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This article investigates the valuation of a foreign equity option whose value depends on the exchange rate and foreign equity prices. Assuming that these underlying price processes are correlated and driven by a multidimensional Lèvy process, a method suitable for solving the complex valuation problem is developed. First, to reduce the number of dimensions of the problem, the probability measure is changed to embed some dimensions of the Lèvy process into the pricing measure. Second, to simplify the integral complexity of the discounted terminal payoff, the valuation problem is transformed to Fourier space. The main contribution of this study is that by combining these two methods, the multivariate valuation problem is significantly simplified, and very accurate results are obtained relatively quickly. This powerful method can also be applied to other multivariate pricing problems involving Lèvy processes. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 25:917–944, 2005  相似文献   

This study proposes a new scheme for the static replication of European options and their portfolios. First, a general approximation formula for efficient static replication as an extension of Carr P. and Chou A. (1997, 2002) and Carr P. and Wu L. (2002) is derived. Second, a concrete procedure for implementing the scheme by applying it to plain vanilla options under exponential Lévy models is presented. Finally, numerical examples in a model developed by Carr, P., Geman, H., Madan, D., and Yor M. (2002) are used to demonstrate that the replication scheme is more efficient and more effective in practice than a standard static replication method. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 29:1–15, 2009  相似文献   

Under infinite activity Lévy models, American option prices can be obtained by solving a partial integro‐differential equation (PIDE), which has a singular kernel. With increasing degree of singularity, standard time‐stepping techniques may encounter difficulties. This study examines exponential time integration (ETI) for solving this problem and the performance of this scheme is compared with the Crank–Nicolson (CN) method and an implicit–explicit method in conjunction with an extrapolation (IMEX‐Extrap), in terms of computational speed and convergence orders. These findings indicate that ETI is faster and more accurate among PIDE‐based methods for solving the system of ordinary differential equations resulting from spatial discretization of the PIDE. For very singular problems, it is shown that the IMEX‐Extrap scheme becomes unfavorable compared with the other schemes as it is relatively more time consuming and the global convergence deteriorates from quadratic to linear, whereas the ETI scheme yields both point‐wise and global quadratic convergence. For illustration, under the infinite variation process, the IMEX‐Extrap achieves a precision of the order of 10?4 in 663.016 s, whereas for the same set of parameters, the CN method and the ETI scheme reach an accuracy of the order of 10?5 in 237.891 s and 22.772 s, respectively. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 31:809–829, 2011  相似文献   

We consider the problem of valuation of American options written on dividend‐paying assets whose price dynamics follow a multidimensional exponential Lévy model. We carefully examine the relation between the option prices, related partial integro‐differential variational inequalities, and reflected backward stochastic differential equations. In particular, we prove regularity results for the value function and obtain the early exercise premium formula for a broad class of payoff functions.  相似文献   

This paper uses a reduced‐form approach to derive a closed‐form pricing formula for defaultable bonds. The authors specify the default hazard rate as an affine function of multiple variables which follow the Lévy jump‐diffusion processes. Because such specification allows greater flexibility in the generation of a valid probability of default, their pricing model should be more accurate than the valuation models in traditional studies, which ignore the jump effects. This paper also proposes a new method for estimating the parameters in a Lévy Jump‐diffusion process. The real data from the Taiwanese bond market are used to illustrate how their model can be applied in practical situations. The authors compare the pricing results for the influential variables with no jump effects, with jump magnitudes following the normal distribution, and with jump magnitudes following the gamma distribution. The results reveal that the predictive ability is the best for the model with the jump components. The valuation model shown in this paper should help portfolio managers more accurately price defaultable bonds and more effectively hedge their portfolio holdings.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study perpetual American call and put options in an exponential Lévy model. We consider a negative effective discount rate that arises in a number of financial applications including stock loans and real options, where the strike price can potentially grow at a higher rate than the original discount factor. We show that in this case a double continuation region arises and we identify the two critical prices. We also generalize this result to multiple stopping problems of Swing type, that is, when successive exercise opportunities are separated by i.i.d. random refraction times. We conduct an extensive numerical analysis for the Black–Scholes model and the jump‐diffusion model with exponentially distributed jumps.  相似文献   

This study considers calibration to forward‐looking betas by extracting information on equity and index options from prices using Lévy models. The resulting calibrated betas are called Lévy betas. The objective of the proposed approach is to capture market expectations for future betas through option prices, as betas estimated from historical data may fail to reflect structural change in the market. By assuming a continuous‐time capital asset pricing model (CAPM) with Lévy processes, we derive an analytical solution to index and stock options, thus permitting the betas to be implied from observed option prices. One application of Lévy betas is to construct a static hedging strategy using index futures. Employing Hong Kong equity and index option data from September 16, 2008 to October 15, 2009, we show empirically that the Lévy betas during the sub‐prime mortgage crisis period were much more volatile than those during the recovery period. We also find evidence to suggest that the Lévy betas improve static hedging performance relative to historical betas and the forward‐looking betas implied by a stochastic volatility model.  相似文献   

In this paper, we develop a framework for discretely compounding interest rates that is based on the forward price process approach. This approach has a number of advantages, in particular in the current market environment. Compared to the classical as well as the Lévy Libor market model, it allows in a natural way for negative interest rates and has superb calibration properties even in the presence of extremely low rates. Moreover, the measure changes along the tenor structure are significantly simplified. These properties make it an excellent base for a postcrisis multiple curve setup. Two variants for multiple curve constructions based on the multiplicative spreads are discussed. Time‐inhomogeneous Lévy processes are used as driving processes. An explicit formula for the valuation of caps is derived using Fourier transform techniques. Relying on the valuation formula, we calibrate the two model variants to market data.  相似文献   

This study derives approximate valuation formulas for basket options and Asian options under the jump‐diffusion process. To obtain an approximation for options prices under the jump‐diffusion process, we extend the Taylor expansion method developed by Ju N. ( 2002 ) under the diffusion process. We show that the Taylor expansion method, suggested in this study, provides better pricing performance as compared to log‐normal or four‐moment methods. The performance improvement using the Taylor expansion method increases as the time to maturity increases. In addition, our numerical analysis shows that jump effects become significant when the expected jump sizes take large negative values. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 31:830–854, 2011  相似文献   

In this article, the authors derive explicit formulas for European foreign exchange (FX) call and put option values when the exchange rate dynamics are governed by jump‐diffusion processes. The authors use a simple general equilibrium international asset pricing model with continuous trading and frictionless international capital markets. The domestic and foreign price level are introduced as state variables that contain jumps caused by monetary shocks and catastrophic events such as 9/11 or Hurricane Katrina. The domestic and foreign interest rates are stochastic and endogenously determined in the model and are shown to be critically affected by the jump risk of the foreign exchange. The model shows that the behavior of FX options is affected through the impact of state variables and parameters on the nominal interest rates. The model contrasts with those of M. Garman and S. Kohlhagen (1983) and O. Grabbe (1983), whose models have exogenously determined interest rates. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 27:669–695, 2007  相似文献   

In this article we first identify a missing term in the Bouaziz, Briys, and Crouhy ( 1994 ) pricing formula for forward‐starting Asian options and derive the correct one. First, illustrate in certain cases that the missing term in their pricing formula could induce large pricing errors or unreasonable option prices. Second, we derive new analytic approximation formulae for valuing forward‐starting Asian options by adding the second‐order term in the Taylor series. We show that our formulae can accurately value forward‐starting Asian options with a large underlying asset's volatility or a longer time window for the average of the underlying asset prices, whereas the pricing errors for these options with the previously mentioned formula could be large. Third, we derive the hedge ratios for these options and compare their properties with those of plain vanilla options. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 23:487–516, 2003  相似文献   

This study proposes an N ‐state Markov‐switching general autoregressive conditionally heteroskedastic (MS‐GARCH) option model and develops a new lattice algorithm to price derivatives under this framework. The MS‐GARCH option model allows volatility dynamics switching between different GARCH processes with a hidden Markov chain, thus exhibiting high flexibility in capturing the dynamics of financial variables. To measure the pricing performance of the MS‐GARCH lattice algorithm, we investigate the convergence of European option prices produced on the new lattice to their true values as conducted by the simulation. These results are very satisfactory. The empirical evidence also suggests that the MS‐GARCH model performs well in fitting the data in‐sample and one‐week‐ahead out‐of‐sample prediction. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 30:444–464, 2010  相似文献   

In this article, an analytical approach to American option pricing under stochastic volatility is provided. Under stochastic volatility, the American option value can be computed as the sum of a corresponding European option price and an early exercise premium. By considering the analytical property of the optimal exercise boundary, the formula allows for recursive computation of the American option value. Simulation results show that a nonlattice method performs better than the lattice‐based interpolation methods. The stochastic volatility model is also empirically tested using S&P 500 futures options intraday transactions data. Incorporating stochastic volatility is shown to improve pricing, hedging, and profitability in actual trading. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 26:417–448, 2006  相似文献   

We review the notion of a linearity‐generating (LG) process introduced by Gabaix and relate LG processes to linear‐rational (LR) models studied by Filipovi? et al. We show that every LR model can be represented as an LG process and vice versa. We find that LR models have two basic properties that make them an important representation of LG processes. First, LR models can be easily specified and made consistent with nonnegative interest rates. Second, LR models go naturally with the long‐term risk factorization due to Alvarez and Jermann, Hansen and Scheinkman, and Qin and Linetsky. Every LG process under the long forward measure can be represented as a lower dimensional LR model.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the excursions of Bessel and Cox–Ingersoll–Ross (CIR) processes with dimensions . We obtain densities for the last passage times and meanders of the processes. Using these results, we prove a variation of the Azéma martingale for the Bessel and CIR processes based on excursion theory. Furthermore, we study their Parisian excursions, and generalize previous results on the Parisian stopping time of Brownian motion to that of the Bessel and CIR processes. We obtain explicit formulas and asymptotic results for the densities of the Parisian stopping times, and develop exact simulation algorithms to sample the Parisian stopping times of Bessel and CIR processes. We introduce a new type of bond, the zero‐coupon Parisian bond. The buyer of such a bond is betting against zero interest rates, while the seller is effectively hedging against a period where interest rates fluctuate around 0. Using our results, we propose two methods for pricing these bonds and provide numerical examples.  相似文献   

We study the problem of maximizing terminal utility for an agent facing model uncertainty, in a frictionless discrete‐time market with one safe asset and finitely many risky assets. We show that an optimal investment strategy exists if the utility function, defined either on the positive real line or on the whole real line, is bounded from above. We further find that the boundedness assumption can be dropped, provided that we impose suitable integrability conditions, related to some strengthened form of no‐arbitrage. These results are obtained in an alternative framework for model uncertainty, where all possible dynamics of the stock prices are represented by a collection of stochastic processes on the same filtered probability space, rather than by a family of probability measures.  相似文献   

This study analyzes the pricing and hedging problems for quanto range accrual notes (RANs) under the Heath‐Jarrow‐Morton (HJM) framework with Levy processes for instantaneous domestic and foreign forward interest rates. We consider the effects of jump risk on both interest rates and exchange rates in the pricing of the notes. We first derive the pricing formula for quanto double interest rate digital options and quanto contingent payoff options; then we apply the method proposed by Turnbull (Journal of Derivatives, 1995, 3, 92–101) to replicate the quanto RAN by a combination of the quanto double interest rate digital options and the quanto contingent payoff options. Using the pricing formulas derived in this study, we obtain the hedging position for each issue of quanto RANs. In addition, by simulation and assuming the jump risk to follow a compound Poisson process, we further analyze the effects of jump risk and exchange rate risk on the coupons receivable in holding a RAN. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 29:973–998, 2009  相似文献   

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