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21世纪来了,数字生活也已从幕后走向前台。许多人们、许多媒体都曾经或正在闭上眼睛,对明天的数字生活抒发畅想:数字化的明天,将这样这样…… 然而在数字生活已初现轮廓的今天,仅仅闭上眼睛畅想还远远不能尽览数字时代的风光。本期《中国电子商务》推出的专题报道——“数字生活进行时”,全面展现各各路厂商的数字产品为中国百姓提供的数字生活,让您对进行中的数字生活有一个清醒、多元、立体的认知。  相似文献   

数字经济是数字产业的时代背景,数字产业的兴盛是数字经济区别于其他时代的最显著特征。数字资产包括但不限于数据资产,数字化的数据可以成为数字资产,但数字资产的范围更广。数字资产具有无实物形态、不能独立发挥作用、可以无限复制、成本与数量无关、价值极不确定、收益可能大大偏离成本等特征。数字资产的确认、计量、信息披露缺少企业会计准则的指引,只能在实务中进行摸索。  相似文献   

当前,互联网引领数字经济将传统部门逐步数字化,不断创造新的商业模式。全球贸易正在经历数字贸易的引领和驱动。数字贸易由服务业逐步向制造业扩展,迈向数字化和智能化。数字贸易是制度创新建规则、管理创新建平台、技术创新数字化三维驱动下,将数字化的贸易内容一站式便利贸易的新型业态。"21世纪数字丝绸之路"建设、5G商用、《二十国集团数字经济发展与合作倡议》及强大的互联网市场、庞大的电商市场,为我国数字贸易发展提供了大好机遇,同时也面临着制度创新、管理创新、技术创新三大挑战。我国在数字贸易实践中,应充分借鉴发达国家的经验,利用好国际合作平台,通过多边谈判形成数字贸易规则;结合实际尽快制定管理政策,在政策引导下细分管理措施,强化数字贸易平台管理,反对平台垄断,对中小平台进行柔性管理,鼓励有实力的平台进行协同创新,突破管理瓶颈,创新实现智能化管理;技术创新主要解决数字产业化、产业数字化问题。  相似文献   

李辉  崔真 《中国物价》2023,(12):64-67
数字人才是数字经济发展的核心要素。本文通过厘清美国、英国、德国、日本、欧盟、加拿大等主要发达经济体数字人才建设体系,概括了发达国家数字人才建设在战略规划、教育机制、引才模式、培训体系、技能标准和治理主体等六大方面的基本动向及显著特征。结合我国基本国情和现实需要,从加强顶层设计、探索培养机制、创新引进模式、完善技能框架、强化协同治理、营造发展生态等方面,提出加强我国数字人才队伍建设的政策建议。  相似文献   

巫国义 《商》2014,(49):161-161
近年来我国数字出版产业快速发展,但在数字出版市场上仍存在结构不合理、产品标准不统一等问题,本文通过对数字出版市场的分析,提出了培育数字出版市场的措施。  相似文献   

数字城市及其系统架构探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市管理最根本的任务就是在城市中创造良好的物质环境和人文环境,实现城市社会经济可持续发展的目标,并带动周边地域社会经济的健康发展。伴随着城市化进程的加快,经营城市理念的实质扩展,我国城市管理中的一些问题,逐步暴露出来。建立并完善与之协调的国民经济信息系统,实现城市数字化,对于城市的公共管理、应对城市突发公共事件和城市经济动员是非常有效的。本文对数字城市、数字社区与数字城市规划信息系统、数字城市架构等问题进行探讨。  相似文献   

经历了农业经济和工业经济阶段,数字经济时代悄然到来,为社会的生产方式带来了巨大的变革。近年来,我国正致力于推进“一带一路”倡议,而新疆区域作为规划中的枢纽地带,发展数字经济中具有独特的地域优势,探索新疆数字经济的发展路径,有助于提升新疆经济的高质量发展。通过借鉴《新疆数字经济发展研究报告(2021)》中的相关数据,针对新疆数字经济的发展状况进行了深入的剖析,挖掘其中的不足之处,进而分析通过促进新疆区域经济均衡发展、提高数字产业发展比例、扩大产业数字发展规模、加快新型基础设施建设、健全新兴科技人才机制这五个路径,促进新疆数字化产业的转型和升级。  相似文献   

方仁 《理财周刊》2006,(9):40-42
一个亲人的离去往往令人难受。但是对于现代人来讲,一个亲人去世带来的,很可能不仅仅是难过,还可能带来很多不必要的麻烦。原因在于,我们所处的这个时代是数字时代。而给我们带来麻烦的正是数字资产。  相似文献   

Digital technologies are revolutionizing traditional interdependencies among businesses. As a result, managers have begun to recognize their business environments as digital ecosystems. For firms accustomed to framing their business environments as industries, this represents a significant shift in perspective—one that requires an understanding of fresh strategic initiatives necessary to compete in the digital era. In this article, we highlight what is new and different about digital ecosystems for firm strategy. We offer frameworks that explain how digital ecosystems provide firms with new sources of value and new avenues for growth. Two sets of underlying concepts govern these frameworks: (1) production and consumption ecosystems and (2) digital envelopes and product-in-use information. We introduce and elaborate upon these foundational concepts and highlight new strategic options for firms to compete in digital ecosystems.  相似文献   

数字中频接收机(DIFR)是对中频信号直接采样,其信道化功能由数字正交下变频器和数字滤波器来实现。因此,DIFR适用于接收和处理多载波、多模式信号,可解决很多种信号之间的互通互连问题。本文基于DIFR对动态范围、带宽、自动增益控制和高速信号采集等技术需求,优化设计了一种大动态宽带DIFR,给出了该系统的实现方案、各部分的参数分配及系统设计指标;给出了一种新型的数字自动增益控制(DAGC)实现电路,并提出了其控制算法。  相似文献   

本文以新型数字交换机系统为背景,提出了全数字音信号和多频互控信号的设计方法。讨论了电路原理、编码方式,电平设计和脉冲信号的时序关系。最后给出了电原理图和试验数据结果。  相似文献   

出口市场多元化应包括四个方面的内涵:首先,市场多元化是指区域多元化,即出口市场应全方位、多角度分布于世界各地,而不仅仅聚集于少数市场;其次是指商品多元化,因为商品是市场的核心内容,一国对外贸易,不单单是点多、面广,而且商品品种、规格、档次等都要多样化,才能符合不同消费层次的需求;第三,出口市场多元化应包括经营手段的多样化,即开拓海外市场要采取灵活多变的方式、方法。  相似文献   

本文基于泛函分析中内积空间理论建立了信号空间,将时频信号表示成相互正交的矢量,然后对时频组合调制系统进行了性能分析。给出了在AWGN信道匹配子空间解调器的条件下,对四时四频系统进行性能分析的过程,分析的结果得到了计算机模拟试验的验证。文中最后也推广给出M进制n时n频时频组合调制的误码率公式。  相似文献   

王佳 《对外经贸》2021,(4):95-97
疫情加速了全球数字化发展,为开拓国际市场、引进优质资源,推动形成更加开放的新发展格局提供了新动能。新余市近年来大力发展数字经济,取得了一定的成就,同时也存在瓶颈约束,新一代信息技术产业亟待壮大夯实,制造业数字化水平有待提升,数字经济人才聚集能力急待强化,可从强化规划及政策设计、培养数字经济领域人才等方面多管齐下促进数字经济发展。  相似文献   

随着数字校园建设的不断深入,服务器数量出现了大量增长的趋势。本文从分析数字资源存储存在的问题八手,通过使用资泺存储虚拟化技术。重点规划了数字资源的虚拟化存储方案;从建设目标着手,实施符合取舍与平衡的规划,本文认为可以降低服务器的购置成本、存储成本和维护成本等问题。  相似文献   

During the past quarter-century, digital technologies-based innovations for creating, communicating, and delivering products of value to customers have significantly risen in importance to the competitiveness of firms. Digital technologies-based innovations have been transformational in numerous ways, such as their impact on firms’ marketing behaviors, consumers’ search and buying behaviors, and the structural characteristics of markets and industries. Against this backdrop, this article provides a perspective on the evolution of research and practice in digital product innovations and digital marketing innovations. Specifically, the article focuses on (a) innovations for the greater good in the domain of the former and (b) direct and mediated communications through social media platforms and omnichannel marketing in the domain of the latter. In respect of each of the above, the article provides an overview of the evolution and current state of the field, highlights certain current issues and the trajectory of the field, and proposes directions for future research.  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》2014,57(6):703-708
Changes in consumer behavior require firms to rethink their marketing strategies in the digital domain. Currently, a significant portion of the associated research is focused more on the customer than on the firm. To redress this shortcoming, this study adopts the perspective of the firm to facilitate an understanding of digital marketing and social media usage as well as its benefits and inhibitors. The second generation of Internet-based applications enhances marketing efforts by allowing firms to implement innovative forms of communication and co-create content with their customers. Based on a survey of marketing managers, this article shows that firms face internal and external pressures to adopt a digital presence in social media platforms. Firms’ digital marketing engagement can be categorized according to perceived benefits and digital marketing usage. To improve digital marketing engagement, marketers must focus on relationship-based interactions with their customers. This article demonstrates how some firms are already accomplishing just that.  相似文献   

《Journal of Retailing》2015,91(2):343-357
Technology is transforming the marketing function in many ways, and this transformation is particularly apparent for information goods such as movies where digital technologies provide marketers with new distribution channels, which in turn create new opportunities for cross-channel effects. However, these digital channels also provide researchers with new opportunities to measure micro-level customer behavior to understand the impact of cross-channel effects in real-world settings.In this paper, we study cross-channel effects between movies sold in digital purchase (commonly known as Electronic Sell Through or EST) and digital rental (commonly known as Video-On-Demand or VOD) markets. We do this using a unique sales dataset from a major digital movie retailer provided by a major movie studio. Our analysis takes advantage of a 14-week field experiment that allows us to measure the impact of price discounts on own- and cross-channel sales. We use this experiment to estimate own and cross price elasticities, whether price discounts cannibalize future sales, and most importantly whether price discounts in one channel affect sales for the same product in a presumably competing channel.Our analysis indicates that digital movie consumers are highly sensitive to price promotions. However, we also find that, contrary to expectations, price promotions in a digital sales channel for a movie do not seem to cannibalize digital rentals. Indeed, our results suggest that, if anything, price promotions for digital movie sales can increase digital rentals. We explore a variety of explanations for this counterintuitive result, including the possibility that the ease of information transmission online through third-party websites, blogs, and online discussion areas may create information spillovers such that price discounts in one channel may increase product awareness in other competing sales channels. From a managerial perspective, our results suggest that cross-channel cannibalization can be reduced or even reversed in the presence of information spillovers, and that there are many new opportunities for marketers to directly measure these cross-channel effects using experimental data from online platforms.  相似文献   

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