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从1978年开始的会计改革30年,也是中国会计模式探索的30年,这是在会计改革实践中建立中国会计模式的30年。  相似文献   

随着我国市场经济的不断发展,社会经济环境也有了翻天覆地的变化,旧制度已经无法跟上现代化社会经济发展的步伐,因此,制度的创新成为发展的必然趋势。伴随着政府不断加深公共管理改革,传统的会计制度也面临着新路径改革的选择,加上由于政府会计制度具有公共品性质的特殊性,也决定了它的改革路径只能是强制性的制度变迁。因此,文章基于制度变迁的视角,对于政府会计改革路径的选择进行了解析。  相似文献   

论中国会计改革三十年   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
三十年的会计改革是灿烂辉煌的历史里程,是中国,也是世界会计发展史上的里程碑。本文主要从会计思想、理论与教育三方面,研究三十年会计改革的伟大成就,归纳它的基本历史经验,并指出未来的会计改革,要坚持科学发展观,把会计改革的一个重要方面,放到解决农业经济管理问题与加强农业财务、农业会计管理上去,以服务深化农村产权制度改革。  相似文献   

一、改革开放30年以来我国保险会计改革的回顾 改革开放30年是我国经济体制发生根本性变革的时期,是我国保险市场快速发展的时期,也是我国保险会计大发展的时期。在这段特殊的历史时期,我国保险会计的改革和完善主要经历了以下四个阶段:第一阶段是适应计划管理的要求,建立保险企业会计制度阶段,  相似文献   

首先梳理了中国股市的重要制度变迁,并指出目前存在的制度缺陷.在此基础上提出中国股市的改革路径,包括推进股权分置改革,推出个股期权,恢复T+O制度,完善退市和股票一级市场发行制度,提升上市公司市值管理理念.  相似文献   

侯海平 《中国外资》2013,(18):152-152
随着我国经济的不断发展,我国原有的事业单位会计已不能适应我国经济发展的需要,已突显出它的缺点和滞后性,事业单位会计改革迫在眉睫。因此,2012年我国对事业单位会计进行了改革和修订,使它能够适应我国经济发展的需要,更好为我国经济服务。  相似文献   

会计改革是我国改革开放宏伟工程的一部分,通过三十年适应性改革创新,实现了由计划经济体制下的会计管理模式向社会主义市场经济体制下的会计管理模式的根本转变。建立了具有中国特色的现代会计体系。三十年改革成就史无前例,是中国乃至是世界会计发展史上的里程碑。本文集中研究三十年会计改革中的几个基本问题,藉以评价这场改革的历史价值.以及它在全球范围内所显示的深刻意义。  相似文献   

会计政革勺我国的经济发展和经济体制改革是密切相关的。如今.经过20多年的努力,我们已经逐步建立了社会主义市场经济体制。那么.同样经历了这样一个历史过程的会计改革进展如何呢?您能否谈淡这方面的情况?  相似文献   

杨阳 《财会学习》2016,(7):77-78
马克思主义哲学认为,事物之间是普遍联系的,相互影响、相互制约、相互作用的.会计理论变迁与经济的发展亦是如此.经济发展促进了会计的发展和变迁,同时会计的发展对经济的发展也存在一定影响.  相似文献   

初夏的北京处处生机勃勃,记者因参加中国会计学会《企业会计制度》高级研修班而有机会时隔一年再次与前来讲课的财政部会计司副司长刘玉廷先生相遇,并围绕这次研修班的主题及当前会计改革的热点问题向刘司长请教,刘司长愉快地接受了记者的采访。  相似文献   

This paper studies the issue of interaction between tax and accounting practice through an examination of the process followed by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW) when formulating Recommendation on Accounting Principles (RoAP) No. 22 as a replacement for RoAP No. 10. We show that the ICAEW had a clear intention of persuading the Board of Inland Revenue of the legitimacy of replacement cost as a basis of stock valuation, and that the preparation and publication of RoAP 22 succeeded, to a significant extent, in achieving that outcome. We also reveal that RoAP 22 appears to have affected the way in which some companies valued their stock and how their bases of stock valuation were disclosed in corporate published accounts.  相似文献   

改革开放30年来,中国会计师事务所在从小到大、由弱变强的历史发展过程中,事务所产权制度的演进突出地体现了中国特色的事务所发展道路,其间经历了从政府主导到市场主导,从被动增长到主动发展,从强制性变迁到诱致性变迁的转变,中国会计师事务所正在沿着市场化、国际化方向走向未来。改革开放30年以来,中国的注册会计师审计制度作为市场化经济改革进程中一项重要的国家治理制度安排,经历了从无到有,从小到大,从无序到规范的演变过程。作为审计主体,会计师事务所的发展与审计社会功能的有效发挥息息相关。从本质上说,市场经济是产权经济,会计师事务所作为独立的经济主体,其治理制度的安排,特别是产权制度安排对其自身发展和社会作用的发挥具有特别重要的意义。有鉴于此,笔者选择会计师事务所产权制度的演变为视角,对我国会计师事务所的30年发展历程及其特点作一个概要的回顾与评价。  相似文献   

会计报告、会计方程与会计误差   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
会计方程是会计报告的理论基石。现行会计方程以资产恒等于负债加所有者权益为核心。会计科学的本质是计量科学,计量科学的重要特征是存在计量误差。会计对资产的计量是估计与判断的结果,而估计与判断必然产生会计误差。但现行会计方程没有反映会计误差,从而影响了以会计方程为基石的会计报告的科学性和有用性。本文引入会计误差的概念,对会计基本方程进行探讨,在此基础上,对会计误差的内涵、产生与影响、会计误差与托宾q的关系等问题进行研究,旨在对会计报告改革有所帮助。  相似文献   

我国现有预算会计系统的局限性引发了理论界与实务界的改革诉求。理论研究者们希望通过引入西方国家的政府会计概念与企业会计中的应计制基础对我国现有预算会计系统进行改造,以便披露完整的政府财务状况与运营业绩等财务信息。然而,一味强调以政府会计取代预算会计,在政府会计系统中直接提高应计制运用的比重,又必将削弱会计系统的预算管理功能。本文借鉴了IPSAS第24号准则等规范的做法,分离并协调政府财务会计与预算会计系统,试图改变政府会计改革的两难局面。  相似文献   

Behavioral decision theory (BDT) is concerned with “accounting for decisions”. The development of this interdisciplinary field is traced from the appearance of several key publications in the 1950s to the present. Whereas the 1960s saw increasing theoretical and empirical work, the field really started to flourish in the 1970s with the appearance of the review by Slovic & Lichtenstein (Organizational Behavior and Human Performance, pp. 549–744, 1971), and key papers on probabilistic judgment (Tversky & Kahneman, Science, pp. 1124–1131, 1974), and choice (Kahneman & Tversky, Econometrica, pp. 263–291, 1979). From the early 1980s to the present, BDT has seen considerable consolidation and expansion and its influence now permeates many fields of enquiry. After this brief history, eight major ideas or findings are discussed. These are: (1) that judgment can be modeled; (2) bounded rationality; (3) to understand decision making, understanding the task is more important than understanding the people; (4) levels of aspiration/reference points; (5) use of heuristic rules; (6) the importance of adding; (7) search for confirmation; and (8) thought as construction. Next, comments are addressed to differences between BDT and problem solving/cognitive science. It is argued that whereas many substantive differences are artificial, two distinct communities of researchers do exist. This is followed by a discussion of some major shortcomings currently facing BDT that include questions about the robustness of findings as well as overconcern with a few specific, “paradoxial” results. On the other hand, there are many interesting issues that BDT could address and several specific suggestions are made. Moreover, these issues represent opportunities for accounting research and several are enumerated. Finally, BDT presents “decisions for accounting” in the sense that scarce resources need to be allocated to different types of research that could illuminate accounting issues. The argument is made that BDT is one research metaphor or paradigm that has proved useful in accounting and that should be supported. Such support, however, may mean that some researchers may work on issues that, at first blush, might seem distant from accounting per se.  相似文献   

现在的上海上会会计事务所,前身是上海会计师事务所。它成立于1981年1月1日,成立时名为上海注册会计师事务所,一年以后改称上海会计师事务所。现在一般都将上海会计师事务所作为新中国注册会计师制度恢复重建之后正式成立的全国第一家会计师事务所。我曾参与了这家事务所成立早期的一些工作,有以下一些回忆。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the reform of accounting standards in China in 2007 and investigates its impact on equilibrium pricing in the audit market. We find that the concentration of the audit market and the probability of issuing modified audit opinions do not significantly change, but that audit fees increase significantly after the adoption of the new accounting standards in China. Deeper analysis suggests that (1) the implementation of the new IFRS-based Chinese Accounting Standards (CASs) has increased the market risk faced by listed firms and thus auditors’ expected audit risk, causing an increase in audit fees, and (2) the degree of the increase in audit fees is positively related to the adjusted difference between net income according to the old CAS before 2007 and the new CAS after 2007. We thus conclude that the reform has had a significant impact on audit pricing in China.  相似文献   

会计要素的计税标准是指财务会计的各要素按照税收法律法规的规定进行纳税核算时所适用的一系列法律标准。计税标准是法律标准,同时又是数学标准。计 会计标准的存在是税务会计学产生的直接原因。计税标准有计多种类,如数量标准、实物标准、地域标准、时间标准等。最常见、最重要的计税标准是数量标准中的价值标准,如计税价格、计税工资、计税收入等。研究计税标准系列是税务会计学的主要任务之一。  相似文献   

会计系统是社会经济运行的保障系统之一。不同体制下会计对经济循序有不同的维护方式,维护社会主义市场经济秩序是新时期会计建设的重要目标。  相似文献   

This paper provides evidence on several matters relating to accounting for government grants under International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). Focusing on grants related to assets, we trace the development of International Accounting Standard (IAS) 20, outline some of the problems of current accounting practice, and suggest why these have not been addressed by the standard-setter. Then, by hand-collecting data relating to 559 firms from 15 countries, we empirically analyze several issues. We show that asset grants are economically important for some firms and that the frequency of grants is significantly different across the countries. For the non-financial firms in our sample, we identify the grant-related accounting policy choice: a firm can either show the grant as deferred income or net it against the asset. The options are roughly equally popular overall but the firm’s country of domicile is strongly associated with the choice. Further, as a key element of disclosure quality for this topic, we investigate whether or not the balance sheet-related numbers relating to grants are disclosed, finding that many firms do not disclose them. Disclosure quality is better for firms which use the ‘deferred income’ option, and it is also better in countries where a higher proportion of firms has received government grants. International differences and poor disclosure are detrimental to international comparisons, so we conclude that the policy choice should be removed from the accounting standard.  相似文献   

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