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<正> 一、技术传播的跨国化趋势1.技术转让的基本概念国际技术转让(International Technology Transfer),指的是将三种技术要素即技能、工艺和知识,从一国到另一国,从一个企业到另一个企业地转移,这种  相似文献   

<正> 合同责任与侵权责任是民法中最基本的两种责任形式。由于不法行为人行为的多重性,使得同一违法行为出现了合同责任与侵权责任竞合的现象。在国际经济贸易实践中,基于国际货物买卖合同、国际货物运输合同、国际租赁合同、国际劳务合同、国际技术转让合同等产生的  相似文献   

<正> 保密是技术贸易合同的特有条款,也是技术贸易中的一个重要问题。订立好技术贸易合同中的保密条款,正确处理技术转让中的保密问题,对于我们做好技术转让工作至关重要。本文拟就技术贸易合同中的保密问题谈一点粗浅的看法。  相似文献   

一、技术贸易谈判的几个基本问题国际间的技术转让,在极大多数情况下,技术是从一个生产企业,跨越国界,流向另一个生产企业。而技术的流转过程,不仅仅是技术资料的传递,还包括着技术的传授与学习过程。所以国际间的技术转让,技术转让的双方之间,决不是简单的买卖关系,而是合作关系。双方在技术的传递、传授、学习等方面合作所涉及的诸多问题的处置与安排,是通过谈判而达成协议的,最后写成合同,合同就成为约束双方  相似文献   

<正> 国际技术转让不同于一般的国际商事交易,它涉及到两种法律关系:一是国际技术转让合同法律关系,即当事人之间的权利义务关系;二是国际技术转让行政法律关系,即与技术转让有关的国家与当事人间根据该国法律、法令而产生的管理和被管理的关系。实际上,第二种法律关系一般不会产生法律适用上的冲突,因为有关国家的这些法律、法令仅具有域内效力,他国不承认其域外效力,从而各国仅适用本国的有关法律、法令。因  相似文献   

招标的结束,同时也是技术转让谈判的开始2006年12月16日,中印日韩美五国能源部长会议在北京举行,但是即使是《五国能源部长联合声明》,也无法掩盖中国国家发改委主任马凯和美国能源部长鲍德曼代表中美两国政府签署的另一份备忘录的闪光。在同一天马凯和鲍德曼签署的《中美签署先进压水堆核电技术转让谅解备忘录》背后,是一单价值数十亿美元的全球最大核电采购合同。自2004年9月中国政府决定为浙江三门,广  相似文献   

<正> 广东梅州市的罗先生,在报上看到武汉某科技有限公司刊登的跨世纪能源——新型低成本高能合成液化气广告,觉得前景诱人,于是就前往武汉实地考察,并与该公司签订了《技术转让合同》。合同约定:该公司(甲方)将合成液化气生产技术转让给乙方;保证化工原料在乙方当地易购并保证每瓶气生产成本不超过20元。乙方向甲方支付技术使用费8800元。罗带着合同回到梅州市购买原料生产,但跑遍了整个市区都无法买到生产合成液化气的原料。他向武汉该公司求助,该公司置之不理。一气之下,杨先生找到律师事务所准备起诉该公司。当他向律师说明事因并出示了与该公司签订的《技术转让合同》时,律师看后对他说,你中了  相似文献   

近一段时期,工商行政管理机关不断接到举报和投诉,反映一些违法分子打着科技开发中心、技术研究所的幌子,以提供快速致富的高新技术或实用技术为内容,发布虚假的技术广告,诱使客户签订技术转让合同或技术服务合同,以骗取客户的保证金、技术转让费、材料设备款等财产。笔者对 29起举报和投诉的案例进行了分析。技术合同共分为 4类,即技术开发合同、技术转让合同、技术咨询合同和技术服务合同。技术欺诈活动多出现在技术转让合同和技术服务合同领域。由于技术合同有着一定的技术性和专业背景,其所涉及标的是无形财产,与有形财产不…  相似文献   

目前,随着我国对外贸易的不断扩大,在加强与世界各国的经济技术合作的交往过程中,不可避免地会出现和碰到大量的商务洽谈及签约中的法律问题。本文拟就涉外经济合同以及有关的法律问题谈点看法。一、法律特征、基本原则、成立要件与条款内容涉外经济合同,就是我国具有法人资格的企业或其它经济组织与外国企业或个人之间所订立的、为实现一定经济目的而明确相互权利义务的书面协议。涉外经济合同包括的范围较广,如中外合资企业合同、国际技术转让合同、国际工程承包合同和国际货物买卖  相似文献   

<正> 引进国外技术专利和设备,对提高企业竞争力,缩短与国际先进水平的差距有着十分现实的意义。但是在国际技术贸易中,陷井重重,稍有不慎,就会上当受骗。总结正反两方面的实践,“四个弄清”是企业高质高效引进国外技术专利的前提。 1.弄清专利技术的所有者,以防专利侵权。国际间技术转让频繁而又复杂,技术转让者并不一定是技术所有者。如果在引进技术时,不寻根问源,弄清来龙去脉,不了解产权属谁,专利权人是谁,就有可能触及专利所有者的权益,而招致损失。过去国内有不少企业在这方面吃了很多苦头,花巨资引进A国公司先进生产线,没想到侵犯了B国公司的专利,被人家找上门来打官司,一赔就是几十万美元。1987年国内某手表  相似文献   

In food research, temperature is one of the variables that must be controlled at all times; household electric ovens are often used for this purpose. The aim of this study was to determine whether an electronic temperature controller (ETC) – an electronic apparatus with a solid-state switch and sensitive sensor – can provide improved temperature control, and consequently sustained food quality, compared with a capillary thermostat in a household electric oven. It was found that the ETC is indeed able to provide better temperature control in household electric ovens. It can, therefore, make a valuable contribution to food research, where consistency during replication is vital for the reliability of research results.  相似文献   

谢三山 《中国市场》2008,(19):86-87
在现代物流设备中,电子设备所占的比例越来越大,而对电子设备的诊断检测,示波器因其使用方便、准确,得到了越来越广泛的运用,本文以汽车电控燃油喷射发动机的磁电式发动机曲轴位置传感器和光电式发动机曲轴位置传感器为例,介绍波形分析在传感器检测中的应用。并能推及其他物流设备发动机的其他元器件的波形分析方法。  相似文献   

提出了一种利用霍尔传感器对电网电流进行非接触测量的方法 ,推导出了用霍尔传感器测量高压大电流的数学模型 ,在三相并行输电下 ,理论上推导出总磁场公式 ,并确定出检测方案。对传感器部分的电路结构进行了论证 ,利用单片机进行标度变换和数字显示。  相似文献   

This paper examines the effect of heterogeneity in clearing members’ exposure management practices under central clearing. Our network model specifies the dynamics of prenetted interbank exposures to shape interdependent exposure distributions beyond normality. Employing over-the-counter derivatives market data from the U.S. Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, our simulation results indicate that heterogeneity in bank-to-bank exposure dynamics is systemically desirable, while the entire system benefits more from the central clearing in more homogeneous environments. Policymakers should incentivize individual clearing members to enhance resiliency and stability in counterparty exposure management to maximize netting efficiency under central clearing.  相似文献   

This study examines whether changes in the frequency of market clearing or changes in trading hours on competing exchanges that use different auction systems affect the volatility of futures prices. In particular, this study exploits a natural experiment in the frequency of market clearing of stock index futures contracts traded on the Taiwan Futures Exchange (TAIFEX) to assess whether successive increases in the frequency of market clearing are associated with changes in the volatility of futures prices. The impact of changes in the trading hours on the TAIFEX and on the competing Singapore Exchange (SGX) where a similar Taiwanese stock index futures contract trades under a continuous auction market regime is also examined. The evidence for the impact of an increase in the frequency of market clearing on volatility is mixed. However, the introduction of simultaneous opening times for the TAIFEX (which batches orders at the open) and the SGX (which does not) is associated with a significant reduction in the volatility in SGX Taiwanese stock index futures prices. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 27:1219–1243, 2007  相似文献   

Based on experiences from the financial crisis, it was decided at the G20 summit in Pittsburgh in 2009 that OTC derivatives transactions should be predominantly cleared through central counterparties (CCP). CCPs contribute to a reduction of systemic risk. The global clearing volume of OTC interest rate, equity and currency derivatives is approximately USD 400 trillion per year. In light of the upcoming Brexit, the question arises as to whether or not the clearing of euro denominated OTC derivatives, currently performed primarily by the London based clearing house LCH Clearnet, should remain in the UK due to economies of scale available to LCH Clearnet as the current European market leader. On the other hand, CCPs are of increasing importance for financial stability in the eurozone, particularly because of potential spillover effects on monetary policy if a systemically important CCP experiences financial distress. Hence, a relocation of euro OTC derivatives clearing from the UK to the EU would ensure direct supervision by European authorities. Opponents of a relocation are concerned about decreasing market liquidity and capital efficiency alongside higher transaction costs due to market fragmentation. The analysis presented in this paper shows that the existing relocation cost estimates of up to USD 100 billion are far too high; realistically, they can be expected to amount to just USD 3.2 billion over a period of five years.  相似文献   

This article studies the effects of the Dominican Republic-Central America-United States Free Trade Agreement (US-CAFTA-DR) on the world fiber market using a partial equilibrium modeling approach. We find the effect of the agreement on the U.S. cotton yarn and Caribbean cotton apparel industries to be positive while the U.S. cotton apparel industry suffers significant losses. Cotton apparel producers in the Caribbean region gain approximately $80 million under US-CAFTA-DR while gains by the U.S. yarn industry average about $120 million over current trade arrangements. The U.S. cotton apparel industry loses about $40 million per year under US-CAFTA-DR.  相似文献   

In order to analyse the role of competition in the post-trade markets a normative network economic analysis of the securities business is provided. The theory of monopolistic bottlenecks constitutes the theoretical reference point for this analysis in order to identify stable network specific market power. It is shown that clearing and settlement are competitive value-added telecommunications services and therefore do not justify ex ante market power regulation. Precondition for competition on the markets for clearing and settlement is non-discriminatory access to the complementary technical regulatory function-the notary function (authenticity, registry, links between competing end custodians). JEL classification  L51, L96, G28  相似文献   

银行支付结算服务收费是根据承担的责任和业务成本以及应付给有关部门的费用而收取的,商业银行收费应遵循合理、公开、诚信和质价相符的原则.文章分析了目前银行收费中存在的问题,同时也提出了加强支付结算服务收费管理的对策建议.  相似文献   

国债市场是经济运行中的重要组成部份,其流动性是国债市场效率高低的重要标志。我国国债市场被人为地分割为二个市场和三个托管清算体系,严重阻碍了国债市场的流动。通过运用买卖差价法和马丁指数的方法对我国国债市场的宽度和深度进行度量分析,进一步验证了我国国债市场流动性差的原因主要是市场分割、产品设计和参与者三方面因素。应采取统一国债市场,整合托管清算体系,增加债券的交易品种,完善交易者结构等措施,提高我国国债市场的流动性。  相似文献   

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