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行为经济学基于心理学原理和实验方法,开辟了当代经济学发展的新途径,是活跃在前沿领域、备受关注的一个新的理论分支。行为经济学的形成发展,对理性人假设的检验、研究方法和研究对象的扩展等对现代经济学构成了挑战,以及近年来在宏观经济、劳动经济、金融和消费行为选择等领域取得的应用成就,启发我们重新审视中国环境中经济行为的基本特征,促进经济理论建设和解决改革深层次问题。  相似文献   

新古典经济学实质上是按照"效率—稀缺"维度的经济理性行为建立的经济学理论体系。而以"效率—风险""效率—时间""效率—空间"和"效率—公平"维度所建立的理论体系往往以非主流经济学的形式存在。现代经济学理论的"经济理性"行为的基本假设应当具有多维度特征。大多数个人"偏好"行为可以被解释为按照其他维度决策的经济理性行为。现实中的经济决策往往是一个多维度选择与"排序"优化的过程。  相似文献   

李晓雄 《财会月刊》2011,(26):32-34
分红计划假设是西方实证会计理论的三大假设之一,自从该假设提出以来,中外会计学者对其进行了反复的实证检验,但是并非所有的实证结论都和分红计划假设相一致。笔者以博弈论为手段,以分红计划存在为前提,从研究管理者和投资者的行为动机出发,对分红计划假设的合理性进行了分析,并对某些实证研究结果和分红计划假设不一致的原因给出了一个经济学解释。  相似文献   

一、实证会计研究的本质所谓实证会计研究就是将实证经济学的基本理论与方法应用于会计学所进行的一种研究,即确认会计假设,以一定的会计事实和会计实际资料,通过观察数据产生的相互关系等为对象,经过会计实验检验而最后得出近似正确的会计结论的一种方法。  相似文献   

行为财务理论对传统财务理论投资者完全理性假设和有效市场假设提出了质疑.本文从行为财务理论的心理学基础和经济学基础两条主线,对相关理论与实证研究文献进行梳理,归纳出它的研究的成果,并提出研究方向.  相似文献   

审计人员行为的经济学假设分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从审计的发展历史来看,审计学无疑是受着经济学发展的影响。经济学的一些基本理论都对审计有着指导作用。经济学的经济假设也是如此,整个经济学的大厦都是建立在几个基本的经济假设基础上的。本文拟从经济学的三大经典假设:有限理性的经济人假设、信息的不完备与不对称假设、机会主义行为假设来对审计人员的行为作一个经济分析。在本文最后进行了简短的小结,并且有针对性地对基于三个经济学假设的审计行为规范提出了三项政策建议。  相似文献   

机会主义倾向、经营风险与审计质量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
以行为经济学"前景理论"分析审计行为中存在的机会主义倾向对于审计意见的作用机制,采用深交所数据进行实证检验后发现,经营风险越小的上市公司越容易获得清洁的审计意见.原本应该反映上市公司财务信息质量的审计意见似乎成了财务业绩评价的标准,这说明审计行为中存在着机会主义倾向.在方法上引入行为经济学的基本理论可以拓展审计研究的思路,并在理论上进一步升华我们对于审计行为的认识.  相似文献   

"经济人"是西方古典经济学关于人的经济行为的一个基本假设,是西方主流经济学理论研究的出发点.正确认识和剖析这一概念,对于建立社会主义政治经济学,构建社会主义市场经济活动主体具有重要的借鉴意义.  相似文献   

科学哲学是现代经济学的哲学基础,自然科学的诸多研究方法已在经济学的研究过程中成功的运用.经济学与自然科学的研究一样都需要前提和假定,而对于经济学这些"硬核"是不需要证伪的.在经济学研究中被成功运用并经过检验的科学哲学方法如:均衡理论、数学模型、耗散理论、系统理论等等,已被大多数经济学家所认可,成为现代主流经济学的基本研究方法.但经济学的研究有其研究对象的不稳定性和时效性的特点,因此,使经济学成为科学的梦想还有待时日(或者说是根本不可能的),但经济学的研究逐步逼近科学将是必然.经济学研究方法中数学的应用最具代表性,数学已作为一种理论信念、方法论和研究手段成为西方经济学的基本特征.当然经济学的数学化趋势也出现了一些数学使用泛滥和纯粹数学游戏,缺乏现实意义的推导和结论的现象,这就更需要我们必须充分的认识到经济学与数学相互融合的机理.  相似文献   

随着市场经济快速发展,学者对经济领域的研究日渐加深。现代经济学是以研究市场经济中的行为和现象作为基础,以提出促进市场经济健康发展的有效措施。现代经济学基本框架是指现代经济学基本分析框架,通过该框架能够理解和诠释经济行为及现象,了解基本框架对于深入研究经济现象具有积极的促进作用。文章对研究基本分析框架与研究方法的重要性进行分析和研究,并分别阐述基本分析框架与研究方法,旨在为相关研究提供参考。  相似文献   

论我国公司财务报告目标的重构   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
程仲鸣 《价值工程》2004,23(6):117-119
财务报告目标是会计的一个基本理论问题。从西方引入我国的财务报告目标——决策有用观与经管责任观并不适合我国公司。本文在概述和评价这两种观点的基础上,运用相关理论从深层次上论述了我国公司财务报告的根本目标应定位为经济资源的有效配置;基本目标应是满足使用者的信息需求。最后构建了我国公司财务报告的目标体系。  相似文献   

In this study, we use the theory of the marketing firm to explain marketing relationships between consumers and firms selling fish in the context of developing the e-commerce sector for the fishery industry. We use a unique dataset composed of quantitative and qualitative data to provide a behavioral economic analysis and interpretation. The results reveal interdependent managerial and consumer behavioral relationships, indicating the presence of bilateral contingencies. The results also provide some indication of the theory of transaction cost, where cost-intensive activities are likely to be internalized within marketing firms selling fish.  相似文献   

This paper formulates a new generation of Lowry-style models that combine a multizonal input-output model and an urban land use allocation model. Three different types of models are proposed: 1) an unconstrained model, 2) a primal of a linear programming approach that includes land supply constraints, and 3) a modified dual of the linear programming approach that allocates land based on additional conditions of economic efficiency. The modified dual formulation improves upon the limitations of Lowry models and their derivatives. First, the proposed model has sound theoretical underpinnings that incorporate the production theory of input-output models and the behavioral theory of optimization models. Second, the proposed model allocates land on the basis of economic efficiency by imposing a procedure that equalizes shadow prices. And third, the proposed model is an optimization model that fully accounts for the spatial and sectoral relationships of multiplier effects determining land use demand.  相似文献   

熊建华 《价值工程》2014,(35):146-147
在经济生活中概率论的运用范围很广,作用效果显著。本文通过运用概率论的基本思想和研究方法针对三个经济问题方面给予一定的解答,为我们做出正确理智的判断提供更具权威性的意见。  相似文献   

文章结合传统经济理论与行为金融理论,分析了信息非对称、市场非有效、经理人的非理性对公司投资的影响,认为这些因素导致了公司运行中的代理成本和行为成本,从而导致公司投资的非有效。  相似文献   

Most empirical investigations on the disassociation between executive compensation and firm performance have been done using agency theory. Agency theory alludes to a power imbalance favorable to the executives, allowing them to pursue their self-interests in the form of large pay packages. However, because of its roots in the economic discipline, agency theory has led researchers to test financial rather than behavioral hypotheses. Over 70 years of research has been conducted on the pay-form-performance relationship, but only a few significant relationships have been found. This paper attempts to incorporate behavioral conjectures of power into the agency theory framework to provide a comprehensive approach to testing executive pay. Agency theory is combined with the resource dependency theory and with specific measures of power developed by Finkelstein (1992) for a more complete executive pay model.  相似文献   

《Economic Systems》2014,38(2):221-242
The paper reviews and criticizes the past and current state of comparative studies of economic systems (CSES) for the lack of an analytical framework to back them. An analytical framework is formulated that allows for a changing distribution and interaction of agents along the subsystems, each of which is characterized by distinct and intrinsic institutional rules. The framework studies the convergence of agents and institutions toward the dominant subsystem and behavioral type. The focus is on three subsystems – household, firm and state settings – and the intrinsic behavioral types that are associated with these, namely social sharing, profit maximization, and rent acquisition, respectively. A fourth prototype is proposed.In this paper, we deduce and support the positioning of country groups along the prototype systems by empirical evidence and compare these with CSES literature on the varieties of capitalism. We also address the question as to why and how different paths emerged for alternative systems, their comparative economic performances, and their future global outlooks in the context of projected displacements of current leading countries by newcomer leading countries which possess different economic systems and different behavioral profiles.  相似文献   

The new economic geography (NEG) aims to explain long-term patterns in the spatial allocation of industrial activities. It stresses that endogenous economic processes may enlarge small historic differences leading to quite different regional patterns—history matters for the long-term geographical distribution of economic activities. A pivotal element is that productive factors move to another region whenever the anticipated remuneration is higher in that region. Given the long-term nature of NEG analyses and the crucial role of expectations, it is astonishing that most of the existing models assume only naïve or myopic expectations. However, a recent stream of the literature in behavioral and experimental economics shows that agents often use expectational heuristics, such as trend extrapolating and trend reverting rules. We introduce such expectations formation hypotheses into a NEG model formulated in discrete time. This modification leads to a system of two nonlinear difference equations (corresponding, in the language of dynamical systems theory, to a 2-dimensional piecewise smooth map) and thus enriches the possible dynamic patterns: with trend extrapolating (reverting) the symmetric equilibrium is less (more) stable; and it may lose stability only via a flip bifurcation (or also via a Neimark–Sacker bifurcation) giving rise to a period-doubling cascade (or also to quasi-periodic orbits). In both cases, complex behavior is possible; multistability, that is, the coexistence of locally stable equilibria, is pervasive; and border-collision bifurcations are also allowed. In this sense, our analysis corroborates some of the basic insights of the NEG.  相似文献   

诺斯应用现代产权理论说明制度变迁与经济增长的关系,指出制度变迁是经济增长的重要因素之一,有效率的制度促进经济增长和发展,无效率的制度则会抑制甚至阻碍经济增长和发展。发展中国家普遍面临维持经济增长与提高经济效率两大难题,问题根源在于其基本制度框架普遍缺乏发展市场经济的制度背景。因此,在发展中国家,必须发挥政府的"主导"作用,制订一套公开、透明的规则体系,防止寻租、以权谋私和欺诈行为,为市场经济运作创造出公平合理的制度环境,以利于实现市场经济的顺利转型和高效运作。  相似文献   

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