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政府是突发公共卫生事件应急管理的主体,拥有强制性管理工具、非常态化管理职责、迅速调集物资的能力和以人为本的价值理念。在新冠疫情的防控中,政府作为应急管理的主体,其应急管理能力相比甲型H1NI时期有了质的提升,具体表现为政府应急保障能力、应急协同能力、信息处理能力、执法监管能力的提升,而促使政府应急管理能力提升的原因主要有四个:制度优势、科技发展、观念更新和政府管理创新。  相似文献   

Most research on non‐competes has focused on employees; here we study how non‐competes affect firm location choice, growth, and consequent regional concentration, using Florida's 1996 legislative change that eased restrictions on their enforcement. Difference‐in‐differences models show that following the change, establishments of large firms were more likely to enter Florida; they also created a greater proportion of jobs and increased their share of employment in the state. Entrepreneurs or establishments of small firms, in contrast, were less likely to enter Florida following the law change; they also created a smaller proportion of new jobs and decreased their share of employment. Consistent with these location and job creation dynamics, regional business concentration increased following the law change in Florida. Nationwide cross‐sections demonstrate consistent correlations between state‐level non‐compete enforcement and the location, employment, and concentration dynamics illustrated in Florida.  相似文献   

晋美朗加 《价值工程》2010,29(34):321-321
消防隐患时有存在,这就需要公安消防部门进行协调和处理,但在实际工作中公安消防执法却困难重重。本文作者结合自己多年的工作经验针对目前公安消防执法难的原因进行具体分析,并提出了一些加强消防执法和改进消防监督的意见和建议,供同行参考。  相似文献   

"天津市房地矿指挥监控系统"在国内首次建立了市域统一坐标、统一精度、统一格式、统一采集成果标准、统一数据库及开发工具的"五统一"应用平台,实现批、供、用、补、查的一体化管理,保证了业务数据随系统流程实时更新的长效机制和在统一标准下的信息共享与制约;建立具备语言通信、远程视频会议、立体图像显示、预警预报、应用系统监控和指挥、综合决策、应急联动等功能的基础平台;集网络技术、卫星通讯技术、全球定位系统为一体,实现监控系统在国土部-市局-区县局的统一联网运行和指挥故障处理,具备遥感监测、执法现场信息采集以及远程应急指挥等功能。  相似文献   

The Chinese government’s recent Environmental Inspection Program (EIP) eliminates a layer of regulatory actions and holds local government officials accountable for enforcement of environmental laws. We examine two aspects of the impact of the EIP on financial reporting quality. First, we derive a simple analytical model to show that the level of earnings management (EM) depends on the cost and probability of EM detection. This increase in environmental law enforcement (due to the EIP) raises the cost of environmental violation to a firm and managers. To respond to the increased costs, a firm engages in less EM. Second, consistent with the model prediction, we find firms subject to the EIP engage in less EM than otherwise equivalent firms located in non-EIP jurisdictions. The effect of the EIP on EM is more pronounced for firms with adverse agency problems and poor internal controls. Additional analysis suggests that air quality level is a moderating factor for the impact of the EIP on EM. Collectively, using the natural experiment of the EIP, we find a new determinant of EM. Environmental law enforcement deters EM and enhances financial reporting quality.  相似文献   

A bstract . Federal water resources programs and policies are often developed haphazardly in response to crises. Hence, they lack breadth, coordination, and comprehensiveness. Problems lie in the structure of the development process in which federal construction agencies play a major part. Having these agencies do the economic evaluations when development opportunity dwindles tempts them to compromise the accuracy and integrity of the evaluations. The problem is aggravated by intense pressure from local beneficiaries due to biased federal financing and reimbursement policies. Efforts by Congress to correct the situation are partially offset by entrenched agency thinking and practices. Rigorous enforcement of the National Environmental Policy Act and Council on Environmental Quality Interim Guidelines , revision of cost-sharing formulae and financing and reimbursement policies, improved flexibility of agency leadership, recruitment of new talents and ideas to agency ranks, and adjustment of agency orientation are needed for comprehensive planning to achieve social goals.  相似文献   

In this paper, a network model is developed in which three players—a profit‐maximizing provider of cloud computing services, its consumers, and a hacker—sequentially choose their strategies. Several scenarios with different levels of data security and public prosecution of the hacker are analyzed. Especially for the case when no security measurements are available, a firm's strategy to limit the network size in order to render hacking unattractive is discussed in detail. Finally, policy implications are given implying better international cooperation of the law enforcement authorities.  相似文献   

文中主要介绍了重庆市交通行政综合执法信息化体系架构,分别从高速公路安全监管、运输市场秩序管理、应急指挥、便民服务等几个方面进行了详尽的说明。  相似文献   

We develop a panel count model with a latent spatio‐temporal heterogeneous state process for monthly severe crimes at the census‐tract level in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Our dataset combines Uniform Crime Reporting data with socio‐economic data. The likelihood is estimated by efficient importance sampling techniques for high‐dimensional spatial models. Estimation results confirm the broken‐windows hypothesis whereby less severe crimes are leading indicators for severe crimes. In addition to ML parameter estimates, we compute several other statistics of interest for law enforcement such as spatio‐temporal elasticities of severe crimes with respect to less severe crimes, out‐of‐sample forecasts, predictive distributions and validation test statistics. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

文章结合在贫困山区开展消防监督执法工作的经验,针对标准更高、处罚更严的新《消防法》及其配套法律法规的颁布实行与贫困山区经济发展相对落后、消防基础设施薄弱、单位经营普遍困难、公民法律意识不强之间的矛盾,提出日常加强法律法规宣传、执法时做好思想工作、执法后悉心帮扶、注重部门联动发挥执法最大效力4点对策。  相似文献   

The growth of agency work in recent years has posed a challenge to trade unions, which must decide if they will accept agency workers as part of their constituency and accept employment agencies as legitimate labour‐market actors. This article analyses the reaction of British unions to agency work and identifies four main responses: exclusion, replacement, regulation and engagement. It concludes with an evaluation of union policies, which stresses the need for unions to secure broad regulation of the agency labour market either through multi‐employer bargaining or employment law.  相似文献   

随着中国电信产业竞争程度的不断提高,反垄断机构对电信产业的介入将逐渐加强,从而使电信产业管制机构与反垄断机构的协调问题逐渐凸显。本文引入协调博弈的分析方法,通过构建两类机构的协调博弈模型,对直接影响协调成功的策略互补性进行了描述,分析了协调失败的原因及其改进方法。在此基础上,本文得出了加强策略互补性的动力机制,最后提出了促进两类机构协调的政策建议。  相似文献   

Recent contributions to a growing theory literature have focused on the tradeoff between adaptation and coordination in determining delegation within firms. Empirical evidence, however, is limited. Using establishment‐level data on decision rights over information technology investments, I find that a high net value of adaptation is strongly associated with delegation, as are local information advantages and firm‐wide diversification; in contrast, a high net value of within‐firm coordination is correlated with centralization. Variation across establishments within firms is widespread: most firms are neither fully centralized nor fully decentralized. Delegation patterns are largely consistent with standard team‐theory predictions; however, certain findings, such as a negative correlation between delegation and firm size, call for a consideration of agency costs as well.  相似文献   

During the 1990s economic crime began to spiral in South Africa. This phenomenon coincided with the country's transition to a democratic state. The article outlines a number of steps that South Africa took to align its laws with international standards and to improve the legal tools of law enforcement to address the crime wave. A number of successes, for instance the improvement in tax morality, are pointed out but it is argued that co-ordination and co-operation between law enforcement agencies require more attention.  相似文献   

This paper introduces groups that are in conflict against each other in law enforcement policy. These groups can have an effect on the process of law enforcement by making upfront investments, such as bribes. We also investigate consequences when a policy maker acts to maximize a bribe instead of social welfare. Thus, this paper presents an inclusive framework for incorporating private law enforcement, corruption and avoidance activities. This article shows that this competition can lead to moderate and more efficient law enforcement activities. This indicates that inefficient law enforcement by authority with harm reduction motivation can be avoided. Additionally, this paper shows that depending on the policy maker’s objection between rent-seeking motivation or social welfare maximizer, deterrence effects vary. This paper provides a clear mechanism that the rent-seeking motivated policy maker tends to set less severe enforcement policies than the social welfare level.  相似文献   

Previous studies have found that companies use income‐increasing positive discretionary accruals (DAC) prior to initial public offerings (IPOs) to inflate earnings as a signal to anticipate future income and future dividends. This study, directly explores the role of DAC in prospectus information of 691 A‐shares IPOs in China during the period 1995–2002 and its relationship with market‐adjusted returns. The results suggest that in China, pre‐IPO non‐discretionary accruals (NDAC) as well as DAC have informative value in explaining first‐day returns as well as first‐year adjusted returns. However, in yearly cross‐sectional models, I find that firms use income‐decreasing accruals (conservative accounting) in prospectus financial statements. This downward manipulation or income “understatement” creates a regulatory setting that could explain initial underpricing and abnormally high IPO returns for A‐shares. In addition, the results show that as state ownership (SO) increases, cash flow also increases, exacerbating agency costs and adverse selection problems. These findings may suggest that managers might be using more conservative accounting in Prospectus financial data to offset the agency costs related to high cash flow, and high SO, by “banking income” and possibly therefore “smoothing” the effects of possible future suboptimal earnings.  相似文献   

This study investigated the legal performance of UK small and medium‐sized enterprises (SMEs) with producer responsibility legislation. The research incorporated legislation controlling packaging and packaging waste, waste electrical and electronic equipment and the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment. Compliance audits and interviews were conducted with SMEs, regulators, government officials and SME support organisations. A total of 44 SMEs from the north‐west of England were audited between April and September 2008. The study's findings suggest:
  • low levels of ‘letter of the law’ and ‘spirit of the law’ compliance;
  • enforcement activity and surveillance of SME compliance was generally low; there has not been any formal enforcement action taken under the WEEE Regulations or the RoHS Regulations and enforcement under the PER Regulations is extremely low.
Recommendations on how to improve SME compliance control systems are provided. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.  相似文献   

加强法治建设 提高路政执法能力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
依法治路是构建和谐交通的重要特征。没有规范化的法治建设就不可能有和谐的交通秩序,要保障良好的高速公路运营环境,促进社会发展和经济发展,就必须加强法制建设,提高路政执法能力,全面提升路政管理水平和服务水平,努力实现“端正执法理念,坚持文明执法,改进执法作风,坚持公正执法,规范执法行为,坚持严格执法”的目标。  相似文献   

在交通运输综合执法改革的大背景下,各地交通运输主管部门在危险货物道路运输路面执法过程中,面临专业水平不足、执法过程不规范等问题,不会管、不敢管、不愿管的现象突出。通过整理现行政策法规,梳理危险货物道路运输路面执法重点内容清单,同时借助信息化手段开发智能执法终端设备,辅助提升路面执法规范化、专业化水平。  相似文献   

Informal employment continues to exist in parallel with formal employment among the US home-based home care workers and undermines the workers' economic security. This study examines the extent to which the earnings of the US home-based home care workers are affected by informal employment arrangements and state labour policies designed to benefit low-wage home care workers. Using a sample of 1,318 home-based home care workers from the 2017 and 2018 Annual Social and Economic Supplement of the Current Population Survey, this study found that (i) informally employed home-based home care workers had a 9% reduction in annual earnings and that (ii) their earnings were not improved by generous state minimum wages and Domestic Workers' Bill of Rights while the earnings of agency employees were. The findings highlight the importance of strong enforcement of labour standards for informally employed home care workers in the United States.  相似文献   

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