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The sponsorship relationship has evolved considerably over the past few years. As a result, the value delivered to both sponsors and the sports entities with which they form relationships needed to be redefined. While some of these partners have made the necessary leap forward, some sponsors have also been confronted with resistance on the part of sport entities to adapt to evolving perceptions of value. Based on a qualitative study aimed at canvassing the views of some of the most prominent experts in the field and spanning 4 years and four continents, we document this evolution of sponsorship value and identify those key competencies that differentiate successful sponsors from less successful ones. Our research provides insights for other inter-firm relationships, particularly those in the service sector.  相似文献   

企业不同的环境和形态,决定了企业文化具有鲜明的个性特征。真正实用的企业文化,必须符合企业实际,能够体现并引导企业发展趋势。山东省东营供电公司自1990年成立以来,在激烈的市场竞争中顽强生存下来,迅速崛起于黄河三角洲这块充满生机与活力的土地上,并荣获全国企业文化实践创新奖,根本原因就在于坚持从创业到创新,从竞争到竞合,逐步形成了独具特色的竞合共赢文化。东营供电公司的竞合共赢文化,是指企业在市场竞争条件下,坚持以人为本,在竞争和发展的过程中,实现与竞争伙伴合作共赢,与服务对象合作共赢,与员工发展共赢,与社会和谐共赢。市…  相似文献   

Partnership under the form of joint-ventures and licensing agreements between a multinational company and a local entrepreneur has become a predominant mode of entry into growing markets of the developing world. This paper illustrates three major issues in the process of building partnerships in the international setting, namely, the strategic perspective of both parties, the selection of partners, and the negotiation of the partnership. Data for this study was drawn from an earlier investigation at the Euro-Asia Center of INSEAD.  相似文献   

要彬 《中国纺织》2003,(12):128-128
如果把服饰形象也看作是一种投资的话,如今的私营企业主可以说经历了三个阶段。当然.这也可以被看作是他们从注重物质到注重精神的一种过渡.而从审美的角度呢.我想甚至可以称之为从共性到个性的升华了……不难看出,这里有客观的原因.更有主观的驿动,但无论如何.我们应当承认.人们越来越意识到:服饰可以传达信息.它是一种比语言更古老和更世界性地建立彼此沟通的方式。  相似文献   

The process of turning a promising chemical compound into a safe and effective drug is both expensive and risky. Effective strategic planning is vital to ensure that investment in staff and equipment is used productively and that an acceptable output of products can be maintained. But methods of planning in common use do not deal satisfactorily with the uncertainties. This paper sets out an analysis of the process and describes the use of a simple model to establish a strategic plan. The model allows the output, resource efficiency and robustness of a plan to be examined. Important conclusions about the relative distribution of resources between different activities are drawn and the effects of possible changes in regulatory requirements are explored.  相似文献   

30年来,分销业发生了翻天覆地的变化有一句谚语说道:总有一些事情不会改变。然而,电子分销业几十年来却发生了翻天覆地的变化,即使是同样的概念,其应用范围、复杂程度和理解方法都与以往大不相同,以“货架共享”为例,20 世纪50年代和60年代,由于竞争激  相似文献   

众所周知,包装对保护商品、美化商品、宣传商品以及对商品的储运、销售、使用都起着重要的作用。对大多数产品而言,没有包装,就不成其商品。但我国的包装技术、包装水平、包装标准化等方面与一些技术先进国家相比还有一定的差显巨。 另外,由于包装本身不属于某一具体商品,而又是商品不可缺少的一部分这一特殊性,常常被大做文章,成为一些国家设置贸易技术壁垒的借口或手段。如何利用包装标准化这个武器有效地保护我国有关企业的利益、冲破贸易技术壁垒,是摆在我们面前非常紧迫的课题。[编者按]  相似文献   

Most Japanese workers are required to retire from their career firm by age 60. Yet the labor force participation rate of older men in Japan is the highest among industrialized countries, and most Japanese express a strong desire to continue working past age 60. One explanation for this paradox is that many firms reemploy their own retirees or provide them with assistance in finding new jobs with their subsidiaries or client firms.  相似文献   

This article will explore the use of an innovative approach to a public-private partnership (PPP) to spur the deployment of broadband and create more resilient telecommunications networks in Puerto Rico. Such a partnership is a critical ingredient of the plan for rebuilding the telecommunications sector of Puerto Rico after the island was devastated by Hurricanes Irma and Maria in September 2017. The proposed partnership also has the potential for enabling the expansion of citizen access to broadband services throughout Puerto Rico. This work was done as part of the Congressionally mandated economic and disaster recovery plan for the island.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the life cycle of a partnership agreement in the context of managerially driven changes to work organisation at an aluminium manufacturing plant (Aluminium) located in South Wales, UK. The paper highlights the contingent, context‐specific nature of workplace partnerships and their limited influence and vulnerability to the operation of the market.  相似文献   

Brown SF 《Fortune》2000,142(5):52, 54, 56

From low- to high-tech project management   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Project management is a complex activity and it involves, among other things, an attitude, style and philosophy. The main proposition of this article suggests that different projects must be approached by different managerial philosophies. The article presents a conceptual managerial classification of projects based on their technological uncertainty — specifically the newness and complexity of the technology involved. It classifies all projects into four types: lowtech, medium tech, high-tech and super high-tech, and then proceeds to describe the major differences among them.
Special attention is then paid to the 'higher' technology types — high-tech and super high-tech projects — and to the attitudes and tools that are needed for managing them. Such projects, if well executed and successful, may help improve competitive advantage and commercial position. They involve however substantial risk and high probability of failure. Several examples of super high-tech projects carried out in the past are described, and their management style discussed in light of the classification presented here. These examples include the SR-71 'Blackbird' aircraft, the 'Apollo' moon-landing program, Data General's 'Eagle' computer and NASA's program of developing the Space Shuttle.  相似文献   

The Italian Trade Commision—I.C.E is the government agency entrusted with promoting trade,business opportunities and industrial co- operation between Italian and foreign companies,mostly by organizing the participation of Italian firms to international trade fairs,exhibitions, workshops and bilateral meetings,covering every year more than 100 countries all over the world.Mr.Antonino Laspina is the Trade Commisionner and Coordinator of ICE Offices in China.  相似文献   

由于电力行业的特殊性,我国电力企业对安全问题历来十分重视,每年都在对安全管理进行研究和完善,积累了丰富的应对安全事故的成熟经验和办法,只是鲜有把它们上升到组织危机管理的高度。近年来,国内外发生了一系列的缺电、大面积停电等与电力工业相关的突发事件,对人民生产和生活均造成了严重影响。对这些突发性事件的认识,我们应当从传统的“电力安全”提升到“电力危机”理念,将危机管理引入电力行业需要迫切提上日程。电力危机管理的内涵“危机”往往被认为是“突发性事件”、“事故”,尤其是“事故”和“危机”常常被混为一谈。突发性事…  相似文献   

TDF is a live subject, constrained by old confusions and worn out issues. Under a suggested new term ‘international data services’, which applies itself directly to the problems involved, this paper examines the current environment and addresses the pressing issues. The author discards matters that are no longer applicable to examine those that are neglected, and he stresses the need for a broad international agreement on pressing issues.  相似文献   

做“权力控制型组织”,还是做“学习型企业组织”?根植“学习——持续创新——建立竞争优势”的理念,是企业管理“质”的突破。  相似文献   

在第四届中国品牌汽车试驾测评的现场,一位专业评委打开吉利熊猫的车门,走出时,调侃地说了一句:"李书福闭嘴了,吉利下沉了。" 周围的记者和其他评委笑了。虽为玩笑,但这绝对是一句褒奖之词。  相似文献   

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