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杨波  魏宏阳  焦艳华  郝楠 《中国商人》2023,(11):128-129
<正>在竞争激烈的零售市场,理解客户需求并提供个性化的体验已成为保持竞争力的关键。零售客户细分作为基于购买行为的客户细分方法,旨在将广大、多样化的客户群体划分为更具体、有针对性的子群,以便更好地满足其需求。每位消费者都独特而复杂,他们的购买行为、偏好、习惯以及价值都因人而异。这就引出了多维度数据的重要性,这些数据包括但不限于购买历史、地理位置、在线行为、社交媒体参与等。通过深入挖掘和分析这些多维度数据,零售业能够更全面地理解客户,并将这一洞察力转化为更加精准的营销策略、个性化的购物体验以及更高效的运营模式。  相似文献   

ARCHOS一词源于希腊语,意为“领导者、向导”,自从爱可视进入中国以来,因为较强的专业性并不容易被普通消费者所接受,而他们做的工作就是将这种专业性传播出去,并不断地教育和培养中国的消费者,爱可视认为随着市场的发展和成熟,消费者们会越来越理性,他们会依据自己的喜好选择适合自己的产品。从他们的产品定位和品牌理念来看,爱可视高端的市场地位不言而喻,作为一个站在行业金字塔顶端的品牌。爱可视对自己的消费者进行了精准的分析,细分市场。  相似文献   

中国许多企业依然按照城市级别来细分客户,他们假设着全国各地富裕的一线城市居民,有相似的消费态度和行为。最新调查显示,消费者态度和行为的地区特点,正变得比城市级别差异重要得多。——麦肯锡发布2008年度中国消费者调查  相似文献   

“未来消费者的个性特征感将减弱,他们很难被打动,也很难对事物保持自始至终的注意力。营销者将发现很难聚焦、锁定目标客户并让他们产生情感共鸣。这种新型的消费者习惯在日常生活中处理多重任务,  相似文献   

商业银行应根据市场实际情况确定差异化服务策略,新形势下的公司客户发展策略首要的一点就是要细分客户,实行差别化服务,应尽快着手开展现有客户的细分工作,逐步建立客户分类管理制度,按行业性质、特点、对银行的贡献度大小等等对客户进行分门别类地管理,根据不同类型客户的特点制定客户的标准,然后根据不同客户实行差异化服务,分别满足他们的不同需要,提高他们的忠诚度,稳固银企关系,外资银行再想挖我们的“墙角”,就不那么容易了。  相似文献   

本文将数据挖掘技术引入到中小企业客户细分中,探讨进行客户细分的可行性和有效性,并设计出一个基于K-Means算法的客户细分模型,将该模型应用于某个具体中小型企业的客户细分中,得到比较理想的结果。  相似文献   

客户金字塔模型是一种十分流行的客户细分方法,本文提出了从客户价值和客户忠诚度两个维度来构造两维客户金字塔模型。并运用了聚类分析法,以客户消费行为数据为样本,详细阐述了基于本模型的客户细分方法及细分结果,为企业提供了一种新的的客户细分方法。  相似文献   

周再宇 《网际商务》2011,(10):86-87
面对越多越多的黄金投资客,金顶集团根据不同类别客户的媒介接触习惯,细分市场,对他们进行触点营销。  相似文献   

谁先针对差异化的客户群体提出了差异化的主张,提供了差异化的优质价值,谁则成为行业的胜者。在细分中找到最有价值的受众群体如今,市场环境呈多样分化,极大地提升了客户群细分的重要性。市场分化创造了大量的细分机遇。同时,渠道、媒体日益走向多样化,为企业针对细分客户群体创造针对性营销价值提供了极大的便利。  相似文献   

客户细分是企业竞争优势的主要来源,准确地进行客户细分是有效实施客户保持策略的基础,保持有价值的客户应按照客户细分情况有效地组织企业资源,以客户为中心提高客户满意度,并以此为手段来提高企业获得利润的能力.  相似文献   

索福克勒斯的《俄狄浦斯王》是古希腊悲剧的典范,亚里士多德在《诗学》中曾予以高度评价。但是《俄狄浦斯王》所触发的很难说是一种适度的情感,因为悲剧的"突转"所显示出的人和世界的虚无本性并非可被理性所能接受的真相。另外,《俄狄浦斯王》中的乱伦情节有着本体论的意义,即它既是建构文本的推动力量,也带给观众以置身无序的幻灭感受。虚无和无序把人从世界那里分割开来,使其只能作为其自身存在。这种持守自身的存在者是超越的和自由的,却也是已然死亡的和被放逐的,这是持守自身的存在者所不得不有的命运,也是《俄狄浦斯王》的悲剧性之所在。  相似文献   

Groundnut (peanut) is an important food and oil crop in Ghana, but little is known about the factors influencing consumption. The study surveyed market participants; investigated the frequency and forms of groundnut consumed; and evaluated the factors influencing consumers’ decisions to eat groundnuts in Ghana. About 80% of respondents consume groundnut and/or its products at least once a week and 32.0% consume it three times a week. Logistic models showed that age, education and the form in which groundnuts are consumed influence the frequency of groundnut consumption. Total revenue and the form in which groundnut is eaten influence farmers consumption decision whereas groundnut consumption by poultry farmers is influenced by knowledge of the health effects of groundnuts on birds and the form in which groundnut is eaten by the poultry producers. Processors’ frequency of consumption is influenced by the form in which groundnut is consumed and their knowledge of reasons for sorting. The results are important for market segmentation for demand projection along the marketing chain.  相似文献   

This article tests the view that the impact which foreign direct investment (FDI) has upon employment within the host economy will vary according to the entry mode which the multinational enterprise (MNE) chooses, the type of subsidiary and the nationality of the parent organisation which is established in the regional economy. Data were collected from the subsidiaries of foreign-owned firms in the UK. A model was devised and tested with estimations using this data. The results provide support for the view that the impact of FDI may be differentiated by entry mode, nationality and subsidiary type. Specifically, firms which entered by way of greenfield investment created positive employment effects as compared to those which entered by means of a merger or acquisition where the effects were relatively negative. There is some evidence that impact is also ownership specific. Finally, those subsidiaries which performed more value-added functions had a positive effect on employment.  相似文献   

This article explores the regional geography of professional, information and intellectual services in Norway. Norway is used as one way of critiquing the global cities literature by exploring the multiple ways in which knowledge intensive services are created and consumed outside global cities. Norway's regional geography of knowledge services is one of concentration and dispersal; both processes are explained by the ways in which clients access external expertise. An evolving spatial division of expertise is identified based on the ways in which service suppliers and consumers access and combine expertise that is available in different locations. Part of this evolving spatial division of expertise is illustrated in the ways in which large European providers of consultancy expertise have displaced American providers from Norway's top ten ranking of consultancy providers. The paper identifies a series of fundamental changes that are taking place in the consultancy industry that affect the ways in which consultancy is provided to the Norwegian market.  相似文献   

This paper assesses the impact of the service worker's display of emotions (i.e., one aspect of functional service quality) on customer satisfaction under the conditions of different levels of technical service quality by means of an experimental approach (N=600), in which display of emotions (unhappiness vs. happiness) and technical service quality (poor vs. good) were manipulated. The results indicate that the impact of the service worker's emotional display behavior on customer satisfaction is contingent on the level of technical service quality, in the sense that customer satisfaction is affected only when technical service quality is good rather than poor. Encouraging a positive display (e.g., by a smile policy), which many service firms do, is thus not a panacea for improved customer satisfaction. The moderating effect is explained in terms of service encounter congruency, which influences the mediated process by which emotional displays by service workers come to affect customer satisfaction.  相似文献   

Whistleblowing: A Restrictive Definition and Interpretation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Whistleblowing has been defined often and in differing ways in the literature. This paper has as its main purposes to clarify the meaning of whistleblowing and to speak for a narrow interpretation of it. A restrictive, general purpose definition is provided which contains six necessary elements: act of disclosure, actor, disclosure subject, target, disclosure recipient, and outcome.Whistleblowing is characterised as a dissenting act of public accusation against an organisation which necessitates being disloyal to that organisation. The definition differs from others in many ways but especially by its emphasis on dissent, by being based on the ethical dilemma of conflicting loyalties, and by the strict way that dilemma is formulated in terms of confidentiality and proprietary rights over information. These features result in a definition in which motive has no part, and which requires a free choice decision to make disclosure to an external party.  相似文献   

This article clarifies the relationship between profits and principles by distinguishing four alternative perspectives: the win-win perspective in which ethical behaviour generates the highest profits; a licence-to-operate perspective in which a minimum ethical performance is required to receive legitimation from the society; an acceptable profits perspective, in which an acceptable profitability is required to assure the financial continuity; and an integrated perspective. These four perspectives are illustrated by statements from Shell reports and from interviews with managers of a large European retail company.  相似文献   

In this paper the determinants of new firm formation in the producer services are studied by using National Security data on firms with at least one employee. Two ratios are computed and analysed for the 95 Italian provinces: an index of fertility represented by the share of new enterprises on employees, and a birth rate represented for each province by the ratio between new enterprises and resident population. On examination of the determinants of this process, we found that the average wage rates and the ratio of utilized credit to the total line of credit negatively affect both indexes, and that both indexes are affected positively by sector growth and by a measure of small firm presence. The index of fertility is also explained by a dummy variable which identifies for each province those policies which are aimed at fostering the process of new firm formation. The birth rate is instead affected by a dummy variable which is equal to one for the provinces in which the chief towns of each region are located and zero otherwise, and by the potential demand for new producer services arising from the industrial sector.  相似文献   

跨国公司撤资分为自愿撤资和非自愿撤资,本文研究的是自愿撤资。自愿撤资又分为防御型的自愿撤资和进攻型的自愿撤资。防御型的自愿撤资是由跨国公司投资经营最终失败引起的,进攻型的自愿撤资则是跨国公司公司重构战略的一部分。无论何种形态的自愿撤资都是资本逐利的表现,是符合经济规律的。  相似文献   

我国福费廷业务存在的问题和对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
福费廷是商业银行对出口商持有并经银行担保的债权凭证无追索权购买的金融服务活动。福费廷业务在国外相当活跃,使用范围相当广泛。我国20世纪90年代才开始引进福费廷业务,尚处于摸索阶段,经验不足。因此,应针对我国福费廷业务存在的问题,借鉴国际经验,采取相应策略,开展我国的福费廷业务。  相似文献   

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