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服务贸易进口是否带来国外R&D溢出效应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文运用90个国家1998~2007年的面板数据研究不同要素密集型服务贸易进口的国外R&D溢出效应,研究发现,只有高强度的国内R&D投入才能显著促进全要素生产率、技术效率提升以及技术进步,不断完善的知识产权保护制度有助于强化这种作用;劳动密集型、资本密集型服务贸易进口无助于进口国全要素生产率、技术效率提升和技术进步,不断完善的知识产权保护制度也难以改变这种状况;技术与知识密集型服务贸易进口通过国外R&D溢出效应显著促进了全要素生产率、技术效率提升以及技术进步。  相似文献   

国际知识资本溢出是推动全要素生产率的重要引擎。基于中国30个省份2000—2018年面板数据,利用双向固定效应模型研究进口溢出的知识资本和FDI溢出的知识资本对全要素生产率的影响。研究结果表明:两类国际知识资本均对全要素生产率有显著促进作用,进口溢出的知识资本促进弹性大于FDI溢出的知识资本,但在加入交叉项后两者存在显著的抑制效应,这主要是由于跨国公司内部贸易的技术封锁导致;国际知识资本对全要素生产率的影响具有区域异质性,对东部的促进效应明显优于中西部。这一发现为我国更高效地利用国际知识资本进行区域间协调高质量发展提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

为揭示产业发展的制约因素对其全要素生产率的影响及空间溢出效应,以轻工业为研究对象,利用中国轻工业省际面板数据,通过基于DEA 的Malmquist 指数方法计算出省际轻工业全要素生产率,再运用空间回归模型偏微分方法衡量了各影响因素对轻工业全要素生产率的总空间溢出效应、区域间溢出效应和区域内溢出效应。研究发现,中国轻工业全要素生产率增长存在显著的空间依赖性和空间联动性。在影响因素中,信息化、外商直接投资和基础设施对轻工业全要素生产率增长存在正向空间溢出效应,金融扶持、城镇化、对外需求和对内需求对轻工业全要素生产率增长存在负向空间溢出效应。  相似文献   

以2002—2016年我国30个省区市的数据为研究样本,基于SBM方向性距离函数的Malmquist-Luenberger指数方法测算绿色全要素生产率,选取固定效应模型实证分析贸易开放和FDI对绿色全要素生产率的影响,结果表明:贸易开放有利于促进技术进步,进而对我国绿色全要素生产率具有显著的促进作用,而FDI对我国绿色全要素生产率具有显著的抑制作用,验证了“污染避难所”假说,且这种影响存在一定的区域异质性,贸易开放对东部沿海地区绿色全要素生产率的促进作用更显著,而FDI对中西部内陆地区绿色全要素生产率的抑制作用更加明显;贸易开放与FDI的交互作用有利于绿色全要素生产率的提升,说明贸易开放和FDI的良性作用机制已形成;科技投入、物质资本水平和人力资本水平均有利于绿色全要素生产率的提升,但基础设施建设目前存在资源浪费和环境污染问题,对绿色全要素生产率具有抑制作用。  相似文献   

国际技术外溢渠道的实证研究   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
本文在对相关文献进行梳理的基础上,测算了中国1985-2005年间通过外国直接投资、对外直接投资、出口贸易和进口贸易四种渠道溢出的外国研发资本存量,并采用国际R&D溢出回归框架实证分析了各种渠道的技术外溢对于中国全要素生产率的影响。研究结果表明,国内的研发支出是促进全要素生产率增长的最重要因素,通过外国直接投资和出口贸易渠道的技术外溢是全要素生产率增长的重要源泉,但是以对外直接投资和进口贸易为传导机制的国际研发溢出并没有对我国的技术进步起到促进作用。  相似文献   

基于分位数回归方法,本文重点考察人力资本和贸易开放度对中国全要素生产率的影响.结果表明:[1]从全国范围看,人力资本对全要素生产率增长存在较弱的即期效应,而贸易开放度则表现为滞后效应;[2]这两个因素在各分位点处对全要素生产率增长的影响表现出鲜明的区域差异.只有在东部地区,人力资本对全要素生产率增长的影响才具有较强的即期效应,西部地区贸易开放度对全要素生产率的影响存在滞后性,且滞后期相对较长,而中部地区与全国整体表现较为相似.  相似文献   

中国内资与外资的效率差异及收敛性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过使用各省、自治区及直辖市工业行业的面板数据,借助数据包络分析(DEA),本文测定了各个省份内外资的全要素生产率,结果显示各省份内资和外资的全要素生产率在1999~2007年间均呈现增长趋势,外资工业的全要素生产率高于内资工业;东部地区和中部地区全要素生产率差别不大,而西部地区与东、中部地区呈现较大的差距;外资通过由高至低的技术扩散和竞争效应对内资产生溢出效应,前者是外资溢出效应的主要渠道,而后一种渠道则在总体上显示了负面影响.  相似文献   

将数据作为新型生产要素纳入空间全要素生产率理论分析框架,基于2011~2020年我国254个地级及以上城市的面板数据,采用熵值法与SBM方向性距离函数的Malmquist-Luenberger指数法,分别考察城市数字经济与绿色全要素生产率发展情况,并构建空间计量模型实证分析数字经济对绿色全要素生产率的空间效应。研究发现:城市数字经济发展与绿色全要素生产率存在显著的空间相关性,数字经济的蓬勃发展不仅可对本地区绿色全要素生产率产生积极影响,同时其空间溢出效应也有助于其他地区绿色全要素生产率的提升;相较于经济相对发达的沿海城市群,数字经济发展对中原、长江中游等内陆城市群绿色全要素生产率的推动作用更为明显。鉴于此,应深入贯彻新发展理念,营造绿色发展环境,充分发挥数字经济的跨区溢出效应,进一步促进城市绿色全要素生产率的提升。  相似文献   

本文基于1999~2006年中国15家商业银行的面板数据,运用非参数DEA模型的Malmquist生产率指数,测算了商业银行的全要素生产率,结果显示中国商业银行全要素生产率整体呈现下降趋势.在此基础上构建了影响我国商业银行全要素生产率的微观和宏观模型,检验了各影响因素对全要素生产率的影响方向和程度,实证结果表明资产市场份额、GDP增长率、全社会固定资产投资增长率对商业银行全要素生产率有显著正向作用,资产费用率、消费者价格指数和全部国有及规模以上非国有工业企业销售收入利润增长率对商业银行全要素生产率有显著负向作用,产权结构的多元化有利于商业银行全要素生产率的提高.  相似文献   

乡村旅游作为助力乡村振兴的重要载体,是“强村富民”的绿色驱动力。本文基于2011—2019年30省区面板数据,借助DEA-Malmquist模型测算乡村旅游全要素生产率并讨论其时序特征;构建地理距离与经济地理距离矩阵后,依托空间杜宾模型考察其溢出效应。研究结果表明:乡村旅游全要素生产率呈波动态势但整体向好且由技术进步推进;乡村旅游全要素生产率空间上具有“高高”集聚或“低低”集聚特征;环境规制、经济发展水平和农村居民固定资产投资对乡村旅游全要素生产率有正向显著空间溢出效应。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes trade-related knowledge flows from an innovating country to other countries. It is assumed that knowledge is embodied in commodities traded between countries and that the potential productivity of this knowledge is determined by the local usability of foreign technologies. The usability of foreign knowledge is dependent on the local absorption capacity (such as knowledge infrastructure and human capital) and on structural differences (factor endowments or climate) between countries. In agriculture, a large portion of the knowledge is embodied in inputs which cause factor-biased technical change in the receiving sectors. Trade-related knowledge transmission is introduced in an applied multi-region general equilibrium model (GTAP) to study the macro-economic and sectoral impacts of knowledge spillovers and of trade policies. Endogenous embodied technology spillovers bear some important implications for trade policy, because protective measures preclude countries not only from cheaper imports but also from foreign technologies.  相似文献   

We study whether a firm’s total factor productivity dynamics is positively influenced by its own R&D activity and by the technological spillovers generated at the intra- and inter-sectorial level. Our approach corrects simultaneously for the endogeneity and the selectivity biases introduced by the use of a firm’s own R&D as a regressor. The evidence suggests that a firm’s involvement in R&D activities accounts for significant productivity gains. Firms also benefit from spillovers originating from their own industries, as well as from innovative upstream sectors.  相似文献   

We use an input–output model to examine the effect of trade integration on productivity growth and the demand for skilled workers in Canada for the period 1981–1997. We find that trade integration has a positive effect on both labour productivity and total factor productivity. Labour productivity and total factor productivity grew faster in export and import industries than in the total business sector over this period, and this productivity growth gap has widened over time. Canada is found to have a comparative advantage in capital- and natural-resource-intensive industries, although it has declined over time. We find that trade integration has little effect on the demand for skilled and unskilled workers in Canada.  相似文献   

A bstract . Any conclusions regarding Canada's competitiveness must be based on the criteria of total factor productivity rather than trade performance. The use of available data on merchandise export/import balance is misleading because merchandise trade , for instance, precludes trade in services. While trade performance criteria is less than sufficient in judging the competitiveness of Canada , close study of the total factor productivity criteria does not find evidence for the alleged "crisis of Canadian loss of competitiveness."  相似文献   

Using US input–output data for the period 1958–87, I find strong evidence that industry total factor productivity (TFP) growth is significantly related to the TFP performance of the supplying sectors, with an elasticity of almost 60%. R&D intensity is also found to be a significant determinant of industry TFP growth, with an estimated return of about 10–13% and the return to embodied R&D is estimated at 43%. Direct productivity spillovers, from the technological progress made by supplying sectors, appear to be more important than spillovers from the R&D performed by suppliers. They also play a key role in explaining changes in manufacturing TFP growth over time. Changes in the contribution made by direct productivity spillovers to TFP growth account for almost half of the slowdown in TFP growth in manufacturing from 1958–67 to 1967–77, and for 20% of the TFP growth recovery in this sector from 1967–77 to 1977–87. Changes in R&D intensity and embodied R&D are relatively unimportant in explaining movements in manufacturing TFP growth over these three periods.  相似文献   

We study labor and total factor productivity in the Mexican manufacturing sector for the 1994 to 2002 period. Labor productivity increased at an annual rate of 3 percent, while total factor productivity has null or negative growth depending on the methodology used. We conduct several robustness checks by providing alternatives measures of productivity growth. Moreover, we investigate the sources of productivity growth by studying the impact of international trade, investment, quality of the labor force and labor market institutions.  相似文献   

The paper presents new econometric evidence on the relationship between total factor productivity growth and the R&D expenditures of Canadian manufacturing industries in the presence of interindustry and international spillovers of technology. In contrast to studies that presume that international spillovers are incorporated in imports of intermediate and/or capital equipment goods, the present paper assumes that the principal channel of transmission of new technology is foreign direct investment. Three original proxies for international spillovers use information on patenting, the size and the origin of foreign ownership in the host country and the R&D expenditures in the country of origin. The results suggest that the nexus between industry's own R&D expenditures and the TFP growth is significant and positive, especially for the process-related R&D. Domestic interindustry spillovers of new technology have a larger effect on TFP than industry's own R&D expenditures. All three proxies for international technology spillovers are associated positively and significantly with TFP growth. However, international spillovers contribute to TFP growth less than domestic interindustry spillovers and less than own process-related R&D.  相似文献   

Technology ‘spillovers’ are increasingly being recognized as sources of productivity growth. International ‘convergence’ in productivity levels has also been noted in recent studies. This paper reports a study of international total factor productivity (TFP) growth for 11 industrial sectors in seven OECD countries. Spillover variables are defined based on interindusty and international invention input–output (I(IO)) weights. These variables are tested against import-weighted variables. The study concludes that I(IO)-weighted R&D ‘spill-ins’ are important determinants of TFP growth and that convergence is dependent on domestic RBD.  相似文献   

This paper examines the link between spillovers of currency carry trade returns and U.S. market returns. Following Tse and Zhao (2012), this paper hypothesizes that the magnitude of spillovers of currency carry trade returns is positively correlated with market risk sentiment and, therefore, has an impact on market returns. Using the G10 currencies and S&P 500 index futures, the empirical results present a high magnitude of spillover effects of currency carry trade markets. The empirical findings also show a significantly positive relationship between spillovers of currency carry trade returns and subsequent market returns. Furthermore, the results indicate that this relationship is stronger in bear markets than in bull markets. Finally, our findings show that spillovers of currency carry trade returns significantly affect the subsequent transition probabilities of market returns.  相似文献   

The paper examines the importance of interindustry technology flows in finnish manufacturing in the 1980s and early 1990s. An attempt is made to distinguish between embodied technology flows and spillovers, so clarifying the spillover concept.Embodied technology covers intermediate goods and capital equipment. The embodied technology data that have been used are partly based on input—output analysis, while the spillover estimates presented are based on measures of technological distance based on the industry-specific distributions of R&D expenditures. Econometric analysis of the effects of the various technology inputs on total factor productivity implies that technology embodied in foreign machinery, domestic spillovers and, to some extent, the firms' own R&D have been the most important technology sources on average.  相似文献   

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