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本文通过对自适应旁瓣对消系统(SLC)的方向性图的分析,证明了位于干扰方向的隐零点的存在,首次得出了用单辅助天线即可对付多干扰这一重要结论.  相似文献   

Customers’ response is an important topic in direct marketing. This study proposes a data mining response model supported by random forests to support the definition of target customers for banking campaigns. Class imbalance is a typical problem in telemarketing that can affect the performance of the data mining techniques. This study also contributes to the literature by exploring the use of class imbalance methods in the banking context. The performance of an undersampling method (the EasyEnsemble algorithm) is compared with that of an oversampling method (the Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique) in order to determine the most appropriate specification. The importance of the attribute features included in the response model is also explored. In particular, discriminative performance was enhanced by the inclusion of demographic information, contact details and socio-economic features. Random forests, supported by an undersampling algorithm, presented very high prediction performance, outperforming the other techniques explored.  相似文献   

Traditional mean estimates of conditional sales given price and promotion variables may provide misleading guidance about the underlying market mechanisms, since high, low, and medium sales, respectively, may be generated by quite different price and promotion strategies. Empirical evidence for consumer good scanner data reveals nonlinearities and heteroskedasticity in the sales–response relationship—mean effects typically average and hence may obscure a potentially rich nature of observational data. Besides addressing the heterogeneity of price and promotional effects, the proposed quantile regression framework allows direct estimation of monotonicity restricted nonlinear pricing effects for quantiles of the sales distribution.  相似文献   

The negotiation template, which defines a set of potential negotiation offers, is traditionally evaluated by means of the simple additive weighting method (SAW). However, some recent research reports on the potential problems and inconsistencies in using and interpreting SAW-based scores. Thus, in this paper we consider the issue of evaluating negotiation offers when the negotiator’s preferences are expressed verbally. We present a new approach called Measuring Attractiveness near Reference Situations (MARS), which combines the algorithms of two multiple criteria decision making methods: ZAPROS and MACBETH. Applying the elements of ZAPROS allows identifying a small set of reference alternatives that consists of the best resolution levels for all the negotiation issues but one. In pair-wise comparisons of these alternatives negotiators need to evaluate trade-offs only, which means deciding which concessions are better to be made. Using the elements of MACBETH allows determining the strong interval scale based on verbal judgments defined by negotiators at the beginning of the preference elicitation process. We study in detail the legitimacy of hybridizing ZAPROS and MACBETH that differ in their philosophies of decision support as well as discuss the drawbacks of these two MCDM methods and propose some alternative solutions that make this approach applicable to supporting negotiators in the evaluation of negotiation offers. Finally, we present an example in which we indicate the differences in the negotiation offers’ scoring process conducted by means of MARS and the traditional ZAPROS and MACBETH procedures.  相似文献   

Using a sample of 787 Japanese MNEs operating in 60 countries from 1996 to 2010, this study examines the impacts of MNEs’ three most commonly observed forms of non-conventional outbound FDI (i.e., as a means to counter trade barriers, to achieve a financial hedge, or to obtain tax breaks) on domestic employment levels of MNEs at home. We build on a conceptual classification of ‘motivation-activity’ of MNEs as a theoretical framework, and evaluate the impacts of MNEs’ non-conventional outbound FDI on their domestic employment levels in relation to the MNEs’ specific combination of ‘motivation’ and ‘activity’ as they conduct outbound FDI in host countries. The 3SLS regression results show strong evidence that non-conventional outbound FDI in core business activities reduces MNEs’ domestic employment levels when the investment is primarily for responding to country-specific conditions, such as circumventing host country restrictions (e.g., FDI to counter trade barriers) or escaping from home country restrictions (e.g., FDI for tax incentive packages), while FDI in non-core business activities (e.g., FDI for financial hedging or FDI in tax havens) has either a positive or insignificant effect on MNEs’ domestic employment levels depending on whether it aims to develop FSAs or not. We conclude the study with public policy implications from these findings.  相似文献   

目前复杂体制雷达大量出现,侦收到的有效脉冲数少,传统的分选方法存在分选难、参数利用率低、可靠性差等问题,而多参数联合分选方法是解决上述问题的重要手段之一。为此,提出了一种提取信号的脉内特征参数高阶累积量,联合较为稳定的脉间参数,利用改进支持向量机的分选算法。仿真证明高阶累积量归一化的特征值对不同调制类型信号具有良好的区分度,并且通过对复杂体制雷达信号进行分选实验证明,分选结果准确率高。  相似文献   

This article studies the location pattern of foreign direct investment (FDI) in Mexico for the period 1994–2004. An empirical model is specified based on recent FDI theories. This model is estimated using state-level data and employing spatial econometric techniques. Results suggest that higher education levels and lower delinquency rates are important determinants to attract FDI. Results also suggest a relationship of complementarity between inbound FDI to the host state and inward FDI to its neighboring states.  相似文献   

Researchers often are forced to analyze nominally-scaled multiple response questions for which respondents have provided more than one response. A Multiple Index of Predictive Association (MIPA) is derived for estimating the effect of the independent variable on the dependent variable when one or both variables have multiple responses. MIPA is illustrated using demographic and preference data. The relevance of the Multiple Index of Predictive Association to marketing and its implications are discussed.  相似文献   

A Variable Mean Response Regression (VMRR) model is used to reexamine the stability and tendency of beta estimates. The analysis presented indicates that the VMRR model is a better model than the traditional fixed-coefficient regression model in investigating the beta stability and tendency. The mean square error criteria is also used to show that the beta estimates obtained from the VMRR model are generally more appropriate for forecasting the future betas than those obtained from the fixed-coefficient regression model.  相似文献   


This research proposes an assessment and decision support model to use when a driver should be examined about their propensity for traffic accidents, based on an estimation of the driver’s psychological traits. The proposed model was tested on a sample of 305 drivers. Each participant completed four psychological tests: the Barratt Impulsiveness Scale (BIS-11), the Aggressive Driving Behaviour Questionnaire (ADBQ), the Manchester Driver Attitude Questionnaire (DAQ) and the Questionnaire for Self-assessment of Driving Ability. In addition, participants completed an extensive demographic and driving survey. Various fuzzy inference systems were tested and each was defined using the well-known Wang-Mendel method for rule-base definition based on empirical data. For this purpose, a programming code was designed and utilized. Based on the obtained results, it was determined which combination of the considered psychological tests provides the best prediction of a driver’s propensity for traffic accidents. The best of the considered fuzzy inference systems might be used as a decision support tool in various situations, such as in recruitment procedures for professional drivers. The validity of the proposed fuzzy approach was confirmed as its implementation provided better results than from statistics, in this case multiple regression analysis.  相似文献   

The image of a brand provides a key driver of brand equity. To build and control a strong brand image though, brand managers require a valid procedure to measure it. This article empirically compares the predictive validity of two measurement techniques to assess brand image: First, a brand-anchored discrete choice experiment (BDCE) which is based on a brand-anchored conjoint approach where brands serve as the levels for any attribute and which was originally introduced as ranting-based approach by Louviere and Johnson Journal of Retailing, 66, 359–382 (1990) and further extended to a BDCE by Eckert et al. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 29, 256–264 (2012). Second, a direct attribute rating (DAR) approach which is commonly used for commercial applications of brand image measurement. An empirical study using a representative sample of the German beer market shows that BDCE shows significantly higher levels of predictive validity (i.e., higher correlations with the actual market shares of the brands under investigation) than the widely used DAR method.  相似文献   

主要介绍了大唐国际多伦煤化工装置中应用干式直接空冷系统的基本情况,结合空冷系统区别于其他冷却系统的特点及其不可替代的优势,以及大型煤化工发展所面临的水资源短缺及环境保护等问题,进一步阐述了干式直接空冷系统未来的应用优势和广阔的应用空间。  相似文献   

Research problems where the observed dependent variable is restricted to lie within an interval with massing of some of the observations at the limiting values of the interval are frequent in business research studies. This paper analyzes one such problem—that of lender response to a business loan application. The unique features of a regression model with a doubly limited dependent variable are explained and interpreted. Parameter estimation for such models is undertaken by maximum-likelihood techniques. In this paper maximum likelihood estimates are obtained for an empirical problem and compared with ordinary least-squares estimators. Results show substantial differences between least-squares and maximum-likelihood estimates, indicating a possibility for serious errors by using least-squares methods on models with a doubly limited dependent variable.  相似文献   

One-hundred Tax Court cases concerning Section 162(a) (2) were subjected to several multivariate PROBIT and discriminant analyses to determine which factors best define the location of a “tax home.” In each case, the government disagreed with the taxpayer and contended that the “tax home” was either nonexistent or was located in elsewhere. Various sensitivity analyses were performed to test model specifications regarding linear or quadratic functions, discriminant or PROBIT models, and temporal stability. A seven-variable linear discriminant model achieved an 88% Lachenbruch U classification accuracy and exhibited high stability with regard to the three sensitivity analyses. Implications for taxpayers, practitioners, legislators, and researchers are discussed.  相似文献   

针对宽带高速数传需求,提出了一种基于SERDES技术实现高速传输的解决方法。通过对串行器/解串器(SERDES)原理进行研究,提出了一种利用Idelay原语实现SERDES延时的自适应动态调整方法,可动态调整延时2.496 ns,解决了SERDES传输时固有的相位漂移问题。实验结果表明,基于SERDES技术,可实现60个通路、每路850 Mb/s的传输速度,满足了项目需求,且易于移植,对于高速、多路数传系统设计有参考意义。  相似文献   

多媒体技术在英语教学中的使用是英语教学改革的方向和新主流.它集声音、图像、文字、动画于一体.直观、形象、生动。多媒体既为英语教师提供了现代化的综合性的教学手段.也为英语学习者提供了有效的含有大量信息的学习工具。多媒体英语教学改变了传统观念上的英语教学模式.在教学实践中.教师把计算机应用与英语教学整合起来。  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship between firm resources and first-mover advantages with regard to foreign direct investment (FDI) in China. While this study replicates some previous research on the issue, it also builds on the previous research by developing new theoretical arguments and adopting different research methods. Based on research on the resource-based view of the firm, we hypothesize that firm resources will moderate the relationship between the timing of entry and firm performance. Empirical analyses of data from a sample of MNEs competing in China show evidence supporting our hypotheses.  相似文献   

作为我国市场上紧缺的医药中间体——氨噻肟酸在我国有较大的市场发展空间,本文叙述了国内氨噻肟酸的生产现状、技术情况,并对国内氨噻肟酸的发展提出了建议。  相似文献   

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