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断路器QF瞬动跳闸、QF瞬动跳闸,会使人怀疑是否发生了短路故障,一般而言,设备安装完毕,在有关的开关柜内先将导电物等清除干净,再作绝缘耐压试验,各部位都符合要求后方可带电试车。在未切至全电压时即跳闸。这种情况往往是电动机端电压不足造成的,此时从监测到电压情况便可判断。  相似文献   

为了便于对电子接插件瞬断检测仪器接收到的数据进行收集、整理、分析,创建了基于MFC的电子接插件瞬断检测上位机显示界面,介绍了上位机界面的总体设计方法,并对主界面的各个单元的组成和功能进行了简要的说明,详细讲述了数据库的建立、查询编制以及Labview控件。通过实验及编程操作表明,此检测显示界面简化了高速列车的接插件检测结果分析。  相似文献   

本文作者通过实践与理论相结合,对TVS瞬问二极管在全固态调频广播发射机中的应用展开论述,并对防雷工作提出建议。  相似文献   

拍 碳 椒 叹 叫 留 d O 闪 ,叫 O 幻 护叫 O 吸 尸闷 寸 幻 O O 门 的 O 的 伪 O 心 卜 O 心 O O 心 公 O 心 心 O N 的 O 心 哪 O 心 . O 吕 良 d O 的 6 O 叹 ,叫 O 瞬 ,叫 O 卜 O O Q 钾叫 叹 铃 O 卜 O O 闪 ,.叫 O 叫 护叫 O 砚 ,叫 N 公 d O 门 伪 O 心 6 O Q 卜 O O Q 8 心 O 心 心 O N 必 吕 球 O 心 O O 叹 1.叫 2 6 吕 O O 哟 ,叫 O 瞬 甲叫 O 内 尸叫 O 瞬 ,.叫 拍 荟 祖 吹 叫 均 的 O 兰 的 伪 O 留 乙 O 闷 户月 O 喊 ,叫 伪 的 6 O 心 丙 O 卜 的 O 田 心 O 山 心 O 的 心 O 心 心 口 Q 尸叫 O O 的…  相似文献   

在一实验台实际运用中发现,实验台在使用过程中出现瞬停现象,即实验台使用过程中,实验台的电机突然急停,然后又恢复正常状态,无其它任何异常情况。  相似文献   

<正>获殊荣实至名归苗寨铁锅焖鸭赢得众多评委盛赞来自河南平顶山的苗寨铁锅焖鸭项目,凭借着特色十足,技精味美,本小利大,落地生金的诸多优势,经《现代营销·创富信息版》专题报道后,瞬势在全国中小投资者中引起了强烈反响。一时间,咨询的电话和信函接连不断。前去登门考察、求技拜师甚至加盟代理的创业者更是纷至沓来。苗寨铁锅焖鸭不但瞬时间红透中小投资界,2012年10月19日—23日,在开封市夷山大街隆重举行的第22届中国厨师节特色  相似文献   

受自治区国资委的邀请,全国著名专家、清华大学教授、全国留学生联谊会会长韩亦瞬来到广西,推动指导关于广西石头产业万亿元化。通过我们的交流和座谈,现将有关意见和观点提供自治区领导参考。  相似文献   

随着纳斯达克股指数的狂跌,曾令互联网英雄们深信不疑的圈钱神话,瞬时间变得黯淡无光。纳斯达克的“大雪”,对财大气粗的美国网络大鳄而言不过是一个微不足道的喷嚏,反观国内互联网界则如重伤风一般,锐气严重受挫。  相似文献   

2月11日,埃及副总统苏莱曼在国家电视台的镜头前宣告穆巴拉克辞去总统职务,瞬时间,整个解放广场沸腾了。从农民之子到军界天才,从埃及英雄到人民公敌,曾被称为祖国人民的灵魂的代表的穆巴拉克,在耄耋之年黯然下台……  相似文献   

的哪哪N,公一己拐O。一的000。砂对闪闰卜6心。闪灼ON卜。lUO。的囚洲O的。卜洲洲甘.0呼tNO哟工。99卜刃帕。工卜哪01二叼N寸6卜仍。囚6的O切。工卜对曰0.口2108.1的瞬田呀。哈的囚999的。囚99对8。工的9凶叨。的[的哪的.1O甘洲卜。对囚囚0对6钓-凶0900闰.16口O卜。︻囚对工佣.t己96的‘闰州闪价9的凶略囚甘劝06。洲 扣6。O瞬的一62。O仍的一的6。娜卜的一90。劝用一9的。O写16创。写帕一·9田。O因们一181。对卜的一·的的。价奥︵。卜田。60对卜6灯?瞬99N田.1口哪国闪。呼凶凶6哪哪N-N囚们800.1 山的.0因对l的0 .6洲闪卜O的‘价…  相似文献   

介绍了美军无人作战飞机(UCAV)系统中的电子信息系统的关键技术,提出了建立UCAV群联合作战指挥控制信息系统的设想,研究了UCAV群指挥控制综合信息系统的组成、功能、特点和需要重点研究的技术.  相似文献   

金融电子化对我国金融监管的挑战与思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘浩 《商业研究》2005,(16):169-172
我国金融电子化在经历了后台电子化、前台电子化之后,目前已进入了以网络开发为标志的技术集成化应用阶段。随着商业银行综合业务处理、资金汇兑、银行卡等电子应用系统的建立,金融业的面貌为之一新。但是,人们在享受了金融电子化带来的金融效率的同时,又面临了一个全新的金融监管课题,即如何处理新的金融活动方式与陈旧的金融监管模式的摩擦与冲突。在这一背景下,我国金融监管面临的问题与挑战,促使中央银行必须采取相应对策。  相似文献   

海洋信息网络是我国近年来海洋强国战略下重要的科研示范项目。传统的系统集成方法难以支撑海洋无人信息平台作为海洋信息网络重要节点和创新装备的顶层设计需要,为此基于美国国防部体系结构框架(Department of Defense Architecture Framework,DoDAF)标准,分析了海洋无人信息平台任务需求、资源配置、功能应用等重要问题,进行了海洋无人信息平台顶层设计,论证了全景视角、任务视角、系统视角等多个模型的可行性,介绍了海洋无人信息平台部分装备的功能特性,提出了增强平台服务能力、可迭代发展的体系结构方案。  相似文献   

现代高技术战争对军用电子设备结构提出了更多、更高的要求,机械创新设计能满足其要求。文中阐述了机械创新设计的概念、内容、特点、目标,分析了军用电子设备结构创新设计的方法和过程,给出了设计实例。  相似文献   

Mobile marketing activities are growing at a rapid pace. The success of mobile marketing hinges on consumers' adoption of mobile devices. However, consumers' mobile device adoption is not well understood at the brand (e.g., Apple, Nokia, Samsung) level. We propose a conceptual framework linking mobile device brand loyalty (repurchase intention) to its drivers including perceived value, brand satisfaction, brand attachment and trust, and develop hypotheses about the moderating roles of adopter type and mobile technology generation in some of these linkages. We test these hypotheses using structural equation modeling on a unique cross-sectional dataset of attitudes toward mobile phone brands spanning two technology generations, 2.5G and 3G. The results reveal important asymmetries between adopter types and between technology generations: early adopters of mobile devices emphasize perceived value, whereas late adopters rely on brand satisfaction in developing brand loyalty; and consumers depend more on trust and less on perceived value in developing loyalty for the new generation than for the existing generation. We outline how brand managers of mobile devices should adapt their marketing strategies to different adopter types and technology generations.  相似文献   

We contend that the 2-way relation between information technology and communication media (chosen according to media attributes) on the one hand and organizational structure and behavior (which involves making design Choices) on the other is made more visible at the level of media attributes, because such an analysis reveals a number of organizational choices. This article suggests that 1 organizational design choice is the development of methods to make electronic media less recordable and indexable, which would lead to media use and information quality higher than they would otherwise have been. Video, audio, and computer technology are bringing about a situation in which the properties of face-to-face and computer-mediated communication are converging, enabling organizations to choose their own degree of "media richness" embedded in the information technology (IT). Although IT has an intimate connection with organizational design, a less acknowledged phenomenon is IT's undermining of it, requiring a different view of the design function and a different definition of managerial tasks, such as supervision. Another instance of the openness of the 1T-organization relation (and hence the large degree of choice open to IT buyers and organization designers) is in the design of interfaces within organizations. Four interface design variables (contextualization, ambiguation, disclaiming, and hedging) are suggested that aim at increasing the freedom and expressiveness of organization members using IT.  相似文献   

商晨 《财经论丛》2016,(7):104-113
专车受到非议的原因,主要是因为出租车需要接受政府监管而专车不用。本文从出租车数量管制入手,通过构建包含管制数量、监管成本、代理层级的委托代理模型对出租车行业改革和专车发展进行分析,认为监管技术、监管成本、出租车数量都会影响出租车经营模式,政府对专车行业应当从提高专车司机投机成本和提高行业进入门槛两方面来进行规制。  相似文献   

区块链技术蓬勃发展的背景下,现有的监管体系面临巨大挑战,区块链金融监管中,无论是监管理论基础与监管模式都需要与区块链金融技术发展同步创新。不同于以往的监管制度,沙箱监管创设了一种合作型监管关系,我国可以在吸收沙箱监管模式和“试验区”经验上进行续造式发展。具体而言,应当在秉承包容性监管理念的同时对于区块链金融技术企业的不同发展情况施行针对性的合作型监管,并设立具备技术性监管手段专属监管机构,实现技术发展效率与监管严格度之间的平衡。  相似文献   

With the advancement of technology, the rate of replacement of unused electronic devices by consumers has increased. Throwing away these devices wastes the scarce natural resources used in their production and also has harmful effects on the environment. Using the concept of reverse logistics leads to the reduction of waste of electronic products such as laptops and the reuse of their parts. To implement the reverse logistics process in the production process, companies need to know which parts of their products have problems or breakdowns when used by consumers so that they can make the right decision about reusing, repairing or recycling the returned product parts. In this paper, the most effective decision-making strategies in reverse logistics based on consumer feedback are discussed. The result of using this model presented in this research is reducing costs and increasing producer productivity, which will ultimately lead to consumer satisfaction. This paper focuses on social media data to gather consumer feedback to optimize the decision-making process in reverse logistics through a data analytics approach. A case study is conducted on Twitter data regarding consumer opinions about MacBook Pro and MacBook Air. By using DEMATEL and network analysis techniques, factors affecting the improvement of the quality of MacBooks have been prioritized. The results showed that the proposed approach can help manufacturers by (a) finding effective features on consumers' behaviour and attitudes through their feedback in social networks, (b) identifying how factors influence each other (c) prioritizing factors, to establish the reverse logistics process which leads to increase consumer satisfaction and improve their performance.  相似文献   

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