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蔡向辉 《新金融》2003,(8):9-11
合作竞争时代商业银行面临的市场竞争特点是银行竞争力削弱、银行竞争更加激烈、银行竞争行为发生变化.银行战略联盟的建立基础是竞争优势互补,其目的是集中精力于核心业务,战略联盟是一种适合时代环境要求的银行成长策略.我国商业银行战略联盟的发展策略在于巩固银行同业间的战略联盟,加强竞争协调与市场重整;推动银行与其他金融机构建立战略联盟,通过创新和发掘市场综合利用金融资源;促进银行与非金融机构建立战略联盟,有效提升核心业务并降低经营成本.  相似文献   

按照银行与联盟企业之间的合作程度不同,银行战略联盟包含了三种策略,交易联盟、职能联盟和动态联盟.  相似文献   

张翠芸 《时代金融》2012,(26):125-126
<正>"银保合作"是指银行和保险公司充分利用和协同双方的优势资源,通过客户资源的整合与销售渠道的共享,提供与保险有关的综合化金融服务。国际上银保合作共有四种运作模式:协议代理、战略联盟、合资公司和金融服务集团。目前丽江市各银行和保险公司采取的都是"协议代理"模式,即在代理销售协议下,银行作为兼业代理人销售保险产品,由此获得保险公司支付的代理手续费和佣  相似文献   

张翠芸 《云南金融》2012,(9Z):125-126
<正>"银保合作"是指银行和保险公司充分利用和协同双方的优势资源,通过客户资源的整合与销售渠道的共享,提供与保险有关的综合化金融服务。国际上银保合作共有四种运作模式:协议代理、战略联盟、合资公司和金融服务集团。目前丽江市各银行和保险公司采取的都是"协议代理"模式,即在代理销售协议下,银行作为兼业代理人销售保险产品,由此获得保险公司支付的代理手续费和佣  相似文献   

从组织资本角度看中外银行战略联盟   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2006年是中国银行业全面开放前的最后一年。各商业银行纷纷以引入战略投资者的方式加快改革进度。伴随着外资银行入股中资银行,形成了越来越多的中外银行战略联盟。本文从组织资本角度,论述了中外银行战略联盟的意义,并针对联盟中经常存在的问题提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

3月6日,中国光大银行与宏源证券在北京举行签字仪式,宣布开展全面战略合作。双方将在产品开发、业务发展和客户资源、营销网络共享等方面,相互借鉴管理模式和经营理念,探索业务合作新方式。国内金融企业之间尤其是银行和证券公司之间进行联盟合作,是双方进行资源整合、功能互补、提升竞争力的必然选择。  相似文献   

银保合作:现状、问题与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴海波 《上海保险》2011,(8):43-46,59
银行保险,是指保险公司与银行通过对客户资源的整合,共享销售渠道,提供银行保险产品及服务,以满足客户多元化需求的一种战略选择。我国银保业务起于1995年。1995年至2005年间,银保合作主要限于银行代理保险。2006年以后,双方合作范围日益扩大,程度逐渐加深。  相似文献   

<正>7月18日,富滇银行与云南世博旅游集团签署战略合作协议,双方将紧紧围绕云南省"八大重点产业"和旅游产业转型升级发展战略,发挥富滇银行打造"旅游特色银行"和世博旅游集团综合性旅游企业的优势,按照"旅游+金融+互联网"的模式开展全方位深度合作,加快推进云南省旅游文化产业发展。双方合作涵盖全域旅游项目开发、景区建设改造、酒店建设改造、  相似文献   

战略联盟使银行之间的竞争关系由对抗性的竞争转向非对抗性的竞争,它给银行业带来了资源互补、竞争优势和较大的利润空间,但也对银行的管理水平提出了更高的要求,其中关键的一点就是如何成功地构建联盟.文章从提升银行核心资源和能力的角度,着重讨论银行业战略联盟的构建模型、联盟银行选择和联盟模式设计等三个方面的问题.  相似文献   

合作竞争:中外银行新型伙伴关系的形成   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
互惠互利是中外资银行合作发展的根本原因。中外银行需要从排他性竞争走向合作竞争,建立全新的合作竞争的伙伴关系。文中引入合作竞争的理论,运用资源依赖性、博弈论和交易成本学的观点分析中外银行进行竞争合作的动因,提出通过竞争合作建立中外银行新型伙伴关系的具体策略,并对在伙伴关系过程中应注意的问题进行探讨。  相似文献   

This article reports the findings of the authors' study of the stock market reaction to 345 strategic alliances announced during the period 1983-1992. The study reports statistically significant gains that, when translated into dollars, are divided roughly evenly between the larger and smaller partners (though the smaller partners experience larger percentage gains). Moreover, the value gains are largest in those cases in which two high-tech firms ally to develop or apply new technology, while the market shows less enthusiasm for non-technical or marketing alliances.
The underlying rationale for strategic alliances is that each partner contributes its expertise to the relationship and gains access to some special resource or competence that it lacks—but without incurring the costs associated with creating a larger organization through a merger or joint venture. Consistent with this argument, the authors report that alliances are relatively long-lasting, and are not preludes to merger or formal creation of joint venture entities.  相似文献   

《Journal of Banking & Finance》2005,29(10):2455-2473
This paper examines the wealth effects of financial-institution strategic alliances on the shareholders of the newly allied firms. Our paper is different from most previous studies, in that we focus on financial institutions, we employ Japanese data for the late 1990s, and we study whether different types of alliances result in differing magnitudes of stock market responses.We find that a strategic alliance, on average, increases the value of the partner firms. Second, the gains from the alliance are spread more widely among the partners than would be suggested by a random alternative. Third, smaller partners tend to experience larger percentage gains. Fourth, the market values inter-group alliance announcements more than intra-group alliance announcements. Fifth, we do not find a significant difference in the abnormal returns shown by domestic–foreign alliances and domestic–domestic alliances.  相似文献   

We study a new channel through which portfolio companies benefit from ties among venture capitalists (VCs). By tracing individual VCs' investment and syndication histories, we show that VCs' ties improve companies' access to strategic alliance partners. While existing studies demonstrate that alliances are more frequent among companies sharing the same VC, we provide evidence that alliances are also more frequent among companies indirectly connected through VC syndication networks. In addition, our results suggest that VCs' ties mitigate asymmetric information problems that arise when alliances are formed. Finally, strategic alliances between companies from connected VCs' portfolios tend to perform well. We demonstrate that this type of alliance is associated with higher IPO chances. We also address alternative explanations and related endogeneity concerns.  相似文献   

This study links together theoretical models of strategic alliances with an empirical examination of stock returns on the announcement of strategic alliances. Using a sample of 123 strategic alliance announcements, the results find strong support for the hypothesis that strategic alliance announcements generate significant positive abnormal returns on the announcement day. Although strategic alliances are more prevalent in the higher technology industries, the source of the abnormal stock returns is a subsample of firms with the lowest market to book values. This is found to be supportive of the hypothesis that the announcement of a strategic alliance is additional information for firms with low growth. There is no empirical support for the knowledge, flexibility and the hubris hypotheses.  相似文献   

A large number of studies (DeYoung et al., 2009) analyze merger outcomes in the financial industry, while other forms of business cooperation are still poorly investigated. Our paper examines results of strategic alliances and joint ventures in European and US banking over the period 1999–2009. First, we estimate abnormal returns around the deal announcement date and then these are regressed on a large set of explanatory variables. We show that joint ventures create shareholder value when involving non-banking financial partners and allowing banks to expand abroad, while international strategic alliances tend to destroy shareholder value.  相似文献   

This study documents a new value-added role of venture capitalists and addresses important questions about how resources are combined to create firms. As part of the nexus of contracts surrounding a firm, strategic alliances can be viewed as relational contracts that blur firm boundaries. This paper provides evidence that alliances are more frequent among companies sharing a common venture capitalist. The effect is concentrated in alliances in which contracting problems are more pronounced, consistent with venture capitalists utilizing informational and other advantages in providing resources to firms. Further, these alliances improve the probability of exit for venture-backed firms.  相似文献   

In this paper, we empirically analyze how strategic alliances affect the innovation output of the firms forming the alliance. We find a positive effect of R&D-related strategic alliances on corporate innovation, as measured by the quantity and quality of patents filed. This effect is stronger for firms led by CEOs with higher general managerial skills, firms with greater experience from earlier alliances, and firms operating in R&D-intensive industries. Furthermore, the innovation-fostering effect of strategic alliances is more pronounced if alliance partnering firms share a common institutional blockholder or have a higher degree of technological proximity. We also document, for the first time in the literature, a unique contractual mechanism through which firms share the benefits of innovation with their alliance partners, namely, “co-patenting.”  相似文献   

This paper examines how information asymmetry affects cross-border strategic alliance formation by US firms over the period 2000–2008. We construct a measure, information costs, based on both geographical distance and the proportion of worldwide GDP the partner’s home country represents. Consistent with our expectations, we find an inverse association between information costs and cross-border strategic alliances. When considering the proportion of alliances formed with publicly quoted overseas partners, we find this is unaffected by the level of information costs but rather the level of stock market development, tax rate and general economic conditions. Information costs are, however, significantly negatively related to alliances with overseas private organizations. Our results offer clear support for the on-going importance of information asymmetry in corporate decision making.  相似文献   

We study the link between a firm's quality of governance and its alliance activity. We consider alliances as a commitment technology that helps a company’ Chief Executive Officer overcome agency problems that relate to the inability to ex ante motivate division managers. We show that well-governed firms are more likely to avail themselves of this technology to anticipate ex post commitment problems and resolve them. The role of governance is particularly important when the commitment problems are more acute, such as for significantly risky/long-horizon projects (“longshots”) or firms more prone to inefficient internal redistribution of resources (conglomerates), as well as in the absence of alternative disciplining devices (e.g., low product market competition). Governance also mitigates agency issues between alliance partners; dominant alliance partners agree to a more equal split of power with junior partners that are better governed. An “experiment” that induces cross-sectional variation in the cost of the alliance commitment technology provides evidence of a causal link between governance and alliances.  相似文献   

Using global product design and development as an example of global strategic alliance, I find that successful global strategic competition is still largely a variable cost reduction game as opposed to the recently touted fixed cost amortization game. Further, the firm's cost efficiency is enhanced when its global production initiative is characterized by a high degree of strategic alliances. Importantly, I find that global strategic alliances have both valuation effects and long-term operating effects, and that both effects are positive functions of the degree of strategic alliances. After controlling for pertinent explanatory factors such as competitive strategy posture, industry concentration, geographic spread of operation, product-type, and information technology infrastructure of firms, I find that variable cost and production efficiencies remain significant determinants of the valuation effects of global business alliances. Overall, results in this study suggest partnering firms should consider the relative efficiencies of inputs and production technology as effective ways of leveraging the benefits of global strategic alliances.  相似文献   

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