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Using a sample of 356 Canadian manufacturing organizations, this study examines the pattern of implementation of a wide range of HRM practices including external recruitment procedures, internal job posting systems, performance appraisal methods, job evaluation methods and pay-for-performance systems. A comparison of the adopted HRM practices between large and small firms and between union and non-union firms is also made. The results show that the main difference between large and small firms lies in the recruitment procedure and the job evaluation process. The difference between the union and non-union firms is associated with the greater emphasis placed on performance by the latter.

This study also presents some evidence regarding the perceived importance of twenty HRM activities. The evidence suggests that the three most important activities include health and safety compliance, employee/labour relations and disciplinary issues. On the other hand, the three least important ones are conducting attitudinal surveys, public relations activities and career planning development.  相似文献   

This article investigates the effects of corruption on the performance of the manufacturing sector at the state level in India. We employ conviction rates of corruption-related cases as an instrument for the extent of corruption, address the underreporting problem, and examine the impact of corruption on the gross value added per worker, total factor productivity, and capital-labor ratio of three-digit manufacturing industries in each state. Our estimation results show that corruption reduces gross value added per worker and total factor productivity. Furthermore, we show that the adverse effects of corruption are more salient in industries with smaller average firm size.  相似文献   

This paper uses a three-sector, pseudo-general equilibrium model to investigate the implications of different types of technological progress in the manufacturing sector. We show that the increased relative importance of services that has occurred could be the consequence of such rapid technological advance in manufacturing that the relative price decline of manufactured goods has reduced spending on manufactures versus services. Furthermore, we show that only labor-saving technological change in manufacturing can explain the growth in the relative importance of investment. This adds indirect support to other studies which have shown that technological advance in manufacturing has generally been of a labor-saving variety.The refereeing process of this paper was handled through Murray Brown. The authors are respectively Professor, Faculty of Commerce and Business Administration, University of British Columbia, and Assistant Professor, Faculty of Business, University of New Brunswick. They are grateful to the Canadian International Development Agency and to Nomura Asset Management International Limited for generous financial support. The authors are also grateful for the helpful comments of James Brander and two anonymous referees of this journal. However, responsibility for any errors that may remain is borne solely by the authors.  相似文献   

In this paper maximum-likelihood estimates of the parameters of the two-level CES function, obtained by direct estimation of this function, are given. In addition the authors propose to show how a Bayesian analysis may help to find a solution to the difficulties related with, but not specific to, this particular estimation problem. It is shown that numerical integration of the posterior distribution may give an indication as to which parameter has to be pinpointed and at which value when multi-collinearity precludes unconditional maximization of the likelihood. It is suspected that this approach has a wider field of application.  相似文献   

In this paper, we provide an analysis of C?te d’Ivoire firms performances and study the impact of qualitative external environmental factors on firm efficiencies. We adapt the one-step nonparametric robust methodology of Daraio and Simar 2005 to take in account qualitative environmental factors and we also compare the differences of behavior among two sub groups of firms characterized by different levels of technology. The sensitivity of our conclusions to environmental factors is analyzed using a bootstrapped test. We also check the robustness of our results upon time on two different years of observations.  相似文献   

We examined employee perceptions of the benefits and challenges of workforce diversity and human resource (HR) diversity management practices adopted in the Australian manufacturing sector. We found that overt discrimination does not exist in the Australian manufacturing sector. However, Australian employers appear to adopt a ‘legalistic compliance approach’ and have not considered workforce diversity as a source of competitive advantage. Employers have not adopted effective HR diversity management practices. The Australian manufacturing sector has failed to value diversity or capitalize on the benefits of workforce diversity. Inadequate recognition of overseas skills, ineffective communication, increased training costs and social isolation were perceived as the main challenges, whereas a stronger work ethic among multicultural employees, greater opportunities to learn from other cultures, lower absenteeism and less labor turnover were regarded as major benefits of workforce diversity. Overall, we found migrant workers are disadvantaged in the Australian workplace.  相似文献   

Temporary workers in low-skilled roles often experience ‘hard’ HRM practices, for example the use of the Bradford Factor to monitor absence, rather than using incentives to reward attendance. However, this peripheral workforce has become increasingly diverse in the UK since the A8 European Union expansion, which has seen over a million migrants from central and eastern Europe register to work in the UK. Importantly, there is also heterogeneity within this group of workers, for example between those who intend to migrate for a short period of time then return, and those who are more settled and wish to develop a career. By considering the particular case of absence management, this paper examines how these different groups of migrants respond to HRM practices. The key contribution of the paper is to examine how different groups of migrants experience these practices, rather than simply comparing migrant and native workers as two homogeneous groups. The paper presents data from the food manufacturing sector in the UK. In total, 88 semi-structured interviews were conducted with operations managers, HR managers, union convenors and workers on permanent, temporary and agency contracts. In addition, data from informal interviews and observation at five companies are presented.  相似文献   

The day-of-the-week effect for the securitized real estate indices is investigated by employing daily data at the global, European and country level for the period 1990 to 2010. We test for daily seasonality in 12 countries using both full sample and rolling-regression techniques. While the evidence for the former is in line with the literature, the results for the latter cast severe doubts concerning the existence of any persistent day-of-the-week effects. Once we allow our sample to vary over time, the average proportion of significant coefficients per day ranges between 15 % and 24 %. We show that higher average Friday returns evident in previous literature, remain significant in 21 % of the rolling samples. We conclude that daily seasonality in the European Real Estate sector is subject to the data mining and sample selection bias criticism.  相似文献   

"帮我占个座!""没座,就站着听吧……"12月1日第十届住交会房地产企业融资论坛,一个仅能容纳200人的大厅被各界人士挤得满满当当。而其他论坛相比就要冷清得多,听者寥寥。原因很简单——大家都是来找钱的。"像我们这种非国字号、非上市公司的房企现在很苦啊,手里确实有很好的项目但又缺钱,在这样的经济环境下,找不到人来支持我们,所以今天这个论坛我一定要来。"一位开发商向记  相似文献   

This paper explores whether the adoption of an EMS and/or TQM, both administrative innovations, lead to the development of cleaner technological innovations. We draw on the stakeholder influence literature and Daft's (1978) dual core model of organizational innovation to determine the factors affecting a facility's decision to undertake cleaner technological innovations. Using Canadian facility level manufacturing data, we find that an EMS reduces the likelihood that a facility will implement environmental technologies that change the production process (clean technologies) while TQM increases the likelihood that the facility will implement clean technologies. We also find that administrative pressures (corporate headquarters and shareholders/investors) have no impact on technological innovations while external stakeholders such as regulators, community groups and environmental groups as well as customers and suppliers each increase the likelihood that facilities will use cleaner technologies. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.  相似文献   

In this paper a simple simultaneous model is constructed to examine whether there are productivity spillovers from both the presence of foreign direct investment (FDI) and competition between local and foreign firms. The model is tested on the data from China’s latest industrial census in 1995. The results indicate that the extent to which spillovers occur varies with different types of ownership of local firms and of FDI. While collective- and private-owned enterprises benefit from demonstration and contagion effects from foreign presence, productivity gains of state-owned enterprises largely come from competition with foreign firms. Productivities of local and foreign firms are jointly determined. Evidence also suggests that market-oriented FDI tends to generate spillovers mainly via competition with local firms.  相似文献   

In this paper the effects of cost and demand characteristics on the magnitude and cyclical behaviour of markups in Canadian manufacturing are measured within a production theory framework. Price to marginal cost ratios for various manufacturing industries are computed, and the impact art their secular and cyclical trends from changes in capacity utilization, scale economies, variable input prices, import competition, unemployment and other exogenous market and technological determinants are explored using adjusted markup indexes and elasticities. The measured price margins seem weakly procyclical. Further, evaluation of the determinants of these cycles suggests that the procyclical nature of markups is primarily related to exogenous factors affecting costs such as energy price ‘shocks’, and that cost characteristics underlying scale economies provide a countercyclical influence that counteracts the profitability arising from markups.  相似文献   

We study labor and total factor productivity in the Mexican manufacturing sector for the 1994 to 2002 period. Labor productivity increased at an annual rate of 3 percent, while total factor productivity has null or negative growth depending on the methodology used. We conduct several robustness checks by providing alternatives measures of productivity growth. Moreover, we investigate the sources of productivity growth by studying the impact of international trade, investment, quality of the labor force and labor market institutions.  相似文献   

The technical (plant) and legal (company) units normally used in official statistics do not take into consideration the phenomenon of business groups: i.e. sets of companies controlled by the same entrepreneur. The main aims of this paper are to assess the presence of such groups in the Italian small firm manufacturing sector and to examine the causes of their formation. Two data sets are used: the first is a representative sample of Italian manufacturing firms while the second is a small sample of groups localized in the Region of the Marches. They show that groups are widely present among small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Starting from the premise that the group is the result of the expansion of activities controlled by the same entrepreneur, this paper reports a first attempt to discriminate among three alternative propositions regarding the causes of such growth and the reasons for the adoption of the group form: (1) as the result of the firm's growth policy; (2) as the result of entrepreneurial dynamics; and (3) as the result of the capital accumulation process on the part of the entrepreneur or his/her family. The empirical analysis on the whole favours the first hypothesis.  相似文献   

An attempt is made to assess how the unionization of labor and the presence of buyers possessing monopsony power affects the distribution of income among the factors of production in Canadian manufacturing. It is found that these variables have a composite effect. They transfer income from factors of production in one industry to the factors in another. They also affect the distribution of income between labor and capital within industries.  相似文献   

The development of an environmental policy represents the cornerstone of an environmental management system (EMS), an essential tool that helps companies both systematically manage their environmental obligations and risks, and promote these objectives throughout the entire organization. The implementation of such policies must rest not solely upon the development of specific pollution‐reduction programmes but also upon more encompassing issues dealing with the examination of existing management systems and work procedures. This paper presents the results of a study conducted in 250 manufacturing firms. It examines factors such as manufacturing policies and competitive positioning in their role as driving forces behind environmental commitment. The study's results demonstrate that environmental commitment is often linked to sound management practices. Good relations with both employees and suppliers, participatory management and total quality management programmes appear to be intimately correlated with the existence of an environmental policy. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. and ERP Environment  相似文献   

沪深两市房地产上市公司近200家,剔除新转型公司,具有可比性的有125家.截至3月13日,包括万科、保利地产等在内的30家已公布了年报.从已公布公司的财务报表观察,2008年房地产上市公司经营业绩呈现出一些新特点.……  相似文献   

Green supply chain management is an important organizational approach to reducing strain on the environment. Many companies are under pressure from customers, media, governments, and investors, among others, to implement green practices. This exploratory paper investigates the relationships between internal and external green practices of eight Portuguese companies from different industrial sectors and their impact on economic and environmental performance. The relationship was analyzed based on the data collected from 22 semi‐structured interviews with general managers, procurement and environmental/safety managers, and through secondary data collected from reports, websites and companies' internal documentation. The analysis identifies the most important green practices considered by managers, as well as the performance measures that are most appropriate and most widely used to evaluate the influence of green practices on corporate performance. A conceptual model was derived to assess the influence of green practices on focal company economic and environmental performance. The results support four of five propositions of this research, and it is possible to conclude that the companies believe that with the adoption of green supply chain practices, they can be more competitive in the market. Due to the scope of the green practices, the relationship between green practices and economic performance was inconclusive. Internal and external green supply chain practices contribute to improved environmental performance because for all companies, there is a positive relationship between green practices and environmental performance in terms of energy, water consumption, waste, and air emissions reduction.  相似文献   

In some contexts, firms have to deal with certain elements or factors that affect the production outcome but which are non-market in nature and therefore do not have a price. In this paper we propose a new use of a production economics tool, the input distance function, to empirically measure the effects of these factors. Although we suggest a general use of this methodology, it has been developed in the context of measuring the effects of labor disputes in a particular declining industry, that of Spanish coal mining. We have estimated an equation system comprising an input distance function and cost share equations to calculate the cost generated by strikes.
Ana Rodríguez-álvarezEmail:

In this paper we estimate the extent of technological bias in an interregional context for U.S. manufacturing during the period 1972–1977 using a factor augmenting production function approach. We present estimates of the elasticity of factor substitution for each of the 48 states in the sample using a variable elasticity of substitution production function. Next, we use these estimates to generate estimates of the rates of change in the efficiencies of capital and labor inputs and compare these estimates across states and census regions. We also examine and compare estimates of total factor productivity across states and regions. We ,find that the average annual rates of growth of capital efficiency during the period are 5.5 percent in the Northeast, 5.3 percent in the Northcentral, 5.6 percent in the West and 3.1 percent in the South. The rates of change of the efficiencies of labor are found to be negative across all regions except the South. The rates of change of total factor productivity are found to be 1.7 percent in the Northeast, 2.3 percent in the Northcentral, 2.4 percent in the West and 1.7 percent in the South. We also find that between 33 percent and 56 percent of the growth of output across regions is due to technical progress.  相似文献   

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