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本文仅从生产管理角度出发,分析了企业中PCB生产管理失误的众多因素。讨论了对PCB污染后导致可焊性下降的形成机理,危害以及PCB可焊性下降后所造成的波峰焊钎接缺陷及其原因,提出了强化管理,提高PCB的可焊性,提高波峰焊接质量的措施,文中特别指出波峰焊与手工焊的区别,对焊点的概念作了明确的阐述。  相似文献   

自80年代中期IBMPC/AT奠定了当代微机技术开放式工业标准以来,经过十多年的市场验证,对于拥有一定资金实力和管理基础的现代化工业企业来说,利用全面成熟的OEM部件生产符合IBMPC/AT标准的个人电脑已不是一件难事。尽管很多电脑整机制造企业有着大...  相似文献   

IBM/k司和Nokia(诺基亚)公司共同宣布了一项全球合作计划以推动无线互联网加速成长,两家公司将合作开发企业级WAP解决方案使客户能够迅速将电子商务扩展到PC之外的各种移动设备上。根据两家公司达成的协议,IBM公司将在其PC服务器上安装和分销NokiaWAPServer软件,并购买Nokia公司核心WAP技术的许可.以便将其集成到其它IBM服务器平台。IBM和NOKIA合作推进移动互联网发展  相似文献   

面向网络时代的显示设备进入90年代以来 ,随着网络的兴起和迅猛发展 ,PC的应用空间更为广阔 ,用户在用计算机进行学习、工作、娱乐之余还将进入互联网世界 ,享受信息消费的乐趣。随着网络的迅猛发展 ,一系列与PC既相关又相异的互联网接入产品不断涌现 ,如掌上电脑、机顶盒、WEB -TV等 ,与此同时 ,传统电脑的使用复杂性也在进一步改善 ,设计上趋于简单而应用功能却不断优化。从技术体系看 ,现有的PC技术架构与互联网环境完全兼容 ,而且PC应用更趋向网络化。因此PC在今后网络时代将发挥更重要的作用。CRT显示器是PC的重…  相似文献   

本文简介了真空框架的结构,为满足金属芯印制板生产而设计的真空框架的原理,关键工艺和材料等。  相似文献   

闻名世界的十大名牌产品①可口可乐美国一位药剂师于1886年发明的著名饮料现已风靡世界.②IBM电脑美国国际商业机器公司于1981年推出IBMPC机,所产电脑曾垄断整个世界市场.③索尼电器日本索尼公司成立于1946年,首创半导体收音机,继而生产出世界一...  相似文献   

数字声音广播综述高凤吉邹峰(广播科学研究院)目前,采用数字方法进行声音广播有多种方式,使用频带和应用领域各异,下面作一简要综述。1NICAM 72880年代中,英国BBC研究部开发了声音的准瞬时压缩方式(NICAM),把线性14bit的PCM信号压缩...  相似文献   

IBM推出RS/6000新型服务器配置PowerPC604芯片面向决策用户IBM公司近日宣布推出三种新型RS/ofXX)服务器G40、J4O和R40。这几种服务器采用对称多处理器(SMP)运算方式,可提供具有高度扩充性和灵活性的解决方案,尤其适用于决...  相似文献   

本文介绍了Intel公司推出的PCI(PeripheralComponentInterconnect,外围部件互连)局部总线规格的特点,并与VL总线(VESALocalBus)进行了详细的比较。  相似文献   

这些商业策略到底是失误还是妙笔,至今还是人们争论的话题。但是,说他们伟大,是因为他们重新设计了我们的生活并且改变了整个世界。应该看到,第一台IBM PC所倡导的开放、普及的思想与网络时代的理念精髓一脉相承  相似文献   

采用新型的在大气气氛中烧结的铜厚膜多层导电浆料,应用厚膜混合技术制作了2。2GHz和2.8GHz的环行器。其性能指标可与同类型采用薄膜贵金属制作的环行器相媲美,且工艺简单,成本低及生产周期短。  相似文献   

The electric guitar is an ubiquitous part of contemporary consumer culture. In this Marketplace Icons contribution, we illuminate the iconicity of the electric guitar and what lies behind its thick layers of distorted riffs, mad soloing escapades and eccentric onstage performances, specifically within the rock genre. The genesis of electric guitar playing involves a series of technological alterations of the guitar that freed it from a mere background instrument allowing for new musical roles. It quickly became apparent that all the technical solutions designed to get rid of what was defined as unwanted noise could be turned “against” the clean tone and instead be used to create a unique sound. The control of these noise elements, such as feedback and distortion, became a core element of mastering the modern electric guitar. Rather than just being a marketplace icon, we argue that the electric guitar is fetishized because both its audio quality – the loudness and the potential roughness of the sound – and its visual looks and onstage performances symbolizes youthful rebellion, the essence of rock and roll.  相似文献   

The Effects of Organizational and Ethical Climates on Misconduct at Work   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
Questionnaire data obtained from 97 supervisory and nonsupervisory employees representing the Production, Production Services, Marketing, and Administration departments of an Israeli metal production plant were used to test the relationship between selected personal and organizational attributes and work related misbehavior. Following Vardi and Wiener's (1996) framework, Organizational Misbehavior (OMB) was defined as intentional acts that violate formal core organizational rules. We found that there was a significant negative relationship between Organizational Climate and OMB, and between the Organizational Climate dimensions (Warmth and Support, and Reward), and OMB. Also, the activities of misbehavior reported by both managers and employees were negatively related to the Rules, Instrumental and Caring dimensions of Ethical Climates as defined by Victor and Cullen (1988).  相似文献   

企业核心竞争力多层次灰色评价模型的构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
定性与定量相结合法适合对企业核心竞争力进行评价。灰色评价法能将定性分析与定量分析相结合。企业核心竞争力具有灰色系统的特征,运用灰色评价法比较合适。通过对企业核心竞争力评价指标体系的建立,运用多层次灰色评价法构建企业核心竞争力评价模型。  相似文献   

针对如何识别城市核心竞争力这一复杂的系统问题,采用系统分析的方法,从经济学和战略管理角度对城市核心竞争力要素进行界定,可以看出城市核心竞争力具有整合性和独特性的特点。所以在此基础上,通过对ELECTRE I决策方法进行改进,就可以建立识别城市核心竞争力的系统分析模型。  相似文献   

We present a new estimation method for Gaussian mixture modeling, namely, the kurtosis‐controlled expectation‐maximization (EM) algorithm, which overcomes the limitations of the usual estimation techniques via kurtosis control and kernel splitting. Our simulation study shows that the dynamic allocation of kernels according to the value of the total kurtosis measure makes the proposed kurtosis‐controlled EM algorithm an efficient method for Gaussian mixture density estimation. This algorithm yielded considerable improvements over the classical EM algorithm. We then used the discrete Gaussian mixture framework to account for the observed thick‐tailed distributions of futures returns and applied the kurtosis‐controlled EM algorithm to estimate the distributions of real (agricultural, metal, and energy) and financial (stock index and currency) futures returns. We proved that this framework is perfectly adapted to capturing the departures from normality of the observed return distributions. Unlike in previous studies, we found that a two‐component Gaussian mixture is too poor a model to accurately capture the distributional properties of returns. Similar results have been obtained for stocks, indexes, currencies, interest rates, and commodities. This has important implications in many financial studies using Gaussian mixtures to incorporate the thickness of the tails of the distributions in the computation of the value at risk or to infer implied risk‐neutral densities from option prices, to name but a few. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 21: 347–376, 2001  相似文献   

银行资本是银行经营的首要条件。我国国有商业银行的资本充足率一直不容乐观 ,且存在创新能力整体水平差 ,风险意识淡薄 ,风险管理组织结构不完善 ,人才严重匮乏等弊端。核心竞争力是核心能力和核心资源相互整合的结果。我国国有商业银行当务之急是尽快克服现存的弊端 ,整合核心资源 ,形成并提高核心竞争力  相似文献   


The twin pillars of big data and data analytics are rapidly transforming the institutional conditions that situate marketing research. In response, many proponents of culturalist paradigms have adopted the vernacular of ‘thick data’ to defend their vulnerable position in the marketing research field. However, thick data proselytising fails to challenge several outmoded ontological assumptions that are manifest in the big data myth and it situates socio-cultural modes of marketing thought in a counterproductive technocratic discourse. In building this argument, I first discuss the relevant historical continuities and discontinuities that have shaped the big data myth and the thick data opportunism. Next, I argue that culturally oriented marketing researchers should promote a different ontological frame— the analytics of marketplace assemblages—to address how big data, or more accurately its socio-technical infrastructure, produces new kinds of emergent and hybrid market structures, modes of social aggregation, consumption practices, and prosumptive capacities.  相似文献   

核心企业是供应链金融生态系统的信息交换中心、物流集散中心、资金结算中心、利益协调中心,也是系统中新能量的创造引擎以及能量扩散的源头。做好核心企业的能量扩散,可以起到优化整条供应链的作用,从而提升整条供应链的竞争能力。引进能量位势变量,构建核心企业能量扩散位势函数,函数的解表明,核心企业能量扩散发生的条件是扩散后收益大于扩散前收益,核心企业能量扩散效应与核心企业拥有的某种能量收益成正比,与核心企业能量扩散的成本成反比,与成员企业的吸收能力成正比。基于核心企业能量位势的构成要素,分析了核心企业能量扩散的动机和动力、成员企业的能量位势、成员企业的吸收保持能力以及企业间的网络能力四种因素对核心企业能量扩散的影响。  相似文献   

The focus of this paper is on analyzing how consumer evaluations of brand extensions with a moderate or poor fit to the core brand can be enhanced using advertising cues such as a fit prime and advertisement elements that are typically associated with the core brand. The results of the empirical study show that using a fit prime in advertisements is beneficial for moderately fitting brand extensions, but disadvantageous for poorly fitting extensions. Moreover, the results show that advertisement elements that are typically associated with the core brand can build links between the extension and the core brand and thus enhance the perceived fit. These findings imply that the options for extending a brand should not be considered as limited to product categories similar to the category of the core product because perceived fit can be influenced by communication. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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