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刘佳 《市场周刊》2014,(7):16-19
从全球来看,发达国家老龄化进程长达几十年至1个世纪,如法国用了115年,瑞士用了85年。英国用了80年,美国用了60年,而我国只用了18年(1981—1999年)就进入了老龄化社会,速度何其惊人……  相似文献   

他们用超乎常人的忍耐力压抑着心中的眼泪,用无法估量的意志力扛起重建的红盾,4年的时间,他们用爱心铸造了一个神话,用责任谱写了二曲辉煌,当汗水、泪水挥洒在都江堰的河流里,他们笑了,因为在这座新城,有他们深深的足迹。 成都市都江堰工商局信息中心主任高澜,为我们讲述——都江堰工商人  相似文献   

现代的洗浴已经被赋予了更多诸如健身、美容、护肤、实际等诸多的含义,用鲜花,用矿泉水,用香料,用泥巴,用蒸汽,用牛奶,其权威机构调研后发现,中国洗浴用品业蕴涵的年利润已经超过50亿!2004年以前,时尚天然洗浴用品和各类相关产品在国内市场上完全空白!谁抓住先机,谁就拥有一年创造几十亿利润的能力!  相似文献   

2011年初,中国的腾讯公司推出了微信服务,截至2013年11月,微信注册用户已经突破6亿,微信的官网上打出了“微信,是一个生活方式”的宣言。的确,移动聊天工具已经成为这个星球上数以亿计的人们无法离开的社交手段。在中国,人们用微信;在美国,人们用WhatsApp:在日本,人们用Line:在韩国,人们用Kak;在世界的各个角落,人们用着各种各样的手机聊天工具分享着自己的心情,同时了解别人已经公开的生活。  相似文献   

讨论了用航向、姿态测量装置实现靶船航向、姿态测量和用GPS接收机实现靶船定位、授时的方法,并互利用它们构建了硬件平台。最后,给出了系统总体设计框图,并对系统功能的实现和工作过程进行了详细介绍。  相似文献   

讲到用人,都说要用能人,但真正用了能人,有可能问题更大。[第一段]  相似文献   

随着人们生活水平的提高,交通安全问题已成为人们最关心的问题。针对我国道路交通安全问题,本文提出了道路线形设计新理论,其要点是以用路者的行车需求为依据,从交通的角度,即用动态的观点分析问题,用协调的方法进行设计。所谓协调是指道路与环境协调,道路三个投影面之间的协调,线形各要素之间的协调。用速度连续和视觉连续作为判断协调的标准。按照新理论设计的道路,充分考虑了用路者的生理、心理特征,更加符合行车规律.为保证道路交通安全创造了条件。  相似文献   

传销的凶险,在于它准确切中了人性中那些不设防的区域。用伪装的温情来打动你,用虚幻的财富来诱惑你,用盲目的自我膨胀来满足你的成就感,用荒唐的借口与暗示来麻醉你的不安与恐惧。  相似文献   

吴思骏用兔女为中国画贴上了时尚标签,同时,他也用中国画的笔墨,将兔女郎这个时尚形象,赋予了足够的文化意味,让这个国际化的时尚女郎,具备了东方文化的趣味和内涵。  相似文献   

用花朵包装春天搁起你的冬装来春风来了,桃花开了,人们忙着用各种鲜艳的衣服迎接着春天,展露出美丽的曲线。羽绒服该光荣退休,束之高阁了,教你一招洗羽绒服的窍门:(1)先将羽绒衣服用冷水浸泡20分钟,然后挤去衣服内的水,再放入35℃左右的洗衣粉溶液中浸泡5—10分钟,平铺在干净的台板上,用软毛刷蘸洗衣粉液刷洗。先刷里、后刷面,最后刷两个袖子的正反面,较脏的地方可撒点干洗衣粉刷几下,刷后,先将衣服放在原洗涤液内上下拎涮几下,再投漂2次温水,3次清水,洗净的衣服用干浴巾包卷好,轻轻挤压出水分,用衣架挂在阴…  相似文献   

This paper proposes that Levinas's philosophy of alterity and infinitude – based upon the ethical relation between Self and Other – is both profound and limited in its ability to account for social practice. Instead of simply accepting the common criticism of Levinas, however, that he places an intolerable ethical burden of infinitude upon human relations, this paper aims to move beyond this impasse by placing Levinas's metaphysics within a frame that privileges the dynamic between the Self and the Other as a socially oriented, participative practice of teaching and learning. It is suggested that Etienne Wenger's work on the emergence of identity as a constant negotiation between the Others and the Self provides a conceptual framework for how business ethics may be owned, negotiated and learned within organizational communities without sacrificing the horizon of infinitude bestowed upon us by Levinas's ethical philosophy. Finally, the practical implications of such a comparative approach for the teaching of alterity in business ethics are discussed.  相似文献   

This article is based on a study of intergenerational transfers of contaminated objects, colloquially referred to as “heirlooms.” Motivations and processes are described within the central dialectic of an individual actor seeking positive affect through the pursuit of connectedness and worthiness and in the context of the larger social order. Object symbolism is examined from the perspectives of the individual actor, society, and culture. The family is conceptualized as a special case of the “other.” A theoretical framework is developed that draws extensively on Walter Goldschmidt’s notion of “The Culturally Embedded Self” in The Human Career: The Self in a Symbolic World (1990) and on Sidney Levy’s work as presented in Brands, Consumers, Symbols, and Research (1999). This framework is referred to with the acronym MOSES for Motivations, Object Symbolism, and the Embedded Self.  相似文献   

雷达数据包括回波、工作状态监控、雷达控制和话音四类,如何对此进行高效传输是雷达组网过程中必须解决的问题。本文提出了基于SDH(同步数字系列)传输技术实现雷达数据宽带传输的方案,给出了实现雷达数据传输的SDH网络拓扑结构和虚级联的数据通道分配方案。  相似文献   

构建高技术产业竞争力评价体系的思考   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
温海峰 《财贸研究》2004,15(6):63-69
随着全球经济一体化进程加快,产业竞争力已成为一个国家或地区经济发展的重要因素,理论界对产业竞争力的研究也在不断深化,在产业竞争力内涵、评价指标、理论依据和测评买践等方面的研究取得了可喜的进展。随着高技术产业的迅速兴起,高技术产业已成为世界各国争夺的战略制高点,但是,理论界对高技术产业竞争力的研究尚在起步阶段,本文对目前有关竞争力问题的研究作了系统分析和综合,厘清高技术产业和高新技术产业的区别,提出构建高技术产业竞争力评价体系的一些新思路。  相似文献   

Customers increasingly use various social media to share their opinion about restaurants service quality. Big data collected from social media provides a data platform to improve the service quality of restaurants through customers' online reviews, where online reviews are a trustworthy and reliable source that helps consumers to evaluate food quality. Developing methods for effective evaluation of customer-generated reviews of restaurant services is important. This study develops a new method through effective learning techniques for customer segmentation and their preferences prediction in vegetarian friendly restaurants. The method is developed through text mining (Latent Dirichlet Allocation), cluster analysis (Self Organizing Map) and predictive learning technique (Classification and Regression Trees) to reveal the customer’ satisfaction levels from the service quality in vegetarian friendly restaurants. Based on the obtained results of our experiments on the data vegetarian friendly restaurants in Bangkok, the models constructed by Classification and Regression Trees were able to give an accurate prediction of customers' preferences on the basis of restaurants' quality factors. The results showed that customers’ online reviews analysis can be an effective way for customers segmentation to predict their preferences and help the restaurant managers to set priority instructions for service quality improvements.  相似文献   

本文介绍了一种有线电视网的网络安全策略,即有条件接收,讨论了有条件接收的系统结构、加解密原理、加解扰原理,三层密钥管理模型。最后分析了有条件接收技术发展状况。  相似文献   

With a focus on the self‐initiated efforts of employees, this study examined a model of core proactive motivation processes for participation in non‐mandatory professional development (PD) within a proactive motivation framework using the Self‐Determination Theory perspective. A multi‐group SEM analysis conducted across 439 academic and general employees of an Australian regional University provided initial support for the model. Results indicated that when employees are autonomously motivated to participate in non‐mandatory PD, intrinsic benefits are the most salient aspiration that also mediate the influence of autonomous motivation on transfer implementation intentions. Extrinsic benefits are likely to be a secondary outcome which does not directly relate to transfer implementation intentions. Further research should replicate and extend this core model in other organizational settings where participation in non‐mandatory PD is a critical factor in the effectiveness of the organization.  相似文献   

Exploratory research was undertaken in four locations in the Asia Pacific Rim to investigate the cognitive frameworks used by managers when considering ethical business dilemmas. In addition to culture, gender and organisational dimensions were also studied. Aggregate analysis revealed no significant differences in the cognitive frameworks used by business managers in Hong Kong, Malaysia, New Zealand, and Canada. Of the eight frameworks used in the study four cognitive frameworks appeared to feature predominantly. Utilising the results of regression analysis the most salient cognitive frameworks utilised by managers were identified as; Self Interest, Neutralisation, Justice and Categorial Imperative, with Neutralisation and Self Interest being the most significant among all managers. Religious Conviction and the Light of Day framework (which relates to fear of being exposed) did not feature prominently in the analysis. A few significant differences in the ethical frameworks used by males and females were identified. For males in all four locations Self Interest, Neutralisation and Justice appeared to be dominant frameworks, while considerable variability was seen in the frameworks used by females. Marginally significant differences were observed in the cognitive frameworks used by managers with differing functional responsibilities. Across all locations respondents with general management responsibilities relied predominately on Self Interest, while those with marketing responsibilities utilised Neutralisation. Respondents with an accounting orientation also relied predominately on Neutralisation and Categorial Imperative frameworks. Gael McDonald is currently completing her doctorate at the Institute of Management in the London School of Economics and Political Science. Previously she was an Associate Professor with Asia Pacific International University based in Hong Kong and teaching on their international M.B.A. programs within the Pacific Rim. Miss McDonald has published in Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Managerial Psychology, Asia Pacific International Journal of Marketing, Management Decision,the International Review of Retail Distribution and Consumer Researchand is an Associate editor of Business Ethics — A European Review.Patrick C. Pak is a Lecturer in Management with the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He has a diverse interest in management research. His research interests are mainly in the areas of learning organization, organizational control, leadership, organizational change, business ethics and strategic management.  相似文献   

网络管理是同步数字体系(SDH)网络的重要组成部分。考虑到简单网络管理协议 (SNMP)自身拥有的简单实用特性,以及AgentX协议为网络设备带来了灵活的可扩展性,本文提出了一个基于SNMP和AgentX的SDH网络管理方案。文中详细论述了该管理方案,划分、说明了实现过程中几个关键的设计模块。该方案的实施,使得SDH的网络管理更加灵活且高效。  相似文献   

潘登 《商》2014,(10):254-255,234
在国际法中民族自决权是指,被殖民主义奴役和压迫的民族,有权采取一切合法手段摆脱殖民统治,建立独立的民族国家或加入他国的权利。然而各方基于对民族自决权的不同理解,在实践中往往也会造成不同的后果,甚至引发民族分裂,导致激烈的国际冲突。本文以国际热点事件为突破口,简述民族自决权的由来与定义,认为在实践中必须对民族自决加以明确的界定与严格的限制,从而使这一国际法之基本原则在保障民族平等,维护人权的同时免于沦为民族分裂主义及其幕后大国博弈的幌子。  相似文献   

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