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随着工业的发展,环境的逐渐恶化,人们的皮肤健康面临着严峻的挑战。绿色化妆品逐渐走入了人们的视野,并成为一个充满希望的市场。立足于中国市场,从绿色化妆品的定义入手,分析了影响消费者态度的因素,并提出了绿色化妆品营销的建议。  相似文献   

通过构建消费观念的品牌性消费观念、超前性消费观念、实用性消费观念,并在"新消费文化观念构建"的调研数据的基础上,本文对消费行为和消费意向展开实证分析,研究结果表明品牌性消费观念和超前性消费观念对消费意向和消费行为均有正的影响,实用性消费观念对消费意向有负的影响,对消费行为有正的影响。  相似文献   

The authors propose and empirically test a causal model to understand how the availability of fair-trade information and consumer knowledge about this issue affect consumers’ attitudes and intentions toward fair-trade products. The model is built upon the attitude-behavior paradigm and the premises of agency theory. It is tested through structural equation modeling with a sample of 292 Spanish consumers. The findings are that consumers do not have good knowledge about fair trade and that this is significantly determined by the lack of information about this in the market. It is also observed that consumers’ perceptions about the availability of fair-trade information have negative effects on their concern about this issue and that such information as is available is not effective in reducing consumer skepticism. The research represents an extension of previous fair-trade literature because the role of information and communication in improving consumer attitudes and buying intentions has rarely been explored in the case of ethical products.  相似文献   

The area of product safety and products liability legislation has been the subject of a great deal of academic research. Policymakers and business executives have been surveyed to determine their attitudes toward liability and product safety concerns. In addition, a substantial amount of research has focused on the impact of products liability trial outcomes on business and public policy. However, there are relatively few studies reporting opinions, attitudes, and predispositions of consumers regarding relevant liability topics. This article explores the consumer perspective on several critical questions relating to products liability and product safety. The results indicate a wide divergence of opinion exists among consumers on key issues shaping current trends in the products liability legal environment. Implications for consumers, business, and public policy are discussed.  相似文献   


This paper uses conjoint analysis to investigate ethnic differences in the importance of a product's country-of-manufacture relative to other attributes in the Nigerian consumer choice. It was found that the country-of-manufacture was more important to Yoruba than Hausa respondents, price was more important to Ibo than Yoruba respondents, and reliability was more important to Hausa than Ibo respondents. Additional analyses indicated that prestige was important to Yoruba respondents in the preference for foreign cars while it was important to Ibo and Hausa respondents in the choice of foreign TV sets. Implications for foreign marketers, domestic governments and domestic manufacturers are discussed.  相似文献   

The factors which influence consumer usage of food labels are investigated by a qualitative response model using the 1987–1988 Nationwide Food Consumption Survey data. Econometric results show that economic, sociodemographic, and consumer health awareness variables are determinants of food label usage. The implications of these findings include formulating government food labeling regulations and consumer educational programs and evaluating consumer health benefits of using food labels.  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to investigate the role of factors underlying consumer choice of domestic vs. foreign products on a sample of consumers in a less traditional post-socialist economy of Slovenia. Empirical results confirmed the postulated relationships among the protectionism dimension of ethnocentric attitudes, familiarity with global brands and consumer domestic purchase decisions for the product categories examined in this study. However, findings did not lend support for theoretical propositions related to demographic variables. Implications for domestic and global brand managers are outlined in the conclusions.  相似文献   

消费理念与消费经济学   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
闻潜 《消费经济》2004,20(1):6-7
完善社会主义市场经济体制的进程,目前已经开始。与此相适应,宏观经济政策以实现“五个统筹”为中心,正在进行重大调整。消费经济理论的创建始于上世纪80年代初,但是它在前进的过程中却充满波折和艰辛。不过如今时代背景已发生重大变化,消费经济理论作为一门新科学的兴起,已经成为事实。随着体制改革的推进,20几年来,理论界对消费的论述有了重大变化,大体上可分为三个阶段:第一阶段:贬低消费。消费不仅是经济运行的结果,而且是经济运行的前提。这是消费在经济运行中应有的地位。但在改革前,理论界对消费在经济运行中的地位的看法,却停留于生…  相似文献   

王文甫 《商业研究》2006,34(18):41-43
在不完全信息下,政府和消费者在面对公共产品的供给时进行博弈。在追求社会福利或支付最大化情况下,时于给定公共产品,为了能使消费者显示他们的偏好,政府首先宣布对该公共产品应交的税收的最低限额;消费者在观察到此信息后,在追求效用最大化的情况下,自愿对公共产品的评价。然后上交税收给政府,最后政府决定是否提供公共产品。另外,用比较静态法分析了各参数的变化对政府和消费者最优策略的影响。  相似文献   


The percentoffarmed salmon production has grown from 20.3% of total world salmon supply in 1989 to 52.0% in 1998. This trend poses a major challenge for the wild salmon industry. The impact of the wild salmon industry's marketing programs on the demand for ocean-caught salmon needs to be addressed. This study explored the consumption and perceptions of wild and farmed salmon among college students. Results showed that salmon consumption varied noticeably within this market segment, as well as consumers' familiarity with the terms wild salmon and farmed salmon and related issues and attributes. These findings suggest that the wild salmon industry may need to place more emphasis on product differentiation awareness and promotion campaigns targeting niche markets to increase sales of ocean-caught salmon.  相似文献   

消费信贷对消费需求的影响效应分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林晓楠 《财贸经济》2006,(11):27-31
本文选取中国和美国1990-2004年消费信贷与居民消费的数据,对消费信贷对消费需求的影响效应进行分析比较,结果表明,在现阶段,由于我国经济改革造成的不确定性预期增强、居民贫富差距扩大及消费的挤出效应等原因,消费信贷对居民消费的刺激作用很不显著.扩大消费需求的根本举措在于提高居民收入水平,减少收入差距,完善社会保障体系.  相似文献   

Much consumer research on nutrition information-seeking has focused on prepurchase label reading. This study examines the search for nutrition information from a broader group of sources, because prepurchase label reading appears to be only a small part of consumers' total search. The use of different information sources was analyzed using 2 cost benefit model for search. Benefits are related to the importance of nutrition to the consumer, and to obtaining better food value. Although the model fits better for some sources than for others, support was obtained for the model. The results suggest the usefulness of a cost-benefit approach in understanding consumer information-seeking for nutrition; they emphasize the importance of examining consumers' use of a variety of information sources and support recent suggestions for segmentation of the audience for nutrition information. Policy makers may be able to encourage search for nutrition information by emphasizing the enduring importance of nutrition to consumers.  相似文献   

The Web is an increasingly important component of promotional strategy for many organizations. To date, most advertising research has focused on banner ads. In the present study, home pages as promotional vehicles are evaluated. Specifically, we examine the influence of perceived home page complexity on communication effectiveness, as measured by attention to the home page, attitude toward the home page, attitude toward the company, and purchase intent. Qualitative research is used to identify important factors that appear to influence perceptions of home page complexity, including home page length, number of graphics, number of links, amount of text, and use of animation. A pretest experiment further aided in the selection of appropriate factors and factor levels to manipulate in a subsequent, main experiment. The findings in the main experiment suggest that consumers respond more favorably toward home pages that fall in a moderate range of perceived complexity.  相似文献   


The emergence of e-commerce is having a substantial impact on consumer purchasing behavior. Yet, the rate of consumers' acceptance of e-commerce has been slower than many predicted. Using the view of consumption as an institution, this study examines consumers' preferences for shopping on-line. Analysis of data collected from focus groups and surveys suggests consumers perceive relative advantages and disadvantages of shopping on-line vs. shopping in traditional stores. In addition, the results suggest consumers have substantive reservations about shopping on-line which may be adversely affecting the acceptance rate of this new channel. Study limitations and suggestions for future research are also presented.  相似文献   

The U.S. government initiated food labeling reform in 1989, which culminated with the Nutrition Labeling and Education Act (NLEA) of 1990, emphasizing the provision of improved nutrition information on most food products. The goal of such labeling reform has been to provide consistent, readable, understandable and usable food labels that enable consumers to make more healthful food choices. This paper examines the theoretical impact of the new regulations on consumer food choice behavior. The paper first discusses the use and impact of food labels by/on consumers, and uses a choice model to desribe the effects of these new labels on consumer food choice decisions. In particular, the research focuses on two important food attributes, and the presence of information of these attributes through the new nutrition labels, which may influence consumer purchase behavior.  相似文献   

Increasing consumer demand for quality‐differentiated food products has given rise to a large quantity of food product classifications related to production practices and locations. Some food product claims such as native have no clear definitions and may have ambiguous connotations for different consumers. We analyze whether asymmetry in information affects consumer preferences and willingness to pay for ambiguous claims using the native attribute. An empirical application of pecans is used in the analysis to compare native and improved pecan varieties. With no evidence in the literature of additional benefits of native varieties, the results showed that consumers preferred native varieties. Furthermore tastes and preferences for all product attributes were heterogeneous; heterogeneity in preference for the native attribute was only significant at the 10% level.  相似文献   

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