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本文通过分析美国语言学家保罗·格赖斯提出的合作原则的内容(包括质量准则、数量准则、关联准则、方式准则),论述了违反合作原则的情况及其可能带来的结果,以及违反合作原则所体现的交际者的性格.  相似文献   

本文通过分析美国语言学家保罗·格赖斯提出的合作原则的内容(包括质量准则、数量准则、关联准则、方式准则),论述了违反合作原则的情况及其可能带来的结果,以及违反合作原则所体现的交际者的性格。  相似文献   

美国哲学家Grice提出了会话的合作原则是语用学中的重要原则,而合作原则的违反往往会产生出人意料的效果进而产生了幽默。相声是一种综合运用多种幽默手段使人享受笑的表演艺术形式,在相声创作时也会常常违反合作原则来产生笑料。本文用合作原则的四个准则的违反来分析郭德纲相声中幽默效果是如何产生的。  相似文献   

战盈  刘晶 《价值工程》2013,(33):328-328,F0003
格莱斯所提出的合作原则和会话含义对实现会话目的起着至关重要的作用。文章以日常生活中观察和总结的家庭会话为语料,对违反合作原则的某项准则推导出的会话含义作了分析。通过分析,展现出了传统中国家庭中的三种特殊的人际关系。  相似文献   

合作原则是语用学中重要的理论之一,强调会话的参与双方要遵循某些合作性的原则以求会话得以顺利进行。常与会话原则共同出现的还有礼貌原则,它更细致地解释了人们在对话中所要遵循的准则。但是小说中的对话并不完全遵循这两种原则,本文以《傲慢与偏见》为例,尝试从会话原则和礼貌原则角度分析小说主人公之间态度和看法的转变,讨论小说人物如何通过违反会话原则和礼貌原则展现他们关系的变化,推进情节的发展。  相似文献   

林瑞 《新远见》2011,(2):91-93
英国语言哲学家格赖斯在《逻辑与会话》一文中指出,在正常状态下.人们的交谈并非由一连串互不相关的话语组成.否则就是不合理性的。他提出,会话至少在一定程度上是合作性行为,说话者一般需遵循四项准则:数量准则(所言不多不少刚好满足交谈的需要)、质量准则(所言力求真实)、关系准则(所言与当前话题相关)和方式准则(所言清晰)。当说话者在合作的基础上故意违反其中的某些准则时,便会产生出超越文字符号的、需推导而知的所谓会话含义,  相似文献   

会话作为最普通的一种交际方式,已经引起了众多学者的关注。美国语言学家格莱斯运用合作原则来阐述说明会语过程中隐含意义的表达.其原则的重大意义就在于为说话双方表达更多的会话含义提供了依据。本文将通过一系列日常生活中的例子.解释说明合作原则的应用并分析因违背该原则所产生的会话效果.  相似文献   

语用学是研究语言在特定语境中如何理解与运用的专门学科,它对语言的运用进行整体研究,反映话语和语境的关系。美国语言哲学家Grice在1975年提出了合作原则,他认为会话双方之所以能够进行交流是因为都遵守了一些基本原则,这些原则使双方在会话中互相配合,以达到互相理解的目的。合作原则包括:量的准则:所说的话应包含交谈日的所需要的信息,所说的话不应包含起出所需要的信息。质的准则:努力使你所说的话是真实的。不要说处知是虚假的话,不要说缺乏足够证据的话。关系准则:要有关联。方式准则:要清楚明白。避免晦涩,避免歧义,…  相似文献   

运用格莱斯的合作原则及其四个准则来分析旅游资料中存在的一些问题,并认为旅游资料的翻译也应该遵守合作原则.翻译也是一种交际活动,只有遵守合作原则,才能让源文作者和读者之间达到成功交际的目的.  相似文献   

涉外旅游英语委婉语的构成手段丰富多彩,虽然它违反了合作原则,但其作为一种常规语言的变异,很多时候,是涉外旅游行业从业人员广泛采用的重要交际策略,能很好地体现礼貌原则.  相似文献   

基于网络沟通的匿名性特点使企业在网络口碑营销中偏离了基本的商业伦理规则,做出许多有违道德底线的行为。本文基于商业伦理约束,对企业营销的意义提出企业在口碑营销中应该以诚信作为基本的商业伦理准则,提出了口碑不是炒作,必须遵循商业伦理要求,把握网络口碑原则,树立正确竞争意识和观念,以此重塑网络口碑营销。  相似文献   

Abstract . The evolution of the cooperative movement in Guyana resulted in the adoption of a new development strategy. In it a leadership role is given to a new type of government bank, the Guyana National Cooperative Bank. Its mission is to protect and nurture the developing country's cooperative societies, organized mostly on Rochdale principles or on those of the Scandinavian marketing cooperatives. Basically a development savings bank, the GNCB is also an organ through which the Government is minimizing the role of foreign banks in the export sector of the national economy.  相似文献   

在商务活动中,适时地运用"礼貌用语"可实现良性循环,也是商务交际取得成功的基本保证。交际与文化密不可分,应根据文化的差异与礼貌原则,正确地使用"礼貌用语"。本文从语用学原则入手,分析了商务交往中"礼貌用语"的文化因素,从赞美与恭维、致谢、祝贺、致歉、问候等方面探讨了商务交往中"礼貌用语"的语用策略,以期推动商务关系的发展。  相似文献   

In-home health care services based on the Internet-of-Things are promising to resolve the challenges caused by the ageing of population. But the existing research is rather scattered and shows lack of interoperability. In this article, a business-technology co-design methodology is proposed for cross-boundary integration of in-home health care devices and services. In this framework, three key elements of a solution (business model, device and service integration architecture and information system integration architecture) are organically integrated and aligned. In particular, a cooperative Health-IoT ecosystem is formulated, and information systems of all stakeholders are integrated in a cooperative health cloud as well as extended to patients’ home through the in-home health care station (IHHS). Design principles of the IHHS includes the reuse of 3C platform, certification of the Health Extension, interoperability and extendibility, convenient and trusted software distribution, standardised and secured electrical health care record handling, effective service composition and efficient data fusion. These principles are applied to the design of an IHHS solution called iMedBox. Detailed device and service integration architecture and hardware and software architecture are presented and verified by an implemented prototype. The quantitative performance analysis and field trials have confirmed the feasibility of the proposed design methodology and solution.  相似文献   

卫碧芹  王瑛 《价值工程》2011,30(30):239-239
本文采用Jenny Thomas提出的"语用失误"理论为框架,对不同层次大学英语学习者的语用能力进行了问卷调查,数据统计结果显示大学英语学习者的整体语用能力偏低。处于不同学习阶段的三组学习者呈现相似的语用能力,学习者的语用能力不会随着语言能力的提高而提高。  相似文献   

陈红涛 《价值工程》2011,30(3):143-144
针对煤矿安全生产中矿工违章行为问题,在参考现有有关违章行为分类的基础上,重新对违章行为进行分类,然后针对矿工违章行为提出了采取"意识——学习——环境"相结合的矿工自主安全管理模式,以期为有效控制矿工违章行为、促进煤矿安全生产提供借鉴。  相似文献   

This article analyzes six long-term labor-management cooperative relationships, based on lengthy field research, extensive, in-depth interviews with key labor and management officials, and the author's review and evaluation of labor agreements and other documents related to the individual relationships. Key internal and/or external events that helped energize the cooperative relationships are examined and important principles found to be necessary to maintain the relationships are identified and illustrated. Based on this research, conclusions are presented that suggest patterns that practitioners might implement to develop a more mutually beneficial and productive relationship.  相似文献   

石晨 《价值工程》2012,31(11):184-185
面对新形势、新矛盾、新问题,军队院校思想政治理论教学必须以开放的心态、务实的态度探索出新的教学方式。本文在简要介绍自主学习、自主学习教学模式内涵的基础上,对军校思想政治理论课自主学习教学模式应用的必要性、构建的原则及实践中的运用进行了探讨,旨在为军校思想政治理论课的教学改革提供一些新思路、新方法。  相似文献   

Companies play a central role in the quest for sustainable development. Organizational learning theories have been utilized to explain sustainability-related change processes in firms. However, implications from studies at the nexus of business sustainability and organizational learning are highly dependent on varying conceptualizations. The objective of this study is to provide clarity on the plurality of conceptual underpinnings in research and to uncover principles that are associated with deeper organizational change processes, that is, business transformation. Building on insights from a systematic literature review, we develop a sustainability learning typology, from which we distill three learning principles for business transformation: (1) the deutero learning mode, (2) the societal learning scope, and (3) the cooperative advantage objective. We formulate needs for future research to further elaborate on the learning principles associated with business transformation and suggest implications for practice.  相似文献   

城市历史地段保护策略研究--以南京明故宫地段为例   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
探讨了中外对历史地段及其保护的界定,以及当前保护历史地段的客观意义,进而从历史文化遗产保护与城市规划相结合的角度提出历史地段保护与发展规划的原则,并以南京明故宫历史地段为例进行分析,确立南京明故宫历史地段保护的定位,划定其历史文化保护区的范围,最终提出保护规划的若干策略.  相似文献   

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