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英语歧义是客观存在的独特的语言现象,本文将主要从交际效应的角度出发,把交际过程中出现的歧义现象分为无意歧义和蓄意歧义,并分别结合教学实践加以分析举例.  相似文献   

在语言的使用过程中人们常常追求用语的精确,注重语言的简洁,要求言必有中,但是在实际语言交流过程中由于存在复杂的外部环境,出现言不达意或者让人理解偏差的现象,这种语言的歧义现象是很常见的,每一种语种中都会存在。英语与汉语无论是在语法、语音还是在词汇上都存在很大的差别,中国大学生在学习英语时很难避免语言歧义模糊现象的出现,在大学英语阅读教学中表现得更加明显,直接影响到学生的英语学习。要想提升阅读教学效果,有必要培养学生歧义容忍度认知水平。本文主要从已有的歧义容忍度研究出发,分析其对阅读教学的影响,探究如何有效改进阅读教学。  相似文献   

广告作为一种特殊的文体,有着其特有的语言风格.本文通过概括并分析中英文广告中违反合作原则的现象及其原因,从语用学角度探讨了广告语言的特点.  相似文献   

当前语言歧义现象已引起广泛关注,认真研究歧义结构对语言学习和交流是很重要的。歧义现象的存在在某些情况下会使人们产生错误理解,从而影响交流的顺利进行。本文主要探讨语言运用过程中在词汇、句法结构方面产生的歧义,对英语结构歧义的类型、理解与翻译用典型的实例作了说明。  相似文献   

在商品经济迅速发展的今天,广告作为一种信息传播方式在我们生活中随处可见。然而烟草,这种被科学证明对身体有害的产品,无疑又是特别的一种。在我国,烟草广告是被明令禁止出现在任何媒体及公共场所的,但商家却总能想到办法宣传自己的商品。本文试图从索绪尔语言符号学的角度出发对烟草广告进行探究,通过语言符号之间的任意性,揭示其能指与所指,帮助人们更好地解读此类烟草广告。  相似文献   

在自然语言中,歧义是一种普遍的语言现象。它存在于任何一种语言中,英语也不例外。歧义造成说话者与听话者之间的误解,影响着人们之间正常的交流与交往,因此歧义现象受到了许多人的关注。本文将在三个约束原则理论的框架下,对英语歧义句进行分析。并提出避免和消除歧义现象的有效方法。  相似文献   

英汉歧义在广告语中的积极运用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
歧义是一个语言表达方式有两种或两种以上意义的特殊语言现象,它作为广告文体中经常使用的技巧之一已经引起广泛关注。该文着重从英汉语音、词汇、语法/结构及语用等四个层面展示英汉歧义在广告语中的积极运用。  相似文献   

商务英语广告的语言模糊性处理是一种语言挑战,但这种语言运用及其跨语言转换时的积极歧义层面,也为商务英语广告制作及其汉译提供了创意空间。尤其是在修辞格使用与翻译操作中,更应该有意利用这种语言模糊特性的积极面,以追求生动、形象、动感的艺术效果。本文从模糊性语言理论着手,对商务英语广告的修辞格现象进行了分析和论述,并提出了相应的汉译策略。  相似文献   

随着市场经济的蓬勃发展,企业和商家为了产品的销售和市场的拓展,愈来愈倚仗于广告这一传播手段,广告行为已经成为一种对消费者及受众最具影响力的大众传播形式。本文对广告行为中社会教育功能问题进行了初步的探研。主要包括:广告行为的社会教育功能;广告行为的社会教育功能的表现特征;对广告行为中社会教育功能的评价标准。  相似文献   

作为一种商业语言,广告英语为了说服消费者购买其产品,往往运用各种语言表达手段。本文分别从合作原则和关联原则出发,对广告的语言表达进行分析,以更好地了解广告语言的用法。  相似文献   

广告语是特定语境下的特殊交际形式,从交际的角度来看,具有信息性、劝诱性、情境性、预设性以及交际单向性五个方面的特征。广告语设计者正是利用这些特征,通过广告语的明示刺激来改变公众的认知环境,突显目标产品的特点,使目标产品新旧知识之间的关联得以重构,起到强化、补充或改变公众对目标产品认知的作用,从而达到广而告之的语境效果的。  相似文献   

预设有事实预设、信念预设、状态预设、行为预设等种类,在广告文案叙述的客观性、礼貌原则、导向作用等方面体现出积极作用。预设的巧妙运用大大增强了广告语言的说服性。  相似文献   

Research on consumer cognitive response has focused primarily on the issue of persuasiveness of advertising communications. Involvement states have been frequently proposed as mediators of cognitive responses. This article proposes extending cognitive responses and their interaction with involvement to the measurement of disconfirmation resulting from a product trial experience which is designed to be inconsistent with prior expectations derived from advertising exposure. Such expectations are manipulated by varying levels of exaggeration in one and two-sided advertisements. High and low involvement with the response task is also introduced, and hypotheses are presented as to the effects of involvement, exaggeration, and two-sided presentations on disconfirmation and cognitive responses. The findings suggest that exaggeration increases disconfirmation and counterar gumentation, especially in high involvement conditions, and that two-sided refutational ads tend to moderate these effects. More broadly, the article suggests that examination of cognitive responses should be extended beyound evaluation of advertising stimuli and should be used to evaluate the post-trial experience.  相似文献   

通过对英语歧义现象及交际教学的应用方法分析,帮助读者进一步学好英语,并且给英语教学方面以启迪和帮助。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to test the proposed model in order to explain some ambiguity in the advertising process. The model was formulated by focusing attention on relevant socio-psychological parameters motivating television viewers regarding television commercials. The fundamental structure of this model stemmed from a theory advanced by Louis Guttman. Utilizing this theory, an attempt was made to demonstrate empirically the advertising process from the consumer-viewer side.  相似文献   

Although the Federal Trade Commission has initiated a number of rulings to reduce professional societies’ prohibitions against advertising in order to stimulate competition, there is little research regarding the subject. Certainly, this is true of the potential effects of doctors’ advertising. In this study, subjects received illustrative physicians’ advertisements with varying levels of price, service, and competency. In analysis with various attitudinal and intentional measures as dependent variables, these factors were shown to have statistical significance.  相似文献   

Advertising is one of the institutions which cut across cultures, and this study assesses comparative differences and similarities between the U.S. and Yugoslavia in their attitudes toward advertising as an institution. The comparison is effected through replication in Yugoslavia of the Bauer-Geyser Study. The findings indicate that advertising in Yugoslavia is not a salient issue, although there is a greater homogeneity of salience of other specific issues than in the U.S. More U.S. respondents expressed a need for change in advertising; more Yugoslav respondents were indifferent toward advertising. The reasons for liking and disliking advertising also differed in the two samples. The implications are that the intensity of advertising in the U.S. has made it a salient irritant to at least a minority of consumers, whereas in Yugoslavia there is an immediate need for improvement in the creative aspect of advertising.  相似文献   

We advance a broadened conceptualization of advertising context effects by considering how consumer response is influenced by the competitive advertising context. This contextual variable reflects how typically or atypically advertising tactics are employed by brands in a product category. Study 1 demonstrates that employing an advertising tactic that is perceived by consumers as atypical in a category undermines its influence on brand attitudes. Study 2 shows that this persuasion penalty is circumvented by innovative brands through a phenomenon we refer to as advertising flexibility that enables innovative brands to successfully employ advertising tactics under a wider range of conditions than non-innovative brands. A final study provides process evidence for this effect by showing that brand attitudes are determined by advertising content for innovative brands but by considerations of the competitive advertising context for non-innovative brands.  相似文献   

Many changes in advertising copy testing methods have developed in the last decade. A survey of advertising agency and advertising executives was conducted to learn the relative popularity of these methods and to draw comparisons with an earlier survey done in the mid-1960's by the American Association of Advertising Agencies. The survey also inquired into the factors upon which these preferences have developed, as well as the relative influence of advertising agency personnel in the selection of testing methods, compared to their clients. Some evidence was found that preference for certain testing methods by advertising executives is a function of the product category in which they operate.  相似文献   

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