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Promotion and Fast Food Demand   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Many believe that fast food promotion is a significant cause of the obesity epidemic in North America. Industry members argue that promotion only reallocates brand shares and does not increase overall demand. We study the effect of fast food promotion on market share and total demand by estimating a discrete / continuous model of fast food restaurant choice and food expenditure that explicitly accounts for both spatial and temporal determinants of demand. Estimates are obtained using a unique panel of Canadian fast food consumers. The results show that promotion primarily increases demand and has a smaller effect on restaurant market shares.  相似文献   


Globally, over half of all sorghum is used for human consumption. Yet sorghum is largely unknown as a food in the United States and other developed countries. Recently, the U.S. demand for sorghum as a gluten-free, non-GMO input to food products has been growing. At the same time, the use of sorghum for food and industrial uses is being promoted by the producer-financed United Sorghum Checkoff Program (USCP). How much of that growth can be attributed to the USCP promotion? Has the investment been profitable for sorghum producers? This study finds that USCP promotion programs have resulted in a 4% increase in the sales value of sorghum for that purpose and a 1% increase in total sorghum farm revenue. The farm level benefit-cost ratio is estimated at between 5.8 and 7.1 in terms of producer profit per dollar spent on promotion.  相似文献   

This article addresses the demand and challenges for local brand milk and focuses on the marketing strategies for retail promotion. While federal and state government make efforts to promote local food purchases and consumption at the farm level, local foods face significant distribution challenges in grocers, especially in larger retail stores. Limited shelf space and high pricing by retailers impedes consumers’ purchases and results in weak competitiveness for local brands. Therefore, it is essential for local producers and “buy local” programs to understand what types of promotion and marketing strategies might be more effective in stimulating demand in retail outlets. Using 2010-2011 Nielsen Retail Scanner data in the Northeast region, we estimate a random-coefficient discrete choice model of demand to determine the effects of nutritional characteristics, price, packaging, and distribution strategies on the consumers’ choice to purchase locally branded milk. Results show that local brand milk faces significant demand challenges in addition to high prices and limited outlets in competing with lower-priced products. Marketing strategies, such as price cut, one-gallon package offering, and expanded presence in retail stores, can significantly stimulate the demand for locally branded milk, with one-gallon package offering being the most effective strategy.  相似文献   

文章基于全球钨消费增长缓慢,美国、日本和欧盟钨消费趋于平稳,中国钨需求增速放缓的背景,通过分析全球钨消费历史和消费结构,运用情景分析方法,参考"S"形消费规律,对中国及全球钨需求进行定量预测。预测到2025年全球钨需求为11万吨,2021—2030年中国钨需求为94万吨。依据我国钨基础储量数据,判断当前我国和全球钨资源供应宽松。建议保持适度钨资源供给,提升行业盈利水平。  相似文献   

以河南省数据为例,通过多元线性回归分析分别从经济增长、技术进步、产业结构升级、区位优势等影响因素对河南省物流的需求量进行定量研究。研究结果表明,GDP产值、社会消费品零售总额、第三产业产值、第二产业占GDP的比重、3种主要专利授权数、公路里程与物流需求有显著的关系。  相似文献   

Profits from generic advertising by a producer group often come partly at the expense of producers of closely related commodities. The resulting tendency toward excessive advertising is exacerbated by check-off funding. To analyze this beggar-thy-neighbor behavior we compare a scenario where different producer groups cooperate and choose their advertising expenditures jointly to maximize the sum of profits across the groups, and a scenario where they optimize independently. In an illustrative example using 1998 data for U.S. beef and pork, the noncooperatively chosen expenditure on beef and pork advertising is more than three times the cooperative optimum.  相似文献   

需求分析是软件生存周期的第一个里程碑,是系统建设成败的关键,文中结合国土资源政务管理信息系统的需求分析工作从业务调查、业务分析、需求建模等几个方面对需求分析方法进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Understanding the role of health information in food and nutrient demand has become an important issue over the last decade. Endogeneity and measurement error are two empirical problems that are inherent in this type of analysis. While some type of instrumental variables estimation would appear the obvious solution, this article provides several theoretical and empirical reasons why this is not the case in cross-sectional analysis. An alternative estimation strategy is pursued, an empirical example is given, and the implications are discussed.  相似文献   

There is an increasing policy interest in pesticide taxation schemes as a measure to reduce harmful effects of pesticide use. The effectiveness of such tax depends, however, on the price elasticity of demand for pesticides. Moreover, information on these demand elasticities and their determinants is of crucial relevance for policy‐making and normative modeling approaches. In this article, we present a meta‐analysis based on studies that have estimated pesticide demand elasticities in Europe and North America. Our meta‐analysis reveals that the own‐price elasticities of demand for pesticides are, with a median of ?0.28, significantly smaller than zero, but also significantly larger than ?1, i.e. to be inelastic. We find that the demand for pesticides for special crops is less elastic than that for arable and grassland. In addition, the demand for herbicides is more elastic than for other pesticides. Studies that consider only short‐term horizons and little flexibility for farmers to adjust to price changes generate significantly less elastic pesticide demands. The results also indicate that more recent studies identify lower pesticide price elasticities of demand. Furthermore, we find that peer‐reviewed studies tend to find more inelastic results compared to grey literature.  相似文献   

逐步回归分析在经济林产品需求预测中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
详细分析了逐步回归模型的基本原理,以五种水果为例,利用1991~2007年数据,论述逐步回归在经济林产品需求预测的应用过程,最后依据所建模型对2008~2012年各种水果需求进行预测及分析。  相似文献   

新时期基础地质调查需求深度和广度增加,服务生态文明、惠及民生方面的需求与日俱增,地质科技需求层次不断提升,地质调查需求区域差异凸显。地质调查资金投入总量稳步增长,投入结构进一步优化;地质调查人员投入方面,2006-2012年从事地质调查的人数在增加,直接投入项目的人员数和直接投入低地调技术的人员数占总人数的比例有下降趋势。未来一个时期,地质调查工作将面临深化改革,适时调整;面对强劲需求,地质调查经费应保持稳定;随着领域拓展,地质调查服务民生作用将凸显;地质调查项目分类管理机制亟需建立。  相似文献   

This article explores demand-enhancing check-off programs and how such programs may influence both private programs as well as industry market structure. Under duopoly, a firm may increase its sales through privately funding product quality improvements. However, such endogenous sunk costs may also be used to exclude a rival. Industry-funded check-off programs affect firms' strategies and can be procompetitive. The rationale lies not only in how the check-off enhancement is perceived by consumers but also in the way the check-off's crowding-out effect reduces the ability of a firm to use its private expenditures to bar a rival's market access.  相似文献   

华北地区社会经济发展对地质调查的需求分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章综合分析了华北地区 (包括北京、天津二市 ,河北、河南、山东、山西四省和除东三盟和赤峰地区外的内蒙古自治区 )的国内生产总值、产业结构构成和资源分布特点 ,在此基础上 ,分析了未来华北地区社会经济发展对地质调查工作的五个方面的需求 ,即基础地质图件更新 ,水文地质环境地质评价 ,矿产资源潜力调查与评价 ,重大地质问题研究 ,中国北方生态环境管理配套工作等。  相似文献   

以问卷调查的方式对北京市乡村旅游市场的潜在性需求进行分析研究,并应用SPSS13.0分析软件对调查数据进行聚类分析。结果表明:北京市乡村旅游的潜在性需求主要表现在参与休闲活动、参与民俗娱乐活动、购买特色农产品以及体验性比较强、档次比较高的产品服务需求上,而且越来越向综合方向发展。这一研究将对北京市今后的乡村旅游发展方向有较强的指引作用。  相似文献   

白洁 《现代食品》2020,(6):22-23
近年来,国内经济发展迅速,人们生活水平也得到很大提升,使得人们越来越重视安全,而食品是人们生活中的基本物质保障,是人们生活的必需品,所以食品的质量与安全问题是当下最热门的话题之一。当前消费者的需求会受食品质量与安全的影响,频发的食品质量与安全问题让人们愈发重视食品质量与安全,消费者的需求渐渐发生变化。基于此,本文展开了关于食品质量与安全对消费者需求的影响的研究。  相似文献   

文章指出 ,“九五”以来 ,我国主要有色金属产量和消费量稳步增长 ,且产量略大于消费量 ,产消基本平衡。由于有色金属矿产资源的快速消耗 ,导致锑矿的优势地位已经丧失 ,锡、钨矿的资源优势正在消失 ;铜、铝、铅、锌矿也面临资源危机 ;镍、钼、汞资源的勘查程度低 ,可供利用的储量少。预测未来 2 0年基础储量可以保证的仅有镍 ;基本保证的有钨、钼 ;短缺的有铜、汞 ;严重短缺的有铝、铅、锌、锡、锑。  相似文献   

宁夏回族自治区矿产资源的基本情况是:已发现矿产种类少、位次低,能源和非金属矿产资源丰富而金属矿产资源贫乏。除煤以外勘探程度皆较低,已开发的矿产资源也是以能源和非金属为主,除大型骨干矿业企业属国有外,其余皆为民营、集体或个人企业。今后宁夏矿产资源勘查开发应加强地质矿产综合研究,提高优势矿产资源勘查程度,尽快加强煤炭资源开发利用中的综合开发。  相似文献   

文章总结了工业化国家经济增长和能源需求关系的一般规律,在分析我国工业化以来经济增长和能源需求关系与之相比的共同性和特殊性的基础上,提出了我国能源强度的变动要依次经历“倒U”曲线、“U”曲线和再次“倒U”曲线三个阶段的假设,并进行了经济计量检验,最后对我国“十一五”时期的能源需求进行了预测。  相似文献   

If budget shares have stochastic trend or seasonality or both, then demand equations based on the assumption of deterministic trend and deterministic seasonality will be mis-specified. We test this proposition by estimating a Linearized Almost Ideal (LAI) demand system for meat demand in the United Kingdom using Harvey's structural time series methodology. We demonstrate that the model specification allowing for stochastic trend and deterministic seasonality performs best in terms of diagnostic tests and goodness of fit measures. It is also shown that the model with stochastic trend is better at out-of-sample forecasting.  相似文献   

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