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近年来,中国各大城市正悄然盛行着这样一种文化:在城市的中心区,绚丽的灯光、音乐和喷泉,通过话剧、歌舞、表演来表现时尚与潮流,这种文化形式被称为广场文化.在群众生活日益丰富的今天,因其表演形式轻松活泼、雅俗共赏而深受大家喜爱,也为众多商家和企业带来无限商机.如在独具特色的表演中展销琳琅满目的商品,群众在陶冶情操的同时,也在脑海深处记住了商品.商业文化融入企业经营,这无疑是在打一张花钱不多,成效却大的"广告牌".  相似文献   

近几年来,广场文化作为一种文化现象,已遍及全国的大中小城市及县城集镇,成为城市文化工作的一个新的热点。本文以青铜峡市广场文化为例,对县城广场文化发展特点以及如何更好地发展做了简单的介绍和分析。  相似文献   

随着经济和社会的发展,广场文化作为一种特殊的文化现象,呈现出愈来愈兴旺的势头。本文将探讨广场文化这一发展群众文化的有效途径。  相似文献   

本文针对煤矿企业在发展过程遇到的员工队伍建设问题,举例柯坑煤矿以矿区广场休闲文化建设为抓手,通过组织引导、典型示范搭建职工文化小舞台,构建了和谐矿区大环境,简述矿区广场休闲文化建设的意义。  相似文献   

本文针对煤矿企业在发展过程遇到的员工队伍建设问题,举例柯坑煤矿以矿区广场休闲文化建设为抓手,通过组织引导、典型示范搭建职工文化小舞台,构建了和谐矿区大环境,简述矿区广场休闲文化建设的意义。  相似文献   

3月20日,位于中山路步行街旁的中山海景广场正式开盘。向众人揭开神秘的面纱。当天售楼处场面异常火爆,取得了开门红的销售佳绩。据悉,为回馈新老客户,凡是在3月20日至3月23日期间选购的购房者,均可享受200元/平方米的折扣优惠。  相似文献   

<正>无数案例已经证明,靠一夜暴富的品牌推广是最失败最没成就感的,它不会让消费者体会到一丝一毫的文化品位,消费者也不会轻易为它摇旗呐喊,口耳相传。现在时兴谈品牌论价值,言必创造,动辄烧钱,似乎价值跟钞票永远地天然地划等号。殊不知,在品牌建设中,还有比钱更重要更有意义的东西。这个东西就是品牌价值的隐性因素——文化品位。  相似文献   

广场文化以其鲜明的时代气息,缤纷的地方特色,为社会现代文明增添了一道亮丽的风景,为社区文化的发展注入了新的活力,成为宣传主旋律的重要阵地。广场文化活动因其参与人数多、影响面广,在社区文化中的作用越来越重要,通过参与者和观赏者交流互动,以文化渗透人的灵魂,起到了净化心灵、陶冶情操的作用。充分发挥广场文化的各项功能,对于提高居民文化生活质量、提高社区文化品位具有重要意义。  相似文献   

We examine the behaviour of pedestrians wishing to cross a stream of traffic at signalized intersections. We model each pedestrian as making a discrete crossing choice by comparing the gaps between vehicles in traffic to an individual‐specific ‘critical gap’ that characterizes the individual's minimal acceptable gap. We propose both parametric and nonparametric approaches to estimate the distribution of critical gaps in the population of pedestrians. To estimate the model, we gather field data on crossing decisions and vehicle flows at three intersections in New Delhi. The estimates provide information about heterogeneity in critical gaps across pedestrians and intersections, and permit simulation of the effect of changes in traffic light sequences on pedestrian crossing behaviour and waiting times. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A class of partially generalized least squares estimators and a class of partially generalized two-stage least squares estimators in regression models with heteroscedastic errors are proposed. By using these estimators a researcher can attain higher efficiency than that attained by the least squares or the two-stage least squares estimators without explicitly estimating each component of the heteroscedastic variances. However, the efficiency is not as high as that of the generalized least squares or the generalized two-stage least squares estimator calculated using the knowledge of the true variances. Hence the use of the term partial.  相似文献   

传统商业街的改造与传统保护--以青岛市中山路为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张忠国  段义猛 《城市问题》2003,(6):32-34,37
在经济迅速发展和城市化加速的背景下,城市空间结构的重组和经济重心的转移,导致传统商业街区经历了由繁华到衰落的过程.纵观我国传统商业街区更新改造的经验得失,传统商业街更新改造导致其传统的丧失是最严峻的问题.如何恢复传统商业街的生机,并保护其传统特色,是传统商业街更新改造所面临的首要问题.  相似文献   

The joint probability generating functions of local times of Bernoulli walk at various stopping times are determined by simple functional equations. The results can be interpreted by means of branching processes with immigration satisfying the same equations. One way of working with these results is to specialize and evaluate the derived equations, but a more elegant and efficient way is to compare these equations with corresponding functional equations for branching processes.  相似文献   

通过对北京文化经济规划和政策实践的比较分析,揭示了北京提出和发展文化创意产业对促进文化经济的融合与兴起的重要价值.认为现阶段政府在文化经济发展中主要扮演推动者角色,但要真正建立与中国特色社会主义市场经济的繁荣和中国制造的国际影响相称的中国特色社会主义文化和软实力,政府需要进一步发挥高水平的挑战者的作用.  相似文献   

深圳华强北,一个在全国电子市场上响亮的名字.其市场腹地不但伸展到华南及国内其它地区,而且已辐射到亚洲及世界其它各地,年营业额超过200亿元.在全国电子市场的交易份额中,华强北占据了1/3.华强北闻名遐迩,华强北商会作用举足轻重,已成为凝聚华强北商圈、促进华强北商业发展的重要力量.  相似文献   

夫子庙步行商业街区的不足与改进   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
景观设施是现代城市步行街区的重要功能载体。对南京夫子庙步行街的景观设施设计和使用状况进行实地调查,比较不同区域使用情况,分析使用人群的评价,并提出合理的改善建议。  相似文献   

城市文化遗产保护与城市文化建设   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从城市文化遗产与城市文化之间的紧密关系入手,认为文化遗产是城市发展的历史见证、特色体现及重要的发展资源;同时考察了当前快速城市化以及全球化的社会和时代背景对城市文化遗产保护所造成的严重冲击,以及城市对文化建设和特色塑造的必然追求,并就其传承与发展提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

《Economic Systems》2014,38(2):194-204
Understanding how agents formulate their expectations about Fed behavior is important for market participants because they can potentially use this information to make more accurate estimates of stock and bond prices. Although it is commonly assumed that agents learn over time, there is scant empirical evidence in support of this assumption. Thus, in this paper we test if the forecast of the three month T-bill rate in the Survey of Professional Forecasters (SPF) is consistent with least squares learning when there are discrete shifts in monetary policy. We first derive the mean, variance and autocovariances of the forecast errors from a recursive least squares learning algorithm when there are breaks in the structure of the model. We then apply the Bai and Perron (1998) test for structural change to a forecasting model for the three month T-bill rate in order to identify changes in monetary policy. Having identified the policy regimes, we then estimate the implied biases in the interest rate forecasts within each regime. We find that when the forecast errors from the SPF are corrected for the biases due to shifts in policy, the forecasts are consistent with least squares learning.  相似文献   

In this paper we study the asymptotic properties of least squares estimates of parameters in a stochastic difference equation. The difference equation is assumed to be linear with constant real coefficients. Moreover, the roots of the associated characteristic polynomial are all assumed to have absolute value different from one. Finally, the difference equation is assumed to be non-homogeneous with fixed (i.e., non-random) initial values, and to have ‘error terms’ that are independently and identically distributed with mean zero and finite variance. We show that under these conditions the least squares estimates of the coefficients of the difference equation converge with probability one to the true values.  相似文献   

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