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本文通过对14家上市银行采集银行卡经营数据,结合银行卡总体经营情况,对银行卡行业的数量规模、消费规模、银行卡手续费收入、信贷额度等数据进行了综合分析。数据表明,银行卡业务是银行日常经营中增长较快的重点业务,占银行的中间手续费和佣金收入比例越来越大,特别是信用卡业务,在信贷消费金融稳定上升的情况下仍然保持了较高的资产质量,使得各家银行逐步实现了信用卡业务的赢利,也发挥了促进消费、扩大内需的功能。同时,银行卡业务竞争更加激烈,行业集中度逐步下降,行业经营模式逐步由粗放型向细分类、个性化服务等方向发展。  相似文献   

随着信用卡业务的不断发展和经营环境的日益变化,信用卡风险问题日益突出,信用卡犯罪活动日益增多.信用卡安全管理,预防和打击银行卡犯菲.具有非常重要的现实意义.  相似文献   

银行卡业务现状及发展对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
信用卡已经逐渐成为现代人生活的一个重要组成部分,利用信用卡,人们可以轻松自如地享受发卡行提供的各种金融服务如代发工资、代收费以及先消费后还款等服务,信用卡已日益成为人们生活的好帮手。我国自1985年开展银行卡业务以来,经过10多年的发展,银行卡数量、特约商户和客户群体都达到了相当大的规模,但是由于信用卡受理环境不理想,以及各发卡行在银行卡功能设计和营销理念、定位和发行观念方面的落后以及行业服务水平偏低等原因,使得银行卡业务的发展受到了制约。为改变这种状况,本文紧紧结合我国银行卡业务的实际,提出了推动银行卡业务发展的对策。  相似文献   

改革开放以后我国经济进入了发展的快车道,商业银行的信用卡业务得到了广泛的普及和深入的发展,逐渐开始向更深层次进行渗透。具体表现在我国大部分商业银行信用卡受理环境改善,信用卡业务与国际接轨,信用卡业务风险管理体系完善,信用卡业务营销模式完善,从而使业务办理数量大幅度的增长,发卡的速度不断的提高。但银行卡业务办理过程中依然存在着诸多的问题,包括现有的利益分配机制缺乏改进,社会信用体系不够完善,产品功能定位不够明确以及营销策略缺乏改革和完善。为了加快发展我国银行卡业务,商业银行应该建立个人信用管理体系,加强风险监督制度建设,丰富银行卡现有功能和拓宽银行卡应用领域。  相似文献   

吴佛懂 《电子商务》2008,(10):54-57
<正>前言银行卡业务尤其是信用卡业务,是国际金融界公认利润最高的业务之一,资本回报率平均为30%,远高于其他资产业务,如花旗银行目前赢利的40%来自信用卡业务。中国的银行卡业务没有经历一个由需求导致的发展历程,而且具有一定的政策导向性,在国家支持,国际银行卡业务  相似文献   

本文针对上海信用卡市场的消费者需求状况,采用问卷调查与实证调查两种方式进行调研,对相关银行进行了走访,在对其分析的基础上,提出了尽快建立健全一个更完整的上海市个人征信数据库,出台如《银行卡条例》相关法律法规,更好地规范信用卡市场,各银行之间变"分散式经营"模式为"共赢式竞争"策略,进一步提高信用卡业务的管理水平,规范催收服务平台等政策建议。  相似文献   

信用卡凭借着方便、安全的结算服务手段,以及存取款、消费不受到区域限制等优点,越来越受到当今人们的青睐.而近几年来,我国信用卡业务更是在发展速度和创新速度上不断有着新的突破.随着信用卡业务的不断发展,信用卡信用风险和欺诈风险的发生也越来越频繁,影响了发卡行信用卡业务的发展与正常经营.发卡行在获取利润的同时,其面临的风险也逐渐增加.因此,信用卡保险业务的推广,对于信用卡发卡行与持卡人都有着重大意义.  相似文献   

银行卡在我国主要包括借记卡和信用卡,是目前我国个人使用最为频繁的非现金支付工具。银行卡业务的发展是中国经济发展的必然要求,随着市场需求与货币虚拟化进程的加快、网络技术的成熟与推广、商业银行利润最大化的要求。信用卡增长的势头更为强烈。  相似文献   

随着我国经济水平的不断提高,银行卡业务水平也在随之增长,客户的实际需求成为发卡银行与收单机构的重点重视对象,银行卡业务也在向产品设计、服务和推广方向发展。本文主要从银行卡销售模式存在的一系列问题入手,着重探讨了银行卡营销模式的优化与途径探索,希望对银行卡业务的快速发展提供参考价值。  相似文献   

黎静  刘湘虹 《大经贸》2003,(4):52-57
2003年,国内银行卡业务的开放近在眼前,中外信用卡业务的竞合新局面即将展开。  相似文献   

李小东  沈睿  胡锟 《商业研究》2005,(8):175-179
重点讨论信用卡数据集市的建立方案和在银行业务中的应用,在分析了现有银行信用卡管理信息系统的现状后,讨论信用卡数据集市系统的设计思想和设计架构,并展望了其在银行信用卡业务中的应用前景  相似文献   

Although credit card overspending behavior has become a critical societal concern with severe negative impacts on consumer welfare and economic stability, research on credit card overspending behavior remains fragmented and understudied. This study investigates new types of antecedents of credit card overspending behavior that are overlooked in the prior literature—the acquisition mode of credit card companies. Based on data set from a large commercial bank in China, this study measures credit card overspending behavior using consumption amount, cash withdrawal amount and overdueness, and suggests that gift acquisition has a positive effect on cash withdrawal amount and overdue probability as well as a negative effect on consumption amount. Furthermore, we find that this relationship could be weakened for female customers and for customers with higher education levels. This study provides theoretical implications for both the credit card overspending literature and customer acquisition literature. It also has important implications for consumer welfare and public policymaking.  相似文献   

China has commanded a great deal of interest from virtually all U.S. business sectors. The Chinese credit card market is now particularly intriguing for Western banks. This article examines the strategic minefield that Western banks must navigate as they attempt to compete in the Chinese credit card industry. As an example, Bank of America (BOA)—fresh from purchasing a 9% interest in China Construction Bank (CCB) a few years ago—is now contemplating a joint venture with CCB. The new company will be tasked with leading the Chinese credit card market. Specifically, two questions are addressed: (1) whether the Chinese banking market is a sound option at this time; and (2) whether China affords an optimal environment for credit. The analysis yields several strategic lessons, and encourages caution on the part of Western bank executives as they enter the Chinese market. In particular, BOA officials must appreciate the timing of their joint venture's evolution. Additionally, BOA officials should strongly consider financial ventures other than credit, as Chinese culture should prove particularly resistant to serving as a profitable customer base in the short- and middle-timeframes.  相似文献   

All major credit card issuers, to a greater or lesser extent, are holding a portfolio consisting of three types of credit card holder: (i) non-active card holders; (ii) non-interest paying active card holders; and (iii) interest paying active card holders. This article, using two quantitative techniques more commonly associated with credit risk management or credit scoring, is concerned with identifying the characteristics of active card holders with the greatest propensity to revolve (i.e. pay interest). The sample consists of 27,681 bank credit card holders who had held and used their card in the 14 month sample period. Data was available on 313 socio-demographic and behavioural variables for which, a priori, there was good reason to include so as to discriminate between users who paid interest on their outstanding balances (i.e. revolvers) and those who did not. The main result of this research is that the most important discriminating variables are derived from the card holder's behaviour (i.e. cash advances, minimum payment due, interest paid in previous periods). This result is derived from and supported by the two competing techniques used for the analysis: Linear Discriminant Analysis and Logistic Regression.  相似文献   

评罗伯特·奥曼及其博弈理论——冲突与合作   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杰出的经济学家罗伯特.奥曼在决策制定理论方面取得的辉煌成就,对博弈论和其他一些相关经济理论的形成和发展起到了不可或缺的作用。其博弈理论涉及到现代博弈论最重要、最基本的核心问题,为博弈论的发展开辟了许多新的领域和思路。目前,现代经济生活中的冲突与合作主要表现为“刷卡风波”,商家认为在利润率不高,顾客刷卡率上升的情况下,银行的刷卡收费率太高,商家已不堪重负。根据奥曼的合作博弈理论和重复博弈理论,银商矛盾的最终化解在于银商双方通过博弈寻求合作,应考虑我国的具体情况,出台商户刷卡相关优惠政策,探讨银行、商户、顾客三方共赢的新模式。  相似文献   

我国软件企业应收账款的现状堪忧,对企业造成了巨大负担.软件企业产生应收账款的成因包括以赊销为普遍竞争手段、内控管理不到位、会计基础工作不规范、客户需求表达不准确等.软件企业应收账款的解决有待于客户信用管理的强化、业务培训力度的增强以及应收账款管理制度和内控管理制度的建立健全.  相似文献   

马永红  汪洋 《商业研究》2008,(4):112-116
我国商业银行等金融机构与企业信贷融资的良性互动是银企双方实现业务战略层次不断循环上升,从而达成新型规范的金融借贷交易制度,实现银企双赢的基本条件。我国信贷融资良性运行必须再造企业信贷业务流程,并建立企业信贷风险控制。  相似文献   

From the Survey of Consumer Finances conducted in 1989 and 1992 a logit model was tested for demographic and financial influences on household decisions to utilize home equity line credit. Results indicate that among households with credit lines other than credit card lines or business lines, the choice of a home equity credit line in lieu of another type of check credit line is influenced principally by percentage of equity in the home, income, net worth, age of the borrower, and credit price. Several implications may be derived from this study. As the markets reflect more complete information about the low-risk attributes of this credit, the convenience as a payment mechanism, and the tax subsidy to homeowners, it is expected that home equity credit lines users will be distributed more evenly across income and wealth categories.  相似文献   

We survey individuals on their credit card usage. Contrary to popular press, most credit card holders use credit cards in a responsible manner. They tend to use credit cards for transaction convenience and pay little interest. Only a minor subset of people uses credit cards to access expensive credit, with only 7% of credit card holders in our sample never paying the balance in full. Credit card debt is more common among older, less financially literate, and less trusting respondents. Even individuals with credit card debt are well aware about its costs and are likely to make informed financial choices.  相似文献   

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