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我院教师在培训教学过程中积极深入实际,开展调查研究,对农业银行经营管理中出现的多种情况,有针对性编写教学案例并在全国农行系统培训中得到较广泛的应用,取得了良好的培训效果。本刊编辑部分案例以供借鉴。  相似文献   

中国企业在环境、社会和治理问题上面临的四个最主要的挑战包括:缺乏治理、误导性的营销宣传、产品质量不合格和废水污染  相似文献   

新的((银行卡条例>已呼唤了很多年,现在仍未看到出台的迹象.可能是受够了没完没了的等待,需要新条例规范的信用卡公司再也坐不住了.2009年10月28日,交行和汇丰联合宣布:首家合资信用卡公司将破壳而出.  相似文献   

经济责任审计已成为对领导干部进行有效管理和监督的重要措施,随着经济责任审计的覆盖面越来越大,对该项审计工作的要求越来越高,而会计师事务所受各级政府监管机关及企业集团的委托,也越来越多地参与到经济责任审计工作中。经济责任审计属于专项审计的范畴,与会计报表审计业务相比有其特殊性。以下是笔者从事经济责任审计的一些粗浅认识。  相似文献   

税收竞争(Tax Competition)作为经济全球化下税收跨国外部效应的产物,集中反映了当前国际税收关系中主权与协调这对主要矛盾.关于税收竞争,目前尚未在理论上给出一个理想的定义,但我们可以从税收实务的角度较好地认识它.通常意义上的税收竞争一般包括两个层次,一是以特定产业、特定交易形式为对象的一般主权国家的税收优惠措施,二是将税收优惠发展到极致的避税地税制.  相似文献   

This paper draws on the philosophy of Jacques Derrida to review and re-evaluate the responsibilities of the accounting community and in particular of the accounting academy. The paper begins with a brief explanation of deconstruction and implications of responsible deconstruction for truth in accounting. It is argued that Derrida's philosophy is compatible with a pragmatic approach to the pursuit of truth in accounting. In the second section of the paper the responsible, and essentially ethical, nature of deconstruction is discussed and the charge that it threatens to undermine institutions like accounting that rely of notions of truth, reasons, objectivity and disinterestedness, is rebuffed. In the third part of the paper responsibilities of the university as an institution, and accounting, are discussed drawing on some of Derrida's work on that theme, and in particular responsibility to and for reason. Derrida's analysis is applied to accounting and two competing orders of responsibility are identified and contrasted: a traditional responsibility grounded in representationalism and a new responsibility of openness to the other's demand. In the fourth part of the paper discussion of contrast and tension between types of responsibility is extended into a consideration of the relationship between moral and ethical responsibilities, in the context of accounting education. The paper concludes with reflections on the responsibilities of accounting educators.  相似文献   

中国传统哲学中包含有丰富的辩证思维思想.一是整体观点,即把世界和人看成是一个整体,主张用整体的观点看问题.二是矛盾观点,即认为任何事物都包含相互对立的两个方面,研究问题就要研究对象的两个方面.三是运动变化的观点,即认为事物都是运动变化的,事物的运动变化表现为量变和质变两种形态,"反复"是一切运动变化的基本规律.  相似文献   

长期以来,人们对西方个人主义都是怀着敌视的态度,因而对于其合理性的一面也往往被否定,使得我国社会主义、集体主义道德长期以来只重视社会利益,轻视或否定个人利益.但肯定西方个人主义的合理性,并不等于我们必须把个人主义当作我们社会主义的道德原则.相反,西方个人主义由于其本身存在的局限性,受到包括西方资本主义国家在内的专家、学者的反对.  相似文献   

20世纪中期,美国著名的战略管理学者安索夫提出了其产品一市场扩展理论,最早提出多元化战略。作为一种企业成长的途径,多元化经营战略在国际大型企业中的成功运用,带动了企业的高速发展。但不少企业却因此而陷入困境甚至走向绝境。采用多元化战略必须认识到它在为企业分散风险的同时,也给企业带来了一系列的风险。  相似文献   

This paper intends to explain the genesis of accounting profit from the viewpoint of dialectical materialism. Here accounting profit means the expression-form of value-change or surplus which is produced by human beings’ activities. In other words, it is a form of alienation.One of the characteristics of this paper is to try to criticize accounting from the viewpoint of accounting, not economics nor sociology. The meaning of criticize here is to explain the rationality of the existence of accounting profit, i.e. make clear the reason for the birth and development of accounting profit, because the affirmation by the explanation of rationality means the negative explanation at the same time.Accounting profit is a balance concept and, therefore, it must be computed according to a computation structure, i.e. bookkeeping, single or double. Some writers assert that accounting is so subjective as to change profit as accounting likes. However, what is asserted in this paper is that one cannot help using the computation-structure of bookkeeping, in book or in brain and single or double form, to measure income and it is difficult to change accounting arbitrarily.The reason why transaction cost cannot help becoming the basis of valuation in double bookkeeping is explained. Needless to say, holding gain or money-value change should not be ignored. However, these problems should be discussed more as a development of accounting profit, based upon the part which is dealt with in this paper.  相似文献   

Employers implementing a health savings account (HSA) program face a shared compliance burden with their employees. The law dictates that all HSAs are individual accounts that must be opened by an Internal Revenue Service (IRS)-approved custodian or trustee. The individual account features combined with a required third-party custodian place much of the compliance burden for HSAs on the employee and custodian rather than the employer. Employees are compensated for the additional burden because HSAs give them more control over their health care money, and employers are generally pleased with their own reduced compliance burden. The shared compliance responsibilities, however, create confusion and misunderstanding for both employers and employees. This article distinguishes between the responsibilities of the employer and the employees for HSAs.  相似文献   

商业银行内部风险管理体系及其职责   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
风险管理是商业银行的一项重要管理工作,从内部体系看,风险防控的三道防线是由经营部门、风险管理部门、内控合规部门和内审部门分别承担的,它们在风险防控上存在着交集,需要各司其职、明确分工,以提高风险管理效率。此外,各部门间的相互制约应当适度,风险管理部门的设置要计成本、讲效率。  相似文献   

提高整体的核心竞争力,对银行来讲已经不是一个陌生的概念,但很多人对它的理解现在还主要停留在服务质量和科技上的领先度,银行的管理和品牌含金量等狭窄的层面上,很少有人注意提升文化竞争力在银行中的作用。即使提及也多从银行软环境建设方面涉猎,而将企业文化与银行核心竞争力有机结合的并不多见。这里面最重要的因素是人们还没有真正认识到文化在银行竞争中起到了的关键作用。其实一个银行就像一个人一样,社会对它的认识和感觉如何,极大地影响着银行的社会定位,极大地影响着银行的发展方向,而这一切主要来源于银行的企业文化,在某种程度上说,银行企业文化建设程度在深度上的差别也许就决定着一个银行的竞争力。因此,文化也是竞争力,是一个综合的市场竞争力,是人格化了的银行竞争力,银行对其重视与否,重视的程度如何,将直接影响该银行的核心竞争力,银行必须提起对它的高度重视,并采取切实措施提升自己的文化竞争力。[编者按]  相似文献   

国际税收竞争与国际税收协调是经济全球化下国际税收关系主要矛盾的外在表现形式,二者之间存在着辩证统一的关系。国际税收协调既可以缓解恶性国际税收竞争,又会产生新一轮的国际税收竞争。各国对待国际税收竞争与协调的立场会因各自利益的不同需要而发生改变,但总体而言,走“税收竞争——税收协调”之路是处理国际税收关系的必然趋势,这一趋势的发展对我国税收政策的调整也有重要启示。  相似文献   

“对价”是否合理是股权分置改革的核心。本文分析了最有代表性的两种对价补偿观点,探讨了合理对价的理论要素。在此基础上推导了不同依据下的合理对价计算方法,并对中小板10家试点公司的合理对价做了对比分析。  相似文献   

应对金融危机 践行社会责任   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,国际经济金融风云激荡,导致国内经济金融形势瞬息万变,中国的企业也受到了严重的冲击,处在这次金融危机前沿的商业银行更是面临“危”与“机”并存的考验。严峻的现实在考验商业银行经营管理者的智慧,同时也考验着商业银行的应对能力。如何有效、理性地化解风险,既是我国商业银行目前面临的发展能力的关键,也是必须践行的社会责任。  相似文献   

习近平总书记在《求是》杂志2019年第1期发表重要文章《辩证唯物主义是中国共产党人的世界观和方法论》,强调要更加自觉地坚持和运用辩证唯物主义世界观和方法论,增强辩证思维、战略思维能力,把各项工作做得更好,这为我们运用辩证唯物主义基本原理参与联合国会费比额谈判提供了科学指引.本文拟结合工作实践,探索坚持和运用辩证唯物主义这一中国共产党人的世界观和方法论,更好发扬斗争精神和增强斗争本领,推动深度参与联合国会费比额谈判,为国家争取更大利益,为积极参与全球治理体系改革和建设贡献力量.  相似文献   

This paper suggests how the contemporary theory of causality, based on the notions of counterfactuality and contrastive thinking, offers helpful direction on how to generate plausible causal arguments in interpretive research. For an interpretive researcher, this opens a route from rich emic accounts to thick explanations; however, only if he/she so wishes and the research question so requires. Perhaps with some surprise, causality can be included in interpretive research framings without compromising the unique features of such research – actually by even building on some of its strongholds. Examples from interpretive management accounting research will illustrate the message of the paper.  相似文献   

Many students find the application of sampling theory to audit testing difficult, even if they have a good grounding in business statistics. This paper describes an action-learning technique used to teach audit sampling theory to third-year business degree students at The Open Polytechnic of New Zealand. Feedback from students indicated that they found action-learning better than traditional lectures and printed material in enhancing their understanding of sampling theory and practice and in maintaining their interest and enjoyment.  相似文献   

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