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The majority of studies of knowledge spillovers from the presence of multinational corporations (MNCs) have focused on whether or not, rather than how knowledge spillovers occur from MNC subsidiaries to local host country firms. Using survey data from 210 MNC subsidiaries in Sweden, a composite model is developed examining the impact of two different environmental conditions on the occurrence of knowledge spillovers arising from innovation transfer within MNCs. We distinguish between horizontal knowledge spillovers (i.e., to competitors) and vertical knowledge spillovers (i.e., to customers and suppliers), and emphasise the conceptually important distinction between the two. The former are largely unintentional by nature whereas the latter can be considered as intentional knowledge diffusion. The results show that competitive pressure in the recipient subsidiary's local environment gives rise to unintentional knowledge spillovers, whereas it is negatively related to intentional knowledge diffusion. The results also support the notion that the degree of embeddedness of in a subsidiary's business network in the host country is positively related to intentional knowledge diffusion. An important finding of the study is that there is a positive relationship between intentional knowledge diffusion and unintentional knowledge spillovers.  相似文献   

Grounded in knowledge-based theories of the multinational corporation (MNC) and building on organizational learning literature, this paper develops and tests a model of MNC subsidiaries’ knowledge creation capability as a joint function of knowledge inflows to subsidiaries and their knowledge stocks (i.e., subsidiaries’ internal human, social, and organizational capital). Survey-based data from 106 subsidiaries located in the U.S. suggests that local (i.e., host country) knowledge inflows to a subsidiary are more effective in enhancing a subsidiary's knowledge creation capability compared to global knowledge inflows from other units of the same MNC. Furthermore, results point to a not-invented-here syndrome in the exploitation of knowledge sourced from the parent company; such that when a subsidiary's internal social capital is high, the relationship between global knowledge inflows and knowledge creation capability is negative and when it is low, the relationship becomes positive.  相似文献   

This paper introduces the concept of acculturative stress to indicate a distinct psychological difficulty faced by host country managers working at multinational corporation (MNC) subsidiaries. Drawing on the social identity and self-verification theories, we suggest that host country managers are exposed to acculturative stress due to the challenges they face in verifying their national cultural identity. We identify the perceived cultural incongruence and the lower relative standing of host country managers as proximal determinants of acculturative stress and examine its negative impact on their work engagement. The analysis results of a sample of 643 Korean managers working at 60 MNC subsidiaries in Korea support our hypotheses on the determinants and effects of acculturative stress.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the MNC subsidiaries’ trade-off between the need for knowledge creation and the need for knowledge protection, and relates it to the extent of knowledge outflows generated within the host location. Combining research in International Business with Social Theory, we build a conceptual framework suggesting that subsidiaries that extensively draw on external knowledge sources are also more likely to generate knowledge outflows to local firms. We argue that this may be explained by the subsidiaries’ willingness to build the trust that facilitates the establishment of reciprocal knowledge linkages. However, when the value of the subsidiary's knowledge stock is very high, the need for knowledge protection restrains reciprocity mechanisms in knowledge exchanges, thus reducing the extent of knowledge outflows to the host location. This study contributes to the literature on the firm-level antecedents of FDI-mediated local knowledge outflows, as well as to the broad IB literature on the relationship between subsidiaries and their host regions. The implications for managers and policy-makers are also discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper, we address the issue of green innovation by the overseas subsidiaries of multinational corporations (MNCs). Drawing upon stakeholder theory and institutional theory, we propose a conceptual model to explain how stakeholder pressures in host countries prompt MNC subsidiaries to undertake green product and process innovations. Our findings indicate that MNC subsidiaries need to meet market stakeholders’ pressures in order to achieve social legitimacy in host countries, and that the implementation of formal environmental management systems (EMS) is an important mechanism translating these pressures into green innovation initiatives. Furthermore, we find that the positive relationship between market stakeholder pressures and EMS implementation is reinforced by global ‘green’ institutional pressures in the different host countries.  相似文献   

要实现企业的财务管理目标,首先必须考虑影响企业财务管理目标的各种因素,企业的财务管理目标不仅要受到企业本身管理决策的各种因素的影响,同时还要受到企业外部环境因素的影响.  相似文献   

要实现企业的财务管理目标,首先必须考虑影响企业财务管理目标的各种因素,企业的财务管理目标不仅要受到企业本身管理决策的各种因素的影响,同时还要受到企业外部环境因素的影响.  相似文献   

This paper investigates local vertical linkages of foreign subsidiaries and the dual role of such linkages as conduits for learning as well as potential channels for spillovers to competitors. On the basis of data from 97 subsidiaries, we analyze the quality of such linkages under varying levels of competition and subsidiary capabilities. Our theoretical development and the results from the analysis document a far more complex and dynamic relationship between levels of competition and MNCs’ local participation in knowledge intensive activities, i.e. learning and spillovers, than previous studies do. We find a curvilinear relationship between the extent of competitive pressure and the quality of local linkages confirming our argument of a trade-off between learning prospects and spillover risks. Furthermore, the level of subsidiary capabilities moderates this relationship.  相似文献   

Innovation performance of multinational corporations (MNCs) derives from access to and utilization of a combination of explorative and exploitative knowledge across heterogeneous settings. These settings increasingly encompass flagship industries in emerging economies. There is limited research, however, that scrutinizes the processes of knowledge sourcing within such dynamic host environments, taking into account MNCs’ differing location capabilities. We draw on the concept of ambidexterity – the combination of exploration and exploitation – and the microfoundations approach to study eleven MNCs in the Bulgarian software development industry by focusing on their local R&D projects. We extend the explanatory capacity of ambidexterity at the micro level and clarify the relationship between exploration and exploitation by identifying four types of ambidexterity: global knowledge differentiator, global-local knowledge integrator, emerging local-global integrator, and local knowledge integrator. Our typology is underpinned by three specific dimensions of R&D capabilities: technical know-how, scope of expertise, and market potential.  相似文献   

This study provides empirical evidence of executive nationality staffing practices in foreign‐owned multinational company (MNC) subsidiaries in Ireland. Aiming to both describe current practice and understand the factors that influence the choice of practice, the study involved the collection of data from 238 foreign‐owned companies in Ireland. The findings negate previous findings (Harzing, 1999a, b) that all foreign‐owned MNC subsidiaries in Ireland are managed by Irish nationals. The employment of parent country nationals was found to differ according to country‐of‐origin, industry, subsidiary, and MNC factors. The study has relevance theoretically in providing empirical evidence in an area dominated by conceptual assertions and for practice in explaining the strategic staffing decisions of MNCs. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

This study examines the influence of product knowledge (after adjusting for subjects' brand-specific price knowledge) and brand image (via the brand name) on estimates of internal price standards (i.e., lowest, average, and highest price estimates) for two categories of electronic products. The impact of differing levels of product knowledge on consumers' confidence in their internal price estimates is also studied. The hypothesized effect of brand image on price estimates was greater for novice consumers than for experts for one of the two product categories. In addition, confidence in price estimates was found to be higher for experts than for novices for both product categories. These findings suggest that the relationship between product knowledge and brand image should be considered when studying the impact of external reference price on internal price standards. © 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

This study develops and tests a comprehensive framework aimed at explaining outbound knowledge transfer at subsidiary level in multinational enterprises (MNEs). Three groups of influencing factors are examined; the operational structure surrounding the subsidiary, lateral integrative mechanisms and control mechanisms. Results indicate that the operational structure, knowledge sharing incentives, and subsidiary socialization, have a positive influence on outbound knowledge transfer. Further, permanent teams as lateral integrative mechanism negatively influence knowledge transfer, while the use of liaison mechanisms and temporary teams have a positive influence. Hypotheses are tested using data on 74 subsidiaries.  相似文献   

Knowledge-based and network-based activities are known determinants of foreign subsidiary influence. We demonstrate that the interaction between these factors is essential in understanding how subsidiaries gain influence within an MNC. We test this using data on 184 foreign-owned subsidiaries in the UK. The results indicate that the possession of strategic resources (knowledge or embedded relations) increases subsidiary influence only when the knowledge is transferred back to headquarters. Importantly, the impact of subsidiary–headquarters embeddedness, external embeddedness and knowledge development on influence is mediated by the extent of reverse knowledge transfer. This mediating role sheds new light on the antecedents to subsidiary influence.  相似文献   

One of the advantages of the multinational corporation (MNC) is that it can exploit new product ideas globally in a rapid manner. This raises the issue of control of MNC new product introductions. It has been demonstrated that control over MNC subsidiaries differs depending on the strategic role assigned to the subsidiary. But, in addition to its role in the MNC, a subsidiary also has a role in a business network of relationships with important customers, suppliers, and other business partners. There is a latent conflict between these two roles. This article formulates and analyzes a structural model in which the dependencies associated with the two roles are related to conflict and control in subsidiary new product introduction. The model is supported empirically and demonstrates that control is a matter of handling the latent conflict between the two roles.  相似文献   

Using a sample of 146 Canadian wine‐producing firms, I analyze the link between knowledge sources and innovation by examining the way in which different strategies influence a firm's capacity for innovation. I then examine which innovation strategies are more strongly linked to innovation and the extent to which there are differences amongst wine‐producing regions in Canada. Copyright © 2015 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Unlike alliance proponents, we posited that high-tech small firms (HTSFs) may not prefer interfirm collaboration for innovation activities. Drawing on the transaction cost and corporate entrepreneurship perspectives, we proposed that boundary decisions in innovation activities are determined by the perceived uncertainties of innovation projects and entrepreneurial orientation (EO). We also examined the consequences of collaborative innovation. In a sample of 178 Korean HTSFs in software development, we found that some aspects of perceived uncertainty prevented collaborative innovation, and that EO moderated this effect, enhancing the outcomes of collaborative innovation. We discuss theoretical and practical insights of these findings.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effect of different types of international knowledge accumulation on the internationalization of venture capital firms, as a particular type of professional service firms. We distinguish between experiential knowledge acquired through previous activities, inherited knowledge through the management team and external knowledge through network partners. Hypotheses are developed for both the likelihood and the number of cross-border investments. The hand collected dataset comprises a combination of survey and archival data on a unique sample of 110 venture capital firms from five different European countries. Analyses indicate a positive effect of experiential and inherited knowledge on internationalization, but external knowledge has limited impact. Intense international contacts even decrease international activities. Together, these results highlight the importance of experiential and inherited knowledge to overcome information asymmetries inherent in the internationalization of professional service firms, and of venture capital firms in particular.  相似文献   

Are multinational corporations able to enhance the development of absorptive capacity in foreign subsidiaries through language-oriented human resource management (HRM) practices? Taking into account that a shared language enhances absorptive capacity and that many multinational corporations are multilingual entities, this question is relevant but given little focused attention in international business research. In this paper, we hypothesize that two language-oriented HRM practices – language-sensitive recruitment and language training – enhance absorptive capacity in foreign subsidiaries. In addition, we hypothesize that interunit knowledge transfer partially mediates the positive relationship between these language-oriented HRM practices and absorptive capacity. Analyses of survey data derived at three points in time from 574 foreign subsidiary units in Japan provide support for these hypotheses.  相似文献   

Despite studies exploring factors affecting knowledge acquisition from multinational enterprises in subsidiaries, what accounts for a successful acquisition is unresolved. We argue that such disparity may stem from inattention to investment motivations of multinational enterprises (MNEs) in foreign markets and to the fact that learning patterns of subsidiaries can be influenced by foreign firms' market‐seeking or efficiency‐seeking behaviors. We find that absorptive capacity in learning organizations and daily interactions with knowledge possessors are essential to learning from parent firms. In addition, active support from parent firms is particularly crucial for subsidiaries seeking to improve operational efficiency of MNEs. We also suggest that potential absorptive capacity plays a catalyst role in initiating knowledge acquisition, particularly in cases where MNEs have market‐seeking motivations. Copyright © 2014 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Based on resource-dependence theory, we hypothesize a U-shaped relationship between multinational corporations’ subsidiary size and expatriate staffing level. Drawing on both resource-dependence and learning perspectives, the U-shaped relationship is further hypothesized to be moderated by parent-firm size, the amount of equity ownership of the parent firm in the subsidiary, and subsidiary age. A sample of 11,754 Japanese overseas subsidiaries was used to test the hypotheses. Results supported all four hypotheses both cross-sectionally and longitudinally, and explained 24% of the variance in expatriate staffing level. The theoretical and practical implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

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