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我国商业银行票据市场的现状及发展战略研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
票据业务以其较高的流动性和稳定的收益性,成为近年来我国各商业银行重点发展的业务品种,票据市场也因此成为货币市场的重要组成部分.本文分析了我国商业银行票据市场发展的现状,指出其具有缺乏正确的市场定位、企业信用状况低下、经营模式落后、缺乏全国统一的商业票据市场、商业票据的真实性查询困难以及发行融资性票据面临法律障碍等问题.在此基础上,从战略层面探讨了我国商业银行票据市场发展的目标定位和阶段安排;并着重指出商业银行应在改革开放和可持续发展的指导思想下,转变观念,开拓市场,为发展融资性票据做好理论、政策、管理和业务培训方面的准备.  相似文献   

Few studies have investigated whether Japanese banks affiliated with bank holding companies are more efficient and profitable than independent banks. The present paper tests this hypothesis by using both a stochastic frontier approach and a market valuation approach. First, our results suggest that banks affiliated with bank holding companies are not more cost-efficient than are independent banks. Because of the brief history of Japanese BHCs, it is fair to conclude that the formation of regional bank holding companies has not achieved efficiency gains so far. Second, we find that banks affiliated with bank holding companies are more profit-efficient than are independent banks. This is particularly apparent when the establishment of the bank holding companies increases market power in regional markets. This supports the Financial Services Agency’s policy to increase the profitability of regional banks through bank consolidation. Finally, based on standard event study methodology, we find that the market did not regard news about the establishment of bank holding companies as significant events.JEL Classification: G21  相似文献   

未来10年中国将有80%的资金结算采用非现金方式。中国移动、中国电信、中国联通都将手机支付业务作为未来重要业务发展。如何在整个产业发展中获得相应的地位,建立联盟关系,全面提升商业银行盈利空间,是急需拓展市场、寻求盈利切入口的商业银行急需思考和解决的问题。  相似文献   

本文基于经济学不完全竞争条件下利润最大化概念修正了利润效率模型,基于成本最小化概念从营业费用的角度修正了成本效率模型,结合财务指标分析了中国、德国和美国商业银行效率的比较优势。研究发现,德国商业银行以资源利用效率见长;美国商业银行结合混业经营和发达的金融市场创新能力强,不仅非利息业务收入水平高,而且资产流动性强、净息差水平高;中国金融市场不发达,商业银行分业经营创新能力不足,盈利能力得益于政策性利差及低风险的中间业务收入增长,大型商业银行资源利用效率低。银行创新类业务在世界金融危机中损失惨重而传统信贷业务和中间业务成为保持盈利水平的主要力量。  相似文献   

This study identifies profitability patterns and their determinants in the global interest rate derivatives market. Although this market is the world’s largest financial market in terms of nominal value, there has been basically no academic research on profitability owing to missing data. To address this problem, a new analytical method has been developed. Using this new method, the study shows that interest rate derivatives have been a substantial source of profitability that have netted a total average annual profit of more than USD 82 billion for banks since 2009. Furthermore, the study shows that counterparty type, market position (i.e. being one of the Top 5 banks), and trade currency are determinants of the profitability of a trade. For other features of a trade, such as duration or notional amount, no correlation with profitability is found. Finally, the impact of changes of the market structure on profitability driven by regulatory initiatives is discussed qualitatively.  相似文献   

工商银行信贷竞争力提升研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
信贷竞争力是衡量商业银行经营管理水平的核心内容之一,主要表现为在有效控制风险前提下的市场拓展能力.我国国有商业银行的信贷经营无论是在盈利能力、资产质量等显性竞争力指标方面,还是在组织流程、营销能力、风险控制等隐性竞争力指标方面,与国内其他股份制商业银行或国外商业银行相比仍有一定差距.据此,本课题提出我国国有商业银行应以科学发展观正确认识信贷竞争力现状,准确理解信贷竞争力的特质,科学把握信贷竞争力的基本点;将宏观与微观相结合,探索从信贷战略管理、市场营销、组织流程、风险管理、服务创新、文化建设等6个方面提升信贷竞争力的具体途径.  相似文献   

李鹏 《金融论坛》2007,12(8):47-51
本文在进行市场调研的基础上,运用SERVQUAL模型对商业银行个人理财服务质量进行了简单评价.调研结果表明,虽然多数被调查者认可商业银行的理财服务,但是对理财服务质量并不满意.在评价理财服务质量的因素中,被调查者对商业银行提供的理财服务满意程度从高到低依次为有形性、可靠性、保证性、响应性、移情性和收益性.这表明商业银行在理财服务过程中较为重视硬件设施投入,而相对忽视软件设施建设.鉴于此,本文建议商业银行要在经营理念、产品创新、人员素质、组织机构和激励机制等无形因素方面加以改进,以增强理财服务竞争力.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship between the profitability of small single-market banks and the presence in the market of large banking organizations and banking organizations that operate primarily outside of the local banking market. We find that, in rural banking markets, the profitability of small single-market banks is significantly related to the presence of both large and small primarily-out-of-market banks. We also find that an increased presence of large or small primarily-out-of-market banks in rural banking markets reduces the positive effect of an increase in concentration on small single-market bank profits. This finding is consistent with theoretical predictions reported in the recent literature and has important implications for antitrust policy. In urban banking markets, we find little evidence of any relationship between the profitability of small single-market banks and the presence of large or primarily-out-of-market banks.  相似文献   

We investigate whether business groups in China act as internal capital markets, in an environment that is characterized by a high level of government intervention, a weak legal system, and an underdeveloped financial market. We study how institutional factors, such as the ultimate owner and level of market development, shape the role of these business groups. We find that business groups help member firms overcome constraints in raising external capital, and that the internal capital market within a business group is more likely to be an alternative financing channel among state-owned firms than among private firms. We also find that the internal capital market is more likely to help those affiliated firms which are private, local government owned relative to those owned by central government, or located in regions with a well-developed institutional environment. We present evidence of the role of business groups in risk sharing among affiliated firms, but find that business group affiliation has no impact on firm accounting performance. This study sheds new light on the theory of the firm and its boundaries, and provides a better understanding of China's rapidly growing economy.  相似文献   

后金融危机时代,中国宏观经济环境及监管政策的变化成为国内城市商业银行经营转型的重要契机。本文通过对国内70余家城商行的研究发现:规模扩张过程中伴随着负债及资产结构的显著变化,主动负债占比明显提升;信贷资产占比稳步下降,部分代表性城商行在金融市场业务领域确立了一定的竞争优势。只有形成具有自身特色和竞争力的客户、业务及盈利结构才能在未来国内银行业竞争中抢占先机。  相似文献   

The rapid development of Internet finance has certainly affected the operation of commercial banks. This paper investigates the impact of Internet finance on commercial banks. First, a theoretical influence mechanism of Internet finance on commercial banks is explored, and the Internet finance index and integrated performance index of commercial banks are constructed using factor analysis. Then, a static panel and a dynamic panel model are established to empirically examine the impact of Internet finance on the profitability, security, liquidity and growth as well as the comprehensive business performance of commercial banks. Finally, the heterogenous impacts of Internet finance on city commercial banks, joint-stock banks and state-owned commercial banks are discussed. The results show that the development of Internet finance has a positive impact on the profitability, security and growth of commercial banks, and has a negative impact on the liquidity of commercial banks. In addition, Internet finance has promoted the improvement of the comprehensive business performance of commercial banks. Moreover, the impact of Internet finance on different types of commercial banks is heterogeneous with the impact on state-owned commercial banks being the weakest and the impact on city commercial banks is the most significant.  相似文献   

深入剖析经济周期性波动对跨国银行经营发展的影响,研究并制定跨国银行应对经济周期的战略举措,是跨国银行的必然选择。本文运用经济周期理论,以商业银行盈利增长速度和盈利稳定性两个纬度作为评判标准,对长期保持较高盈利且在危机中具有较强减震能力的优秀跨国银行应对经济周期性波动的战略选择及行为模式进行了实证分析和比较分析,从全球机构建设、业务发展、风险管理和支持保障体系等4个方面,提出了商业银行跨国经营应对经济周期波动的核心举措,为商业银行特别是中资银行实施跨国经营战略提供了思路和范式。  相似文献   

Using data of bank loans to Greek firms during the Greek crisis we provide evidence that affiliated firms, having access to the internal capital markets of their associated group, are less likely to default on their loans. Furthermore, banks require lower loan collateral coverage from affiliated firms and are less likely to downgrade the affiliates’ credit profile. Finally, banks are more likely to show forbearance to affiliated firms with non-performing loans. The results are consistent with the view that banks manage their relationships with firms in a business group jointly, as opposed to viewing each firm as an independent entity. Our findings also suggest that the value of risk sharing through internal capital markets increases when external financing is scarce.  相似文献   

This paper examines the determinants of profits of Greek banks operating abroad by developing an integrated model that includes a set of determinants informed by the literature on the profitability of both multinational and domestic banks. The basis for our econometric analysis is provided by an unbalanced panel dataset for 19 Greek bank subsidiaries operating in 11 nations, covering the period from 1995 to 2001. The results show that the profitability of the parent bank and the operating experience of its host nation subsidiaries have a robust and positive impact on the profits of Greek banks abroad, whereas subsidiary bank size has a negative effect. Domestic financial factors reflecting stock market developments, bank-specific factors such as liquidity, loan loss provisions or cost efficiency, and market specific factors like concentration or market share in the host nations, are all insignificant in explaining Greek subsidiary banks’ profits.  相似文献   

We empirically investigate the effects of market structure on profitability and stability for 1929 banks in 40 emerging and advanced economies over 1999–2008 by incorporating the traditional structure-conduct-performance (SCP) and relative-market-power (RMP) hypotheses. We observe that a greater market share leads to higher bank profitability being biased toward the RMP hypothesis in advanced economies, yet neither of the hypotheses is supported for profitability in emerging economies. The SCP appears to exert a destabilising effect on advanced banks, suggesting that a more concentrated banking system may be vulnerable to financial instability, however, the RMP seems to perform a stabilising effect in both economies. Evidence also highlights that profitability and stability increase with an increased interest-margin revenues in a less competitive environment for emerging markets. Overall, these results suggest that although policy measures to promote competition may dampen economic rent, excessive implementation may have an undesired destabilising impact on banks.  相似文献   

Revenue diversification in banking offers opportunities and threats. Recent academic research shows that disadvantages may outweigh advantages, in terms of both volatility of profitability and bank riskiness. Literature on this topic in emerging countries and in the field of Islamic finance is limited: our aim is to empirically test if revenue diversity affects Islamic banks differently than conventional institutions. We analyze the impact of income diversification on profitability and firm-risk of banks in selected OIC countries, in the period 2007–2016, using a comprehensive dataset of 47 Islamic and 154 conventional banks, through diverse measures and econometric approaches. We find that diversification provides lower rewards for Islamic banks than conventional banks, with effects that are stronger for accounting-based measures rather than market-based metrics. Shares of non-interest income positively contribute to profitability regardless of the business model, whereas income diversification shows a not significant effect on the risk-adjusted profitability of Islamic banks. Moreover, we do not find any relationship between income diversification and stability for both conventional and Islamic banks.  相似文献   

我国上市商业银行经营绩效的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以截至2009年中国在股票市场上市的14家商业银行作为分析样本,运用因子分析方法从安全性、流动性和盈利性三个方面对我国上市商业银行的经营绩效进行了排名和评价。结果发现我国上市银行绩效呈现出两大主要特征:一是国有商业银行大而不强;二是股份制商业银行强而不大,且内部差距较大。据此,本文认为,今后国有商业银行应继续深化改革,完善治理结构,强化经营管理,提高经营绩效,而股份制商业银行则要明确定位,从而提升自身的竞争能力。  相似文献   

This study uses statistical cost accounting techniques to examine the relationship between bank profitability and two dimensions of operating performance — pricing and operating efficiency. The traditional statistical cost accounting model, which relates a firm's income to its asset and liability mix, is expanded to account for differences in market structure, regional demand and supply conditions, and macroeconomics factors. The study focuses on large (above $500 million in domestic deposits) banks, comparing a sample of relatively profitable banks against a matched group of much less profitable banks over the period 1970–1977. After allowing for regional supply and demand factors, the high and low-profit banks are estimated to earn equal market rates of return on individual assets and liabilities. There is virtually no evidence that differential prices are an important discriminator between the two bank groups. Some evidence is found that the high-earnings banks experience lower operating costs on some liabilities, but the opposite is true with respect to selected asset items. After taxes are taken into account, however, any such cost differentials virtually disappear. Overall, there is no compelling evidence that high-profit banks are characterized by greater operating efficiency than their low-earnings counterparts. This finding is consistent with the view that over time, and especially among relatively large banks, information flows and competitive pressures act to reduce operating efficiency differences that may appear in the short run.  相似文献   

利率市场化条件下我国商业银行资产负债管理技术研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
随着货币市场的完善和利率市场化的发展,利率对我国商业银行收益水平的影响开始显现,适时引入资产负债管理技术对我国商业银行盈利水平的提高具有重要的现实意义和应用价值。本文以我国部分商业银行收益状况分析为基础,通过对目前国外主要资产负债管理技术的回顾,提出了符合我国国情的商业银行资产负债管理技术策略。  相似文献   

The present paper provides new empirical evidence on the impact of economic freedom on banks’ performance. The empirical analysis is confined to the Malaysian banking sector during the period of 1999–2007. We find that overall economic freedom and business freedom exerts positive impacts, implying that higher (lower) freedom on the activities that banks can undertake and entrepreneurs to start businesses increases (reduces) banks’ profitability. The empirical findings seem to suggest that corruption has a corrosive impact on Malaysian banks’ profitability. Interestingly, the impact of monetary freedom is negative, demonstrating the importance of government intervention in determining the profitability of banks operating in the Malaysian banking sector.  相似文献   

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