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Chinese companies are increasingly using cross‐border merger and acquisitions (M&As) as a vehicle to source knowledge or strategic assets, so as to enhance their competitive advantage. However, a critical question is: Can strategic assets be effectively acquired by Chinese firms, thereby leading to superior firm performance? This article addresses this fundamental question from an absorptive capacity perspective. This approach concentrates on how an acquiring firm's absorptive capacity influences its ability to identify, assimilate, integrate, and apply external new knowledge into commercial use. By comparatively examining two high‐profile international M&A deals completed by leading Chinese firms Lenovo and TCL, we argue that the performance of Chinese companies' overseas acquisitions is substantially affected by the acquiring firm's absorptive capacity at multiple dimensions, thus drawing strategic implications for multinationals in other emerging markets. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Theoretically grounded in the ownership, location, and internalization (OLI) paradigm and institutional theory, this article investigates major macro‐level factors that determine cross‐border mergers and acquisitions (CBMAs) by Chinese firms in developed markets. Using panel data of Chinese CBMA deals in developed markets from 1996 to 2012, we found that market size, natural resources, and strategic assets of host advanced economies positively affected the number of Chinese CBMAs in the developed markets. With regard to institutional variables, the overall economic freedom of host countries positively affected Chinese CBMAs, whereas the host government effectiveness negatively influenced the number of Chinese CBMAs. Furthermore, the above hypothesized effects were significantly strengthened by the home country's government involvement mainly through ownership. Finally, we found that significant factors to explain Chinese overall outward foreign direct investment (OFDI) are not necessarily applicable to explain Chinese CBMAs. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

We examine the effects of greenfield FDI and cross‐border mergers and acquisitions (M&As) on total factor productivity (TFP) in developed and developing host countries of FDI. Using panel data for up to 123 countries over the period from 2003 to 2011, we find that greenfield FDI has no statistically significant effect on TFP, while M&As have a positive effect on TFP in the total sample. Greenfield FDI and M&As both appear to be ineffective in increasing TFP in the subsample of developing countries. In contrast, M&As have a strong and positive effect on TFP in the subsample of developed countries.  相似文献   

This paper examines the macroeconomic determinants of cross‐border mergers and acquisitions (M&As). Using a panel dataset of bilateral M&A deal values for 101 countries for 17 years ranging from 1989 to 2005, we investigate both home and host‐country factors that may play an important role in determining the size and direction of M&A flows. Overall, the empirical results suggest that legal and institutional quality and financial market development increase M&A volume across borders. The significant effect of institutions, however, may disappear for transactions between countries in similar stages of the development.  相似文献   

Organizational capital is an institutional arrangement in a firm’s production and management activities, which helps integrate all resources in the firm and affect the firm’s strategic choice and performance. This paper classifies organizational capital into three subtypes, namely power orientated capital, norm orientated capital and knowledge orientated capital. Moreover, strategic proactiveness is also brought into this influencing process. Results show that strategic proactiveness fully mediates the effect of power orientated capital on firm performance, but partially mediates that of norm orientated capital. It is also found that neither power nor norm orientated capital affects innovative performance, whereas knowledge orientated capital affects directly both financial performance and innovative performance. The significance of this research is to provide a meaningful supplement to the theory of decision-making-process for the top management team. Suggestions on how to cultivate organizational capital are provided for Chinese enterprises. __________ Translated and revised from Guanli shijie 管理世界 (Management World), 2007, (5): 83–93  相似文献   

Foreign acquisitions by Chinese firms: A strategic intent perspective   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
This article presents a strategic intent perspective (SIP) to analyze the foreign acquisitions made by Chinese firms. It suggests that Chinese firms strategically use cross-border acquisitions to achieve goals, such as acquiring strategic capabilities to offset their competitive disadvantages and leveraging their unique ownership advantages, while making use of institutional incentives and minimizing institutional constraints. The SIP is supported by the evidence from three firms that we studied, where dozens of interviews were conducted, including the one with the founder of Lenovo. This study contributes to extant international business theories by incorporating the SIP to examine internationalization strategies of firms from developing countries.  相似文献   

During the recent decade, the world has witnessed the rapid growth of MNEs from emerging economies. Their increasing participation in cross-border mergers and acquisitions has raised great attention in the extant literature. This study evaluates the value creation from these cross-border transactions from two representative emerging countries, namely China and India, and determines factors that result in the different performance of these international acquisition activities. Cross-border acquisitions conducted by these countries’ companies indeed lead to significant shareholder wealth creation. Furthermore, Indian shareholders are more likely to benefit from deals in small cultural distance countries, while Chinese investors gain from the cross-border expansion of manufacturing companies. Location also affects the performance of cross-border acquisitions, with acquisitions into developed countries generating higher returns to shareholders. Our sample consists of 203 Indian and 63 Chinese cross-border deals over the period 2000–2010 and our results hold after controlling for various deal-level and firm-level characteristics.  相似文献   

Organizational sponsors of guest workers to the United States claim foreign‐born workers enhance productivity and innovation. Drawing upon a unique dataset of all organizational sponsors of guest workers in the United States from 1993 to 2008, we find a 10% increase in guest worker sponsorship is associated with a 2.2–3.1% increase in patenting within firms. Furthermore, we examine how organizational industry and country of origin are associated with the effects of guest worker sponsorship on organization‐level measures of innovation and productivity. Despite an overall within‐firm positive association between sponsorship and patenting, higher percentages of a firm's workers on visas are associated with lower patenting, but higher labor productivity. Firm‐level industry and country of origin heterogeneity is significantly related to the relationship between guest work sponsorship and both patent‐related and nonpatent investment in innovation such as research and development (R&D) expenditures. Semiconductor firms and universities spend more on R&D in conjunction with guest worker sponsorship, while semiconductor companies and hardware companies patent less. We discuss theoretical and human resource implications, and offer suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

The Indian software industry is a prime example of globalisation. The industry has been characterised by large cross‐border mobility of its skilled labour force. Using a unique survey of Indian software firms, our paper quantifies the extent and impact of mobility on firm behaviour and performance. Cross‐border labour mobility in the paper refers to both temporary and permanent labour flows by Indian software professionals. The picture that emerges is of a highly mobile world in which temporary mobility has been an important characteristic of the industry. A significant number of workers have work experience abroad in a developed country. Moreover, the share of skilled workers with such experience has been positively associated with the incidence of skilled migration from the firm. This suggests network effects are at work. In terms of the impact on performance – as measured by the change in turnover per worker and the change in the employment size of the firm – the paper finds little evidence of a robust adverse effect. Further, the evidence suggests that there have been important external effects at work, as through changes in the willingness of workers to acquire skills, as well as through increased provision of educational services. These have further abated the risk of a brain drain. However, the software industry may be rather different from other industries. Our results need to be interpreted as the outcome of a particular case of skilled migration and not one necessarily representative of all types of skilled migration and source sectors.  相似文献   

The paper investigates the impact of the pre-acquisition evaluation of target firms on the performance of cross border acquisitions using data from a sample of acquisitions made by UK firms. The findings provide reasonable support for organizational learning theory, suggesting that the more the acquiring firm learns about the target firm then the better will be the acquisition performance. Specifically, we find support for the hypothesis that thorough evaluation of the strategic and cultural fit positively influences cross border acquisition success. Further, the analysis reveals that detailed evaluation of the target firm's employee and business capability improves acquisition performance. The managerial implications of the findings and directions for future research are also discussed.  相似文献   

This paper links the strategic decisions made in R&D during the financially turbulent period of 2009 to the firm's financial health in the period 2010–2013. The focus is on decisions made in R&D-active small and medium-sized enterprises in terms of absorptive capacity, open innovation, type of R&D, and the organizational structuring of R&D. Based on a representative set of R&D-active firms in Belgium, qualitative comparative analysis reveals that the outcomes in terms of financial performance related to optimal configurations of strategic R&D decisions depend on the firm's size and on the time-lag under consideration. Managers in small-sized firms are advised to pay particular attention to a more functionally-structured R&D approach in configurations of strategic R&D decisions. To increase medium-term financial performance, managers in medium-sized firms benefit from more engagement in research-oriented activities, more in-house innovation, and the enhancement of absorptive capacity in sets of strategic R&D decisions.  相似文献   

Emerging‐market multinational enterprises (EMNEs) have become major players in the global economy, with an increasing share of global foreign direct investment (FDI). Indigenous mobile network operators (MNOs) in sub‐Saharan Africa (SSA) are not left out in this pursuit, as they seek growth and competitiveness beyond their domestic markets. We investigate the FDI location choices and competitive interactions of the five indigenous SSA MNOs that had internationalized as of 2014 and find that, contrary to the literature, these EMNEs, operating in a key and rapidly developing industry, did not tend to commence their cross‐border expansion in geographically close markets. In addition, the MNOs are more likely to invest in countries with stronger control over corruption and do not appear to engage in heavy head‐to‐head competition with their rivals. These findings contribute to the internationalization literature in the context of the investment and competitive behaviors of the currently underexplored indigenous SSA multinationals.  相似文献   

Organisational learning plays a vital role in enhancing firm performance, particularly for companies operating in foreign markets. Knowledge gained from various markets needs to be integrated for it to have a significant impact on performance. This study seeks to demonstrate how organisational learning can transform knowledge into performance through an organization-wide commitment to learning, a knowledge integration system and an organisational capability to learn. A survey undertaken in South China would show that there is a sequential chain of effects among these constructs.  相似文献   

FDI entry mode choice of Chinese firms: A strategic behavior perspective   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study investigates the determinants of foreign direct investment (FDI) entry mode choice between a wholly owned subsidiary and a joint venture by Chinese firms that invest overseas. We argue that the FDI entry mode choice of a Chinese firm is primarily influenced by the variables related to the firm's strategic fit in host industry and its strategic intent of conducting FDI. Using survey data of a sample of 138 Chinese firms, the results suggest that a Chinese firm prefers wholly owned subsidiary entry mode when it adopts a global strategy, faces severe host industry competition, and emphasizes assets seeking purposes in its FDI. A joint venture is preferred when the firm is investing in a high growth host market.  相似文献   

The extant literature suggests that the political connections enjoyed by Chinese acquiring firms have both positive and negative effects on their performance in cross‐border mergers and acquisitions (CBMA). We employed firm‐level data on Chinese acquirers from 2001 to 2012, demonstrating that the effect of political connections on mergers and acquisitions performance is determined by external government intervention. Holding the level of political connections constant, the greater the degree of government intervention is, the worse the acquirer's performance in cross‐border mergers and acquisitions will be. We also demonstrated that political connections affect acquirer performance in cross‐border mergers and acquisitions through the channel of preferential access to bank financing, and the acquiring firms' high cash holdings, which are encouraged by the ease of bank financing, have a negative effect on acquirer CBMA performance. Using the Blinder‐Oaxaca decomposition, we investigated changes in the Chinese acquirers' performance following changes in the external policy environment in 2008 and the effect of political connections and other factors on this change.  相似文献   

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