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魁奈以实现国民收入最大化为研究目标,以发现支出的自然规律以及如何使支出符合自然规律作为研究任务,以社会总资本作为研究对象,以再生产总量为研究出发点,运用抽象分析、总量分析、均衡分析等方法详细研究了影响农业支出进而影响农业再生产总量的各种因素以及这些因素与支出和再生产总量关系,并将这些因素和关系统一于经济表中,建立了以国民收入为核心的早期古典宏观经济学体系。  相似文献   

发达国家货币政策中介目标理论的发展历程   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
发达国家货币政策中介目标大致经过了利率→货币量→以利率为主导的价格型目标体系的发展过程。本文以美国为例,通过回顾和分析发达国家货币政策中介目标的演进及相关理论的发展过程,旨在找到适合中国的发展规律,以提高货币政策传导的有效性。  相似文献   

国际宏观经济学是研究开放经济条件下的宏观经济的一门较新的学科,其主要发展体现在战后时期。经历了凯恩斯主义、货币主义等理论,今天的国际宏观经济学体现为对以往理论的综合和发展。本文简要回顾国际宏观经济学领域的理论发展脉络以及发展推动力,并对一个最新的代表性主体跨时最优模型进行分析,借此展望国际宏观经济学的发展规律以及对未来的发展前景。  相似文献   

现代宏观经济学中的投资理论及其最新发展   总被引:21,自引:1,他引:20  
一、引言现代宏观经济学中投资理论的发展大致经历了三个阶段 :第一个阶段的理论被称之为新古典(neoclassical)投资理论 ,是以Jorgenson(1 96 3,1 96 9)为代表的经济学家们在 6 0年代发展起来的 ,严格地说 ,新古典投资理论描述的是稳定状态下的理想资本水平及其决定因素之间的关系 ,其中的主要变量是产出和资金的使用成本。第二阶段以q 理论 (q theory)的形成为标志。由于托宾 (Tobin ,1 96 9)首先提出这个想法 ,所以又称 q为Tobin’sq .q 理论的严谨模型是在 70年代后期和 80年代初建立起来的 …  相似文献   

The paper offers an overview of what structural models of the IS-LM and Mundell-Fleming variety can tell about the macroeconomics of economic crises. In addition to demonstrating how the emergence of risk premiums in money and capital markets can generate liquidity traps at positive interest rates and may drive economies into recessions, it shows the following: (1) Fiscal policy works even in a small, open economy under flexible exchange rates when the country is stuck in a liquidity trap; (2) Near the fringe of liquidity traps, there may be perfect traps, in which neither monetary nor fiscal policy works when used in isolation but policy coordination is called for; and (3) Massive financial crises in the domestic money market may even destabilize the economy.  相似文献   

新古典宏观经济学的经济周期理论述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
二十世纪七十年代初,凯恩斯主义经济学在受到经济实践批判的同时,新古典宏观经济学也指出了其理论的缺陷,并以此为基础构建其宏观经济学的微观基础,即经济主体的理性原则、理性预期、市场出清,建立了货币经济周期理论和实际经济周期理论,否定政府政策的有效性,反对政府干预,力图完成其对凯恩斯主义经济学全面彻底的批判。  相似文献   


This essay presents an overview and assessment of John Smithin's 2018 book Rethinking the Theory of Money, Credit, and Macroeconomics. Smithin continues the projects of Keynes and Minsky with the aim of providing a general account what how the macroeconomy actually works. The essay evaluates Smithin's alternative monetary model of the economy in the light of several key Post-Keynesian themes.  相似文献   

贾楠亭  冯宗宪 《技术经济》2022,41(10):122-137
通过引入环境质量、污染排放、环境规制政策等因素对经典的动态随机一般均衡模型进行拓展,构建了一个包含环境因素,并可用于比较不同环境规制政策作用的分析框架,以此来研究环境税、排污许可证和排放强度三种不同类型的环境规制政策对经济和环境的不同影响。结果表明,环境规制政策对经济活动有抑制作用,在经济波动时能发挥“自动稳定器”作用,其中排放强度政策造成的经济损失最大,环境收益最为明显,排污许可证政策对环境质量提升作用最小,造成的经济损失也最小,“自动稳定器”作用也最为显著;同时,企业单位排放强度的降低能有效减少污染排放,提升环境质量和社会福利,而政府环保投入转化率的提高,对环境和经济的影响非常有限。  相似文献   

This is a study of the nature of internal diversity within liberal and collaborative market economies. Based on large scale comparative survey data, we assess the extent to which specific clusters of practices are associated with specific varieties of capitalism. Given that recent literature has pointed to internal diversity within specific national contexts, we explore the nature of internal diversity within both liberal and collaborative market economies, and what makes each variety of capitalism distinct. We find that more than one cluster of practices is indeed likely to be encountered in a particular national context, but that this diversity was bounded: only a limited number of alternative paradigms are likely to emerge and persist. The survey findings not only shed light on the nature of this internal diversity, but also reveal the fact that liberal and collaborative markets remain distinct, with the rights accruing to employees being more deeply embedded in a wide cross section of firms within the latter.  相似文献   

丛屹  林芳 《现代财经》2008,28(3):3-6
宏观经济理论发展至今已历七十余载.在此期间,宏观经济理论研究范式已经发生了重大转变,而导因仍在"凯恩斯革命".本文结合对目前宏观经济理论发展所面临的困惑和盲区的剖析,回顾凯恩斯经济理论中所蕴含的现实主义取向和方法论特色,以期对宏观经济理论研究的发展尤其是对基于中国现实的科学发展经济学研究有借鉴和参考意义.  相似文献   

Labour Market Policy Developments in Japan: Following an Australian Lead?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In recent times, Japan has experienced a rapid expansion in its service sector, increases in casual and part‐time employment and record unemployment. In addition, there has been an associated rise of freeters and NEETs—predominantly young workers with tenuous labour market attachment. While somewhat slow in initiating policy responses, the Japanese government responded to these structural changes by reforming its existing employment policies. In this article we argue that recent changes in the nature of Japan's labour market policies appear to have been driven by some of the same factors which led to the radical overhaul of Australia's own labour market policies.  相似文献   

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