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如果说2009年是中国的3G元年的话,我们有理由期盼2010年成为中国“三网融合”的元年。也衷心地希望“三网融合”成为一个面向蓝海、合作共赢的事业。  相似文献   

《蓝海战略》自出版之后,在世界各地引起巨大反响,被奉为战略管理的经典教义之一,无数企业对此推崇备至,试图通过开辟蓝海来寻找更高的利润点。蓝海战略确实开拓了战略的视野,但是很多企业开拓蓝海的失败经历也说明蓝海战略的选择是有条件的。鉴于此,本文从广义比较优势理论出发,提出能否形成顾客认知的比较优势是选择蓝海战略的重要标准,并通过进一步分析认为基于比较优势的蓝海战略是电信企业建立竞争优势的理性选择。  相似文献   

移动互联网充满机遇,产业链各方纷纷涌入这一“新蓝海”,创业公司如雨后春笋不断涌现,有成功也有失败.对于移动互联网企业来说,商业模式将成为企业走向成功的关键.成功的商业模式能使客户蜂拥而至争购产品,使用户规模不断扩大、流量迅速增长,使平台更有竞争力,也可能使竞争对手在竞争中甘拜下风.  相似文献   

在价格战、恶性竞争正打得不亦乐乎之时,肖金学就向记者描述了当时还鲜为人知的那片“蓝海”;在业界对于“转型”这一提法仍略感陌生的时候,肖金学又用“蓝海”向记者阐述了转型的必要性和紧要性;在业界逐步统一转型思想、形成转型战略框架后,肖金学更是向记者抛出了"提升转型执行力刻不容缓"的论断;而在从集团到地方、  相似文献   

要实现进一步的快速增长,驱动力至关重要,源于“蓝海”、趋于“蓝海”而来的强大驱动力是中国移动得以实现和谐跨越的重要优势所在。  相似文献   

蓝海——蓝色的海洋,辽阔、神 秘、充满未知的挑战,那里是一片 无拘无束的天地,足以让人们心胸 开阔。 i-mode 是 NTT DoCoMo 公司所发现的一 片蓝海。1999年,DoCoMo 公司推出了移动 互联网服务 i-mode,用户只需轻轻一按手  相似文献   

"大数据时代"已然来临,并且正在改变世界。作为网络时代数据交换的中心,电信运营商在大数据方面拥有天然优势。如何打好手中这张"大数据"牌,为电信业务转型开辟新"蓝海",对电信运营商来说至关重要。然而,大数据有大商机,同时也有大风险,那就是电信运营商在开发大数据市场的过程中,需要依法处理好用户隐私保护和网络信息安全问题。  相似文献   

贺宗春 《当代通信》2005,(21):56-58
蓝海——蓝色的海洋,辽阔、神秘、充满未知的挑战,那里是一片无拘无束的天地,足以让人们心胸开阔。[编者按]  相似文献   

马英杰 《邮政研究》2018,34(5):30-31
消费金融业务正在成为金融服务市场的新蓝海。文章分析了中邮消费金融公司发展存在的问题,研究了捷信集团消费金融的发展经验,探讨了中邮消费金融公司的发展对策。  相似文献   

今年5月17日,中国公众多媒体通信网在全国26个省市正式开通,这是电信部门建设的以中文为主的、面向大众的网络体系。发展多媒体通信业务对于电信发展的整体战略以及未来实施较大的业务调整,具有非常重要的意义。电信部门经营的信息业务主要是面向电话和计算机用户...  相似文献   

NGN的目标:能够提供多种业务的融合网络 融合可以向用户提供各种形式的业务和一站式的服务,使用户不管是在固定环境中还是在移动环境中都能享受同样的服务;融合还给运营商带来增加收入的机会,减少引进新业务的风险,特别是适合全业务的经营。而NGN的目标就是这样一个能够提供多种业务的融合网络。  相似文献   

在新技术的推动下,具有百年历史的电信业正在走向变革的十字路口。新技术对传统技术的替代已经动摇了这个行业100多年来形成的动作模式,无论是固网运营商,还是移动运营商,都在话音业务之外积极寻求可持续发展的道路。在新旧交替的关口,作为电信技术的两大战略领域,宽带技术和移动技术已经成为支撑全球电信业实现可持续发展的两大支点,推动着产业融合与转型不断走向深入。  相似文献   

一段戏言在不经意间已将我们引入喜剧纷扰的2007年,众所周知,每一项技术或是业务在带来重大机遇的同时,巨大的挑战也必然随之而来,在很多时候,红与黑仅仅一线之间,在这里,我们所说的“红”代表的是潜力,机遇及勃勃生机,  相似文献   

“走出去”:机遇与挑战并存雷震洲:早在1992年统战部召开的一次改革开放座谈会上,我曾提出,改革开放不光是开放让别人走进来,更重要的是我们要走出去,这实际上是在一定的框架下的一种对等关系。1999年,我在电信研究院的一份研究报告里谈到全球化问题时,认为全球化就是要发展国际业务,扩大国际合作,走出国门,参与国际市场竞争,要具备提供全球性业务的能力,要适应多边模式的体制。近年来,政府工作报告和中央会议都提出“走出去”战略,就是要加快实  相似文献   

全国两会刚刚结束,温总理坚定而又极具亲和力的话语还在耳边萦绕,电信行业又迎来了自己一年一度的“两会”——“中国电信业发展与政策通报会”。在致辞时,信息产业部副部长娄勤俭对“中国电信业发展与政策通报会”作出高度评价,他认为作为加强宏观调控、转变政府职能、推进政务公开、促进信息资源共享的重要手段之一,通报会机制不断完善,内容不断充实,规模不断扩大,在加强信息引导,架起政府与企业之间、企业与企业之间的交流沟通等方面发挥了重要作用,得到了各方面的充分肯定。 也许有人会想,政策通报会年年开,今年能开出什么新意呢?实际上,每年全国两会讨论的热点问题都避不开政治、经济、外交几大领域。因为这些问题才是国之大事,热议这些关系到国计民生的大事正说明我们的政府是务实的政府,是积极的政府,是人民的政府。同样,在“2007年中国电信业发展与政策通报会”上,透过关注的问题我们看到的是蓬勃发展的电信业,是积极务实的监管者,是勇拓市场的运营商,是电信业充满光明希望的未来。  相似文献   

Erik Koenen 《Publizistik》2018,63(4):535-556
In the discussion about the future of communication and media science in digital times, this article focuses on the position and perspective of communication and media history. The challenges, problems and potentials associated with digitization are illustrated using the example of historical press research. Within the media ensemble of classical mass communication, the periodic press in particular benefits from the retrospective digitization of historical media and their digital edition in databases and portals. For historical press research, digitized newspapers and digital newspaper portals represent an originally new, because increasingly digital research situation: Digital newspaper portals as a novel, originally digital world for newspapers not only facilitate the path to newspapers and their contents, they also open them up as digital resources machine-readable and thus open up completely new paths for research—not least supported by digital methods.The main objective of this article is to discuss the epistemological-methodological problems and the practical operationalization of digitally framed or supported research processes in historical press research and to present concrete perspectives of knowledge and research strategies for practice. With this aim in mind, the paper discusses three points:(1.) Methodological and practical consequences of historical press research in digital research environments. With the digitization of newspapers and their digital reproduction in newspaper portals, their source character shifts essentially in three dimensions: They are edited and indexed digitally and their complete content is made accessible through optical character recognition. This makes previously unimportant technical aspects such as data formats, portal interfaces, search algorithms and programming interfaces very relevant for the methodology of historical press research. A primary methodological effect of the digital reorganization of newspapers in data and portals is the reversal of the usual reading practice: from “top down” to “bottom up”. With the help of “keyword searching”, newspapers can now be searched comprehensively and transversely to the order of the newspaper original. Nevertheless, there is a warning against an all too naïve and uncritical usage of digitized newspapers and newspaper portals. In practice, some problems and risks are crucial for the conception of historical newspaper research in digital research environments: Besides a hardly standardized and in large parts “wild”, because often uncoordinated and selective digitization of newspapers, the newspaper portals are different in their conception as well as characterized by different content, technical, legal and entrepreneurial conditions.(2.) Historical newspapers as digital sources in practice. The methodological and technical framework are fundamental and far-reaching for the further practical use of newspapers as digital sources in research. In each research step, it must be considered that digitized newspapers are genuinely new and, depending on the quality and depth of digitization, very complex sources with information gains and losses compared to the originals. Newspapers are not simply digitized, they are digitally constructed and differ in this construction from each other. In this respect, historical press researchers are increasingly becoming “users”. However simple and uncomplicated newspaper portals may be in practice, one must incorporate the implicit functions (hidden in algorithms, data and code) and the limits of these knowledge engines and their “correct” use into the research process. Combining and mediating classical hermeneutic methods with search technologies is an essential moment in the practical handling of digitized newspapers.(3.) Historical press research and digital methods. In the light of the new research situation which is emerging with digitized newspapers and newspaper portals, it is obvious that historical press research should increasingly open up to the possibilities of digital methods. In the digital method discussion of historical press research, one concept in particular forms a central point of reference: Franco Moretti’s concept of “Distant Reading”. Basically, “Distant Reading”—and this is what makes this perspective so interesting for historical press research in dealing with the considerable metadata and full text volumes of digitized newspapers—is about the quantitative-automatic indexing of large text corpora using methods and techniques of “Text Mining”. Digital text methods are thus seriously changing the way we look at texts and the research practice with texts such as newspapers: In parts, they automate and accelerate reading processes, produce “new” text extracts by the computer, generate new interpretation contexts between individual text, corpus and condensate, and thus set new orientation points for “close reading”. Computers and digital text methods thus do not relieve researchers of interpretation. Rather, they constantly challenge them to interpret in a continuous interplay in order to give meaning to the text patterns discovered by machines.In spite of all these advantages, digital methods have so far only been used sporadically in historical press research. For this reason, finally a digital workflow for research processes in historical press research will be presented, which illustrates and summarizes essential challenges, problems, solutions and potentials of digitally framed or supported research in press history.  相似文献   

2001年7月13日,时任国际奥委会主席的萨马兰奇向世人宣布,北京成为2008年奥运会主办城市,全中国成为了欢乐的海洋,2004年8月30日,北京市市长王岐山从雅典市长手中接过奥运大旗,挥舞出“四年后去北京看看”的豪言……现在回想起来,这一幕幕场景还恍如昨日,然而回到现实中来,我们会发现其实在不知不觉中,奥运会倒计时一周年已在眼前,北京2008奥运就要到了。面对且行且近的2008奥运会,你准备好了吗?对于作为现代奥运中重要一环的奥运通信保障而言,有必要对此给出一个明确的答复,从目前来看,奥运与通信可以说已真正步入了两情相悦的时代,在信息通信技术的推动下,奥运这一全球最受关注的体育赛事一次更比一次精彩。同样,对于力图开拓信息化大市场,实现由大到强转变的中国信息通信业来说,奥运也正是一场难得的热身和检阅,然而真要将这份两情相悦变成奥运、通信皆大欢喜,信息通信业必须做好周密的筹备。正所谓“有备才能无患”。  相似文献   

转型是当前电信业最热门的话题。转型,涉及业务内容、网络基础、运营机制和服务模式等。其中,服务转型是电信业转型中的一个重要议题。近日,中国网通集团副总经理左迅生接受了本刊记者采访,就运营企业服务转型的内容,原则等问题进行了阐述。  相似文献   

2001年年末。我国正式加入世贸组织,这是我国经济全球化进程当中的一件大事,标志着我国对外开放进入了一个新的阶段。五年来,我国经济进一步发展,综合国力继续增强,入世产生了重要而深远的影响。在入世的大背景下,我们的电信行业也发生了巨大的变化。那么,WTO具体给中国电信业带来了什么,我们又该如何看待这种变化呢?  相似文献   

由于市场的变化和激烈的竞争,目前电信运营业的发展遇到了很大的困难,走向综合信息服务商已经成为电信界的共识。那么,传统的电信运营商如何向综合信息服务商转型?近日,UT 斯达康公司首席科学家杨景接受了本刊记者的独家采访,对电信运营商在综合信息服务业中的位置、运营基础设施的发展以及推动向综合信息服务发展的路径提出了建议。  相似文献   

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