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根据个人收入的不同,纳税标准也有所不同,个体经营者必须要明确纳税范围,正确理解个人纳税筹划的相关法律,对个人纳税的注意事项以及相关的知识要有初步的了解,合理运用纳税筹划的优惠政策,依据个人真实的情况,合理使用纳税筹划方法,从而不断提高对纳税筹划的认知能力.  相似文献   

个人所得税是西方国家税收收入的最主要来源。随着我国经济发展水平的不断提高,国民收入的分配格局逐渐向个倾斜,我国个人所得税纳税人的数量不断增加,个人所得税收入也逐年上涨。但由许多纳税人对现行个人所得税法的详细规定不甚了解,或虽了解但没能灵活运用造成了一些本可以通过筹划避免的税收负担没有避免,“多”缴了个人所得税。本以案例分析的形式,向大家介绍几种个人所得税的筹划方法,帮助广大纳税人,在税收法规许可的范围内,合理减轻税收负担。  相似文献   

近年来,我国信托行业市场规模不断扩大,家族信托作为管理家族财富的新手段受到高净值人群越来越多的关注。文章根据我国个人所得税相关政策规定,从家族信托的设立、存续和终止三个阶段,对委托人、信托管理人和受益人的税收义务进行系统梳理,为家族信托投资人提供决策支持。  相似文献   

个人所得税的纳税筹划是促进纳税意识强化、节约纳税人税收和拉动内需的有效方式.本篇文章主要从个人所得税纳税筹划的意义入手,对个人所得税纳税筹划中存在的一些问题和解决措施进行了探究.  相似文献   

随着我国经济的发展,我国的物价水平也在快速地增长着,企事业单位的员工工资也必然要随之增多才能满足最基本的生活。因此,个人所得税纳税人成分中越来越多的是企事业单位的员工。在保证依法纳税的前提下,怎样才能提高个人薪金的同时不增加税收负担成为个人所得税筹划的重要研究目的之一。  相似文献   

袁靖 《中国外资》2013,(23):239-239
随着中国经济的发展,居民个人收入有了长足的增长,个人所得税在2011年之前成为了少数几个增长最快的税种之一。其纳税人数总规模也超过了其他任何一个税种。现行我国个人所得税采取单项纳税,规定的纳税范围有11个,纳税面广、纳税人数众多,各种范围有交叉重叠和模糊的地方,给纳税筹划带来了空间。当然,由于纳税筹划本质上有别于偷逃骗税,有许多值得我们深入了解和探讨的地方。对于我们实际工作更是具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

叶东 《中国外资》2008,(8):153-153
所谓纳税筹划,就是在遵守国家税法的前提下,充分考虑和利用税法赋予的优惠政策,享受减免税的优惠待遇,通过分析、比较.设计合理节税方案,最大可能地获取节税效益。从2008年3月1日开始,个人所得税起征标准,即工资、薪金所得减除费用标准由原来的每月1600元提高到2000元。随着人们生活水平的提高,日家针对减除费用的标准或许还会提高.然而纳税筹划的总体思路是一致的。  相似文献   

个人所得税的税收筹划   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
个人所得税税收筹划应遵循整体性、合法性、时效性原则,恰当选择个人工资薪金及个人劳务报酬的发放时间和发放方法;对个体工商户的生产经营所得,则应从降低计税依据入手,使其适用的税率档次下降,以达到降低税负的目的。  相似文献   

张梁 《山西财税》2012,(2):42-43
随着经济的发展和文化产业的繁荣,薪资水平迅速提高,越来越多的个人薪资收入达到了应缴纳个人所得税的标准。如何能在依法纳税的前提下履行公民义务,又能通过税务筹划合理的节税,减轻纳税人的负担,就成为纳税人普遍关心的现实问题。  相似文献   

梁斐颖 《会计师》2009,(7):50-51
<正>随着中国社会经济的发展,个人收入的来源和形式日趋多样化,越来越多的人成为个人所得税的纳税人。与之相应,财政收入中来源于个人所得税的比重也呈逐年上升的趋势,从维护切身利益,减轻税收负担的角度出发,个人所得税的纳税  相似文献   

The paper discusses the recent drive toward a system of dual income taxation (DIT) in the Nordic countries. The pure version of this system combines progressive taxation of labor and transfer incomes with a proportional tax on income from capital at a level equal to the corporate income tax rate. The paper considers the motives for the introduction of this new income tax system, ranging from abstract theoretical arguments to very pragmatic considerations. While the Nordic DIT system violates the principles of the conventional personal income tax, it is argued that it may in fact be more in line with the philosophy of a true Haig-Simons comprehensive income tax. It is also suggested that the DIT system may cause fewer distortions to resource allocation than the conventional income tax. On the debit side, the paper points out several practical problems of taxing income from small enterprises under the differentiated income tax.  相似文献   

We develop and validate a measure of tax accrual quality. Tax accrual quality captures variation in the extent to which the income tax accrual maps into income tax-related cash flows, with lower variation indicating a higher quality tax accrual. Low tax accrual quality arises from (1) management estimation error and (2) financial reporting standards that lead to differences between income tax expense and income tax cash flows not captured by deferred tax assets and liabilities. We validate our tax accrual quality measure by showing it is associated with firm characteristics that capture both constructs and by demonstrating it predicts future tax-related restatements and internal control material weaknesses. We illustrate the importance of our measure by showing that investors view tax expense as more informative in firms with better tax accrual quality. Future researchers can use tax accrual quality to address questions related to estimation error in the income tax account.  相似文献   

This paper adds the literature by investigating the effect of information system on corporate income tax (CIT) enforcement. We exploit the regional variations generated by the implementation in 2013 of the third stage of the China Tax Administration Information System (CTAIS-3) pilot. The CTAIS-3 is a nationally unified information system that significantly reduces information asymmetry between different tax authorities across regions. We find that the CTAIS-3 pilot significantly reduced firms’ conforming and non-conforming tax avoidance. The enhanced tax enforcement is particularly prominent if a firm is of a smaller size, or is administrated by the State Administration of Taxation, or is a non-state-owned enterprises, or locates in cities with a higher level of local fiscal pressure. Furthermore, we show that the CTAIS-3 improved the CIT enforcement by deterring firms from underreporting accounts receivable, as well as over-reporting accounts payable, inventory and the number of employees. In general, it would be more difficult for firms to hide profits from tax authorities under the CTAIS-3.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a growth oriented dual income tax by combining an allowance for corporate equity with a broadly defined flat tax on personal capital income. Revenue losses are compensated by an increase in the value added tax. The paper demonstrates the neutrality properties of the reform with respect to investment, firm financial decisions and organizational choice. Tax rates are chosen to prevent income shifting from labor to capital income. The reform decisively strengthens investment of domestically owned firms as well as home and foreign based multinationals and boosts savings. Simulations with a calibrated growth model for Switzerland indicate that the reform could add between 4 to 5 percent of GNP in the long-run, depending on the specific scenario. Given the slow nature of capital accumulation, it imposes considerable costs in the short-run. We consider a tax smoothing scenario to offset the intergenerationally redistributive effects. JEL Classification: D58, D92, E62, G32, H25  相似文献   

A worker can reduce tax liability by contributing to a private pension plan when marginal tax rates are high and withdraw pension benefits when marginal tax rates are low. We quantify the tax benefit of income smoothing through the private retirement system and find that it is negligible. This conclusion is important to households, investment advisers, tax policymakers, and scholars engaged in financial retirement planning.  相似文献   

本文拟以纳税人取得工资薪金所得为主,在逐一剖析各影响因素基础上,试图得出有关外籍个人所得税纳税义务判断的一般规律.  相似文献   

Decisions by firms and individuals on the extent of their tax payments have generally been treated as separate choices. Empirically, a positive relationship between corporate and personal income tax evasion can be observed. The theoretical analysis in this paper shows that a manager's decision on the firm's behaviour will be independent of his personal preferences if the gain from reducing corporate tax payments is certain, as in the case of tax avoidance. If, however, the firm evades taxes so that the manager's income depends on whether the firm's activities are detected or not, corporate and personal income tax evasion choices cannot be separated. Jel Code H 24 · H 25 · H 26  相似文献   

视同销售是指企业发生特定的提供商品或劳务行为后,会计上对此一般不作为销售业务核算,不确认会计收入,而税法却规定视同销售实现,要求计算销售(营业)额并计算应交税金.本文只就自产产品视同销售的一般情况加以阐释.  相似文献   

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