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操纵原子“写”汉字纳米加工,原子操纵可以说是当今物理科学技术的最前沿。1989年,美国斯坦福大学的阿尔布勒奇等人在晶态石墨表面已搬走原子团,“写”下了“STANFORDUNIVERSITY”字样,线宽9纳米。1990年国际商业机器公司的埃格勒,在摄氏...  相似文献   

全新优航终端近期上市由优航计算机系统有限公司研制生产的UNIMACCT-700A中英文图形终端将于近期投放市场,为竞争激烈、色彩纷呈的国内终端市场再添新姿。优航公司是美国UNISYS公司与中国航天工业总公司的合资企业。即将上市的UNIMACCT-70...  相似文献   

软件工具去年,很多工程应用软件都由UNIX转移到WindowsNT操作系统上,在不同厂商提供的应用软件之间以及工程设计过程的不同阶段之间开始普遍考虑互操作性的问题,同时,电子设计的主流也开始大量使用形式化验证方法。1997年,从UNIX向Window...  相似文献   

多媒体走近你我他●纪车多媒体发展到今天,已差不多伸向人类社会的各个角落。记得中学英语课本中有一篇课文,就是设想了INFUTURE2000年,人们坐在家中购物、看病等,今天已基本实现了。下面介绍几种在我国即将社会化商品化的多媒体产品:会议电话:由录相机...  相似文献   

UNIX标准化新动向及市场发展趋势李林20多年前诞生的UHIX,以其具备许多特色,如模块化设计、用C语言编写、多用户、多任务、移植性好、精巧的文件系统以及管道(PLPE)机制等而闻名于世。80年代后期工作站的兴起及普及,在计算机界掀起一股UNIX热潮...  相似文献   

华人电脑企业联手开发网络数据管理系统两家美国华人电脑大企业——王嘉廉的国际计算机同仁公司和胡艾瑞征(REIJANEHUAI)的成阳软件(CHEYENNESOFT-WARE)公司日前在纽约宣布联手开发网络数据存储管理系统。国际计算机同仁公司擅长开发企业...  相似文献   

11月,MD分会、《市场与电脑》杂志社及北京财贸管理干部学院,在北京联合组织举办了计算机2000年问题专题研讨会。国内贸易局、北京市商委、北京市电子办有关领导,北京各大商业企业及部分经济类院校的代表40余人参加了会议。会议围绕着部分商业企业已经出现的计算机2000年问题,如:商品2000年保质期问题,2000年商品订货问题等问题进行了专题研讨。解决计算机2000年问题不仅是个技术问题,而更主要的是关系到经济持续发展,社会稳定的政治问题,既要抓紧时间测试,制定有效解决方案,又要从稳定和防止意外的角…  相似文献   

IBM eServer P系列2002新策略出台 IBM eServer p系列的“燃情IBM UNIX之2002”新闻发布会在京召开。IBM企业系统部eServer p系列太中华地区总经理姜锡岫先生风趣的说:“以前IBM是蓝色的,比如‘蓝色闪电’、‘蓝色风暴’还有‘小深蓝’。今年我们将会是红色的,因为红色充满激情,红色象征硕果累累。” 姜锡岫先生强调说:“去年,我们已经夺得了UNIX市场的第一。今年,我们的目标就是进一步扩大我们的领先优势,依靠P系列产品、技术和渠道等方面的优势从竞争对手那里赢得更多的…  相似文献   

公司名称销售额(亿美元)利润(亿美元)雇员人数(人)1.INGRAMMICRO2203424514,2562.MCKESSONHBOC2085715513,7003.SUPERVALU1720123138,0164.CARDINALHEALTH1591824711,2005.SYSCO1532829733,4006.FLEMING15069-51138,1007.BERGENBRUNSWIG1372000354008.TECHDATA115291298,0459.AMERISOURCEHEALTH85750513,10010.CHSELECTRONICS85460466,80011.ARROWELECTRONICS83451469,70012.BINDLEYWESTER…  相似文献   

Znet通信软件系统新疆地球物理研究所张耀臣同志利用其曾在芝加哥伊理诺斯理工学院开发的,基于以太传输和XNS通信协议的部门级UNIX环境的局域网络软件包IIT/ECE/ELAN,在回国后经过近四年的努力,终于成功地开发出符合我国国情的Znet通信软件...  相似文献   

与1807年《法国商法典》相比,2000年《法国商法典》立足法国商事活动的发展变化而不断丰富实践,充分汲取两百余年的实践经验,已经形成一套体例完备、原则清晰、运作规范的法律体系,成为欧洲民商立法的典范。立法者在该法的概念界定、适应场域等方面几经思考沉淀,在立法原则方面,该部法典也是历经商主体主义到商行为主义再到折中主义的不断演进。但是由于时代更迭的现实需要,20年来,《法国商法典》的再发展与最新修订与时俱进、效果明显。本文尝试通过对比1807年和2000年《法国商法典》,评述2000年《法国商法典》的特点,并对2000年以来的再发展特征加以描述性解释,介绍其最新成果,以期为中国民商事立法提供有益的“法国经验”。  相似文献   

The purpose of child restraint seats (CRS) is to reduce the number of individuals killed or injured in motor vehicle (MV) crashes. Japanese Road Traffic Law 17-3-4 (April 2000) specifies a requirement that CRS be used for all children aged 0-5 years. The objective of this evaluation was to determine the legislative impact on fatalities in Japan for the period 1994-2005. Data were obtained from the Institute for Traffic Accident Research and Data Analysis. A time-series Poisson regression model was used to analyse the change (6 years pre/post) in incidence rate ratios of fatality and injury in MV crashes among children ages 0-5 years. Despite increases in CRS use, fatalities failed to decrease significantly after enactment of the law (incidence rate ratio: 0.80; 95% CI: 0.49-1.31). In 2005, 67% of children aged 0-5 years, who were killed as MV occupants were not seated in CRS. Between 2000 and 2005, the lack of CRS led to 43% of front seat passenger deaths, 54% of rear seat deaths, 143 children died in total and 500 + children were seriously injured. It was found that the compulsory CRS law enacted in April 2000 did not result in a statistically significant reduction in child MV occupant fatalities and injuries in Japan.  相似文献   

Interview with Xie Zhongmei, Counsellor of the Economic and Commercial Counsellor's Office of the Embassy of P. R. China Q1. This year is the 50th Anniver-sary of diplomatic relations between China and Syria, and the friendship between the two countries can trace back to 2000 years ago. Would you introduce the development situation of economy and trade relationship between China and Syria?  相似文献   

In reccnt years,the state-owned economy in Shanghai has been going through a stead growth.At the same time,as long as Shanghai's economic reform deepens,the growth of non-public sectors has also maintained a robust momentum.Specifically.the proportion of the state-owned economy in Shanghai has decreased from 55% in 2000 to 47.9% in 2006.while the proportion of the non-public sectors has increased from 28.6% in 2000 to 44.1% in 2006. Based on the ratio decrease of Shanghai's state-owned economy in the who...  相似文献   

Since 1997 to 2000, CCPIT has organized domestic enterprises to participate in 7 Partenariats in Europe for 4 successive years, 146 Chinese enterprises had conducted598 rounds of business negotiations, and had reached53 cooperative agreements  相似文献   

中国人口地区分布现状及其历史变迁   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据 2 0 0 0年人口普查资料 ,分析了我国人口的地区分布特征及其在过去 70年中的变化过程。研究表明 :中国人口分布的地区差异大 ,人口分布的总格局是东密西疏。 70多年来 ,我国人口地区分布的总趋势是由东向西倾斜 ,全国人口分布的重心也向西北方向移动 ,但在不同的历史阶段上 ,人口地区分布的变化趋势各不相同。我国人口地区分布的集中程度在降低 ,人口的分布趋于“均匀化”  相似文献   

Road traffic injuries in general and pedestrian injuries in particular are a major public health problem in Mexico, especially in large urban areas. Analysis of mortality and road crashes at the national level was done using routine data recorded on death certificates. Fatality rates for different age groups were estimated by region for the year 2000. These data were supplemented by a cross-sectional study of pedestrian injuries in Mexico City based on death certificates information for pedestrians who lived and died in Mexico City between 1994 and 1997. Participant observation of physical spaces where crashes occurred was carried out. The spaces were filmed and in-depth interviews of survivors conducted. Road traffic crashes were responsible for approximately 17,500 deaths in Mexico during 2000. The mean age of the victims was 37 years. Mexico lost an average of 30 years of productive life for each individual who died in a traffic crash – 525,000 years in 2000. An estimated 9500 (54.3%) of all fatalities were pedestrians, and for every pedestrian death there were 13 others who sustained nonfatal injuries requiring medical care. The overall crude mortality rate for pedestrian injuries in Mexico City was 7.14 per 100,000 (CI 6.85-7.42). A concentration of deaths was observed in 10 neighborhoods at specific types of street environments. The underlying factors included dangerous crossings and the absence or inadequacy of pedestrian bridges, as well as negative perceptions of road safety by pedestrians. In conclusion, this study demonstrates the importance of elucidating the underlying contextual determinants of pedestrian injuries.  相似文献   

1995-2006年美国对中国反倾销的实证分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李晓峰  冷莎 《财贸研究》2007,18(6):73-78
本文对比入世之前6年(1995-2000年)和入世之后6年(2001-2006年)美国对中国反倾销情况,从案件的申诉数量与金额、行业分布和裁决结果三个方面展开,重点分析入世后其变化趋势和可能的原因,并对中国企业在入世后如何应对美国反倾销变化提出一些建议。  相似文献   

海洋环境监测高频地波雷达的研究现状与发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高频地波雷达作为一种海洋遥感的重要手段,已有30多年的历史,它可用于海洋表面风、浪、流等状态参数的提取,还可用于目标探测,在专属经济区的监测中,高频地波雷达具有无可比拟的优势。本文介绍了高频地波雷达的发展历史和研究现状及其应用领域,详细叙述了武汉大学研制的高频地波雷达OSMAR2000的体系结构、性能指标和信号处理方法,最后对该研究领域的发展趋势作了简要分析。  相似文献   


The study presented here analyzes mining accidents and fatal injuries in Serbian underground coal mines over a period of 50?years, in order to assess the effectiveness of legislation changes in the overall safety of work environment. Two distinct periods, prior to 2000 and after 2000 were compared. The data from the period after 2000 were further analyzed to provide better understanding of the results. In order to assess the overall state of safety in Serbian mines, the data on fatal injuries were also compared to the international data. It was found that the legislative changes are more easily accepted by the common workers than by the mine management. Consequently, the key recommendation for the safety of coal mine companies in Serbia is the investment in the new technology. Additionally, mine management should be in the focus of the mining inspection with a stronger penal policy regarding mine safety neglect.  相似文献   

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