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This paper examines the role of commodity own rates of interest in intertemporal analysis of consumer behaviour and presents a disaggregate analysis of intertemporal substitution in commodity demand and consumption. Commodity rates of interest are defined from the Euler equations implied by the intertemporal consumer choice problem. The relationship between commodity own rates and the real interest rate is derived, and the conditions for equality of commodity own rates are discussed. The intertemporal commodity substitution elasticities are characterised using commodity rates of interest, and the intertemporal substitution elasticity of consumption is derived from its constituent commodity demands. Evidence from estimation of the demand system and the consumption function reveals high intertemporal substitution for consumer goods as well as consumption.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the roles of relative prices, interest rates, inflation expectations and bequests in the determination of consumer expenditures for four goods in the U.S. The framework employed is a life-cycle extension of the Linear Expenditure System, in which relative prices, wealth, labor income, the nominal interest rate, and anticipated rates of inflation for each good are major arguments. The results provide strong empirical support for the expenditure system employed and suggest a significant role for relative prices and for the bequest motive in shaping saving decisions. We also find that expenditure decisions respond to both interest rates and anticipated inflation in a “Fisherian” fashion, but that the interest elasticity of saving is quite low and of uncertain sign. Our model also provides an estimate of the consumer's “horizon,” defined in the sense of Friedman.  相似文献   

This paper provides a discussion of the ‘housing market’ channels of the monetary transmission mechanism and offers some evidence of institutional differences in the European housing and mortgage markets. Using a number of Vector Autoregressive models, estimated individually for nine European countries over the pre‐EMU period, we find that house prices are significantly affected by interest rate shocks. The relative role of these interest‐rate‐induced fluctuations in house prices for private consumption is then investigated. We show that house prices may enhance the effects of interest rate shocks on consumer spending in those economies where housing and mortgage markets are relatively more developed and competitive.  相似文献   


We have examined empirically two important economic relationships, the Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) and the money demand relationship, among the consumer prices, money, output, interest rates, and the nominal rand/dollar exchange rate of the Republic of South Africa (RSA) for the sample period from 1993 second quarter to 2003 second quarter within the frameworks of co-integration and Error Correction Model (ECM). It is established that the strong version of the PPP including the proportionality and the symmetry hypothesis, is supported. The changes in the rand/dollar exchange rates are influenced by the long term trends in the consumer prices of the RSA and the USA. There also exists a well defined money demand function for this period. The broad money demand is influenced by the consumer prices, the GDP and the interest rates. The short-term interest rates are found to be the own rate of return for broad money and the long-term bond yield is the opportunity cost of holding money. The monetary policy works through the short term interest rates.


This paper describes the London Business School econometric model — the first fully computerized model of the UK — which has been used for regular public forecasting since 1966. The model, estimated on quarterly data, is organized around the income expenditure accounts with a fully integrated flow of funds sector which ensures consistency between portfolio decisions and income, savings and investment decisions. Aggregate demand is built up from its individual components so that demand influences are important for the short- and medium-term behaviour of the model. But there are important supply-side effects which work through the real exchange rate and real wages. Monetary conditions have a powerfull effect on the model through the exchange rate, personal sector wealth and interest rates. Wages and employment are determined in a labour market in which employment decisions depend on the level of demand and real wages while real wages depend on the level of unemployment, real benefits and direct and indirect taxes as well as underlying trends in productivity. Asset prices move in any period to clear both the spot and the future market in assets so that current asset prices in the equity, gilt-edged and foreign exchange markets reflect all current information about the expected state of the economy. In contrast, goods prices adjust sluggishly. The combination of continuously clearing asset markets and sluggish wages and prices gives the model many of the theoretical characteristics associated with the open-economy models of Dornbusch and Buiter and Miller.  相似文献   

We consider a two-country, two-sector OLG model. It is shown that the trade balance and the relative price of exports are always positively related when exports are labor intensive regardless of the elasticity of intertemporal substitution in consumption. A large response of savings to future prices becomes a sufficient condition for an inverse relation between these variables only if exports are capital intensive. In this case, a rise in the terms of trade can be followed by a trade balance decline if consumption goods are capital intensive and the income effect implied on savings is negative and large.  相似文献   

The German Energy Performance of Buildings Directive requires sellers on the housing market to provide detailed information on expected yearly energy consumption per square meter (energy performance, EPS). This paper uses variation in local fuel prices and climate, fuel types, and building ages to analyse the relationship between expected energy cost savings from energy efficient building structure and house prices in a data set of listing prices from all regions of Germany. Results suggest that heating cost considerations are less relevant than previously thought.  相似文献   

This paper explores the imputed service price approach to the pricing of the services of consumer-owned-and-used durables in the construction of the consumer price index, using the services of owner-occupied housing as an illustration. A theoretical framework for analyzing this question is first developed. Certain practical problems are then discussed. The conceptual difficulty of constructing an appropriate rate of return on the basis of available data on interest rates and house prices, in the context of inflation, is explored. Two arguments are advanced that statistical agencies ought not to follow the imputed service price approach in pricing the services of owner-occupied dwellings and other consumer durables. On the one hand, nominal interest rates will, in any short period, reflect monetary policy and not any change in the money “rental” of owner-occupied houses. Second, movements in nominal interest rates will also reflect changes in the money price of pure consumption goods, as well as changes in the money price of houses. The argument is extended to other consumer durables and, in the limiting case, to monetary balances, and it is concluded that in all but trivial cases the application of the service price approach leads to price movements of little or no meaning.  相似文献   

“Best practice” in microfinance holds that interest rates should be set at profit-making levels, based on the belief that even poor customers favor access to finance over low fees. Despite this core belief, little direct evidence exists on the price elasticity of credit demand in poor communities. We examine increases in the interest rate on microfinance loans in the slums of Dhaka, Bangladesh. Using unanticipated between-branch variation in prices, we estimate interest elasticities from − 0.73 to − 1.04, with our preferred estimate being at the upper end of this range. Interest income earned from most borrowers fell, but interest income earned from the largest increased, generating overall profitability at the branch level.  相似文献   

We examine the dynamic and asymmetric responses of house prices to changes in mortgage interest rates in Australia from January 1995 to November 2017. We propose a threshold intervention model to distinguish between the effects of positive versus negative changes in the standard variable interest rate. The results indicate that rising interest rates decrease house prices more than falling interest rates increase them. For example, a 1% decrease in interest rates increases Sydney’s house prices by 0.7%, whereas a 1% increase leads to a 1.5% fall. The findings also support the view that when interest rates are on the rise, house prices in larger capital cities such as Sydney and Melbourne fall faster than in their smaller counterparts. Our findings imply that a rise in interest rates may thus lead to sharp, fast and significant falls in house prices, a phenomenon which will not simply be a symmetric unwinding of earlier price increases.  相似文献   

We investigate the relationship between housing wealth and consumption using postcode‐level variation in house prices and administrative data on new passenger vehicle registrations as a proxy for consumption. We find a robust cross‐sectional relationship, and in our preferred specification estimate an elasticity of new passenger vehicle registrations with respect to gross housing wealth of 0.4–0.5, which based on our preferred calibration implies a marginal propensity to consume for total consumption of less than 0.5 cents. Notably, we find evidence that the relationship between house prices and new vehicle registrations is heterogeneous in income.  相似文献   

This article presents an empirical analysis of the relationship between house prices and the real economy in China’s first-, second- and third-tier cities. A Structural Vector Autoregression model is applied to study the impacts of monetary policy shocks and housing demand shocks on various housing markets across China. We also investigate the role of house prices in the transmission mechanism of monetary policy. The results reveal that in first-tier cities, raising interest rates has a stronger negative effect on house prices. Also, as house prices decrease in first-tier cities, private consumption declines sharply. There is a stronger role of housing markets in the transmission of monetary policy shocks in these cities. Our findings indicate that interest rate adjustment could effectively curb spikes in housing prices in the first-tier cities, but the impact of such adjustments on household consumption must also be considered.  相似文献   

The main purpose of the study is to determine the savings potential of urban and rural households in India and in the process determine the possible savings and consumption functions separately for urban and rural areas. Four different possible functions have been used for determining the savings behaviour of the households both at the aggregate level and at the per capita level. The rural households, according to the results, have an extremely low rate of saving with income elasticity of saving of less than unity. For the urban households on the other hand, the income elasticity of saving is high enough to suggest the possibilities of considerably high savings potential. To understand the consumption behaviour of these households, the long-run and the short-run marginal propensities to consume and the marginal propensities to consume out of‘permanent’ or ‘normal’ income and ‘transitory’ income have been worked out. For the urban sector none of these give encouraging enough results and the analysis has been extended to examine whether other factors like prices and household assets are of any significance. Whereas for the rural sector, Milton Friedman's theory of ‘permanent’ or ‘normal’ income is somewhat substantiated, other factors like ‘transitory’ income, prices and assets appear to inthence urban consumption behaviour though no single one of them substantially enough. A negligible effect of ‘permanent’ income on urban consumption behaviour is, on the other hand, very clearly suggested by the results. Household consumption and savings have next been projected using the above results to determine the possible levels for the next three years. The results suggest that the rate of domestic savings likely to be achieved by the end of the Third Five Year Plan (1965–66) falls short of the targets laid down.  相似文献   

In this paper we model and analyze the contemporaneous correlation between interest rate, monetary aggregates, production and prices (of consumer goods, financial assets and real estate) of the euro area. To do this, firstly we estimate a common cyclical factor by means of an unobserved component model with the common factor located in variations in the underlying growth rates, that is, accelerations and decelerations of the variables. The variables mentioned share a significant cyclical factor being all procyclical except for narrow money. Finally we offer an explanation of this empirical finding based on the monetary policy strategy of interest rate pegging followed by the European Central Bank. In this regard, the shared cyclical information suggests (a) that inflation should be considered as a phenomenon that affects the whole economy, and therefore all prices, and (b) that monetary indicators such as monetary aggregates may contribute to the assessment of inflationary risks throughout the cycle.  相似文献   

运用面板数据模型对我国1995-2006年31个省市的数据进行分析后发现,房地产价格明显受利率和通货膨胀率的影响,而且房地产供给、收入等基础性宏观经济变量在中长期也决定房地产价格。房地产价格明显影响到宏观经济稳定,房地产价格上升会增加社会总投资和总消费,房地产投资通过"财富效应"对消费的影响始终明显,对社会总投资的影响也非常显著。因此,当前要稳定宏观经济,促进经济增长,必须稳定房地产价格。  相似文献   

We analyse the effects of interest rate variations on the rates of capacity utilisation, capital accumulation and profit in a simple post-Kaleckian distribution and growth model. This model gives rise to different potential accumulation regimes depending on the values of the parameters in the investment, saving and distribution function. Estimating these core behavioural equations for the US and Germany in the period 1960–2007, we find significant and robust effects of interest payments with the expected sign in each of the equations. Our estimation results imply, both for the US and for Germany, that the effects of changes in the real long-term rate of interest on the equilibrium rates of capacity utilisation, capital accumulation and profits, are characterised by the ‘normal regime’: rising long-term real rates of interest cause falling rates of capacity utilisation, capital accumulation and profits, as well as redistribution at the expense of labour income and hence an increasing profit share in both countries.  相似文献   

Interdependence between first and second moments of producer and consumer wheat prices in Slovenia is assessed, in light of the recent major historical events that the country has undergone, as well as the recent rumours of cartel agreements between millers causing a decline in farm-gate prices, while leaving consumer prices untouched. A threshold vector error correction and multivariate generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity model with exogenous variables is applied. Results indicate that price-level adjustments mainly favour retailers by increasing their marketing margins. Important second-moment interactions are also identified. Increases in international wheat stocks reduce producer prices, while higher interest rates increase their instability.  相似文献   

We show, in a monetary exchange economy, that asset prices in a complete markets general equilibrium are a function of the supply of liquidity by the Central Bank, through its effect on default and interest rates. Two agents trade goods and nominal assets to smooth consumption across periods and future states, in the presence of cash-in-advance financing costs that have effects on real allocations. We show that higher spot interest rates reduce trade and as a result increase state prices. Hence, states of nature with higher interest rates are also states of nature with higher risk-neutral probabilities. This result, which cannot be found in a Lucas-type representative agent model, implies that the yield curve is upward sloping in equilibrium, even when short-term interest rates are fairly stable and the variance of the (macroeconomic) stochastic discount factor is 0. The risk-premium in the term structure is, therefore, a monetary-cost risk premium.  相似文献   

Understanding the determinants of aggregated corporate default probabilities (PDs) has attracted substantial research interest over the past decades. This study addresses two major difficulties in understanding the determinants of aggregate PDs: model uncertainty and multicollinearity among the regressors. We present Bayesian model averaging (BMA) as a powerful tool that overcomes model uncertainty. Furthermore, we supplement BMA with ridge regression to mitigate multicollinearity. We apply our approach to an Austrian data set. Our findings suggest that factor prices like short-term interest rates (STIs) and energy prices constitute major drivers of default rates, while firms’ profits reduce the expected number of failures. Finally, we show that the results of our model are fairly robust with respect to the choice of the BMA parameters.  相似文献   

This paper models a mechanism through which population ageing may induce a deflationary process. We propose an overlapping-generations model (OLG) with money created by credits (inside money) and intergenerational trade. The model links demographic factors, such as fertility rates and longevity, to prices. We show that lower fertility rates lead to smaller demand for credit and lower money creation, which in turn cause a decline in prices. Changes in longevity affect prices through real savings and the capital market. Furthermore, a few links between interest rates and inflation are addressed; they arise in the general equilibrium and are not thoroughly discussed in literature. Long-run results are derived analytically; short-run dynamics are simulated numerically.  相似文献   

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