分析。通过实证研究进一步发现,中国证券市场的机构投资者的投资行为趋于价值化、长期化,而且上市公司质量、政府监管、机构投资者数量和中小投资者的学习能力对机构投资者的行为均有重要影响。基于实证结论和我国现实情况,提出相关建议。  相似文献   

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