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随着机构投资者规模的扩大及其在上市公司持股比例的增加,其投资策略往往发生改变,以信息炒作作为遴选投资目标的方式逐渐被弱化,而选择持有经营绩效良好的公司股票逐渐成为机构投资者甄选投资目标的重要指标。通过研究当前中国上市公司数据可以发现,反映机构投资者持股特征的机构投资者持股比例、股权集中度和持股流动性与其所持股的上市公司经营绩效之间呈现较为显著的相关关系,这充分说明经营绩效良好的上市公司逐渐成为机构投资者长期稳定持股的对象。  相似文献   

交叉持股问题的文献综述及研究展望   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
交叉持股是一种资本运作手法,又是公司发展扩张的一种常见手段,这一观点已得到人们的共识。但目前,由于我国理论界和法律界对其研究尚不够深入,其对公司自身和资本市场的影响还未引起足够的关注,因此,对交叉持股领域的研究成果进行回顾和展望就成为必要。我们从交叉持股的动机、交叉持股行为引起的会计计量问题、交叉持股行为引起的财务问题、交叉持股对公司治理的影响、交叉持股的公司特征等五个方面对交叉持股领域的主要研究成果进行回顾,力求能为后续研究提供建设性的建议,切实解决我国在市场经济发展过程中遇到的问题。  相似文献   

本文以2005年至2008年间股权分置改革的932家上市公司作为样本,应用事件研究法,考察了股改过程中相对于每个事件基准日的市场反应程度。研究了机构投资者持股特征对超额收益率的影响,结果表明,持股机构数量、持股规模、持股规模变化以及持股比例的变化都对超额收益指标有显著的正向影响,在对价实施以后股价出现下跌的情况下,机构投资者对上市公司股票的增持,减轻了股价的过度波动。  相似文献   

肖迪 《财会通讯》2010,(4):27-29
本以2005年至2008年间股权分置改革的932家上市公司作为样本,应用事件研究法,考察了股改过程中相对于每个事件基准日的市场反应程度。研究了机构投资者持股特征对超额收益率的影响,结果表明,持股机构数量、持股规模、持股规模变化以及持股比例的变化都对超额收益指标有显著的正向影响,在对价实施以后股价出现下跌的情况下,机构投资者对上市公司股票的增持,减轻了股价的过度波动。  相似文献   

文章以2014-2018年沪深两市上市公司为研究样本,探寻了员工持股计划会对公司成本费用产生什么影响.研究发现,实施员工持股计划的公司费用粘性更大,员工持股计划会显著增大公司费用粘性.进一步研究员工持股计划的特征,发现员工持股计划参与人数越多,资金规模越大,高管认购比例越多,公司费用粘性越高.通过分析员工持股计划对费用粘性的作用机制,发现实施员工持股计划的公司能够通过提高创新投入,进而增大费用粘性.区分雇员规模和公司内部控制质量发现,雇员人数少、内部控制质量低的公司实施员工持股计划,相比于雇员人数多、内部控制质量高的公司会有更高的费用粘性.本研究为我国员工持股计划的完善、发展提供了经验证据,对我国混合所有制改革具有重要意义.  相似文献   

员工持股计划作为一项能够充分调动人的积极性的股权激励政策在现代企业制度不断发展的今天,被越来越多的上市公司所使用。随着《上市公司员工持股计划管理暂行办法(征求意见稿)》的出台,我国上市公司如何更好的实施员工持股计划并取得更好的激励效果也具有了现实意义。本文运用文献研究方法找出我国上市公司员工持股计划实施过程中存在的问题,分析征求意见稿出台的现实意义,并结合我国上市公司的具体特征为上市公司围绕征求意见稿实行员工持股计划提出具体建议。  相似文献   

文章以2007—2011年沪、深两市上市公司为研究对象,对存在内部控制重大缺陷的企业与不存在内部控制重大缺陷的企业进行分组、对比,发现其业务复杂性、企业变化性、上市时间、资金投入可能性和获利能力等企业自身内部特征存在显著性差异;在考虑行业和年度变量的情况下,运用Logistic回归模型进一步验证了企业内部特征对内部控制重大缺陷的影响。文章的贡献在于把内部控制重大缺陷从内部控制缺陷中分离出来研究,且把企业内部特征划分为五类,并考虑事务所特征、机构投资者持股情况等企业外部特征对内部控制重大缺陷的影响,验证基于不同层次机构投资者持股比例对企业治理的作用,扩展了机构投资者持股特征对内部控制重大缺陷的影响,从而丰富了内部控制重大缺陷影响因素的理论研究。  相似文献   

本文遵循“概念内涵—实施动因—经济后果—影响因素”的逻辑,对员工持股计划的核心研究议题进行系统梳理。首先,从工具观、契约观和制度观三种视角对其概念内涵进行界定;其次,提炼出员工持股计划的激励性、自利性、权宜性和制度性四大动因;再次,从个体、组织和社会三个层面梳理员工持股计划的经济后果;最后,从契约设置、组织特征和制度环境三个维度呈现员工持股效应的影响因素。在此基础上,进一步构建新时期我国员工持股研究的整合性分析框架,并从研究重点、理论视角、研究内容和研究方法等方面对未来研究方向进行展望。本文系统呈现了员工持股的研究进展,不仅为当前我国员工持股研究的深化夯实了基础,还为激励机制构建和产权制度改革等重大现实问题提供了理论解析和政策思路。  相似文献   

交叉持股又称相互持股或交互持股,是指在不同的企业间互相参股,以达到某种特殊目的的现象。它的主要特征是:甲持有乙的股权,乙持有丙的股权,丙持有甲的股权……  相似文献   

股权激励报酬契约和会计信息质量之间存在着密切的内在联系.盈余质量特征会影响管理者持股和股权激励报酬契约的选择,反之,管理者持股和股权激励方案的实施也会对盈余质量产生影响.研究发现:盈余质量可靠性和及时性较低的上市公司更倾向于授予管理者较多的股权;管理者持股对盈余及时性产生正向影响;上市公司实施股权激励后盈余可靠性质量明显降低.  相似文献   

In this article, we broaden the focus of existing research on employee stock purchase plans by analysing employee preferences for investing in employer stock as a construct distinct from actual investment behaviour. In our analysis of original survey data in a sample of 900 employees in four French companies, we find that employee preferences are influenced by two common cognitive heuristics (representativeness and familiarity), organisational commitment, the perceived quality of corporate communications about these plans and perceived managerial commitment to employee ownership. We did not find, however, that risk aversion, turnover intentions or perceived employee involvement in decision making influenced preferences for investing in employer stock. Our findings have both theoretical and practical implications for understanding and operating these types of employee benefit plans, which are becoming more common across the globe.  相似文献   

We investigate the source of risk premiums: individual risk preferences. By examining the wealth characteristics of agents of different risk preferences, we study the financial incentive of investors to demonstrate different risk preferences. To accomplish this, we model the stock market utilizing artificial adaptive agents. If investors have incentive to vary their risk preferences, or if investors of a constant risk preference vary the way they participate in the market under different market conditions, this could lead to time variation in market risk premiums. We find that agents have significant incentive to demonstrate different risk preferences under different market conditions.(JEl G12)  相似文献   


We examine the use of earnings, forward-looking performance measures and stock prices in managerial compensation. When the firm's owner and its manager have identical time preferences, the stock price is not useful for motivating the manager, as it is a noisy aggregation of a forward-looking measure and future earnings. In contrast, when the owner and the manager have conflicting time preferences, the noisy stock price is useful for contracting. If the manager has no access to banking and cannot trade the firm's shares, the timeliness of the stock price dominates the extra risk imposed by its noise. At the same time, forward-looking performance measures (such as customer satisfaction) can induce a desirable allocation of management effort between the short term and long term more efficiently than the stock price can. Forward-looking performance measures and the stock price are thus not direct substitutes in rewarding farsighted effort.  相似文献   

在DCC GARCH、DCC EGARCH、DCC TGARCH方法下,采用中、美、日、德、英等国家1993年1月至2013年12月的金融数据,实证得出如下结论:样本国市场利率和股指波动率呈现尖峰、肥尾、有偏的特征,更为符合t分布。样本国市场利率波动表现出显著的溢出效应、杠杆效应和联动效应。样本国股指波动率对中国股指波动率的溢出效应趋于增强,特别在美国金融危机后。样本国利率波动对中国股指波动率具有一定的溢出效应和杠杆效应,但影响程度非常低。治理世界性金融风险,各国当局应加强政策协调性,合理进行风险分担。  相似文献   

This study examines the relationship between the stock market and unemployment in 30 advanced and 11 developing and emerging countries. The results show that the unemployment rate and stock prices are cointegrated in all country groups; further, the causality between stock prices and unemployment appears in all country groups. Specifically, I found a particularly strong and one-way causal direction from stock prices to the unemployment rate in G7 countries. There is a strong bilateral causal relationship between stock prices and unemployment for other advanced countries. However, in the 11 developing and emerging countries, the causality test results indicate a strong Granger causality from unemployment to stock prices. The results for developing and emerging countries suggest that the unemployment rate can help forecast stock prices, but not vice versa. These findings complement existing studies and deliver useful implications for investors and policymakers, and suggest some new lines for future research.  相似文献   

This article examines stock‐holding behaviors among participants in Save As You Earn (SAYE) stock option plans in the United Kingdom. It examines the influences upon the decision to sell or retain stock once options have been exercised, utilizing data from a study of option plan participants in five large U.K. companies. The main findings are that investment portfolios, the reasons for participating in the option plan, and age are important influences on the decision to retain stock. Contrary to expectations, income and risk preferences have little direct influence once other factors are considered. These results have implications for research, corporate practice, and national policy. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The risk–return trade-off refers to the compensation required by investors for bearing risks, which can be viewed as the risk preference of investors in a market. The current study investigates the dynamic interdependence of risk–return trade-offs between China’s stock market and the crude oil market from the perspective of risk preference of investors, which is designed to explore the transmission process of investors’ risk preference in both markets. Specifically, this study applies the time-varying parameter GARCH-M model, namely TVP-GARCH-M model, to characterize the time-dependent risk–return trade-offs (investors’ risk preferences) in the crude oil and China’s stock markets, then examines their relationship through Granger causality tests. Results show that a variation in risk preferences of the oil market investors can dramatically cause a variation in risk preferences of the Chinese stock market investors, while the risk preference of investors in the Chinese stock market does not lead to that in the crude oil market, which is in accordance with expectations. The dynamic effect of investors’ risk appetite in the crude oil market is further examined by the TVP-VAR model. The findings of this work suggest that there generally exists a positive impact of investors’ risk preference in the oil market and that the effect is time-varying to a greater degree during the short and medium term. Moreover, responses of the Chinese stock market investors’ risk preference were more significant during the 2008 financial crisis. Additionally, the empirical results remain robust when applying alternative crude oil prices and China’s stock prices.  相似文献   

We provide a plausible explanation of aggregate portfolio behavior, in a framework where economic agents have behavioral (narrow framing) preferences. The representative agent derives utility not only from consumption (standard models) but also from risky financial wealth fluctuations. Moreover, the investor frames the stock market risk narrowly and has loss averse preferences. We numerically solve, for the foreign equity share, a simple model of international portfolio choice, providing a possible explanation for the equity home bias puzzle. Only economic agents able to process correctly information deriving from stock markets exploit the diversification opportunities provided by international financial markets.  相似文献   

以组合管理为基本方法的证券投资基金,由于其投资风格选择的不同会导致投资者对其投资偏好的差异,加之证券市场的非有效性和投资者的非完全理性,投资者对基金的投资决策更多基于心理动机和行为因素的判断。本文运用行为组合理论,对我国证券市场封闭式基金的折价状况进行了考察,分析了证券投资基金投资风格选择对基金需求的影响,针对我国证券市场投资者的需求特点和偏好状况进行了研究。  相似文献   

刘超  康艳青 《企业经济》2012,(5):168-171
我国股指期货的推出对证券市场产生了巨大的影响,改变了股票市场缺乏规避系统性风险工具的现状,给金融市场带来新的生机与活力。本文采用协整检验、误差修正模型、方差分解和脉冲响应函数实证分析了我国股票市场和期货市场的价格发现功能。研究发现股指期货在价格发现上占主导地位,表明我国股指期货的推出,增强了市场效率,使市场信息能够更快捷的传达。  相似文献   

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