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本真性理论在旅游研究中的应用   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
马凌 《旅游学刊》2007,22(10):76-81
本文回顾了现代旅游中"本真性"概念及从"客观主义--建构主义--后现代主义--存在主义"的发展阶段,分析了"本真性"概念在西方旅游研究中所涉及的"本真性、旅游动机与旅游体验"、"本真性与文化商品化"以及"本真性、怀旧与遗产旅游"等主要问题.文章指出,"本真性"作为20世纪60年代以来西方旅游社会学研究中的核心概念,它是人们对现代旅游"好恶交织"的心理反映,揭示了现代旅游现象中的社会现实及存在的问题.  相似文献   

海峡两岸境外团体套装旅游趋势研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
团体套装旅游是亚洲许多国家及地区的主要海外旅游形式,本研究探索性地研究了海峡两岸境外团体套装旅游的现状和发展趋势,研究方法通过对台湾(台北)与大陆(北京)两地共30家经营境外团体套装旅游的旅行社高级管理者进行深度访谈后,通过分析得到419项类别目(台湾214项;大陆205项),归类过程信度值均超过0.8.研究结果表明,第一,海峡两岸的境外团体套装旅游发展具有相似性;第二,海峡两岸旅行社将朝"大者恒大、小者转型"的方向发展;第三,海峡两岸团体套装旅游产品的包装及营销手段将更趋向消费者导向;第四,在定价趋势上,大陆将朝"参考同业定价"与"需求导向"发展,台湾将以"低价竞争"发展,等等.本研究结果从应用价值上,可为海峡两岸经营境外团体套装的旅游管理者提供重要参考,从理论价值上,可为后续的深入研究提供系统性市场调查与分析结果.  相似文献   

张小军  吴毅 《旅游学刊》2017,(7):119-126
旅游作为人类的普遍行为,在今天的商业化中达到了空前的规模,却逐渐丧失了其本真.通过思考"旅游"的内涵以及当代商业化旅游业存在的问题,文章区分了人类"天性旅游"和"商业性旅游"两个基本的旅游形态,探讨了"旅游"对于人类学的意义以及旅游人类学的研究旨趣,检讨了以旅游业作为研究对象的局限所在.文章指出人类的天性文化是人类天性旅游的本质内涵,文化自由是天性旅游得以实现的基础,保证文化持有者的主体性,实现游客和东道主的"共主体"地位,是文化自由的条件.同时,商业化和市场化应该服从人类自由情性的发展,而不是让旅游成为商业化的帮凶和牺牲品.  相似文献   

旅游是旅游学科中最基本的概念,是架构旅游学科的基本点和出发点,如果不能科学地界定,旅游学科体系则难以完善.因此,旅游这一概念一直是旅游学界探讨的热点.但迄今为止,学界仍未达成共识.文章在谢彦君教授和张凌云教授研究的基础上,对旅游概念进行了新的探讨.认为两位教授的相关研究是卓有成效的,不仅为旅游概念的研究打下了基础,而且也为解决这一问题提供了可能.但两位教授的研究也存在着不同程度的不足和缺陷,有些问题仍需进一步商榷.文章试图在此基础上,对旅游这一概念重新进行界定,提出了"旅游是人们利用闲暇时间对非惯常环境的一种体验,是一种短暂的生活方式和生存状态".  相似文献   

澳大利亚詹姆斯·库克大学(James Cook Univ.)商学院的布朗斯(Bruce Prideaux)曾任《旅游休闲研究》(Tourism Recreation Research)2005年第3期"网络旅游"专辑主编,是近年来网络旅游研究领域比较活跃的学者之一.  相似文献   

旅游减贫效应之辩 ——一个文献综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
PPT(pro-poor tourism,有利于贫困者的旅游)理念的提出和推行建立了旅游与贫困之间的直接联系,激发了学界对旅游发展与贫困减缓关系的广泛讨论.国内外学者在旅游减贫效应这一问题上产生了无休止的争议",旅游发展减缓了贫困""旅游发展加剧了贫困"和"旅游发展与贫困减缓无必然联系"三种观点同时存在.在相关文献的基础上,文章系统梳理了旅游减贫效应的产生机制及支持不同观点的经验证据,并对争议的形成原因进行了剖析.结果表明,贫困度量方法不统一、空间尺度和研究方法不同、发展环境及模式选择存在差异等因素造成研究结论的不一致,综合各方面而言",旅游发展减缓了贫困"这一结论更为合理.最后,对未来的相关研究进行了展望.  相似文献   

中国旅游学术研究的偏枯现象,正在制约着中国旅游业的健康发展.所谓旅游研究中的偏枯现象,乃是指太多的研究者只关注于对"旅游经济"的探讨,而忽略了旅游的主体--旅游者.忽略了旅游者的精神世界,忽略了旅游对于个体生命的意义,忽略了旅游在人的全面发展中的作用.一句话,只重物,不重人,只看到白花花的银子,而把"人"丢到了一边.  相似文献   

西藏区域旅游线路组织优化研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
翟辅东 《旅游学刊》2008,23(1):63-66
青藏铁路通车带来了拉萨市场的"井喷"现象,也是重塑西藏区域旅游线路的重要动力.本文运用区域科学原理,分析了旅游经济增长和区域游线优化组织之间的互动与制约关系,说明现阶段研究和提升西藏区域游线组织结构已成为推动西藏旅游发展的重要内容.铁路通车后西藏区域游线形成了以拉萨为中心的放射性格局,大部分游线都是原路返回,这是区域游线组织处在初级阶段上的表现.西藏旅游业发展迫切要求西藏区域游线组织进行总体布局上的提升,而发展环线是优化区域游线网络的必经阶段.本文从前瞻的视角出发提出了构建西藏区域旅游环线要遵循依托首府城市、连接相邻热线等5项原则,并以南(小)环线为案例探讨了西藏区域旅游线路发展在区域旅游生产力布局中具有的共性和雪域高原上的个性特征,对西藏区域游线组织的优化具有指导意义.  相似文献   

旅游的过程是一种符号化的过程.伴随着旅游的大众化和普遍化,旅游符号表象化的危机在悄然滋生并不断加剧.本文运用符号学理论对旅游活动和旅游开发的全过程进行了全面的审视,指出符号化旅游是解决旅游的"符号化"的一把钥匙.借用"前台"、"后台"理论,文章提出了旅游目的地的舞台化空间与文化保护性空间的旅游规划设计及旅游活动模式,为原生文化的演绎及保护提供了理论依据,找到了游客旅游体验及游客行为规范的模式.  相似文献   

正旅游规划是旅游产业发展到一定阶段的产物。由于旅游产业起步晚,旅游规划的体系、标准与规范建设都大大落后于城市规划。"十五"期间,国家旅游局高度重视旅游产业发展规划的规范化与标准化,相继出台了《旅游发展规划管理办法》(1999年)《旅游规划设计单位资质认定暂行办法》(2000年出台,2005年修编)《旅游规划通则》(2003年),借鉴了城市规划编制工作的经验和教训,在体现中国旅游规划特色的同时,在技术和方法上努力实现与国际接轨,使得我国旅游规划开始走上规范化、标准化的轨道,对于旅游规划行业的发展起到了积极的促进作用。  相似文献   

Research on sustainable tourism mainly focuses on incoming tourism, and destination perspectives and impacts, and less on the focus of this paper – outgoing tourism. In this context, direct and personal access to tourism represents an equal right to all world citizens. Because this right has not been exercised equally, the world is divided into two parts, excess and deprived, tourism citizens and their nation-states. This paper proposes a more just tourism system to balance the rights of tourists to travel, with the right to development, equal tourism participation, and consumption of world resources. It draws on theories from Nozick and Rawls on rights and justice to ground our model, backed by the work of other writers including Hultsman, Higgins-Desbiolles, Jamal, and Camargo. It expands the definition of just tourism to activate tourism's potential to become a developmental force in the existing socio-economic global order. This potential is realised through the use of market-based economic instruments for the implementation of a just tourism system. It suggests how to create financial flows towards third world states for their development and modernisation, using the concept of tradable tourism certificates, a concept tested in emissions control, population, and land use planning.  相似文献   

世界旅游教育巡礼   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
本文从政府、教育研究机构及企业的角度对世界旅游教育现状进行了总体梳理 ,同时分别对世界旅游组织及美国和瑞士的旅游教育特点进行了典型分析。  相似文献   

This study assessed tourist satisfaction and its links with tourist attractions and infrastructure at the following six protected areas on the Northern Tourist Circuit of Tanzania: Tarangire National Park, Lake Manyara National Park, Ngorongoro Conservation Area, Serengeti National Park, Arusha National Park, and Mt. Kilimanjaro National Park. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 185 tourists visiting the protected areas. Satisfaction ratings for the Northern Circuit were high, with 86% of tourists willing to be repeat visitors. Tourists were attracted primarily to wildlife viewing. Although most tourists were not influenced to visit the region by indigenous culture or physical features, 81% of tourists noted that non-wildlife attractions enhanced their tourist experience. A range of ways to develop more sustainable forms of tourism emerged from the work, including lengthening stays, guide/driver capacity building, and partnership working with tour operators to improve marketing, increase satisfaction rates, and diversify the product.  相似文献   

非大众型旅游(Alternative tourism):起源、概念及特征   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
吴波  桑慧 《旅游学刊》2000,15(3):51-54
近年来,Alternftive tourism频繁出现在有关学术刊物上,人们一般将Altenative tourism译为“选择性旅游”或“可替代旅游”。笔者认为这种译法并不能准确地表达Alternative tourism的涵义,而且人们也没有进一步说明Alternative tourism的内涵和特征。本文通过分析Alternative tourism的起源、概念及特征,探讨到底什么是Alte  相似文献   

创意转向与创意旅游   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
全球化时代,文化主导的旅游开发模式逐渐成为促进城市和区域经济发展、提升竞争力的重要战略手段。但同时,文化的重复生产和商品化现象也日益明显,导致了文化发展的创意转向。在此背景下,基于文化的创意旅游逐渐成为旅游发展的重要趋势之一。通过对国内外创意旅游概念的系统分析,本文总结了创意旅游的核心要素和特征,分别从生产和消费两个角度构建了创意旅游研究的基本分析框架,并对未来我国创意旅游研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

谢彦君 《旅游学刊》2003,18(5):20-25
本文主要探讨了中国旅游研究与国外旅游研究所存在的差距。根据作者利用网络资源所做的调查,本文得出了这样的结论:与国外同行的研究水平相比,中国的旅游研究还存在一定的差距。表现在:学术期刊以及研究文献的数量都远不及英语国家;中国的旅游学术界往往追逐由各级政府部门所引导的热门话题而进行研究;在学术研究上由于缺乏充分的跟进研究,使有价值的学术积累非常单薄;中国的旅游学还很难成为一个独立的学科。作者通过实证分析的方法对上述命题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

大众的"新旅游",还是新的"大众旅游"?--普恩新旅游论批判   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
张凌云 《旅游学刊》2002,17(6):64-70
本文对普恩博士提出的新旅游理论及其预测提出了质疑 ,在新旧旅游的划分、大众旅游的性质和作用以及与替代旅游之间的关系等问题提出了与普恩博士迥异的见解。本文作者认为 ,大众旅游是一个相对概念 ,随着时间推移 ,大众旅游可能发生整体性的进化 ,在一定程度上更符合个性化和可持续性的要求。但大众旅游与“新旅游”作为旅游消费的两极不仅是永远不会被相互替代 ,而且“新的”大众旅游还将成为世界旅游业发展的主流。  相似文献   

Audience response system (ARS) technology (also known as “clickers”) has emerged as an educational tool that promotes active learning. This paper describes how ARS works and how it can also be used in research to assess community preferences for tourism development. A case study that used ARS technology shows how stakeholder preferences for extraction, heritage tourism and recreation within two rural mountain economies in the US west were effectively assessed. The use of ARS was backed by situation assessment procedures to determine appropriate stimulus questions probing trade-offs, perceived costs/benefits and cultural fit. A detailed series of key results measured community preferences and were made available to guide policymaking and future empirical survey work. Public meeting arrangements, publicity, structure and moderation for the ARS work is described and discussed. Evaluation of the use of ARS technology showed high levels of participant satisfaction with both the technology and the situation assessment procedures, and the emergence of potential tourism development actions.  相似文献   


This paper reports a study of the Manesht- and Ghelarang-protected area in Iran. The study sought to identify ways in which sustainable tourism policies could be generated that aid the natural and human environments. From surveys and questionnaires completed by tourists, residents, and officials, an initial set of 10 areas of weakness, 9 strengths, and 6 opportunities were identified. Using these classifications combined with mapping techniques that included maps of topography and flora, a subsequent Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution analysis identified potential future policies that require infrastructure development and reinforced pro-environmental policies to address the problems currently being experienced.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a research agenda for networking for sustainable tourism research based on a collaborative workshop of international tourism academics and researchers and an extensive review of the relevant literature. Each year, Building Excellence in Sustainable Tourism – an Education Network (BEST EN) holds a Think Tank on a topical issue in sustainable tourism education. One aim of the Think Tank is to develop a relevant research agenda that draws on the collective knowledge of participants and acknowledges the interdependent economic, environmental and social objectives in sustainable tourism. Six main areas were identified as important for a research agenda on networking for sustainable tourism and its implementation: theory, methodology and conceptual issues; actors, culture and power; lifecycle, evolution and dynamics of networks; knowledge transfer; macro-perspectives and strategic action, vision, innovation and management of networks. This paper presents and discusses these research themes in the context of a literature review on networks and networking for sustainability in tourism. It is found that substantial progress has been made in the investigation of private sector networks at the destination levels; research on networks involving public sector stakeholders and networks across sectors and levels of governance, however, remains limited.  相似文献   

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