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The trend of celebrity-branded products is on the rise, creating a new domain in which to explore the match-up hypothesis. Moving beyond the celebrity as an endorser, but rather, a brand promoting a brand extension, this article examines how perceived congruence between a celebrity's image and the brand image of products they have developed is related to attitudinal and behavioral measures of advertising effectiveness. Employing a 2 × 3 full factorial design, congruence between the celebrity's image and the brand's image was varied (less vs. more congruent), along with the use of the celebrity's image (present, absent, non-celebrity models) to determine how schema congruity influences consumer's response to celebrity advertising. The results of a multivariate analysis of covariance analysis indicating lower levels of congruence between the celebrity's image and the brand's image led to greater advertising effectiveness compared to higher levels of congruence. Specifically, the means of the attitudinal dependent variables in the less congruent condition were significantly higher than the means in the more congruent condition. These effects were more pronounced when a celebrity's image was featured in the advertisement compared to when it was not featured. The implication of the findings suggests that moderate violations in the consumer's celebrity schema may improve advertising effectiveness.  相似文献   

名人代言广告效果影响因素综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为一种重要的营销策略和宣传手段,名人代言广告被很多企业寄予厚望,但名人的推荐并不是成功的保证。近三十多年来,国内外学者对名人代言广告进行了深入研究,提出了信源模式理论、匹配理论等多种解释,从名人、产品、受众三方面提取了影响名人代言广告效果的诸多因素,在丰富和拓展了广告心理学研究的同时,也对企业营销实践发挥了重要指导作用。  相似文献   

The present study aims to understand the impact of congruence between brand and celebrity personality on consumers attitude and purchase intentions. The data were collected from 382 business school students in India. Drawing from the theoretical frameworks of Attribution theory, Attitude theory, User imagery, Elaboration Likelihood Model, and match-up hypothesis, results reveals that congruence between celebrity and brand personality positively impacts the brand recall, brand associations, and reinforces the brand personality. Which favorably and significantly impacted attitude toward the advertisement and brand. Attitude toward brand has positively impacted purchase intention. ‘Brand personality self-image congruence’ and ‘involvement level with the brand’ were found to moderate the impact of brand association and brand personality reinforcement on attitude toward advertisements and brand. The paper provides practical implications for the advertisement agencies and media managers.  相似文献   

Brand managers use celebrity microbloggers to endorse their products on microblogs. Previous studies on celebrity endorsement mechanisms concentrated on source factors such as celebrity's characteristics and celebrity—product congruence. This study introduces a new audience factor: the fan–celebrity parasocial interaction (PSI) to explore the celebrity endorsement mechanism within a microblog context. The study hypothesizes that PSI and source factors (credibility, attractiveness, and congruence) significantly influence endorsement effectiveness. The results of an online survey (N = 862) indicate that PSI and celebrity–product congruence are salient antecedents of endorsement effectiveness. PSI serves as a mediator of the effect of source attractiveness on endorsement effectiveness. Source credibility and celebrity–product congruence are mediators between PSI and endorsement effectiveness. The study develops and tests a conceptual model to illustrate the influential mechanism of celebrity endorsement on microblog platforms.  相似文献   

This study investigates the antecedents and consequences of consumers' attribution styles in the evaluation of negative celebrity information. In its evaluation of negative celebrity information, this study examines the effects of consumers' different attribution styles, level of identification with a celebrity endorser, and level of brand commitment. To test its hypotheses, the study employs a 2 × 2 × 2 between-subject factorial design. The three factors are attribution style, level of identification with a celebrity endorser, and level of brand commitment. Conducted through the Internet, the experiment recruited a total of 229 students from a southwestern university in the USA. The study found that people making dispositional attributions judged the endorsed brand more negatively than those making situational attributions. Confronted with negative celebrity information, consumers who identified highly with the celebrity were likely to maintain a positive attitude toward a brand and continue purchasing it. In the same conditions, people with high brand commitment showed more positive brand evaluation as well as higher purchase intention than people with low brand commitment. The research findings contribute to a better understanding of the effects of negative celebrity information on consumer attitudes and beliefs.  相似文献   

Marketers are beginning to expand the roles that celebrities play in support of brands. Connections now go beyond the typical endorsement relationship to employing celebrities as Creative Directors. Study 1 demonstrates celebrity Creative Directors, as opposed to merely endorsers, result in increased attitudes toward the advertisement; an effect mediated by consumer perceptions of celebrity expertize and attenuated by skepticism toward advertising. Study 2 further investigates this phenomenon by considering whether it is the title of Creative Director that results in increased attitudes toward the advertisement or if consumers need to be made aware of the responsibilities associated with such a role. Results from Study 2 suggest that merely bestowing a celebrity with the title of Creative Director is not sufficient to enhance attitudes, the duties performed by the celebrity Creative Director must be made explicit.  相似文献   

实施逆向物流的效应分析与策略研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文认为,逆向物流通过对资源的再利用,可有效地避免资源浪费,加强环境管理,实现资源的循环再生。同时,逆向物流活动对核心企业、供应链各环节、消费者、政府、社会公众等相关主体的经济、环境和社会效应有较大影响,产生利润效应、协同效应、价值效应、环境效应和生态效应。文章提出,企业实施逆向物流,应将重点放在物品回收和对回收品的处理上;供应链合作企业应通过信任机制和奖惩体系来保证供应链合作的稳定性;消费者应树立逆向物流理念,倡导逆向物流行为,并积极从自身做起;政府应灵活运用经济手段,对不同的企业征收不同的环境税,对一些自身没有能力构建逆向物流的中小型企业集中管理,以园区为单位构建逆向物流系统,达到信息、资源和设施的共享,建立回收中心并对产品实施智能标签,提倡并鼓励消费者自觉退回可逆向物流的产品,加大舆论宣传力度,鼓励企业和消费者参与逆向物流活动,出台有关资源、能源和环境保护的法律法规,尽快实施并严格执行。  相似文献   

刍议名人效应对旅游地开发的影响、问题及思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王辉  陈光 《商业研究》2007,2(1):172-174
唐代诗人刘禹锡《陋室铭》中有“山不在高,有仙则名;水不在深,有龙则灵”,形象而深刻地阐明了“名人效应”的原理。仅从旅游景观审美角度,不秀之山,不灵之水,本无开发价值,但与历史名人结缘,便引人瞩目。旅游地宜充分发挥“名人效应”,利用其深厚文化内涵,开展丰富的旅游活动,使旅游地的旅游业可持续发展。  相似文献   

This study introduces film personas (e.g., Hermione Granger, Jack Sparrow, Bridget Jones) as effective brand endorsers. A three study, mixed‐method approach is used. Results show that a film persona (e.g., Legolas, from Lord of The Rings, vs. celebrity, Orlando Bloom) is a more (less) effective endorser (i.e., resulting in more positive attitudinal and behavioral judgments). Exploratory findings indicate that this may be due to film personas possessing a tight (vast) association set, which is more (less) easily transferred onto the endorsed brand. Results of this study also illustrate that endorsed brands are shielded from the negative effects of celebrity transgressions when they are featured as their film persona in an endorsement. This study has important implications for advertisers in the choice and execution of their advertisements featuring celebrities.  相似文献   

供应链管理中的逆长鞭效应及其仿真研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在供应链管理中存在一种逆长鞭效应,本文运用软件仿真啤酒游戏证明了该效应是客观存在的,并分析了该效应产生的原因和对供应链运营的影响。指出逆长鞭效应的存在是供应的不确定性以及高估了供应水平所引起的,它的存在对供应链的绩效有负面影响。  相似文献   

Knowledge transfer between headquarters and subsidiaries and the study of emerging market multinationals (EMMNE) are two important and rapidly growing research topics in International Business (IB) studies. This research analyzes, through an in-depth single case study, the Reverse Knowledge Transfer (RKT) processes of an emerging market multinational, more specifically the largest private bank in LATAM—Banco Itaú Unibanco S.A.—to understand how emerging market parent companies benefit from their subsidiaries’ knowledge. Our findings validate important concepts in the IB and RKT literature, contribute with valuable insights to theory generation, and indicate possible avenues for future research.  相似文献   

This article extends the research on knowledge transfer by emerging‐economy multinationals (EEMs) by exploring the determinants of successful reverse knowledge transfer (RKT) in Chinese enterprises operating in the United States. Building upon organizational evolution and learning literature, we propose a model linking strategic asset‐seeking motivations, headquarters (HQ) control, and subsidiary age to RKT. The model is empirically tested in the context of Chinese enterprises in the United States and further justified by four cases of Chinese multinationals. Our exploratory study provides initial evidence that strategic asset‐seeking motivations and HQ control are significantly and positively related to RKT. Furthermore, our empirical evidence indicates a negative relationship between subsidiary age and RKT. We discuss the implications for theory development and practice for managing and organizing EEMs and their subsidiaries and suggest avenues for future research on this emerging phenomenon. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

层出不穷的品牌负面信息,既伤害了品牌的形象评价,也对品牌代言明星及广告代理服务业的利益带来损害.文章通过两个实验,研究考察了品牌发生丑闻后对代言明星的负面影响.结果发现:品牌丑闻对品牌形象的评价确实造成很大危害,同时也给代言明星带来负面影响;品牌丑闻的负面影响,依丑闻类型不同而异,同时与代言合同签订时的具体情境有关;能力型品牌丑闻的负面影响溢出比道德型的要强,但仅表现在代言人低过失代言情境下,在高过失情境下无差异.研究结果对品牌维护管理、广告代言管理等有重要的理论与实践借鉴意义.  相似文献   

This study aims to investigate the effects of corporate-brand credibility, perceived corporate-brand origin, and self-image congruence on purchase intention. A cross-city survey of China's automobile industry was conducted in four major Mainland cities (Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Chengdu). Results reveal that corporate-brand credibility, perceived corporate-brand origin, and self-image congruence have direct positive impacts on purchase intention. Furthermore, corporate-brand credibility and self-image congruence both act as moderating variables in the relationship between corporate-brand origin and purchase intention. Corporate-brand credibility is more significant in influencing consumers’ purchase intention toward the brand than perceived corporate-brand origin.  相似文献   

A well‐established stream of research on celebrity misbehavior suggests that negative information may have an adverse effect on an endorsed brand because of its association with a celebrity considered as blameworthy. However, the present research calls into question the generalizability of these results to fatal misbehaviors (i.e., misbehaviors that lead to the celebrity's death). Indeed, after death, a celebrity may gain spiritual meanings, and consumers may find it more difficult to blame a sacred individual. As such, the current article investigates the impact of a celebrity's death on blame attribution and consumer attitudes in the context of celebrity endorser misbehavior. The results of three experiments uncover that death favors a partial blame attribution transfer from the celebrity endorser to the brand, but only when the misbehavior implies a product related to the brand. In addition, the findings reveal a positive effect of death through celebrity sacredness on brand attitude.  相似文献   

消费者行为是在一定情境或背景下产生的,其中,社会情境中的广告心理效应是最重要的情境性影响因素。为增强商业广告心理效应,应充分把握产品选择的差异性、休闲方式的差异性、信息处理的差异性以及购物方式的差异性等因素,使商业广告成为一个意义生成和享用的过程。  相似文献   

Streaming media platform opens new ways for celebrity endorsement. Based on the researches related to celebrity endorsement and match-up hypothesis, this study explores the influences of various matches on the consumer attitudes within the context of live streaming shopping with internet celebrities in China. Results suggest that product-source fit affects the perceived source attractiveness and trustworthiness, while product-content fit affects utilitarian and hedonic attitude toward the content. Source trustworthiness, hedonic attitude and self-product fit increased the intention to buy. This study develops and tests an integrative model of internet celebrity endorsement by investigating congruence effects on live streaming viewers.  相似文献   

在区域经济一体化中,国际产业转移呈现出新的特点成员国的自愿性大大超过全球性的多边贸易体制;将安排更多的经济合作内容;促进成员国之间开展"产业内贸易";促进成员国之间开展"产业内投资".中国一东盟之间的区域经济一体化对产业转移的推动体现在经济资源配置进入更广阔的空间,贸易自由将推动投资自由,中国市场拓展有利于东盟的经济发展;区域经济一体化之下的产业转移给中国与东盟都带来发展效应.  相似文献   

逆向物流的博弈分析   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
企业实施逆向物流虽然有利于环境保护,但是会给企业带来回收成本。文章运用博弈论的方法,分别分析了无制度安排的再生物流和废物物流的博弈模型和制度安排的再生物流和废物物流的博弈模型,并总结出制度安排下的一般逆向物流的博弈模型。  相似文献   

制度因素与贸易的边界效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文将制度变量纳入McCallum模型,在前人基础上提出规范研究的"贸易制度假说";据此,通过我国2000-2004年进出口数据和国内贸易估算数据,进行FGLS和Tobit回归,基本验证了先前的假说。结果认为我国贸易的边界效应在样本期内出现下降的趋势,制度因素可以解释2000-2004年间我国出口边界效应下降的56.8%。  相似文献   

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