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台湾地区"所得基本税额条例"的第12条第1项第1款自2010年1月1日起生效,确立了属地兼属人的混合税收管辖原则,使得海峡两岸税收管辖权的冲突问题凸显,也为构造对所得避免双重征税的法律制度提供了重要的实践契机。中国大陆开征的个人所得税与企业所得税和台湾地区开征的综合所得税与营利事业所得税的纳税人和征税对象绝大部分重合,这就使得海峡两岸对所得双重征税存在很大的可能及避免之必要。两岸对所得避免双重征税的法律制度,包括大陆与台湾地区的单边抵免规则和两岸短期内必须谈签的双边税收安排。  相似文献   

岳树梅 《商业研究》2006,(13):209-213
中国涉外税法与国际税收惯例及WTO的规则在经济全球化的进程中存在许多冲突,特别是在涉外所得税与关税方面,对于税收管辖权、税收优惠、防范国际避税、国际税收协定等方面的规定。分析涉外税法与国际税收惯例、WTO的一些规则及相互冲突等问题,并对中国涉外税法及适用进行相应的一些改革,这对于达到与国际税收惯例及WTO规则的协调很有必要。  相似文献   

曹明星 《财贸经济》2022,43(1):44-58
数字经济国际税收改革是百年变局之际世界格局转换的焦点问题之一。数字经济加剧了全球化中的经济失衡,导致市场国征税权随之兴起,国际社会随之提出了税改的初步依据,但是仍需结合政府征税原理创新展开进一步探索。综观以经合组织双支柱为代表的市场国征税权改革方案,在数字经济居民国与市场国、政府征税与跨国公司避税、发达国家与发展中国家的复杂博弈中,“选择性”改革和复杂的规则设计展示了重大历史进步意义,但也凸显了欧美的妥协及其对既得利益的保护,同时更阻断了发展中国家对工业经济税基公平权的追溯,压制了落后地区和新兴行业启动经济的发展权。作为全球数字经济第二大国的中国,基于发展中社会主义市场经济的基本前提和税基安全、公平和发展的复杂目标,需要审慎参与反避税全球竞争与合作、全面协调数字经济与实体经济平衡、科学安排税收收入与经济成长的战略关系,才能在增强以中国为代表的发展中国家在税收和经济利益上的全面的、实质性公平权利的前提下,推动形成更加科学合理的国际税收秩序。  相似文献   

戴德明  王小鹏 《财贸研究》2011,22(1):119-126
对2008年沪深两市A股上市公司的实证研究发现,企业所得税的实际税率和税收监管在管理层考虑投资成本、监管风险等情况下抑制了过度投资,而税负在管理层合理避税动机下反而刺激了过度投资。结合上市公司股权控制特征,对实际控制人股权性质的分组检验表明,所得税对国有控股公司比非国有控股公司在过度投资行为上的影响更为显著。  相似文献   

论不动产税制改革与产权保护   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
从实质看,不动产税是对不动产产权的征税,产权保护是不动产税制良好运行的法律基础,上述结论在世界主要转轨国家的不动产税制改革过程中得到印证。而我国目前不动产产权格局是城乡二元结构、房地二元结构和城市多种产权性质的房产并立。如何在产权极其复杂的基础上开征不动产税,这是不动产税制改革要解决的首要难题。可以预见,不动产税的开征是产权保护工作中的推进器,而产权保护则为不动产税的开征奠定了良好的法律基础环境。  相似文献   

This article describes the most current developments in the progress of the European Union’s CCCTB project. The published draft directive of 28 January 2016 focuses on rules against tax avoidance practices. The original intention of the CCCTB, the elimination of tax obstacles for cross-border business activities, had receded into the background. The Anti-BEPS Directive lays down rules for the following areas: a general anti-abuse rule, limitations to the deductibility of interest, hybrid mismatch rules, a switch-over clause, controlled foreign company rules and exit taxation. There is a high degree of conformity between the proposed rules and the existing German tax law regulations.  相似文献   


This article examines William Baumol’s theory about the interaction between taxation and entrepreneurship and proposes an extension to it. The analysis shows that the traditional form of Baumol’s model, focusing mainly on the level of taxes, cannot be used in order to explain what happened in the Greek case. Utilising historical evidence from the mid 1950s to the late 1980s, this article confirms that problematic tax rules create difficulties for entrepreneurship and can lead to unproductive forms of it, as Baumol suggests. However, the focus here is on aspects of the system of taxation that Baumol’s model, examining solely tax rates and levels of taxation, neglected. It is shown that, as far as Greek entrepreneurship is concerned, the adverse effects of the system of taxation came not from the level of taxes, but mostly from a series of issues that increased its perceived unfairness and illegitimacy. Some of such issues were the complexity and frequent change of legislation, the insufficient organisation of the tax bureaus as well as the lack of adequate training and arbitrariness of the members of tax services. The evidence presented here suggests that Baumol’s model can be enriched by taking into consideration these aspects of taxation too.  相似文献   

就业一直是热点问题,而税收对就业的作用不可忽视.从税收对劳动供给和需求的影响两方面出发,探索构造税收与就业的良性循环机制.结合安徽省的具体情况,从税收对就业水平和结构优化两方面进行实证分析,得出结论:企业所得税和出口退税对就业无影响,经济水平和个人所得税对社会有负影响,流转税对社会有正影响,且税收能优化就业结构.最后,提出结构性减税、优惠政策、对外开放和引领保障就业的建议.  相似文献   

On 22 December 2017 President Trump signed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. This corporate tax reform can be considered the most significant amendment of the US corporate tax code since 1986. Besides the reduction of the corporate income tax rate from 35% to 21%, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act entails features like a switch from worldwide income taxation to territorial taxation, as well as immediate deductions for certain assets. This leads to a substantial improvement for the US in global tax competition. In this paper, we analyse the effects of the US tax reform on FDI flows between Europe and the US. We find that European high-tax countries in particular will suffer from a net outflow of FDI.  相似文献   

企业年金是我国多层次养老保险体系的一个重要组成部分。本文从税收制度对企业年金保险的作用出发,结合我国现阶段企业年金保险税收制度的现状及存在的问题,从完善税惠制度、明确税惠模式以及税惠资格认定等方面提出了改进建议。  相似文献   

当前,对数字经济课税的核心问题是,一些商业模式允许公司在没有实体存在的情形下,在特定国家进行生产,由此规避该国实施(适当)的来源地税收规则。这种价值创造与税收规则的错配可能需要调整国际税收标准。本文分析了所有主要的数字化趋势,用以确定是否、以及在何种程度上允许在上述缺乏应税联结度的情形下创造价值。虽然,现行国际税收规则仍适当地涵盖了一些数字化趋势,但其余数字化趋势允许远程访问本地数据来源和用户网络,而无需在来源地课税。对此,本文提出了一种系统的、行政上可行的方法,即以持续用户关系(SURE)为基础来分配征税权。文章设计了一个概念性框架,用以确定基于SURE的价值创造,并强调可观察到的现金流作用。最后,作者就阶段性改革提出了一些初步建议。  相似文献   

Many European countries exempt foreign profits from domestic corporate taxation. At the shareholder level, however, all corporate profits are taxed, and double taxation relief is granted only for domestic corporate taxes. This paper attempts to rationalize this tax policy. In the presence of double taxation agreements which exempt foreign profits from domestic corporate taxation, countries may use shareholder taxes to tax these profits. The disadvantage of shareholder taxes is that they create incentives to sell domestic firms to foreigners. But double taxation relief for domestic profits may preserve domestic ownership. Our results imply that national dividend tax policies may be a factor contributing to the empirically observed home bias in investment.  相似文献   

将现行的社会保险收费改为社会保障税,利用税收手段完善社会保障制度,不但有助于解决当前双重征收的矛盾,降低征收成本,还可以提高征缴率,扩大社会保障的覆盖面,提高社会保障统筹层次。最重要的是,"费改税"将建立税务机关征收、财政部门管理、社保部门支出的三位一体的管理体制,做到相互制约,相互监督,不仅更加有利于增强社保资金运行的安全性,提高资金使用效益,还可为完善公共财政制度和促进政府职能转变奠定良好基础。  相似文献   

近十多年来,我国的税收增长率始终保持在较高水平,大大高于GDP的增长率。在税收高额增长的同时,所反映出来的税收收入结构问题也日益明显,增值税“一税较大”的局面已对经济持续发展产生不良影响。应抓住当前税收总量丰沛、特别是财政收入超预算增长的好时机,进一步推进新一轮税制改革,以达到优化税制环境,进而促进国民经济健康稳定发展的目的。  相似文献   

自我国2009年初实施增值税从生产型转为消费型的税收体制改革以来,对我国企业财务管理活动产生了重大影响。增值税转型后,企业在消费型增值税制度下,重复征税的问题得到解决,企业在不违反税收政策的前提下,可以在纳税人身份、销售方式、固定资产投资、经营决策等方面进行适当的选择,尽可能的少投入多产出,实现企业利润最大化的财务管理目标。  相似文献   

曾庆学 《中国市场》2007,(32):50-51
物流企业的合理避税是企业合理安排税收筹划,合理组织经营活动的一个重要内容,是得到社会认可的。弄清合理避税的概念、特点、必然性、途径等问题,对物流企业生产经营活动和国家的发展都会起促进作用。  相似文献   

落后的税收文化长期以来阻碍了我国税收管理水平的提高,桎梏着我国的征税人和纳税人,从征税文化、纳税文化和用税文化三方面分析得出构建和完善现代税收文化应加强宣传,转变理念;加强税收法制建设,加强税务机关建设,优化税收服务;摆正征纳双方地位,赋予纳税人真正的权力;增强用税的透明度,定期信息公开。  相似文献   

Any system of taxation depends on a substantial degree of compliance from the taxpayer. But do ethical considerations stop at obeying the letter of the tax law, or do they drive one to take a more critical and socially responsible attitude towards tax avoidance as well as evasion? Dr Alan Stainer is Head of Engineering Management at Middlesex University, Bounds Green Road, London N11 2NQ, and Founder Director of the International Society for Productivity & Quality Research; Lorice Stainer is Senior Lecturer in Business Ethics at the University of Hertfordshire Business School and a Business Ethics Consultant; and Alexandra Segal is a Chartered Accountant, Taxation Manager with Keelings Chartered Accountants, London, and a Taxation Consultant.  相似文献   

Most countries use the tax credit scheme instead of the tax deduction scheme to alleviate double taxation of foreign earnings. Under the tax deduction scheme, double taxation is alleviated by treating foreign taxes paid as business cost deductible against domestic income rather than allowing them to be credited against the taxes levied by the home country (as is the case under the tax credit system).This paper examines how the two tax systems affect trade between affiliates of a multinational firm.  相似文献   

On the basis of an interdisciplinary approach linking taxation, marketing, and corporate social responsibility, the present research investigates the effects of media reports on aggressive and responsible corporate tax strategies (CTSs) on corporate success with consumers. By means of two laboratory experiments (N = 150, 360), we analyze the effects of the CTSs on corporate reputation, consumer purchase intention, and the consumer’s willingness to pay. Our results suggest that aggressive CTSs diminish corporate success with consumers, whereas responsible CTSs enhance it. Nevertheless, consumers are not willing to pay a price premium for products sold by responsible tax-planning companies, but rather punish aggressive tax-planning companies through a slightly lower willingness to pay. Finally, consumers’ tax morale and their attitude toward tax avoidance are important moderating variables. Given the growing level of media interest in taxation, our findings are crucial for assessing consumer-related non-tax costs and the benefits of different CTSs.  相似文献   

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