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继奥运会后,设立在奥体公园的中行ATM又为残奥会提供了便捷的金融服务,彰显了两个奥运,金融服务同样精彩的理念。 相似文献
2006年1月6日,“何镜如家政服务公司”在四川省成都市芳草街2号正式成立,两个月后获得“成都市优秀家政服务企业”称号,49岁的何镜如也再次被评为“成都市家政行业服务明星”。面对鲜花和掌声,何镜如禁不住感慨万千:这位曾经的千万富婆,当她成为拥有员工数百人、资产上千万的化工公司老板时,哪里会想到自己人到中年又会一无所有,从头再来? 相似文献
2005年,政府在国有银行引进外资战略上做出了一些改变,其中最大的改变莫过于放弃国有银行海外上市的原定计划,并正式宣布外资入股中国银行业的上限不再局限于25%--此举引起中国国内一片指责声,认为"银行贱卖,将导致金融主权旁落".银行高管当然否定"贱卖论".但他们有苦难言的是:开放金融业大门,完全是因为国有银行到美国华尔街上市圈钱成了泡影,这才不得不改变战略,对外资银行来个"姜太公钓鱼,愿者上钩". 相似文献
以党的十一届三中全会为标志.开启了中国改革开放的历史新时期,而今改革开放已经步入了第30年。正如胡锦涛总书记在十七大报告中所指出的,“改革开放是决定当代中国命运的关键抉择,是发展中国特色社会主义、实现中华民族伟大复兴的必由之路:只有社会主义才能救中国.只有改革开放才能发展中国、发展社会主义,发展马克思主义”。 相似文献
政策暖风频吹 今年年初以来,关于商业银行上市的各种说法便不断传来.中国人民银行行长戴相龙在不少场合明确表示,中央银行支持资本市场的发展,并将商业银行改革的目标锁定为股份制,鼓励和支持够条件的银行在国内外上市. 相似文献
某面粉厂,历年来是公认的诚信纳税企业,却由于没有准确执行免税政策,对生产过程中产生的下脚料,误作为免税的饲料处理,被税务机关发现并查处,要求该单位补缴税款43023.23元,并给予43023.23元的罚款。 相似文献
澳大利亚国有银行成功上市的启示 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
国有银行股改上市是一项新事物,面临着诸多考验,不妨借鉴西文国有商业银行股改上市成功的经验,实现我国国有银行的顺利上市我国四大国有商业银行正在紧锣密鼓的准备上市,建行、中行已经股改挂牌,距上市只有一步之遥;工行、农行将紧随其后,积极备战。国有银行股改上市是一项新事物,面临着诸多考验,我们可以借鉴西方国有商业银行股改上市成功的经验,实现我国国有银行的顺利上市。澳大利亚的国有银行--澳大利亚联邦银行(以下简称CBA),就是一个成功的范例。 相似文献
Randy I. Anderson Raymond T. Brastow Geoffrey K. Turnbull Bennie D. Waller 《The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics》2014,49(3):434-450
This paper examines how seller pricing decisions influence listing contract length and how these decisions affect price and liquidity in housing markets. Because list price affects broker effort required to sell the property, brokers respond to seller overpricing by increasing the negotiated listing contract length. At the same time, sellers respond to longer listing contracts by adjusting their list price strategy. Both list price and length of marketing time affect broker sales effort and therefore a property’s realized selling price and liquidity. Analysis of house transaction data from Virginia indicates that greater over-pricing by sellers prompts brokers to pursue longer listing contracts, which subsequently lengthen marketing time but increase selling price. The results reveal a novel transmission mechanism from higher list price (which induces longer contracts) to selling price and liquidity. 相似文献
在国有银行和农村信用社改革得到国家资金支持的同时,一直在缝隙中求生存的城市商业银行以自己的方式进行各种改革的探索:最近,天津城商行成功引进外资;上海银行经过多年的期待之后,上海银行宁波分行终于获得了准生证……。就在年近岁末,徽商银行的成立又成了城市商业银行发展历程中的一个里程碑,——真是好戏连台。城市商业银行的发展道路多种多样,没有统一的模式,关键在于找到各自适合的道路。最近,唐双宁副主席表示,城商行中不符合要求的将面临退市,这意味着分化与洗牌将一直持续下去。面对着变化了的监管形势、宏观环境、竞争格局以及金融生态,不管以往的经营状况如何,城市商业银行的行长们都要保持清醒的头脑,寻求突破,积极变革。 相似文献
In recent years, many European companies have listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), and companies from emerging market countries such as Israel, China, and India have listed not only on the NYSE, but on various other American and European exchanges such as the Nasdaq and the London Stock Exchange (LSE). At the same time, growing competition among exchanges has led to consolidation of the industry through mergers and alliances. In this article, the authors explore the main factors in corporate listing decisions as well as the expected effects on listing standards of both the growing competition and the recent wave of alliances and mergers among exchanges. When choosing an exchange, corporate issuers are likely to consider the listing requirements and reputations of the exchanges, as well as the sophistication of investors who trade on those exchanges and the extent of their knowledge of the firm's industry and business. As a general rule, value‐maximizing companies can be expected to list on the most reputable exchange they can, but may also choose listings (in some cases, dual or multiple listings) on less reputable (typically local) exchanges with more investors who are familiar with the issuer's industry or products. When setting their listing standards, publicly traded exchanges devote considerable attention to finding the optimal listing and disclosure standards, and may consider adjusting them to changes in circumstances. The setting and enforcement of the appropriate listing standards are the main determinant of an exchange's reputation, which in turn determines the kinds of companies that will choose to list on it. Exchanges with the highest listing standards and reputations are likely to work hard to maintain them, while exchanges with lesser reputations will seek to carve out niches by making opportunistic use of lower (though not too low) listing standards while possibly seeking alliances or mergers. But if less reputable exchanges use their lower listing standards (and fees) as a means of competing for listings with other exchanges, this will not necessarily lead to a “race to the bottom” in listing standards. Moreover, a merger between two exchanges is likely to result in a higher listing standard for the combined exchange than for (at least one of) the pre‐merger exchanges. 相似文献
海外上市:规则变迁折射新阶段 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
中国企业海外上市始于20世纪80年代.当时,随着市场经济发展,对资本市场认识的加深,企业越来越深刻地认识到资本市场对于企业发展的重要作用,中国企业开始积极利用资本市场筹集资金,促进公司治理水平提高.但是由于中国内地资本市场当时刚刚起步,而且主要定位于配合国有企业脱困,能够在A股市场上市融资的企业数量相对于有意上市的企业数量有限,难以在A股市场融资的企业于是开始选择其他资本市场. 相似文献