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互联网时代颠覆了传统行业,互联网金融也上升成为国民经济发展战略.信托业作为金融行业中的后起之秀,管理资产规模在2016年突破18万亿元.目前受限于法律政策、流通渠道等因素影响,信托受益权流通尚不畅通,结合互联网环境设计信托受益权流通机制是突破流通禁锢、倒逼信托公司转型的必然趋势.本文基于科斯定理,归纳出互联网时代的两种信托受益权流通模式,系统设计其流通机制,其中突出信托公司作为中央计划者或者做市商的主导作用以降低交易成本,并结合互联网思维对信托公司在推动信托受益权流通方面的影响加以阐述.  相似文献   

信托公司管理信托资产规模在2016年第二季度已超过17万亿元,信托受益权流通的需求进一步加大,但受限于制度环境、流通渠道等因素,信托受益权流通尚不畅通。随着2016年初中国信托登记公司获批筹建,信托登记制度逐步建立,税收配套机制也需进一步完善。本文以系统、科学、公平为原则,对信托受益权流通的税收机制设计提出建议。  相似文献   

浅议信托受益权质押   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
《担保法》未明确规定信托受益权可以质押,其他法律、法规及司法解释也无明确规定,但实践中信托受益权质押贷款已被广泛应用。研究信托受益权质押的适法性、信托受益权质押的例外和以信托受益权进行质押的办理程序,有利于拓展融资渠道,活跃金融市场,鼓励金融创新。  相似文献   

马珊珊 《新理财》2013,(7):46-47
"国内某排名靠前的信托公司已开始拖欠员工工资。"这是近期网络热传的一条消息。伴随着点击与转发,信托业"兑付危机"的隐忧渐渐浮出水面。随着银行自营资金投资信托受益权猛升,信托规模在呈现泡沫繁荣的同时,也面临强大的监管压力。  相似文献   

一、研究背景2023年,随着泰康保险首例保险金信托顺利理赔,保险金信托这项保险业务被越来越多的人所知晓。保险金信托是指投保人在和保险公司签订保险合同后,以人寿保险单作为信托财产,再与和保险公司合作的信托公司签订信托合同,约定到期日可以领取的保险金直接进入信托账户,由信托公司对保险金进行管理和运作,并将信托财产及信托公司在管理账户过程中产生的收益,按照信托合同约定分配给信托受益人的信托计划。  相似文献   

资产证券化作为传统融资渠道之外的新型金融工具,向穷尽信用贷款、缺乏重资产的新兴企业提供了选择.为实现资产信用与企业信用相分离,需要将拟证券化的资产进行产权变更,部分优质资产由于政策、法律等原因难以进行这一程序,便需要信托对之进行包装,以信托受益权的形式实现真实出售.但是,同样的工具也可用于掩盖底层资产实际为信用的实质,将之包装为依靠自身产生现金流的资产,进而获得投资,长租公寓信托受益权ABS便是其中的代表,实践中产生了诸多风险,例如原始权益人藉此逃避监管与披露义务;无法产生有效的风险隔离;突破资产证券化的实质,以企业经营能力替换产生现金流的资产等.据此,应当通过贯彻穿透原则,明确限定底层资产权属,规定必要的自购比例,减少资金流通过程,提供更多融资渠道等方式保护投资者权益,维护市场秩序.  相似文献   

谢朝静 《会计师》2022,(19):60-62
本文就资管新规对信托公司信托业务的影响进行了深入研究,文章首先阐述了资管新规以及信托业务的相关概念,然后提出信托公司信托业务发展存在的问题,之后分析了资管新规对信托公司信托业务的影响,最后提出了几点促进信托公司信托业务持续、稳健发展的优化建议,旨在为资管新规大环境下信托公司的持续、稳健发展提供一定的基础信息参考。  相似文献   

信托公司是经营信托业务的信用机构。我国于一九二一年开始在上海开办信托公司,继而各大银行设信托部,兼营信托业务. 信托公司和银行信托部经营的信托业务种  相似文献   

正继四大行停止代销信托产品后,"99号文"提出了"防止第三方非金融机构销售风险向信托公司传递"的说法,令信托产品销售渠道受阻。在当前大资管的严峻挑战下,作为财富管理的"正规军",99号文迫使制度上具有天然优势和在服务观念上亟须转型的信托扔掉了银行和三方的代销拐  相似文献   

<正>当前,部分银行发行的理财产品对接名股实债的信托受益权融资,这种融资方式把债权投资包装成股权投资规避监管,存在较大的风险隐患,应引起足够关注。一、基本情况(一)交易模式该类交易通常由银行主导,涉及出资方、过桥方、信托公司、融资方以及融资方的子公司等参与者。融资方案形成后,首先由过桥方(通常为证券公司或融资方关联企业)作为委托人向信托公司设立信托计划,对融资方的子公司进行股权投资。为了保持融资方的大股东地位,一般将融资金额的大  相似文献   

"十二五"时期车险费率市场化改革可能在全国范围内推行,这将会对整个车险市场产生深远影响。国内财险公司应积极把握车险费率市场化政策机遇,采取创新产品服务、拓宽销售渠道、控制费用以及互利合作等策略,避免单纯的价格竞争,促进我国车险市场的健康有序发展。  相似文献   

Abstract: This paper extends the study of the relative cost efficiency of insurance delivery systems from the primary market to the market for non-life reinsurance services. As in the primary market for insurance services there are two predominant methods of marketing reinsurance services: reinsurers who rely on employees, termed direct writers, and those who rely on brokers.
An extensive literature relating to the primary market for non-life insurance consistently indicates that independent agency insurers have a cost disadvantage relative to exclusive agency insurers. This literature also suggests that independent agency insurers may supply superior service but a continuing erosion of the market share of independent agency insurers suggests that the perceived service differential is not valued sufficiently to offset the perceived cost differential.
The authors find evidence that, cet. par., broker supplied reinsurers operate with lower costs than direct reinsurers but we find less convincing evidence of a service differential favoring direct reinsurers. More significantly, we observe that the largest component of the traditional measure of the reinsurer's cost is the commission paid back to the primary insurer: the seemingly lower cost brokers provide a higher net cost product. Yet brokers thrive in the marketplace suggesting the existence of a product differentiated by service or quality. With the important caveat that measures of service are imperfect and data is limited, we find no evidence of a service differential.  相似文献   

卓志  张晓涵 《金融研究》2022,502(4):97-113
保险消费者权益保护是保险监管的目标之一,也是保险市场健康发展与成熟的标志。本文以中国保险监管部门开通首个保险消费者投诉热线作为外生政策变量,利用2009-2018年中国163家保险公司数据设计准自然实验,研究了保险消费者投诉热线的外部监督职能及其对保险公司业绩的影响。研究结果表明:保险消费者投诉热线的开通显著降低了消费者权益保护水平更差的保险公司业绩;佣金激励水平越高,保险消费者投诉冲击对消费权益保护水平更差的保险公司业绩的负向影响越显著;区分人身保险公司与财产保险公司后发现,保险消费者投诉冲击对消费者权益保护水平更差的财产保险公司业绩的负向影响更显著。本文研究成果丰富了消费者权益与保险公司治理理论,对保险消费者权益保护实践和保险市场高质量发展具有启示意义。  相似文献   

The development of new technologies has had important effects on offline distribution channels and, specially, on the psychological effect and risk perceptions that the existence of the online channel may have on the sales agents. Sales agents are fearful that Internet-based competitors will cannibalize their roles in the organization, and might make them outdated and feel insecure about their jobs. This paper estimates the impact of sales agents’ perceptions of service cannibalization on role ambiguity, risk job uncertainty, employee commitment, and employee productivity, considering development of Internet channel, and multi-channel distribution. Data were collected from 497 sales agents who worked at travel agencies located in Spain. Once the model was specified and identified, its parameters were estimated, and authors used various statistics and indices to evaluate overall adaptation of the model. A structural equation modeling was used to examine the posited relationships. This research reinforces the importance of capturing sales agents’s perceptions, especially concerning job insecurity and other outcomes. Specifically, results suggest sales agents’ perceptions of service cannibalization have an effect on role ambiguity and risk and job uncertainty. This study considers the importance of analyzing perceptions of sales agents by travel agency managers to reduce negative consequences on employees, particularly important in view of multi-channel marketing, when a new marketing channel coexists with a traditional sales force.  相似文献   

运用博弈方法构建由单个制造商和单个零售商组成的两阶段供应链模型,研究有无再制造情形下制造商直销渠道的入侵策略和入侵时机问题。结果表明:无再制造情形下,在渠道竞争较弱且入侵将平分市场时,制造商不会开通直销渠道,否则会选择在第一阶段开通直销渠道;再制造情形下,在渠道竞争较弱且入侵将平分市场时制造商同样不会开通直销渠道,但竞争较弱且零售渠道占比较大时会选择在第二阶段开通直销渠道,否则其会在第一阶段开通直销渠道;无论是否进行再制造,制造商的渠道入侵都可能会损害零售商的利润,但是在竞争较强且零售渠道占比较大时渠道入侵却能使制造商和零售商均获益,且再制造情形下实现共赢的可能性更大。  相似文献   

In this article, the influence of trust beneficiary protection on the risk-taking level of trust companies is examined by using a sample of 45 trust companies from 2006 to 2012. Quantified assessment indicators are established to evaluate the protection of trust beneficiaries. The results show that concentrated ownership reduces risk taking in state-controlled trust companies. And in regions with better legal systems, the inhibition of beneficiary protection over trust company risk taking is stronger. Additionally, further analysis shows that risk taking is beneficial to the performance of trust companies, and inertia is observed in trust company risk taking.  相似文献   

The pervasive use of information technology has implications for consumer relationship management among financial services organisations. There is a need for increased understanding of how digital channels might influence the development and maintenance of firm–customer relationships and in particular the role of the Internet upon commitment and trust outcomes. Thus, this research aims to determine the relationship between online relationship marketing practices and affective customer commitment, and how this relationship is mediated by online channel trust. Data were collected from 200 online retail bank customers and Structural Equation Modelling was used to test the impact of five key online relationship marketing practices on affective commitment, and how trust mediates these relationships. We found that advocacy and collaboration have a direct relationship with affective commitment, while trust mediates the influence of engagement and personalisation on affective commitment. The article highlights the significance of trust in technology when using online channels to build customer relationships.  相似文献   

我国基金销售各渠道间发展不平衡,银行渠道垄断特征显著,渠道成本高,客户体验不佳,不利于基金行业发展。第三方支付作为基金交易的资金流转方式,是一种便捷的支付工具,通过第三方支付进行基金申购或交易存在市场发展空间。本文顺应政府对行业监管的需要,结合实践介绍第三方支付企业与基金管理公司的合作模式,提出引入第三方支付平台作为基金销售渠道,通过电子商务的形式完善基金的多元化销售模式。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to measure the performance of firms in the group permanent health insurance sector and to compare this to market share rankings. As most sales in this sector occur through intermediaries the key performance indicators should be the perceptions of buyers among this group. The research conducted uses the Industrial Marketing and Purchasing group (IMP, 1984) model to measure the performance of firms through the perceptions of independent financial advisers (IFAs) against the key relationship marketing factors. The research was conducted by an agency and includes telephone interviews with 100 buyers. The results show that there are significant differences between the ratings for the variables in the IMP model of relationship marketing. The results also show significant relationships between performance and market share for some of the relationship marketing variables. This research provides support for the use of the IMP model in this sector but also leads to a number of questions that need further research.  相似文献   

信托财产公示制度的效力模式大致分为公示要件主义和公示对抗主义。两种模式下信托财产公示将产生不同的法律效果。对两种模式下相关决策者承担成本的差异进行微观层面的探析表明,与公示对抗主义相比,在信托财产公示要件主义模式下,决策者需要负担的成本较高,故信托公示对抗主义更具效率;因此,要降低信托当事人承担的挫折成本,赋予公示制度一定的灵活性,使信托财产公示制度得以顺利实施。  相似文献   

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