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校园网的路由策略选择及实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
校园网出口带宽不足已成为众多高校面临的严重问题,为了解决问题,我们提出了增加一条接入链路和一台路由器的方案,利用基于策略路由、静态路由选择和网络地址翻译(NAT)等技术,有效解决了网络瓶颈问题,在合理利用现有CERNET网络资源的同时,还可使用当地网络服务提供商(ISP)提供的带宽高速安全地上网。  相似文献   

计算机网络中在网间网上移动分组和数据传输的网络映射是用算法和协议动态完成的,这些事法和协议就是我们所说的动态路由选择协议,动态路由协议是路由器在网络层转发分组运用的主要方法。另一种在网间转发分组的方法是静态路由协议,由管理员手动添加路由到路由表中,这里根据各种路由协议的转发分组特点主要讨论一下几种动态路也办议的工作原理和在网络中的重要地位。  相似文献   

适时地转发数字化音频/视频信息的需求,对下一代综合业务宽带网络(ISBN)提出了新的挑战,其关键问题之一是服务质量的路由选择;它依据提供的服务质量参数,来选择有充足资源的网络路由。本文是关于路由选择问题的分类,指出了不同路由选择策略的优势和弱点。  相似文献   

传统的IP路由协议采用最短路径算法(SPF),极易造成网络的拥塞.流量工程是目前网络中实现负载均衡和提高网络性能的一个重要技术.文中简要介绍了MPLS流量工程,重点分析了MPLS流量工程中所使用的路由协议约束路由,给出了约束的计算方法以及路由度量选择的准则.  相似文献   

战术通信的网络体系结构直接影响网络总体作战效能和组织应用模式,研究战术通信的网络体系结构具有十分重要的意义.对移动adhoc网络进行了简要的概述,并探讨了路由协议中的几个关键技术问题.  相似文献   

随着时代的发展,原有的通信网络已经不能更好满足网络发展和运营需求。在这种情况下,就应该研究出一种能满足当代乃至未来多样化、个性化需求的网络技术。全光通信网的出现,凭借其独特的优势能更好的在通信网络中应用,也能更好满足实际需求。而要想使全光通信网更好满足实际需求,还需要从全光通信网概况、全光通信网发展状况、全光通信网应用等方面出发,对全光通信网及其应用于发展进行分析。  相似文献   

局间中继线路是本地网及市内电话网的大动脉,必须保证安全可靠,使用灵活方便和技术经济合理.为此,对中继路由必须进行有效的组织和合理的设置,这是网路规划的重要内容之一.本文介绍数字中继路由的选择与分析计算.  相似文献   

王丽丽  褚梅  张欣 《致富时代》2010,(12):199-199
在刚刚接触网络知识的时候,有时候总是会被一个问题所困扰,那就是桥接、交换和路由之间的区别,相信大部分初学计算机网络知识的学生都会有这样的情况。该文就带着大家一起来了解什么是桥接、交换和路由,并且对于三者之间的区别及应用场景敞个详细的介绍。  相似文献   

针对现有通信网络在实际应用中暴露出来的在信息安全方面的诸多问题,本论文详细分析了通信网络信息安全的管理现状,在此基础上重点探讨研究了2G、3G通信网络的信息安全防范技术措施,并给出了具体的完善机制与建议.  相似文献   

针对移动自组织网动态源路由协议(DSR)中旧路径中断至新路径建立期间存在的丢包和端到端时延问题,设计了一种基于阈值判断的路由发现和维护算法,以优化路由协议性能。该方法首先定义节点电池能量和节点接收信号能量双阈值等级,分别用于衡量节点和既存链路状态;然后修改路由发现和路由维护算法,使动态源路由具备阈值判断功能。分别对增强型动态源路由协议(EDSR)包传递率和端到端时延等性能随节点数目和移动速度等参数的变化规律进行了软件仿真。实验结果表明,节点数目超过150或者速度小于10 m/s时,EDSR端到端时延和包传递率优于DSR,其他性能基本相当,因此EDSR协议性能得到明显改善,为低速大规模移动自组网路由协议提供了重要参考。  相似文献   

本文首先简述链路层的环境,然后对计时进程设计、链路层的超时和繁忙状态处理作了详细的分析说明。  相似文献   

This paper explores the relationship between absorptive capacity, knowledge sourcing strategy, alliance forms, and firm performance. Based on the literature, the concept of a knowledge sourcing strategy in alliance contexts is proposed, which can be categorised into two types: a knowledge internalisation strategy and a knowledge access strategy. From an organisational learning perspective, it is argued that a firm's absorptive capacity has a positive influence on a knowledge internalisation strategy, and accordingly a firm's choices of alliance forms are also influenced. R&D performance is also included in the theoretical model in order to generate further managerial implications. Instead of using conventional regression methods, structural equation modelling (SEM) is adopted to conduct path analysis, as SEM is well suited in verifying multiple-dependent models. The arguments advanced are supported by empirical analysis of a sample of 148 alliances.  相似文献   

本文定义了有源网络图的一种操作算子,并用其推导了一种确定有源网络拓扑分析中完全树符号的新算法.用该算法确定完全树符号时,只需依次替代电流图树(或电压图树)中的有源边,并记录替换边与被替换边的关联状况便可求出完全树的符号.此方法系统性强,易于编程.  相似文献   

Technological advancement is an important instrument for economic and technological development, but most countries receive the benefits of innovation and new technologies through technology transfer. Previous studies typically consider direct linkages in order to understand technological advancement without paying much attention to indirect linkages, such as the inter-connectivity of the recipients of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI). To understand the relationship between FDI and technological advancement and whether recipients’ absorptive capacity matters, we model global FDI networks for the period 2009–2016. We find empirical evidence that the global FDI network has a core-periphery structure, and that core countries are more technologically developed than peripheral countries. We also find empirical evidence that a country’s centrality of position in the global FDI network is positively associated with the technological advancement of a country, and that the absorptive capacity of a country can moderate this relationship. Regression analyses using instrumental variable estimators confirm the robustness of our findings. The most striking finding of our research is the strong moderation effect of knowledge intensity, a constituent of absorptive capacity. This finding provides a nuanced understanding of absorptive capacity, demonstrating the ways a country can benefit from FDI by reshaping the factors related to absorptive capacity.  相似文献   


It has been observed in the academic and practitioner literature, a disconnect between the activities of salespeople and the sales strategy espoused by sales organizations. This study examines organizational and individual factors that can influence salespersons’ willingness and ability to implement sales strategy. This paper also seeks to examine the performance implications of sales strategy implementation by salespeople. Data were collected from a sample of 190 business-to-business salespeople in different industries. The study’s hypotheses were tested using partial least squares (PLS). The results of the study show that the different types of sales force control (behavior control and outcome control) has contrasting effects on salesperson market and technical knowledge and salesperson implementation of sales strategy. The results also demonstrate that when salespeople implement sales strategy as part of their sales process, it has a positive effect on their sales performance.  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》2017,60(4):463-472
In 2014, Dairy Khoury, a medium-sized family dairy located in Lebanon, was accused of using a health-threatening carcinogenic substance as a preservative in its products. The news created an immediate food safety concern and a product harm crisis, resulting in dramatic reputation loss and operational risks to Dairy Khoury. In this article, we analyze Dairy Khoury’s response to the product harm crisis through an examination of the communication strategies used to address internal and external stakeholders. We then introduce traditional corrective action response strategies from the crisis communication literature. In the Dairy Khoury case study, the company opted to defend its reputation and clarify the misunderstanding using catalytic defiance, a long-term crisis response strategy. Our analysis provides insight regarding the risks and benefits of pursuing long-term versus short-term strategies during crisis recovery. This article contributes to crisis communication theory and practice and sheds light on the dynamics of crisis management in family businesses.  相似文献   

Given the importance of communication in the realm of corporate associations, this study analyzes the roles that communication strategies play in the formation of corporate associations. The study examines (1) whether particular types of associations (corporate ability or corporate social responsibility associations) can be developed through CA- or CSR-based communication strategies, and (2) the relative effectiveness of these two association types at amplifying favorable consumer responses across three different industries (consumable goods, durable goods, and stigmatized goods). An experiment was conducted to test the proposed model with six Fortune 500 companies. The results demonstrate that communication strategies can effectively facilitate a particular type of association. Differing levels of association effectiveness were found within each industry. For the consumable goods industry, CA associations are found to be more effective than CSR associations. For the durable goods industry, CSR associations are more influential at enhancing consumer attitudes and purchase intent than CA associations, while CA associations have a larger impact on supportive communication intent. In the case of the stigmatized industry, CSR associations play a determinant role in fostering positive consumer responses. This study provides managers and communication specialists with more concrete guidance for choosing a particular corporate positioning and communication strategy.  相似文献   

美国贸易的互补性强于竞争性,美对华技术出口的严格管制加剧了对华贸易逆差和对中国经济的负面影响。两国贸易不平衡引发贸易摩擦,严重阻碍了中国进出口贸易的顺利进行。中国应实行全局开放战略,以双边协商缓和贸易摩擦,促进出进口双向增长,实现对外贸易的基本平衡。  相似文献   

地空超短波话音通信网是实施航空管制与对空指挥通信的重要基础设施,而越区切 换是其实现连续、不间断地空通信中的重要一环。介绍了地空超短波话音通信网的构成和越 区切换过程,分析比较了地空超短波话音通信网与陆地移动通信系统和数据链系统在越区切 换上的区别,提出并详细阐述了地空超短波话音通信网越区切换的关键技术,展望了地空超 短波话音通信网越区切换的发展方向。  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the impact of location characteristics on the relative attractiveness of product categories within a store, and formulate micromarketing implications for the allocation of store space to categories. We present a framework for the impact of store and trading area characteristics on category and store performance, which integrates and extends previous geomarketing research. Building upon this framework, we propose a tractable and flexible procedure for assessing location influences, and derive optimal space allocation rules for different location profiles. Empirical application to national stores of a European retail chain confirms the differential impact of location characteristics on categories' attractiveness. Tailoring the allocation of store space to these location-based differences in category appeal leads to a significant increase in overall chain profitability.  相似文献   

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