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We explore the internal workings of tax planning within US multinational enterprises (MNEs) using a qualitative research method. We conduct a series of interviews with senior tax executives, which we supplement with other public information. We find that US MNEs adopt a heterogenous range of approaches driven by the motivations as well as the opportunities to reduce their tax bill legally. We develop a new theoretical framework that analyses the interactions of motivations and opportunities in MNEs’ tax planning strategy. We generate four typologies of corporate tax payers. Our study provides new insights detailing why and how companies plan their tax.  相似文献   


This paper presents the findings of an empirical study comparing the marketing strategies and organisations of a matched sample of British companies and their US and Japanese competitors in the UK. Hypotheses about Japanese marketing are tested and provide a framework for the comparative analysis of the marketing effectiveness of the three sets of competitors. The findings highlight significant weaknesses in the marketing effort of British companies, these being exacerbated by excessive focus on short‐run financial gains. The US competitors, equally concerned with short‐term profits, were less committed to the UK market than their Japanese rivals, their market position being in danger of deteriorating further as the Japanese close the technological gap between them. The Japanese were unmistakably aggressive, single‐minded in their pursuit of market share and undeniably more market‐oriented than their US and British counterparts. This research was funded by the ESRC.  相似文献   

This study develops and tests a framework about the resource- and context-specificity of prior experience in acquisitions. Although extant research has explained why multinational companies from emerging countries (EMNCs) acquire companies in developed countries, we have an incomplete and inconsistent understanding of the consequences of such acquisitions for the performance of target firms. First, we show that despite the concerns raised by politicians and the general public in developed countries, the acquisitions made by EMNCs often enhance the performance of target firms. Second, we examine whether the role of EMNCs' idiosyncratic resources (such as access to new markets and cheap production facilities) and investment experience in enhancing the performance of target firms differs across acquisition contexts. We demonstrate that not all types of resources and investment experience are equally beneficial and, in fact, some types of experience even have a negative effect on the performance of target firms. By contrast, other types of experience that EMNCs accumulate from prior investment enhance the performance of target firms by facilitating resource redeployment and the exploitation of complementarities.  相似文献   

In this paper, we show how international tenders act as defining moments in building asymmetric coevolution-based mechanisms between Chinese multinational enterprises and local institutions in developing African countries. We used a case study methodology to explore how three Chinese multinationals – Citic, Sinopec, and Chinalco – developed non-market relations with the institutions of three African countries, namely, Algeria, Gabon and the Republic of Guinea, both during and after the submission of international tenders, to win strategic contracts and securely embed the company in question within the target host country. We found that Chinese companies not only submit tenders, but also develop multiple kinds of alliances in order to influence local institutions over the long term, transplant new business practices and standards, and expand in an unparalleled way, with host-country institutions and Chinese MNEs acting as partners in the new ecosystem. Based on our findings, we propose a model which highlights the specific mechanisms through which successful coevolution processes emerge and prosper between Chinese multinationals and developing country institutions. This study contributes to the international management literature by extending the field of institutional theory to co-evolutionism in international business.  相似文献   


The global economy is becoming more integrated with the increase in international fragmentation. This paper examines two forms of global production networks in a general equilibrium framework by building on the ‘knowledge-capital model.’ The focus is the relationship between country characteristics and the multinational firm's choice either to allocate the labor-intensive processing stage in-house to its foreign affiliates or to outsource the activity to outside contractors at arm's-length. Chinese data on the export processing trade are used to test the theory. The findings show that multinational firms with their headquarters in highly skilled-labor-abundant countries of intermediate size have a preference for outsourcing. By contrast, skilled-labor-abundant countries of small size are homes to multinational firms with subsidiary production in the host country where unskilled labor is cheap.  相似文献   

Though Chinese multinational enterprises (CMNEs) have brought investment and opportunities to countries along the Belt and Road Initiative, there has been scepticism regarding the content and context of their investment. On the one hand, infrastructural development contributes to GDP formation and enhances the efficiency of productive inputs where international trade enhances technology and export development, which jointly provides a path to economic growth. On the other hand, critical issues such as debt sustainability and national sovereignty among countries that have gone through the decolonization process mean that CMNEs need to grasp the implication of political risk when investing. This article focuses on South and Southeast Asia, where China has historical socio‐economic relationship, and proposes a nation branding model combining tradition and modernity which can be the way forward for CMNEs to mitigate political risk in relation to the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) investment. Nation branding of BRI could be seen as a continuity of China's unfinished business in globalization that has preceded the modern polity; nevertheless, there is a need to communicate a coherent and authentic message that reflects the reality of business operations.  相似文献   

Ingo Walter 《Intereconomics》1976,11(5):141-145
While voluntary behavior and social responsibility have so far played a peripheral role in multinational corporations’ global strategies, the author argues that the non-market social responsibility dimension will have to be incorporated systematically in management’s forward planning as a growing factor if the multinationals want to secure their future.  相似文献   

The emergence of a “second wave” of developing country multinational enterprises (MNEs) in a variety of industries is one of the characterizing features of globalization. This paper documents how emerging markets’ MNEs (EM-MNEs) may follow quite different patterns to reach, or at least approach, global competitiveness. In particular, it investigates how three EM-MNEs pursued global growth through accelerated internationalization combined with strategic and organizational innovation. Haier (China), Mabe (Mexico) and Arçelik (Turkey) emerged as multinationals in the large home appliances (so-called “white goods”) industry. The recipe for the success of these firms seems to lie in their ability to treat global competition as an opportunity to build capabilities, move into more profitable industry segments, and adopt strategies that turn latecomer status into a source of competitive advantage. At the same time, their experiences show that there are many strategies and trajectories for going global, consistent with a pluralistic conceptualization of globalization.  相似文献   

Since the bursting of Japan's bubble economy, from 1990 onwards, Japanese multinational companies (MNCs) have faced new competitive challenges and questions about the management practices on which they had built their initial success in global markets. Japanese engagement in the international economy has undergone a number of phases. In the period before the Second World War, Japanese companies learnt from foreign MNCs in trading, shipping, and manufacturing, frequently through strategic alliances, and leveraged their capabilities to succeed in overseas and largely Asian markets. In the immediate post-war decades, during the Japanese ‘economic miracle’, there were notable examples of MNC investment in raw materials and labour intensive production, but both inward and outward foreign direct investment were not significant. Japanese companies achieved leadership in management and technology, in order to support a strategy of export-orientated industrialization. Changes in government policies in the developed economies of the US and Western Europe forced leading Japanese manufacturers to convert themselves into MNCs and to transfer their home-grown capabilities to overseas subsidiaries. The period after 1990 marked declining Japanese competitiveness and it asked questions about the ability of Japanese MNCs to be more responsive and global in their strategies, organization and capabilities.  相似文献   

中国成为跨国公司的重要投资地点,同时跨国公司对华投资也出现了新的特点、随着国家经济发展的又一地区——东北三省的振兴,吸引跨国公司的投资成为了重要问题本文在分析跨国公司对华和东北三省投资的新特点及其形成原因的基础上,提出东北三省吸引跨国公司投资的举措。  相似文献   

荣炜 《财贸经济》2001,(1):36-40
本文结合世贸组织原则和我国的"入世"承诺,在分析预测"入世"后国家宏观经济形势、经济体制、产业政策改革走向的基础上,剖析了这些变革给供销社带来的机遇和挑战,并提出了相应的应对措施.  相似文献   

We discuss the strategic significance of ‘regional multinationals’, and highlight a number of conceptual and empirical challenges that a regional multinationals research agenda should address. In line with the intellectual legacy of the late Alan Rugman, we argue that to deepen our understanding of regional strategy and organization, we cannot limit ourselves to studying the multinational enterprise’s (MNE’s) geographic footprint, but we must also explore the entire spectrum of regional elements in the firm’s organizational functioning, including the impact of the regional effect on subsidiary capabilities across the value chain. More specifically, we argue that operating in a host region can affect a foreign subsidiary’s capabilities: subsidiaries of outsider MNEs (meaning headquartered outside of the region) are disadvantaged as compared to insider MNE subsidiaries. This regional effect, however, is predicted to vary according to the value chain activity considered. Further, the regional effect will tend to diminish over time, though at a different pace for the various value chain activities.  相似文献   

In this paper we investigate the firm-specific factors that account for the decision to invest in low-wage countries on the part of Italian firms in the textiles and clothing sector. This analysis is motivated by the fact that our survey data show, between 1990 and 1997, a decline of average employment in parent companies, while that in subsidiaries grew substantially. However, correlation and regression analysis show that employment in parent companies that invested in low-wage countries only seems to be negatively related with employment abroad. Our hypothesis is that investments in cheap labour countries are mainly cost-driven and are undertaken by firms that focus on a low-quality, low-cost strategy. We test this hypothesis through a probit analysis. The evidence suggests that investments to cheap labour countries are more likely to be of a vertical type, being relatively more labour-intensive compared with the parent company. Our hypothesis seems to be confirmed empirically. Investments in low-wage countries are more likely to generate abundant intra-firm trade and to be undertaken by firms with low shares of skilled employment.  相似文献   

This paper develops an understanding of the barriers to retailer foreign market expansion focusing on SME retail firms. A qualitative methodology was adopted to obtain a holistic understanding of the key barriers to international expansion experienced by retailers from both the firm and industry-level perspectives. In light of the findings from the case companies and industry organizations in this study, the paper concludes that the main barriers to foreign market expansion experienced by SME UK retailers, both at the entry and growth stages, comprise internal and external factors. This paper not only provides an understanding of the barriers encountered by SME retailers but also considers how such problems may be overcome.  相似文献   

The existing literature on spatial interdependence in FDI flows has primarily focused on developed economies as hosts, with these hosts economically tied together via good infrastructure and historically strong/significant trade flows. In contrast, we explicitly test for the presence of spatial interdependence in developing hosts (Africa, Latin American and the Caribbean) where such ties are not as strong. For US outbound FDI between 1995 and 2007, our empirical results confirm third‐country effects do matter even when controlling for spatial and time‐period fixed effects. Based on the signs of the market potential and spatial lag coefficients, we find US FDI strategies into these regions as consistent with complex vertical specialisation.  相似文献   

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