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《Business Horizons》2016,59(2):163-173
The resource-based view (RBV) of the firm has become a prominent management theory that firms can use to analyze resources as potential sources of competitive advantage. Theorists have suggested sponsorship of sport properties as one such resource, yet specific cases of sponsorship's role in a firm's achievement of a sustained advantage over competitors have yet to be explored. This article illuminates the case of Visa's longstanding global sponsorship of the Olympic Games, which was initiated and leveraged to counteract competitor American Express’ advantage with global business travelers. Evidence is presented that supports Visa's achievement of a competitive advantage during the term of the sponsorship. The case is then used to develop a conceptual model based on the RBV to identify the key characteristics of sponsored properties capable of assisting the sponsoring firm in achieving a sustained competitive advantage. From a managerial perspective, the model is designed to assist marketing managers tasked with the identification and evaluation of potential sponsorship properties.  相似文献   

Competitive business strategies are often formulated with little regard given to the articulation format. This paper examines the strategy formulation process from a systems perspective and argues that articulation of a competitive strategy, such that sustained competitive advantage is created, requires consistency along the entire business chain. Internal consistency within the business chain is built through inter‐linkages. The inter‐linkages are made through four inter‐connective elements: human resources, technological resources, information resources and financial resources. It is argued in this paper that the human factor is of major importance since it integrates the other inter‐connective elements and therefore represents a key factor in the process of articulation and implementation. In view of the critical role of the human element in articulation of business strategy for competitive advantage, the paper develops a human‐factor related contingency framework. The developed contingency framework examines Porter's (1980, 1985) generic strategies with respect to congruent requisites necessary for building competitive advantage.  相似文献   

In the strategic management field, dynamic capabilities (DC) such as organizational agility are considered to be paramount in the search for competitive advantage. Recent research claims that IT business value research needs a more dynamic perspective. In particular, the Big Data Analytics (BDA) value chain remains unexplored. To assess BDA value, a conceptual model is proposed based on a knowledge-based view and DC theories. To empirically test this model, the study addresses a survey to a wide range of 500 European firms and their IT and business executives. Results show that BDA can provide business value to several stages of the value chain. BDA can create organizational agility through knowledge management and its impact on process and competitive advantage. Also, this paper demonstrates that agility can partially mediate the effect between knowledge assets and performance (process level and competitive advantage). The model explains 77.8% of the variation in competitive advantage. The current paper also presents theoretical and practical implications of this study, and the study's limitations.  相似文献   

制造业服务化作为传统制造业企业重构竞争优势的重要战略手段受到学界高度关注,但对于以生产制造为主导的传统制造业企业应如何成功构建服务化战略竞争优势,企业在竞争优势构建中需要具备哪些关键资源或能力等问题,现有研究鲜有涉及。鉴于此,以我国三家具有代表性的典型制造业企业为例,运用扎根理论研究方法,分析影响制造业服务化战略竞争优势构建的内外部关键因素,构建以“企业关键资源—企业独特能力—企业竞争优势”为框架的概念模型。研究发现,支持制造业服务化提供物开发与提供的内外软性无形关键资源是成功构建制造业服务化战略竞争优势的基础,而基于企业这些内外部关键资源衍生的能够支持客户特定情境服务需求的企业独特能力是成功构建制造业服务化战略竞争优势的关键,即制造业企业不仅要储备和培植以具有路径依赖、因果关系模糊的软性无形资源为主的内外部关键资源,而且要强化基于关键资源的企业独特能力的开发和培育。此外,组织内部管理层和员工层两个不同组成部分服务导向价值观的秉持对作用于制造业服务化战略竞争优势构建的企业独特能力有正向调节影响作用,即管理层和员工层秉持的服务导向价值观正向调节影响企业独特能力的强弱。  相似文献   

In this research four internationally operating business units of European multinational corporations are studied from a global strategy content perspective. In opposition to large parts of the existing global strategy literature, the observed pattern of strategic behavior exclusively related to neither prevailing generic strategies nor to any of the different content-oriented approaches to global strategy. Based on the empirical evidence, a taxonomy of four types of global strategies is identified. The taxonomy proposes to distinguish global strategies along two key dimensions: internal source of competitive advantage generation (upstream, downstream) and external focus of competitive advantage exploitation (country centered, country transcending).  相似文献   

A wealth of research in the past decades has examined born globals or international new ventures, which are firms that from inception view the whole world as a market and as a source to access resources. Many of these firms build their competitive advantage on high-tech knowledge. However, although many studies have shown how born globals can achieve success if they access resources through their relationships from actors in their networks, few studies have explored the relationship between born globals and universities. Universities are important actors in creating new technology knowledge, and many studies have shown how new firms, or so-called university spin-offs (USOs), are formed around universities. The current study explores why some USOs are successful in their international growth strategy and discusses the factors that influence and facilitate the internationalization process. The study investigates 10 USOs around the newly established Halmstad University in Sweden and finds that universities have a positive effect on firm creation and initial international growth. The regional competence base increases from the establishment of a local university, primarily by strengthening the regional human capital and by increasing university research. This study shows that researcher entrepreneurs’ ventures start as born globals, but that these firms do not continue to grow. Born global business models, per se, do not lead to competitive advantage and successful internationalization. Instead, a strategy built on customer focus and an ability to adapt to different customer demands lead to growth, and the location of growth is dependent on the size of the home market. This study also shows that student entrepreneurship can be a successful growth strategy for USOs focusing on both international and local markets.  相似文献   

The authors identify the challenge of holding contemporary business leaders accountable for enhancing the intangible strategic asset of integrity capacity in organizations. After defining integrity capacity and framing it as part of a strategic resource model of sustainable global competitive advantage, the stakeholder costs of integrity capacity neglect are delineated. To address this neglect issue, the authors focus on the cultivation of judgment integrity to handle behavioral, moral and hypothesized economic complexities as key dimensions of integrity capacity. Finally, the authors recommend two leadership practices to build competence in business leaders to enhance integrity capacity as an organizational strategic asset.  相似文献   


In today's intense global competition, a firm's ability to learn from its networks of business relationships is an important source of sustainable competitive advantage. Learning in a network of relationships involves a constellation of resource linkages among business partners tied together by interconnected resources. This has the potential of increasing the relationship value of a firm in terms of knowledge created through interactions among firms in the business network. Prior research has not yet examined the effects of learning in and through relationships in a business network context. Interdependence of firms in business networks gives rise to learning effects of adaptation and coordination that can have implications for relationship value. An empirical study of 215 business relationships from a network of nine high-technology companies in the United Kingdom shows that learning in and through relationships as a result of interactions and resource interdependencies in networks of relationships has a positive effect on a firm's relationship value. Furthermore, an understanding of the network context through interactions among firms facilitates learning and development of the firm's learning capabilities that enhance relationship value.  相似文献   

This contribution initially discusses the ever increasing globalization of business and its impact on nations which embrace globalization without adequate preparation. The essay also highlights the need to understand and acknowledge the different ways of managing human resources in different parts of the world. Considering the ever increasing popularity and the following of Islam worldwide and the globalization of business, an attempt has been made to highlight the key Islamic work principles and their usefulness in creating a unique internal labour market (ILM) which can significantly contribute to the successful operating of organizations and enable them to achieve a sustained competitive advantage. The findings have key messages both for academicians and practitioners in the field of international business, human resource management and organization studies.  相似文献   

This study replicates and extends Birkinshaw et al.’s (1995) model of the predictors of business unit integration of large Western multinational corporations (MNCs). Our study investigates the global integration strategies of Taiwanese small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) competing in the global information technology (IT) industry. It confirms the importance of some structural forces (i.e. economies of scale and standard market demands) in the global integration strategies of Taiwanese SMEs thereby expanding the applicability of existent internationalization theories developed primarily in the context of large Western MNCs to non-Western SMEs. This study finds three results that add new knowledge to the current SME literature and provides managerial implications. First, it finds a negative relationship between competitive actions and business unit integration. Second, it finds that in the optimally globalized IT industry there is no direct effect of business unit integration on performance. Third, it finds a direct effect of differential comparative advantage on performance.  相似文献   

作为竞争优势的来源之一,商业模式设计对经营绩效而言变得越来越重要。文章通过区分驱动市场型和市场驱动型商业模式设计,探讨了商业模式设计与战略导向的匹配性对业务单位绩效的影响。结果表明,驱动市场型商业模式设计与创业导向之间的匹配对业务单位绩效产生积极影响;市场驱动型商业模式设计与顾客导向及竞争者导向之间的匹配对业务单位绩效产生积极影响。研究结论对企业的商业模式设计和创新活动提供了管理建议。  相似文献   

Advancing technology has become a primary driving force for allworld economies, and effective management of this function increasingly will determine the rise and fall of nations as well as of industries and individual businesses. Management, by definition, now has become the management of technology driven change, marked by the progressive collapse of product and process life cycles, previously measured in decades, but now more often in two to five year periods.However, effective deployment of limited technical resources must be based on a disciplined set of business decisions, made in response to well defined market opportunities that in turn have been integrated into a comprehensive business strategy. Powerful methodologies are available both to predict and quantify cost performance requirements needed for commercial success in the hyper competitive global marketplace. Unfortunately, a void has existed in academic curricula for engineers, scientists and business school students to meet this urgent need.  相似文献   

The new market opportunities, competitive threats, and diffusion of business models associated with globalization have been key drivers of organizational restructuring over the past decade. Companies have responded to these developments in a variety of ways with the objective of improving their cost and/or revenue structures through reorganizing their vertical, horizontal, and spatial boundaries and governance mechanisms. Major forms of restructuring at the business level have included labor intensification, investment in new technologies, downsizing and reengineering, the formation of strategic alliances and networks, spatial reconfiguration, and a shift from international and multinational to global and transnational strategies. To be most effective, any type of restructuring must be clearly and explicitly aligned with a firm's business‐level strategy in order to maximize the efficient and effective allocation of resources in pursuit of competitive advantage. A strategic use of restructuring which links such efforts to broader competitive strategy, and where possible to a “high‐road” approach to overall competitiveness, should result in more sustainable benefits which generate increased value‐added to shareholders as well as greater well being in the broader stakeholder community. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

动态能力理论认为,随着企业竞争环境动态性的加剧,企业只有不断整合、构建、重组内外部资源和能力,才能适应快速变化的环境,获取持续竞争优势。近年来,信息和网络技术的广泛应用改变了企业竞争的基础,使得企业间的竞争由个体竞争转变为商业生态系统间的竞争。可将动态能力框架扩展到商业生态系统视域,通过对信息空间的搜寻和过滤,锚定企业创新机遇,决定商业生态系统愿景和本企业战略选择。根据战略选择确定资源需求,选择合作伙伴,构建价值网络,获取互补资源,对企业内外部知识和资源进行配置与共享,并保护本企业资源优势,取得新的竞争优势。商业生态系统进入衰退期后,重新寻找新的创新机遇与合作,通过健康的商业生态系统和不断创新实现企业持续发展。传统出版企业应选择加入商业生态系统,通过互补资源、共享知识与协同效应占据网络核心,确立领导地位,通过动态能力的构建和培育来应对外来种群威胁,获取持续竞争优势。  相似文献   

In view of turbulent market responses, building resilient business models for global competitiveness is a crucial challenge for firms in emerging economies. This article examines how Indian firms can build resilient business models that can facilitate global competitiveness. The article presents a research model that defines requirements of domestic advantage. Key issues related to building a more responsive, resilient, and agile businesses in Indian context are discussed. To promote future research issues, the authors develop propositions that explain the relationships between relevant constructs. Using a single firm, extensive case study methodology, the authors illustrate the growth processes for domestic advantage and global competitiveness.  相似文献   

The small business sector is one of the fastest growing sectors of the economy. The firms in this sector are becoming increasingly dependent on information systems (IS) for their operations. Traditional research in IS has primarily focused on large corporations. The problems, opportunities, and management issues encountered by small business in the IS area are unique, and research is too limited to provide useful guidelines. This study compares the research literature on IS implementation and research on IS in small business, examines the commonality and differences, and identifies research gaps. An overall research framework is developed to review the research in the two areas and determine areas of opportunity. As a follow-up of this analysis, a research model is developed to explore the factors influencing the adoption of computer-mediated communication technologies in small business. The model incorporates some of the innovation factors that are identified as potential gaps in the earlier analysis. The research model evaluates the impact of 6 factors-perceived usefulness, cost, compatibility, top management support, competitive advantage, and size-on the adoption of computer-mediated communications technologies. A telephone interview was used to collect data from 207 firms. The results of data analysis reveal that competitive advantage, top management support, and size are important determinants of adoption of computer-mediated communication technologies.  相似文献   

随着产业的不断分化和价值链的延长,知识密集型服务业(KIBS)嵌入对制造业的贸易竞争优势产生了至关重要的作用。本文通过面板矫正标准误差(PCSE)模型实证中国KIBS对制造业贸易竞争优势带来的复杂效应。从整体KIBS对中国制造业贸易竞争优势的促动效应看,KIBS只对技术密集型制造业具有较大的正面促动效应,对资本密集型制造业几乎没有影响,而对于劳动密集型制造业反而具有明显的负作用。从具体KIBS看,科学研究服务和信息通讯服务业对制造业贸易竞争优势具有明显的正向带动作用,金融服务业的发展对不同要素密集度制造业的贸易竞争优势具有非对称性的影响,而商务服务则对各种要素密集度制造业的贸易竞争优势都具有明显的负面影响。  相似文献   

Global communications technology offers those organisations that embrace it many strategic advantages in conducting business overseas. Despite this, it has not been a technology that Australian organisations have rushed to implement.This paper investigates several Australian organisations and looks at their use of global communications technology. The organisations chosen are a mix of those that are Australian owned and foreign companies. Some of the organisations have been exporting their products or services for a number of years, whilst others are new to business operations on a global scale.Whilst the number of organisations researched is small, there appears to be a clear indication that global communications is a technology that all the Australian organisations (included in the research) have investigated. However they have then only proceeded to implement the technology, provided that it offers some definable form of competitive advantage when conducting business overseas.The organisations included in the research may not have had a definite management strategy in place for global communications initially, but, as the technology has become more efficient, has proven to be advantageous or has been accepted by an organisation's competitors, it has been included in management's strategic planning.The results also show that the implementation of global communications has enhanced profitability. However, the additional profit is not always derived from an increase in revenue but often a reduction in costs.The research shows that those foreign organisations with headquarters overseas have been much quicker to implement the technology for one or more of the following reasons: to increase their competitive advantage to improve company reporting to lower the costs of communication to provide more efficient methods of sharing common information.  相似文献   

商业企业以商品的购、销、运、存为基本业务,参与商品的流通环节而不直接创造商品的使用价值。商业企业的竞争力表现出的是一种顾客价值整合能力,商业企业竞争力结构分为竞争优势层、竞争能力层、竞争资源层,三个层次之间是一个有机的整体:竞争优势来源于竞争能力,竞争能力来源于竞争资源,同时竞争资源也受竞争优势和能力的反作用。借鉴五力模型,可以将商业企业竞争力的作用机制分成整合供应商的作用机制及整合消费者的作用机制,提高商业企业竞争力的根本出发点是创造客户整合价值,实施客户顾客价值管理。  相似文献   

Competitive strategy in the market-focused business   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
Market orientation is a business culture which enlists the participation of all employees for the purpose of creating superior value for its customers and superior performance for itself. A substantial body of research finds a positive relationship between a business's magnitude of market orientation and its performance. However, there has been no research into the competitive strategies through which a market-oriented business creates customer value. This paper extends previous work by showing that market-oriented businesses aggressively develop new products and services, focus on opportunities in market segments rather than in the mass market, and attempt to achieve competitive advantage both by increasing customer benefits and by reducing costs.  相似文献   

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