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朝冈 《中外企业家》2003,(12):22-27
赵强,39岁,现任婷美集团总裁。毕业于北京广播学院新闻系,现就读长江商学院EMBA,1997年首届中国十大策划人,2001年获第二届营销人最高荣誉“金鼎奖”特别案例奖。 赵强的经历庞杂、名衔繁多,他首先  相似文献   

王泽新 《数据》2008,(8):53-53
按照中国的传统习惯,欲善其事必先利其器。那么,要想谈论或完善统计文化建设这件“事”,在笔者看来,首先要利思想这个“器”。要在审慎、独立、深入的思考,弄清“本末”“源流”之后,才能有点想法,有点方向,即使谈不上真知灼见,至少也不至于成为冒失鬼。  相似文献   

近年来,我局以“三个代表”重要思想指导民政工作,努力强化财务管理,保证工作正常进行,推进了民政事业健康发展。我们主要抓了三方面的工作。  相似文献   

本文对地矿局怎样弘扬“三光荣”精神,进而开创工作新局面,促进地质事业大发展进行了论述。  相似文献   

在一个企业里,组织与个人究竟有什么关系?如果说个人是一张牌,组织其实就是一副牌。为什么很多拥有人才的企业不仅没能产生绩效,人才之间还会产生内讧?就是因为牌与牌之间的组合不当。有人抓了一手好牌,打着打着却打输了因为他缺少组织的能量。  相似文献   

骆卉慧 《数据》2009,(12):26-27
关于女人化妆,是有经典镜头的—— 时间:清晨 地点:家 人物:太太(站在磅秤上惊呼):哎呀,老公!你快来呀,我轻了整整2公斤! 先生(看着报纸冷冷道):你还没化妆呐! 浓妆抑或淡抹,从来都是女人不变的嗜好。改革开放后,随着观念的解放,女子爱美更加蔚然成风,彩妆消费日渐趋好。  相似文献   

任何企业的发展,都需要一定的理念做指导。对于那些根本性、总括性的理念——核心理念,笔者称之为“事业理论”。事业理论不是虚无飘渺的,而是实实在在的。一、事业理论的组成:(一)企业使命企业使命是指企业在社会中得以存在的理由和根据。企业使命基于企业家对环境和自身的深刻认识与洞察,而不是凭空想象出来的。它是企业对环境的哲学思考,是企业对于自身生存、发展基本问题的哲学回答。企业使命表述范围既不能太宽也不能太窄。范围太宽,可能在语言上太模糊而显得空洞无物。范围太窄,会由于语言上的局限而失去指导意义。如果迪斯尼的使命定…  相似文献   

"十一五"时期,是福州质监事业快速发展的五年,福州质监人以大局为重,以奉献为先,在困难中奋起,在挑战中前行,交出了满意答卷,谱写了辉煌篇章。社会影响实现新突破坚决贯彻落实上级重大部署,  相似文献   

张广兰 《活力》2011,(8):12-12
“十二五”时期是全面建设小康社会的关键时期,是深化改革开放、加快转变经济发展方式的攻坚时期.也是进一步推动民政事业跨越发展的重要时期。实施开放型民政,推进民政事业社会化,构建现代民政格局,对于加快推进民政事业跨越式发展,具有重要的现实意义和深远的历史意义。  相似文献   

“十·五”以来,岳阳市房地产部门按照“两个忠诚”的要求,坚持从“民本”理念出发办好房产事业,民居条件不断改善,服务环境不断优化,行业贡献不断加大,房地产业呈现欣欣向荣的蓬勃发展势头,民本之路越走越宽。[第一段]  相似文献   

The idea that the major division in leadership or management styles is a preference for either task or relationship orientation has long prevailed in the literature. This article proposes an alternative orientation for leaders; that, while in pursuit of achieving the task, the leader is focused either on the needs of superordinates or subordinates, or both. A large‐scale evaluation of leadership in the Royal Air Force from the perspective of followers suggests that although there is some surface support for the task/relationship dichotomy, the more important division is threefold: between people who only look upwards to satisfy the demands of their superordinates (Orpheans), those that tend to focus downwards at the demands of their subordinates (Prometheans) and those that try to look both ways (Janusians). The latter appear to have the greatest chance of sustained success at the more senior levels of the organisation.  相似文献   

  • The purpose of the study presented in this paper is to add to our understanding of the added value, both monetary and non‐monetary, to a brand when supporting a cause in a cause marketing ad. The findings show that consumers do not perceive the brand to be worth more if it was shown to be supporting a cause. The study also failed to show a significant improvement in consumer brand attitudes for brands featured in cause marketing ads. However, there was an attitude improvement for the cause. Product type and consumer dispositional variables were also examined.
  • In summary, this study calls into question the value brands derive from being paired with a cause. This study discusses productive areas of future research and managerial implications.
Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

论会计选择行为存在的根源   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
由于客观世界的不确定性、会计准则的混沌状态、经济业务的复杂性以及应计制会计自身特点等原因,会计选择成为必然。研究这一问题,对会计准则的制定和会计制度的设计都是十分必要的。  相似文献   

文章简要回顾了中国商业保险的发展历程,并从商业保险的需求和供给两个方面探究了滞后的原因,最后给出了政策性建议.  相似文献   

于璟怡 《企业技术开发》2010,29(7):88-88,108
文章简要回顾了中国商业保险的发展历程,并从商业保险的需求和供给两个方面探究了滞后的原因,最后给出了政策性建议。  相似文献   

光纤是由直径为0.1mm的细玻璃丝构成的,又被称为光导纤维。光纤从20世纪80年代开始在通信领域被大规模推广和使用。因为光纤通信具有容量大、传输过程中能量损耗低、抗干扰能力强、不易被侦测、体积小、重量轻、原材料充裕、传输内容多样化和传输线路适应性强等优势,成为现代通讯传输的主体。由于自身限制、制作和操作工艺等原因,光纤在传输过程中的损耗是其架设以及日常维护必须考虑的一个非常重要的问题。  相似文献   

文章通过对品牌背书传播策略的描述,提出采用该策略需要深入考虑的因素,如产品组合相关性、品牌发展周期、品牌并购等。  相似文献   

文章通过对品牌背书传播策略的描述,提出采用该策略需要深入考虑的因素,如产品组合相关性、品牌发展周期、品牌并购等.  相似文献   

《Economic Outlook》2020,44(4):26-29
  • ▀ Global monetary growth has been its fastest for decades over recent months, but we continue to believe inflation risks are lower than many think. A modest inflation overshoot in the coming years is possible but would not be very damaging.
  • ▀ While headline money growth figures still look strong, heavy precautionary borrowing by firms in March-April is already starting to unwind in the US and UK. About 80% of the rise in borrowing by large UK firms has been repaid.
  • ▀ In addition, tightened lending standards at banks are likely to weigh on future corporate borrowing and money growth. A net 70% of US banks tightened corporate credit standards in the latest Fed survey. Rising loan defaults risk exacerbating this.
  • ▀ Heavy government borrowing and accompanying central bank QE have been key drivers of monetary growth and are likely to remain so, notwithstanding a slowdown in the pace of central bank bond purchases. This is the main risk factor those who fear inflation cite.
  • ▀ But if credit to the private sector starts to shrink, deficit financing of this sort may be essential to prevent long-term weakness in money, credit, and economic growth. Japan's experience in the 1990s and 2000s is relevant here.
  • ▀ Inflation also has room to overshoot current targets, if necessary, given the substantial undershoots of the last decade. This consideration in part explains the recent shift in Federal Reserve thinking towards targeting an average inflation rate over time

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